Grunt Issun Posted September 21, 2012 Report Share Posted September 21, 2012 [Spoiler=Plot] The world of Kirin is a generally peaceful one. The Five Races do generally not feud with one another, something caused greatly by isolation, but also by friendship between the nations. The exception to this rule is the feud between the Beast Men of Karon, the Ferals, and the Bird Men of Zephyria, the Zephyrians, who, for as long as texts can date back, have been enemies. Despite this, they never went to an actual war. This is because the Ferals have no magic, and are stranded to the grounds, and the Zephyrians are the most powerful magical race, and live entirely on the floating islands of Zephyria, meaning even if it wasn't suicide to attack them, it was still impossible to reach their cities. As for the Zephyrians, they couldn't be bothered to attack a nation which posed no threat. However, just recently, there was a change in this typical pattern. In the Elven city of Lo'or, in the middle of the night, most of the town's population was completely slaughtered by the Feral's. Having captured the city, the Ferals had captured one of the only places on Kirin that has access to a Zephyrian island. Soon after, they made another surprise attack on the Zephyrian island attached to Lo'or. The Zephyrians, with their massive magical power, fought back strongly, and killed a great many Ferals, in their defense, but ultimately, they were slaughtered, and the Cheftian of the Ferals claimed their city. As it happened, they hadn't slaughtered every Zephyrian on the island. A few managed to escape on an oversight, from the dimwitted minds of the beast men. Among these few survivors was the Zephyrian prince, Álvaro, who was in the town, overseeing a sporting event, and even he only escaped because several others made sure he was protected. Soon after, Ferals laid attack to cities of Humans and Elves in the areas surrounding the Zephyrian island. The prince, who the Feral's still thought was in his palace of Zephyria, fled to the capital of the human country of Chorton, the center of most Human power. He slowly spread word that an anonymous source was looking for help in eliminating a threat. He spread word that he was looking for powerful people. People that were willing to act as soldiers. They were told to meet him in the Fox Ring inn, in Cannell, on the fifteenth day of the seventh month of the current year. They would know him when they saw him, they were told. And so Álvaro waited out in the city of Cannell. He wore a cloak to disguise his race, and used magic to change his features, so that in the event of losing his cloak, he appeared to be a different Zephyrian anyway, and he waited like that until the day that his mercenaries would arrive. [/spoiler] [Spoiler=Database] [Spoiler=The world of Kirin] [img][/img]Kirin is divided into 10 Countries, 1 of which is in the sky, made up of islands. Fero is the northernmost Elven Country. Made up entire of arctic forests, and being fairly isolated from the rest of the world, it is home to the reclusive Dark Elves. Most of Fero is barren and uninhabitable, however the Dark Elves have made their homes, as most Elves do, in the parts of the wilderness that are bearable to live in. Being reclusive as they are, the Dark Elves of Fero have no exports or transportation technologies that connect them with other countries. Like all Elves, even the Dark Elves follow the rule of Queen Alka Karon was previously the only country that the Ferals inhabited. Being an extremely xenophobic race, they also usually stay within their tropical jungles of Karon. Being tribal beast men, they have no true organized cities, just villages that settle in the best suited area. Similar to the Dark Elves above, they have no transportation, nor exports with other countries. Orto is the largest Elven country. The north is home to the Wood Elves, who live in their forested tree villages and have a massive lumber export to Virza. The south, between the barren plains, is the capital, and home of the high elves. The capital city is built against the mountain, and unlike other Elven cities, has massive stone walls. In the middle of the capital city lies the castle of Queen Alka, ruler of the three Elven Races. Virza is the most harsh desert in all of Kirin. Being relatively small, it also has a small population, having so little inhabitable land. The humans that reside there are generally considered to be some of the toughest on the planet, however. Virza is most well known for having spectacular sea transport between their coastal cities and the coastal cities of Chordon. Alongside this, they have massive mineral exports, finding tons of minerals like Iron, Copper, Silver, and Gold in the middle of the desert. Chordon is the largest and most advanced human civilization in Kirin, as well as the most advanced civilization on the planet. The capital city, as mentioned above, holds the palace of Emperor Azemar, who has claim over most of the Human Civilizations. Chordon has very fertile land, and very abundant oceans, and has the world's main supply of both crops and fish. Chordon is also a very studious country, having almost as many scholars as the Zephyrians. Because of their abundant and academic life style, the people of Chordon are generally considered to have very good lives. The capital city of Chordon, as well as the other, stronger cities, are often used as refuge points for members of any race. Koncir is a near barren wasteland. Almost no one of any race lives there. It is officially a human country, but it does not fall under the reign of Emperor Azemar. Settlements are few and far in between, and have generally come to be known as places for bandits and other outlaws, but just about no one else. Being almost completely barren, and having almost no one living there, there is no materials exported from the area. Altok is a human civilization, populated by the Revak, named for the Elven word for "Sand Walkers". Unlike the harsh deserts of Virza, the deserts of Altok are prosperous, and forgiving. The sand has enough nutrients to grow crops, with irrigation, and the river flowing through the middle provides a water and fish source. Because of this, most cities are built on the river, where they live with relative ease, despite having to still bear the desert's harsh climate. The capital is a different matter, being a magical city built around an oasis, where the sandstone palace of the king Akeem lies. Lendren is almost as barren as Koncir and has none of the races of man living in it at all. This is because it is the only natural habitat of the legendary dragons. Said dragons inhabit the mountain spanning the northern and eastern border. On rare occasion, some of the races of man, Humans, Elves, and Zephyrians in specific, will attempt to brave these lands in order to gain an egg, and raise a dragon, so that they may become dragon riders. Dwarfenmire is, obviously enough, the home country of the Dwarves. It is by far the coldest land in Kirin, and yet, for the Dwarves, it is still less harsh than Virza. Even then, it's still a hard life for the Dwarves. Dwarfenmire is filled to the brim with ores and gems to be mined by the Dwarves, and as such, their main export is minerals and gemstones, alongside varying types of alcohol that the Dwarves spend their time brewing. At the center of Dwarfenmire lies the underground stone palace of King Aenges. Zephyria is the name for the collective floating islands of the Zephyrians. There are no real cities in Zephyria, and they are all just separated into islands. Long ago, the islands were created when Zephyrian mages lifted massive chunks of earth out of the ground, and held them afloat high in the sky. Zephyria can be noted as even more studious than Chordon. A large chunk of the population is made up of scholars, and an even larger part is made up of Mages. Despite this, Zephyria is also known for being the origin's of an ancient sport. Traditionally, the name is a complicated Zephyrian pun, but it's been downgraded and has become commonly known as Zephyrball. [/spoiler] [Spoiler=Races] Humans Humans can be divided into two groups, Chordonians and The Revak. Chordonians have medium toned skin, and have an average height