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YGOPro needs CardMakers


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KaibaCorporation needs help, Flurorohydride has stopped making cards and now we need your help to create new cards so the game can continue to stay up to date. Right now it is missing the Kaito set. The system use Lua to create cards, basically in a script file you design the card and enter all its stats. If development continues swimmingly it will be able to support CCG via its system, but the OCG/TCG is a priority. If you are familiar with the system then head over to the GITHUB for the project and study the cards they are at https://github.com/F...e/master/script then try your hand at it and use GITHUB to upload it.


We need all the help we can get this project is international and helps everyone not only learn to play YuGiOh better by using an automated system but allows everyone that wants to to contribute.


If you have questions about the project please post I'll try to answer them to the best of my ability.

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