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[PkMN] Zeels BlackWhite-On

Resident Fascist

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2 Zekrom B/W
4 Tynamo (Dark Ex)
3 Dynamotor Eelektrik
2 Thunderus EPO
2 Mewtwo EX
1 Raikou EX
1 Rayquaza EX

4 N
4 Cheren
4 Juniper

4 Ultra Ball
4 Pokemon Catcher
3 Eviolite
3 Level Ball
3 Switch
1 Super Rod

1 Skyarrow Bridge

8 Lightning
4 Double Colorless
2 Prism Energy

This deck would be better if I knew what I was doing, I just started playing this game. Anyway, if you don't know how it works, it's basicially the Reshiram Deck, just with Eelektrik doing the Energy Accelerating instead of the stage 2 Typhlosion Prime. The fact that Dynamotor doesn't Damage you either makes it better than Typhlosion's version. Emolga is a stupid good starter, allowing you to go and grab 2 Tynamos for 1 energy. Tornadus EX can attack for 100 on 3 Colorless energy which isn't bad, especially as you can attach a Double Colorless to it for turn, and then Dynamotor a Lightning onto it and it's all set-up. 50/50 to lose energies though does suck.

Thunderus can thin the deck with his Charge Attack if you need it, and Disaster Volt isn't too awful early game. Mewtwo EX is a backup card that literally has the most absurd attack in the whole deck. X-Ball can easily do well over 120 damage, and doesn't damage itself like Zekrom does.

c&c please, YCM. I would use DNF, but they don't have a Pokemon section and CGC gives no fu*ks about PkMN either.

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