of 5'9", and an average weight of 165Lbs. They tend to have blond, red, black, or brown hair, which goes gray with old age. Eye color can range between blue, green, yellow, brown, hazel, and gray. Chordonians tend to be slim. (Chordonian names are Traditional English) The Revak have deeply tanned dark skin, resulting from having lived in the desert. They have an average height of 5'7" and an average weight of 170Lbs. Hair is consistently black, and eyes are generally a deep black or brown. They are more stocky than Chordonians, on average. (Revak names are Arabian in origin) Elves Elves can be divided into three groups, Dark, Wood, and High Elves. Dark Elves are the isolated race of Fero. Their skin ranges from medium gray to pitch black. They have pointed ears, like all elves. Their eyes are almost always a solid red, and their hair is consistently Stark White or Pure Black, and is usually long. Their average height is 6'0", and their average weight is 165Lbs. Dark Elves can be xenophobic, and do usually not like to relate themselves to other races Wood Elves are the natives of the northern half of Orto. Average height is 6'1", and average weight is 160Lbs. They have pointed ears. Their skin is usually slightly tanned, and their hair color ranges from varying shades of blond to brown. Their eyes are usually between Blue, Brown, and Green. High Elves are the natives of the southern half of Orto. Average height is 6'1", and average weight is 160Lbs. They have pointed ears. Skin is usually very pale, and without blemish. Hair ranges from very light blond, to raven black. Eyes are generally gray, blue, gold, or hazel. High Elves are generally considered very narcissistic. (Elven names are Traditional English in origin) Worth noting is that Elves live up to five times as long as other races. Dwarves Dwarves are a very short and sturdy people. They have an average height of 3'9" and a weight of 180Lbs. Most Dwarves are built with immense bulk, which protects them from the cold, and helps them in the mines. Most male Dwarves have massive beards, as well as regular hair, and hair ranging from Orange to Bright Red. Their eyes are usually blue or green. (Dwarven names are Irish in origin) Zephyrians Zephyrians are, as mentioned before, bird people. Built mostly like humans, they are, on average 5'10", but have an average weight of only 140-150Lbs. Zephyrians have generally tanned skin. Wings sprout from their shoulders, and matching feathers cover their shoulders, down to their wrists on both arms. The color of these feathers vary with the Zephyrian, who are generally akin to Falcons, Eagles, Hawks, or Swans. The middle three fingers and toes on each hand and foot are slightly curved, and end in talons, rather than nails. Their eyes are superior to all other races, and are generally smaller and sharper, like those of a hawk or an eagle. Notably, Zephyrians operate on a Principality system.(Zephyrian names are Spanish in origin) Ferals Ferals are the beast men of Karon. They have a massive build, averaging at 6'4", but reaching up to 7'8" on occasion. On average they weigh well over 200Lbs. Their entire body is covered in fur, ranging between black, yellow, orange, and white. Most Ferals resemble a Large Wildcat, and are named as such, having Lion, Tiger, Panther, and Leopard tribes. Instead of hands and feet, they have paws, with sharp claws, and sharp fangs in their mouths. Worth noting is that, while they have no real government, the Feral's all follow Cheftian Pri'Dak Dragons Dragons are massive, winged, reptilian creatures. They're four legged creatures. Their size varies greatly, depending on age, but the average length of one in full maturation is about fifty feet from snout to tip of the tail. The length of ones that Dragon Riders own are generally closer to twenty feet from end to end. Dragons, when they first hatch, are only about a foot long, and can comfortably fit on the average human's shoulder. Standing with their legs straight, and their back slightly arched, they can reach 15 feet on average, or 40 feet for eldest of dragons. Dragon's are as sentient as any race, but can not speak like most races, and communicate telepathically. They can, however, use basic communication with various roars. Note the Dragon's age very quickly, reaching maturity in only one year, and then proceed to grow very slowly. A fully matured dragon is different from any other matured dragon by roughly 500 years. [/spoiler] [Spoiler=Magic] Magic is a force inside most people, that can usually only be harnessed through training, unless you are born with the talent to use it. Magic can be split up into five schools, with several subclasses to those schools. These schools are Flame, Water, Storm, Earth, and Light. It is worth noting that the most basic, and most versatile form of any magic is "Creativity". Creativity is the term for basic, creative control over the element, as opposed to the more centered spells of higher levels, which are more precise, but always operate in the same way. Just above Creativity is Conjuration, which is the ability to instantly summon an element out of nothing. Magic that can not be considered any of the Schools are simply referred to as Magic. These include Transformation, Transmutation, Invisibility, Telekenisis, and Wards. Flame Flame is the least versatile of the Schools, having only one class. Even then, it has a lot of raw destructive power. Flame generally consists of conjuring fire, and flinging it in the form of fireballs, which are made up more of explosive force than actual gaseous flames. Other forms of flame spells are bursts of fire in an area. While Flame has a lot of raw destructive power, it is not very versatile, giving it little use in many situations. Water Water is divided into Water and Ice. Water consists most things that happens to be made of mostly water, including various types of sludge, blood, most drinks, sweat, tears, and such. Water is fairly flexible as a magic, creativity giving free rein over something as smooth as water, as well as being versatile, as shown above. However, as versatile as it is, it's main use comes from creativity, having very few real spells behind it. Ice can be instantly created from any sufficient liquids. The magical ice is surprisingly thick, making it excellent for shielding. Similar to water, it's biggest use is in creativity, but it has spells, which mostly consist of using ice for piercing purposes. Storm Storm is divided into Lightning and Wind. Lightning is a very strong magic, but very situational. In the state of Creativity, it can only be used during a storm, as it must be called from a storm cloud. Even when a mage gets access to Conjuration, they must still be outside to conjure the storm in the first place. If, however, a mage manages to be in a situation in which he can use it, it becomes an extremely destructive force that not many can face head on. Wind is FAR more versatile than Lightning. There are no real spells behind wind, but there is a near limitless amount of things a mage can do with creativity. Wind encompasses most gases, meaning that not only does it work very basically with air and wind, but very complexly with things like hydrogen. Earth Earth is divided into Earth, Plant, and Poison. Earth encompasses everything from the ground, such as dirt, stone, minerals, and sand. It is very similar to ice in most aspects, but more plentiful, and sturdier. Conjuration of Earth is a very rare, and almost useless study, due to it's great abundance. It's often used more for blunt force than piercing, by hurling massive chunks of stone at the enemy. Plant encompasses literally all plant matter. There's very little special about Plant Magic. Generally only used in creative and conjuration, with no real spells behind it. Most mages use plant for little more than using vines to ensnare enemies. Poision is more of a variation on plant, which encompasses the various natural poisons created from nature. Poison is generally used in a manner that coats other attacks, usually actual weapons. As such, it is not offensive in and of itself, but simply enhances other offensive strikes Light Light is, in general, a very vague, but simple, type of magic. In essence, it deals with pure energy