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Not sure about the deck list yet, because a lot of cards seem like potential dead draws. Ideas?

Monsters - 20
[1]Black Luster Soldier - Envoy
[2]Worm King
[1]Evil Dragon Anata
[1]Gorz, Emmisary of Darkness
[3]Worm Xex
[3]Worm Yagan
[2]Worm Cartaros
[2]Thunder King Rai-Oh
[2]Tour Guide
[1]Effect Veiler

Spells - 8
[1]Dark Hole
[1]Heavy Storm
[1]Book of Moon

Traps - 12
[2]Dimensional Prison
[2]Offerings to the Snake Deity
[1]Torrential Tribute
[1]Compulsory Evac Device
[1]Starlight Road

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