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So this shouldn't work as well as it does, but eh. [MachinaGadget]


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Been working on getting this solid for weeks now, was the only undefeated at locals last night, though I pulled nothing from Turbo Packs. :(

I'll explain some of the questionable choices afterwards...


[2] Machina Fortress
[1] Machina Cannon
[1] Gorz the Emissary of Darkness
[1] Cyber Dragon

[2] Yellow Gadget
[2] Red Gadget
[2] Green Gadget
[2] Machina Gearframe
[2] Tour Guide from the Underworld
[2] Thunder King Rai-Oh
[1] Sangan
[1] Night Assailant
[1] Neo-Spacian Grand Mole

[2] Mystical Space Typhoon
[2] Pot of Duality
[1] Heavy Storm
[1] Dark Hole
[1] Monster Reborn
[1] Mind Control
[1] Forbidden Lance
[1] Limiter Removal
[1] Soul Taker

[2] Dimensional Prison
[2] Bottomless Trap Hole
[2] Torrential Tribute
[2] Mirror Force
[1] Solemn Judgment
[1] Solemn Warning (only have 1 atm)
[1] Fiendish Chain (only have 1 atm)
[1] Ultimate Offering

So it's such a fun Deck. After extensive playtesting I decided to cut Gearframe down to 2, and it's worked out so much more smoothly. Especially because I can grab it with Gear Gigant X, so there's not really much of an issue there at all. I keep the third sided because I'm still trying to work with the Deck to make it better, but that's just solid.

Tour Guide won me 5/6 games I played yesterday; it's such a good card in here and the Deck thinning and consistency boost it offers is just too good to pass up imo. (Some people have different preferences but I've had nothing but awesome plays with it so far.)

Night Assailant works well here because it's a Level 3, obviously offers some field popping, and on top of that, is a Tour Guide target. I do side Snowman Eaters as well because they're amazing this format.

I'd like to add another Chain and another Warning, but I'm not rich so at the moment it's a little more difficult than I'd like.

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[quote name='Archbaron Barthandelus' timestamp='1347559751' post='6024551']
What's your extra looking like? Since I'm curious, also I want to check you are running Fortress dragon.

otherwise looking solid other than maybe a second lance?

Extra Deck is pretty generic, since its IRL lol.

Thunder Spark, Gear Gigant, etc.

I've got the second Lance sided, but I'm not sure if I want to Main it because that would put me at like 43. :(

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[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1347561125' post='6024571']
Shock Master? Or did you not shell out for it?

Considered it but with the confirmed reprint there's no point. I'll just wait.

@HN, I love my 2 Mirror Force, sir. Would not consider dropping them at all; though I could add another Lance and maybe drop something. I dunno, I'm confused!

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