and healing, and even then, most Light Mages don't bother with pure energy, when the elemental magic is much easier to use. Healing is a basic process which involves apply one's hand in proximity to the injured area, and allowing raw magic to flow from it. It's worth noting that the five races are affected differently by magic.Zephyrians are all born with the natural talent of magic, and accel at using Storm Magic. Many elves are born with the talent of magic, and all of them can use it with training. They are best with Earth Magic. Humans are rarely born magic users, but most humans can in fact use it. They are best suited to Water Magic. Dwarves are almost never born with magic, and only a few can ever use it. They are best with Flame Magic. Ferals can never use magic under any circumstance. [/spoiler] [Spoiler=Dragon Riders] Typically, a rider obtains an egg, before hatching, and keeps it with them. Once it hatches, the rider and their dragon are mentally bound for life. Most, if not all riders, become closer to their dragon than once could with their closest friends or family. Dragons, as a whole, have a very long lifespan, and as such, because a dragon and rider share so many things, this longevity seeps into Riders, giving them several extra decades, if not centuries, to live beyond others of their race. Emotions tend to flow freely between the telepathic link that Dragon and Rider share, allowing them to know what the other is feeling, even at distance, or when trying to hide it. [/spoiler] [/spoiler] [Spoiler=Rules][list] [*]All YCM Rules apply, including the Advance Clause. This is also a PG-13 RP, meaning language and some sexual references can be and most likely will be seen. [*]The host, me, has the final say in all significant decisions [*]If you are unable to post for a while for whatever reason, please let me know via either the OOC or PM. [*]This is a RP set in a medieval setting, so please, make your apps accordingly. [*]You are allowed a two character maximum. [*]Note that Dragon's are a significant part of a character, and that you should contact me about it before writing one into your app [*]I will only be accepting a limited number of applicants, and apps are judged on quality, not who applies first. [/list] [/spoiler] [Spoiler=App Form] [u][b]Personal Info[/b][/u] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Username:[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Character's Name:[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Age:[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Gender:[/size][/font][/color] [font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5a5a5a][size=3]Race: (Dragons are not an accepted Race)[/size][/color][/font] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Appearance: (Spoiler please. If not using a picture, please do 4 lines and to make sure its detailed. Also, please be sure to describe if they wear any armor, unless the picture contains armor.[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Personality: (Spoiler please. 4 lines please)[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Bio: (Same as personality)[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Misc: (Spoiler please. Optional. If not used, please remove.)[/size][/font][/color] [u][b]Combat Info[/b][/u] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Main Weapon(s): (Spoiler please. If using a picture(s), please include how long your weapon(s) are. Multiple weapons are fine, but keep it below three)[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Secondary Weapon(s): (Optional. If n/a, please remove.)[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Magic: (Spoiler please. If N/A, please remove)[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Misc: (Spoiler please. This is for anything else you want to mention for the combat info but haven't found the appropriate place for it. Please remove if not using.)[/size][/font][/color] [size=3][b][u]Partner Info[/u][/b][/size] (Dragons, Pets, Familiars, etc. Delete if N/A) [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Character's Name:[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Age:[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Gender:[/size][/font][/color] [font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5a5a5a][size=3]Race:[/size][/color][/font] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Appearance: (Spoiler please. If not using a picture, please do two lines at the least)[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Personality: (Spoiler please. 3 lines please)[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Main Weapon(s): (Spoiler please. If using a picture(s), please include how long your weapon(s) are. Multiple weapons are fine, but keep it below three)[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Magic: (Spoiler please. If a dragon, this includes types of breath)[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][/spoiler][/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][Spoiler=Host App][/size][/font][/color] [b]Personal Info[/b] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Username: Wandering Artist - Issun[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Character's Name: Galien Thin-Blade[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Age: 32[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Gender: Male[/size][/font][/color] [font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5a5a5a][size=3]Race: Human[/size][/color][/font] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Appearance: [Spoiler=Galien][/size][/font][/color] [img][/img] Galien is precisely 6'0", and is very slim, weighing only 145Lbs. Visibly, he wears little armor, as it believes it weighs him down too much. [/spoiler] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Personality: [spoiler=Personality][/size][/font][/color] Galien, for the serious air about him, is a rather lighthearted soul. He's never afraid to laugh, even in a relatively serious situation. He can be fairly sarcastic and smug, and likes to think that most people are less skilled than he is, but he usually doesn't throw insults around, except to his opponents. He is very caring towards those close to him, and likes the play the protector to his weaker companions. When it comes to combat, his lightheartedness never fades, and he likes to make what he considers witty quips during the middle of combat. If he finds, however, that he may be facing an actual challenge, he will drop his act and spring into full attack. Of all things, he's very protective of his sword, as he considers it a part of him.[/spoiler] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Bio: [/size][/font][/color][Spoiler=Bio] Galien was born in a small village in Chordon. From a very young age, he took an interest to sword play, which he picked up from his father. He trained with his father for years, and came to match his skill. Not satisfied with that, Galien sought to improve his skill even further, and fought anyone he could, training every day. One day, when he was only fifteen years old, he told his family that he was going on a short journey. He explained that it would be dangerous, but that he had to do it. His mother objected, but his father understood, and let him go. He then spent the next few days traveling North, and into Lendren. He made his way up the mountains, and found a Dragon's Den. Inside, he saw a single, emerald green egg. Fueled by the adrenaline of finding what he was looking for, he dashed in, not thinking, and snatched the egg. He escaped the cave unscathed, but had to flee quick;y to make sure that he would not be found and slaughtered by angry dragon parents. Several days later, he returned home to his parents, cradling a shiny, emerald green dragon egg in his arms. The day after he returned, the egg hatched into a tiny, green Dragonling. Over the years, Galien took time away from his training to bond with and raise his dragoness, Avice. Over the years, the two grew inseparable. At the same time, Galien's strength and skill with a blade grew immensely, as did Avice's skill in combat with claws and fire. Galien heard word of a certain source looking for Soldiers for Hire. He and Avice were both very poweful, and they knew it, and they could always use extra money. Whatever the task was, they were ready for it. And so, they set out for the Fox Ring inn, to meet their source. [/spoiler] Misc: [Spoiler=Misc] Galien earned the title Thin-blade from his blade, and the skill and fineness with which he uses it [/spoiler] [u][b]Combat Info[/b][/u] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Main Weapon(s): [Spoiler=Weaponry][/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]His only weapon is the sword in his image. A 30 inch, flat, curved blade, sharpened to the point that it can cut solid steel when hit on it's sweet spot.