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Skull Dragon [Single]


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Skull Dragon
DARK / Level 1
[ Dragon / Tuner ]
During either player's turn: You can send this card from your hand to the Graveyard; Until the End Phase, the effects of all Continuous Spell/Trap cards on the field are negated. During the turn you activate this effect, if your opponent takes damage: Destroy all face-up Spell/Trap cards during the End Phase.
ATK / 0 DEF / 0

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Very interesting card. However I only have a few problems.[list=1]
[*]When it says "When your opponent takes damage this turn...", by what are you referring to? Please make it more straightforward and this problem will be fixed quickly.
[*]The only OCG error I found was [quote]Destroy all face-up Spell/Trap cards [b]during[/b] the End Phase.[/quote]
After these fixes, the card should be in great shape.

[color=#ff0000][size=5][u][i][b]Overall: 8.5/10[/b][/i][/u][/size][/color]

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Thanks for catching that OCG error. It's one of the few I ever make.

And "When your opponent takes damage this turn..." means that at any time during that turn after this card's effect is activated, if the opponent takes damage. Any damage. All face-up S/T's will be destroyed during the End Phase.

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