[/spoiler][/size][/font][/color] [size=3][b][u]Partner Info[/u][/b][/size] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Character's Name: Avice[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Age: 17[/size][/font][/color] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Gender: Female[/size][/font][/color] [font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#5a5a5a][size=3]Race: Dragon[/size][/color][/font] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Appearance: [Spoiler=Avice][/size][/font][/color] Avice is precisely twenty-two feet from end to end. Her scales are a brilliant emerald. Bone Spikes jut out from her back, from her spine, like all dragons. Her giant eyes are a similar Emerald as her scales. The end of her tail is barbed for combat, the barbs being a more pale green than the brilliance of her scales. Her face has a certain softness about it, despite being a ferocious dragon. The claws on the ends of her paws have been specifically sharpened for combat, making them more dangerous than those of a wild dragon. [/spoiler] [color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Personality: [Spoiler=Personality] [/size][/font][/color] For a dragon, Avice is rather soft. She is formal and polite, even to those other than Galien. However, she is very, very protective of Galien, and will is likely to go berserk on anyone that intentionally harms him. She is slightly narcissistic, and often likes to remind herself of how none of the races of the man could rival the sheer beauty and radiance of herself and her scales. Avice is fairly intelligent and witty, a trait she picked from sharing her entire life with Galien. Unlike some dragons of other Riders, she does not mind contact of Humanoid Beings other than Galien, and quite enjoys entertaining them.[/spoiler] Magic: [Spoiler=Magic] Avice has intense fire, rich green in color[/spoiler][/spoiler] [spoiler=Accepted] --- [/spoiler] [Spoiler=Important NPCs] [Spoiler=Alvaro] Alvaro is the Eagle Prince of the Zephyrian Principality. Alvaro is 5'11", and weighs 150Lbs. His feathers are a deep brown color, and his wings are large and magnificent. He is a relatively skilled mage, but does not like to partake in combat. He is stern, and has somewhat of a temper, and little patience for incompetence. Despite this, he can still be a warm person, if one were to work past his shell. [/Spoiler] To be added to as the RP advances. [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ListenToLife Posted September 21, 2012 Report Share Posted September 21, 2012 I only have one critiscism for this, and that's the Elvish name origins. Considering Elves are of Germanic descent, and appear mainly in Norse and Gaelic folklore, I would advise that it be changed to Old English/Norse/Gaelic names for Elves. I generally use these for Elvish names. The names are based on J.R.R Tolkien's work, if you couldn't tell. [url=""]http://www.arwen-und...h/boynames.html[/url] [url=""]http://www.arwen-und.../girlnames.html[/url] Anyway, I'm just gonna put out that I plan to create an Elf, kay? Do you want PMs, at least about important stuff to do with the apps (*cough*dragons*cough*) ? PS: Your spoilers are a bit dodgy at the end. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted September 21, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 21, 2012 Hm, alright, I'll change that then. Thank you for the information. I'll also fix the spoilers. And yeah, really important things, I'd like PMs about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gαr Posted September 21, 2012 Report Share Posted September 21, 2012 I'd like to say you have my utmost interest and I am planning on a dragon rider. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ListenToLife Posted September 21, 2012 Report Share Posted September 21, 2012 You're going to get a lot of wanna-be Dragon Riders. Blame Christopher Paolini. But your welcome for the information. Ancient folklore is one of my many passions. Specifically Nordic/Gaelic, Greek & Japanese. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kakashi Hatake Posted September 21, 2012 Report Share Posted September 21, 2012 What the hell, I might as well try to join in on this. My app'll likely be done soon enough. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reinforce Posted September 21, 2012 Report Share Posted September 21, 2012 Sounds interesting, I might make myself a zephyrian character as a lightning Mage. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted September 21, 2012 Report Share Posted September 21, 2012 [spoiler=Application] Personal Info Username: Jake the Sage Character's Name: Alilind Savill Age: 40 Gender: Male Race: Human [spoiler=Appearance:] [img][/img] [/spoiler] [spoiler=Personality:] Alilind has no compassion or mercy for his enemies. He lives by the "The Ghosts of Kroncir" code 'Swift Death To Evil', though he never shows much regard for human life, at some points even letting on that he likes to kill. Anyone he considers to be corrupt or despotic, he targets for elimination. He is rather morbid and arrogant. Alilind is an able observer and a quick analyst in addition to being a skilled swordsman, he is revealed to possess immense physical strength. On the job he generally never opens his mouth unless he needs to. When people get to know him he seems laid back, less solemn, though his twisted sense of humor remains apparent. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Bio:] As a child, Alilind was abused and beaten by his adopted family, as his real family had died during a raid. After fighting for a long while he eventually began smiling instead of crying to make them stop temporarily- they would get bored and leave him if he didn't struggle back or cry. This was Alilind's life for a long time until, late one summer night, his village was attacked by a rogue group of bandits from the nearby deserts known as "The Ghosts of Koncir". They had come for supplies and anyone who stood in their way was eliminated, though no one who refused to fight or surrendered was harmed. Alilind's farm was then targeted. In an attempt to convince the Ghost of Koncir to leave their farm alone without taking anything by offering Alilind up as equal trade claiming he would be more valuable to them than anything they could take from the farm. When his "family" had offered Alilind to "The Ghosts of Koncir", Alilind ended up slaughtering the five adults with great speed and strength. Afterwards when he stood in the rain, he seemed to be smiling about it, but he was actually crying. He decided to go with "The Ghosts of Koncir" even if they didn't accept him readily. Eventually they did accept him into the group and began training him in combat, specializing in "shadow weapons" meant for killing without being in a drawn out battle. Growing up with "The Ghosts of Koncir" as well as in the desert made Alilind a hardened fighter. Once he had grown old enough he defected from the group to spread the bandit's "swift death to evil" all across the world. He was once married to a woman named Tokio, but he eventually left her with their unborn child; Alilind does not know of the existence of his heir. Now a true rogue, Alilind accepts contracts from any government or person. Recently having heard of an anonymous person seeking mercenaries he went out to search for them. [/spoiler] Combat Info Main Weapon(s): Shadow Shot[list] [*]A concealed crossbow strapped to Alilind's left wrist, it is activated by pulling a nearly invisible string on his right wrist. In order to disguise this weapon he uses a mystic symbol on his left palm to make the effects seem like a magical attack. [/list] Secondary Weapon(s): Bishomonken[list] [*]A four foot sword, of medium length, which is supposedly "enchanted" as Alilind claims it to be. However the sword actually absorbs magnetic properties from magnets inside of the sheath. While normally not useful in any way, When combined with an iron filing thrown at the target, will attract Bishomonken. [/list] Kasui Busuen[list] [*]Small cubes, sometimes marble-like balls, that once immersed in water create a poisonous vapor. When breathed in, the mist paralyzes the target for four to five [/list] minutes. [spoiler=Magic:] Storm, Wind Though not trained officially in magic Alilind picked up magic on his own slowly from his intense training. Discovering he was capable of using wind magic he spent a few months training intensly with it to make it easier to use, so that now he can direct the crossbow bolts and poisonous gas with only some difficulty; however when he is using his magic, Alilind cannot move. [/spoiler] [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted September 22, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 22, 2012 A few things about your app, Jake. It's Koncir, not Kroncir. Your personality needs to be a bit longer. And Alvaro, the one seeking help, is a male. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted September 22, 2012 Report Share Posted September 22, 2012 [quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1348273354' post='6029429'] A few things about your app, Jake. It's Koncir, not Kroncir. Your personality needs to be a bit longer. And Alvaro, the one seeking help, is a male. [/quote] Okay I changed what I wrote wrong in the application, and added a few more things to the personality. It is all in the original post fyi Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ListenToLife Posted September 22, 2012 Report Share Posted September 22, 2012 [spoiler=My application][b][u]Personal Info[/u][/b] [b]Username:[/b] DaWeirdGuy [b]Character's Name:[/b] Calanon Thalion [b]Age:[/b] 600 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Mixed-race Elf [spoiler=Appearance:] As a mixture of the many Elven races, Calanon shares many of their separate Attributes, creating a unique mixture of characteristics visible. He stands at a fairly tall 6’3, with a rather slim and fluid build typical of the Elvish people. Though his face displays an elegant and regal demeanour to it - indicating some amount of royal descent – age has started to affect him; bags gathering under his eyes, lines on the forehead, and the dark wisdom hiding behind his eyes. His eyes shine a blood red typical of the Dark Elves, though that seems to be the only similarity in appearance. Most of his characteristics are taken from the Wood and High Elves. His long blond hair drapes down past his shoulders and onto his back, with long bangs framing the sides of his face. His skin is a pale white, inherited from the high elves. Around his neck lies a single necklace, an amulet with three symbols attached. Each is a symbol respective of the Elven races – a tree on the right for the Wood elves, a crescent moon on the left for the Dark Elves and in the centre is a sun, symbolising the High Elves. The rest of his attire follows a similar pattern of shared cultures. His robe is one of High Elf make, light blue with a large yellow sun on the back of it. It opens at the front to reveal a tunic and pants of Wood elf design; leather with forested decorations, such as flowers and trees. On each of the bracers around his wrist there is an arrow carved into the leather. Attached tightly around his waist, above the robe, is a Dark elf belt, adorned with hanging crescent moons and, on his right hip, the sheath to a thin Estoc, also of Dark Elf make. The sword is barely used, due to Calanon’s lack of need for such a weapon. Also hanging from the belt, on his left hip, are three small pouches, one containing a dust for increasing plant growth, one containing seeds of a plant easy to sing into shape, and the third containing dragon food.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Personality: ] At his wise and mature age, Calanon has little need for the excitable sections of a youthful person’s persona. Anger is rare in Calanon, and passion is something that abandoned him many decades ago. His life style means that he rarely encounters greed or similar feelings, and hatred is also something that he doesn’t seem to have. He shows a mostly calm demeanour. He has extreme patience, most notable in the fact that he has read a vast amount of books on varying subjects. He is slightly strict, but in a calm and friendly elder sort of way, in that he is a brilliant teacher. Being a healer among many other things, he is also willing to help and able to earn the trust of many. Out of all the Elven peoples, he seems to share similarities within his personality mostly with that of the wood elves. He is generally rather patient and kind, a gentle person who dislikes violence. He eats a primarily vegetarian diet, much like that of the wood-elves, though – like wood elves - he will eat meat if needs be. He likes to live among nature, spending most of his days in a forest, and he is friendly to all, much like the rest of the wood-elves. He does share some similarities with the others of Elven kind. While not particularly noticeable, he does show minor flashes of high-elf vanity; he is always cleanly shaven, and there is little need for the staff, his excuse being that it makes him look wiser. Also, though accepting of other people and friendly to all he comes across, he shares the Dark-elf preference of living alone. He has wisdom far beyond even his years, and is widely accepted as one of the most intelligent of all the Elven folk, and is one of the main scholarly minds of Kirin. His knowledge of Magick is one of the most extensive, due to an entire Elven life dedicated to obtaining such knowledge. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Bio:]Calanon has a very unusual past, starting with a very unusual descent. Now, it isn't unheard of for a Wood elf and High elf to mate, not is it extremely unusual for them to produce a hybrid child. They are uncommon, yes, but they are not very unusual, and they are often very talented and powerful. But what makes Calanon special is the Dark elf part. Now, he's much more High elf and Wood elf than Dark elf, but the blood is there. And a lot more than expected. Both his parents seemed to be descended from them; his father had a Dark elf mother, and his Mother had he paternal Grandfather. So actually rather close, generation wise. Anyway, this is exceptionally rare, and so far Calanon has yet to meet anyone with a remotely similar past. Meaning he was instantly famed for it. Now, it isn't as though he was a pauper anyway. Elves are naturally rather regal and dont really have poverty in their nations. And that comes from a Royal past, within which Calanon also had close connections to. You see, his High elf mother was also descended from those of the Royal household, meaning he shares a bloodline with the Queen Alka herself. Which placed him in a very wealthy position, almost aristocratic. His father was a skilled scholar and teacher, working as a tutor to some of the highest of the High-elves, while his mother was a talented healer, reknowned for her skills. This combination gave Calanon a rather great upbringing; wealthy, well-treated and very well educated. It was around the age of 13-14, exceptionally young for an Elf, that his intelligence started to fully show. Being tutored by his father, he showed an exceptional thirst for the knowledge offered, and sound a large interest in books and scholarly work, pleasing his father much. And his mother wasn't let down either, because from this knowledge, he showed an incredible fascination for the workings of magick, and the undiscovered potential of magick. Already showing an exceptional talent for the skill, he was taken in by his mother as a student, and spent most of his days learning new skills and gaining new knowledge. He spent the first 50 years of his life merely studying and learning, ocassionally taking time to practise other skills that he initially viewed as unnecessary, such as sword-play or archery. He was never talented at these, rarely besting anyone, but none of those his age dared oppose him. For by the time he became 50, he was already an extremely accomplished mage, incredibly early for the Elven folk. At the age of 55, he was picked for a place at the University of (Capital or Oroto), in order to study Magick even further, the youngest ever applicant. He accepted happily, and soon became recognised within and out of the university, eventually even being noticed by the royals themselves. He finished the University at age 75, an age where many people only just join, and took up a role as a Royal scholar, working within the castle itself to read up on old magick and study it. But he soon got bored, and, to the dismay of many, gave up the job, seeking knowledge elsewhere. He found it tiresome to study old knowledge, and so set out to find something new, and for a 125 years he disappeared, seen by no-one. For those 125 years, he had recluded into the vast forests of Oroto, far from any civilisation, looking for yet undiscovered places of Magickal potential. And he found one. A small pond, in the middle of dense trees, where the plants seemed to not grow. The clearing was not very large, only about 20 feet in diameter, but the air....The air was full with magick. The trees around the edge of the clearing towered above those surrounding, as if powered by some unseen force. The pond itself seemed to dazzle as if in bright sunlight, even during the night, and the air was thick with power. And, as Calanon acustomed himself to it, song. The music of Magick, was what he had found it seemed. He sung himself a small hut from the trees, a skill he had picked up before hand, and stayed there for many years, studying the magick, creating new spells and writing. The 125 years seemed to fly past for him, and he was reluctant to return back to civilisation. Especially on the last night. It was about midnight when it happened. Calanon was sleeping, smiling while he rested. When suddenly, the water splashed and there was a crash in the clearing. Waking with a jolt, Calanon rushed outside to find a tree in the middle of the pond. The magick had dispersed from the clearing, the air was darker, and the pool had lost its light. It was definitely time to go home. But there was something in that clearing that made him want to stay, even if there was no other point. Something very valuable. An Egg. A simple egg, but one the size of a head. It dazzled like the pool had done, and seemed to be made of diamonds. Simply by looking at it, Calanon could tell what it was. And what had knocked over the tree. He rushed home the next day, to the surprise of the Elven people, and made himself known again. But he kept the egg hidden, the knowledge of it never passed on to anyone. He was again annointed a royal scholar, but not in the position he had previously held. After returning with brand new knowledge of magick, and a skill very few people possessed, he was tasked with discovering new magick, as well as teaching magick to young elves, specifically those of royal blood. He was also, unofficially, made one of the royal advisors. The presence of the egg around him has proven to give similar effects to an actual dragon companion, and since his re-location to a more remote point than the castle - out into the forest again - he has noticed a reduction in his aging, allowing him to live even longer than Elves should naturally. As such, he has managed to advise many sets of Royals, and has recently become pretty much the source of knowledge on magick for the entire kingdom. The revelation of his ownership of an Egg was revealed about a year and a half ago, when he came into the city one day with a dragon upon his shoulder, barely half a foot tall. This drew much attention, and proved that he was indeed one of those people who just had greatness in them. And yet he was still humble about it, not allowing it to affect his life. Recently, he has become bored of his, what he considers, mudane everyday life, and wishes to travel on adventure for once. After noting the increase in Feral activity and the invasion of Lo'or, he had taken it upon himself to help stop this war, and, as luck would have it, was personally sought out by the Zephyrian prince, rather than merely noting upon a mysterious offer. Receiving the unusual letter, he instantly set of in search of this Fox Ring inn so as to assist Álvaro, the prince of Zephyr.[/spoiler] [b][u]Combat Info[/u][/b] [b]Main Weapon(s):[/b] Calanon has little need for weapons. Most of his problems can generally be solved through magick or his mind, and as such they are his main weapons. [b]Secondary Weapon(s):[/b] For when melee weapons are needed, which is rare, Calanon has a simple Estoc and a wooden staff sung into shape from a tree. The staff is almost useless, but can be used to bludgeon, and the Estoc has little use and Calanon has little experience with sword fighting. [spoiler=Magic: ]As one of the most talented sorcerers in Kirin, Calanon has amassed a large array of skills, spells and abilities surrounding his use of Magick. He is primarily a plant magick user, and a mix of Creativity and Conjuration allow him to do extremely complex spells using plants, even in places where plants may struggle to survive, such as deserts or oceans. His skill with this has evolved to the point where even dead plant life can be manipulated by him, meaning any wood is fair play. However, Calanon’s incredible experience with magick has left him with an ability to perform almost any type of magick, though he has a disdain for destructive uses of Magick. Primarily he focuses on healing magick and magick involving defensive and/or creative use. He also possesses small skill with Telepathy, though this only really works with a willing mind within a semi-close radius, unless said mind is also skilled with telepathy. (D’you want me to list some spells?)[/spoiler] [b][u]Partner Info[/u][/b] [b]Character's Name:[/b] Alyur [b]Age:[/b] 1.5 years. [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Dragon [spoiler=Appearance:] Being only a young Dragon, Alyur isn’t that big. He reaches just short of 2 foot long, from tail to snout, and the tail is worth about a third of the Dragon’s total length. From foot to shoulder, the dragon is barely 1 foot, making it small enough to perch on Calanon’s shoulder if it so desired. This size is rather unusual, as Calanon himself noted, as a Dragon would usually have become much larger by this time. However, Calanon believes this late maturity may connote a potential for exceptional magic when grown. Alyur’s scales are unusual, and contain a property almost magickal in itself. While not particularly useful, Alyur’s scales seem to change colour according to the different environments he is in, though it doesn’t work as a camouflage. For example, within a forested environment, Alyur’s scales will turn a dark green colour. It doesn’t work as camouflage due to the scales being highly reflective and seeming to shine of their own brilliance, like most dragons. An exception to this ability is that when Alyur is in direct sunlight, such as when flying, the Scales take on a pale, almost colourless blue resembling diamonds. His eyes seem to match this colour, keeping as a rather pale, diamond-like blue. Alyur’s fangs and claws taken on a white, ivory sort of colour and are usually quite sharp. His tail is also points and thin, and can be used a sort of whip as it is prehensile, but holds no barbs or spikes. [/spoiler] [spoiler=Personality:]As a mere newborn, and currently not mature, Alyur is a rather excitable and hyperactive being, having energy in abundance. He seems rather confident and aggressive, though in a playful manner, and will toy with prey rather than merely catch it. Due to his mental connection with Calanon, he also holds a surprising amount of wisdom and intelligence, though he will rarely show it. He highly respects Calanon, and is thankful for the Elf for his care. They are incredibly close, even with the short time spent together, and neither likes to spend time apart.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Main Weapon(s):]Alyur’s claws and fangs are quite sharp, though they are not exceptionally long. His tail composes about a third of his body length, and it’s prehensile-ness allows it’s use as a whip.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Magic:]Like all dragons, Alyur possesses the ability to communicate telepathically. While in itself not a spectacular ability, Alyur’s skill with it is more than an average dragon, and he is perfectly capable of hypnotising small, dumb animals & prey. Due to Calanon also possessing small ability with such a technique, they can almost perfectly align their thoughts, acting as a second mind and body for each other. Although capable of breathing fire, Alyur has little talent with it, able to summon no more than a spark capable of lighting a small campfire. His breath contains a similar characteristic to his scales, in that it takes on a colour befitting his surroundings, though considerably brighter. [/spoiler][/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted September 22, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 22, 2012 Alyur is perfectly fine. Continue with your bio. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jake the Sage Posted September 22, 2012 Report Share Posted September 22, 2012 [quote name='Wandering Artist - Issun' timestamp='1348349361' post='6029892'] Alyur is perfectly fine. Continue with your bio. [/quote] How about mine? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted September 22, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 22, 2012 Right yours is perfectly fine as well. I'll wait before accepting you, though. Again, the factor is quality not first come first served. As such, at a certain deadline, I'll be judging all the apps collectively, and the best ones will make it in. As of now, the deadline is the next saturday, but that may change depending on a few factors. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ListenToLife Posted September 22, 2012 Report Share Posted September 22, 2012 Re-reading through the bio, it seems slightly rushed. But it's finished at any rate, and I think it will do for RPs sake. I'd love critiscisms, even if you're not accepting them just yet. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted September 23, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 23, 2012 Your app is excellent. I really do like the three-way elf hybrid thing, and there's nothing specific that needs fixing. In other news, I added a bit to the Magic Section that I forgot before. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
encapturer Posted September 24, 2012 Report Share Posted September 24, 2012 Until next saturday? Cool, gives me time to refine my app. Planning a feral mercenary at the moment. How beastlike are the ferals, anyway? Just trying to figure out what tools one would use, if any. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted September 24, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 24, 2012 The Ferals are basically anthropomorphized Big Cats. They don't use weapons, usually, mostly just their claws and teeth. They do wear clothing, though. Though, it's often not much. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reinforce Posted September 24, 2012 Report Share Posted September 24, 2012 I changed my initial intention and decided to go with an Elf instead of a Zephyrian. He's still a lightning mage though and be warned, the bio is rather long. [spoiler=App][u][b]Personal Info[/b][/u] Username: Simdoggy Character's Name: Alagos Bruicaunion Age: 302 Gender: Male Race: High Elf [spoiler=Appearance] Alagos takes the appearance of an old high elf, standing at exactly 6’0”. He weighs 150 pounds, has gold eyes, and has long hair that used to be a dark blond but has gone grey as he has aged. Being a high elf, his skin is pale and unblemished, and he wears a golden circlet around his head with a Feather over a Sun in the front to show his position as the High Elves Ambassador to Zephyria. He wears a long-sleaved, white shirt and long, white pants, with a flowing golden robe on his back. The shirt is also emblazoned with the same Feather and Sun symbol as his circlet, also golden, sitting at the top left of the shirt. Over all that, he wears a hooded brown poncho reminiscent of those worn by some of the Revak in Altok, to hide his clothing which would give away his identity, as well as to hide the pointed ears he has.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Personality] Alagos is a wise and gentle old elf, preferring to negotiate than to fight. Despite that, he has a harsh temper that he mostly keeps in check, and a weakness towards children. He also has a high opinion of himself, sharing the trait with numerous other High Elves, but it’s been toned down over the years from living with the Zephyrian people for a greater portion of his life than he’s lived with his own people. He is generally fair and just, but he has no sympathy or remorse for those who threaten his way of life. Alagos also remains cautious, the habits from being part of the royal guard still remaining even over 150 years later.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Bio] Alagos grew up in Orto, the main nation of the high elves, with parents who were far older than most people’s parents. His childhood was fairly typical of a young high elf, growing up with the teachers constantly telling them that they were better than the other races, but to respect the other races because they were necessary for the high elves to prosper. He learnt his magic at a young age, finding out he wielded the power of lightning by accident during a storm, where a kid who was teasing him for not having access to any of the main paths of magic got hit by a lightning bolt even with several better lightning rods in the vicinity. After that event, he grew up with the couple of other lightning mages in the town, training heavily whenever there was a storm around to increase their power, and training them in conjuration the rest of the time. Once he finished his school life, he got a scholarship to go off to a university in the Zephyria, and train as a mage, where he stayed for the next 10 years, training his magic and meeting new and interesting people. Eventually, having finished his training at the university, he returned to his homeland at the age of about 30. Still quite reckless at that time, he joined the Queen’s royal guard, travelling round in protection of the Queen, and receiving the throwing knives he still carries around. 70 years later, he needed to return home after receiving news that his parents had passed away. Taking a leave of absence to go to the funeral, he was given the staff as a parting gift from his comrades, and returned to his home village. The funeral at that time was a large affair, as people tend to meet more people when they live longer, and he was confronted by some of the elves from the town who had teased him before he had discovered his magic. Attempting to taunt him again, they found trouble after Alagos used his conjuration skills to bring forth a storm and hit the elves with several bolts of lightning. When the more mature elves found out that he had injured the other elves, he was told to leave the town. Banished from the town he had called home in his childhood, he returned to the capitol of Orto and rejoined the royal guard with a new queen in the time he had been away. He travelled round with his comrades once more, becoming more solemn and mature at the time, often thinking of his mistakes that caused him to be kicked out of his childhood village. At some point along the way, Queen Alka started to trust him with talking to the high ups of the other nations when she was ill or otherwise indisposed, leading to him learning valuable political skills that would come to serve him later. It would be 31 years after rejoining the royal guard until the previous ambassador to Zephyria, a female high elf by the name of Verisiel, retired and left the position after 248 years in the post. Afterwards, several nobles attempted to compete for the position as Queen Alka and Ambassador Verisiel travelled around the land in search of someone to take the position. In the end, it would be Alagos, who was one of the royal guards travelling with Queen Alka at the time, was nominated and reluctantly accepted the new posting. Leaving his homeland entirely, he took all his possessions with him and travelled to the main island of Zephyria to meet with the ambassadors from the other races and the royals on the island. There he stayed, occasionally travelling between the islands or back to his homeland to give a report, and acted as Queen Alka’s representative for the next 172 years, leading him to become much wiser and more mature in the process. In the first few years of the posting, Verisiel, who had decided to stay and live on Zephyria, taught him how to behave and act as the ambassador of the high elves to Zephyria, which led to him becoming much more mindful of how he acted in front of others. Recently, he met and became friendly with the Prince Álvaro, watching him grow and become a young man capable of acting on his own, and often accompanied the prince on his trips. It happened that Alagos was in a different island in Zephyria when the island the prince was on was attacked by the Ferals who started to invade the land. Not knowing that the prince was still alive, he heard the anonymous call for help from warriors and soldiers willing to help eliminate a threat that Alagos assumed was the Feral invaders of Zephyria, and left his post to join these warriors and get revenge for the deaths of the people who he had joined so many years ago as an ambassador, and for the death of Prince Álvaro.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Misc] Alagos is quite a fan of different styles of food, a habit he picked up after his travels with the royal guard.[/spoiler] [b][u]Combat Info[/u][/b] [spoiler=Main Weapon] A mage staff, about a metre and a half tall, with a head in the shape of four curved prongs holding a glowing yellow crystal. The staff is specially designed to enhance his magic, though if needed he can fight with it. He sometimes strikes a bolt of lightning straight down into the crystal in the head of the staff, to store and give him a single portable bolt of lightning for later use. That lightning bolt will last indefinitely in the staff, unless used, in which case the bolt will last until it hits something, after which the charge dissipates.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Secondary Weapons] Alagos also uses a set of five throwing knives to fight, which he uses his telekinesis to control and throw at his opponents.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Magic] The main magic Alagos can use is Creativity and Conjuration to do with lightning, though he is also skilled in Telekinesis and Ward due to training in them after he finished perfecting his lightning abilities. In a fight, Alagos usually uses his Conjuration at the start to bring forth a storm if there isn’t one available, and use that to then use Creativity with his lightning abilities. If the fight is small enough that he doesn’t believe he needs to take the time to conjure up the storm, he’ll use his telekinetic and warding skills to fight instead, since he doesn’t wield many physical weapons.[/spoiler] [spoiler=Misc] Alagos is trained to fight physically, though because of his age and the fact that he hasn’t been persisting with his training, he is quite out of shape and unable to physically fight very well. On the other hand, his magical abilities are very sharp, which he uses to cope with the decline in his physical condition, as the caution he needed as a royal guard hasn’t entirely left him yet.[/spoiler][/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aix Posted September 24, 2012 Report Share Posted September 24, 2012 I will be a Dark Elf swordsman who utilizes a bit of magic. [spoiler='App'] Personal Info [b][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]Username: AixDivadis[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]Character Name: Lonn Irothar (dunno if it sounds irish i can change if u [i]really[/i] want)[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]Age: 124[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]Gender: Male[/background][/size][/font] [font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]Race: Dark Elf[/background][/size][/font][/b] [spoiler='Appearance'][b][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]Lonn is relatively tall and lean. His skin is on the light side for dark elves, seeming silvery and his hair is a blinding white. His red eyes are thin. He wears a sleeveless black leather armor as he finds the south rather hot, black leather pant, fingerless black iron gauntlets for defense and studded black boots. He wears his long shamshir on his left side.[/background][/size][/font][/b][/spoiler] [spoiler='Personality'][b][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]He is silent most of the time, not used to talking as he spent most of his life in the far northern reaches of Fero with only a mysterious hermit for company (hermits tend not to be chatty). He seems indifferent to most things, smiles occasionally and you get the feeling that he’s a nice guy if you get to know him. He is inexperienced and naive about the world, this is his first time out here. You’ll find a very dramatic change in personality when it comes to combat. In his bloodlust-filled eyes, you are naught but an obstacle to be cut down as quickly as possible, beyond his eyes, you’ll see no emotion as all his concentration goes into the perfection of his swordplay and magic.[/background][/size][/font][/b][/spoiler] [spoiler='Bio']Lonn was born in the northern town of Leiscion, at the foot of the northern mountains. His parents died in the mountains and the hermit in the mountains took him in, raised him and trained him for a hundred years in the arts of swordplay and ice magic. Having completed his training, and grown up, he seeks his destiny in the world and also secretly wishes to find the true identity of his mentor. (his mentor has the appearance of a snow leopard ferali, though Lonn isn’t sure if he really is, as ferali can’t use magic. his mentor has been elusive when asked personal questions.)[/spoiler] [spoiler='Combat Info'] [b]Weapons:[/b] shamshir, magic [b][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent]His excellent swordsmanship is due to his hundred years of practice under the tutelage of a mysterious hermit, who seems to have been some sort of legend in the past. He also wields the power of ice magic with great precision and efficiency, mostly using only bits of it to trip you, freeze your feet, cool your blood, or spray snow into your eyes, however he [/background][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][i][background=transparent]is[/background][/i][/size][/font][font=Arial][size=4][background=transparent] capable of more complex stuff such as ice spears and walls.[/background][/size][/font][/b][/spoiler] [/spoiler] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ListenToLife Posted September 24, 2012 Report Share Posted September 24, 2012 Elven names shouldn't sound Irish, that's Dwarves. Elven names should be Old Gaelic, Old English or Old Norse, and should be fluid and light sounding. Check my first post for a Good site for Elven names. Also, you should sort out the coding for your app. It's a tad annoying. You should also use the correct app for the Combat info. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted September 24, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 24, 2012 What Guy said. On top of that, most of your stuff is pretty short in general. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reinforce Posted September 24, 2012 Report Share Posted September 24, 2012 What about my app? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Grunt Issun Posted September 24, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 24, 2012 Your app is perfectly fine. Generally, if I don't say anything about it, there's no problems with it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aix Posted September 24, 2012 Report Share Posted September 24, 2012 okay i'll make things more detailed in my app and i guess i'll change the name but how do i do the coding? what do i do about it? sry i'm new Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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