bury the year Posted September 18, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 18, 2012 All reserves were noted, Clear, so yes you may. And yeah, you can use pre-reserve moves. I'll wait until I get more apps to judge. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Hydra of Ages Posted September 18, 2012 Report Share Posted September 18, 2012 [spoiler=] [spoiler=Hydra – Vincent Esquire]Name: Vincent EsquireAge: 26Gender: Male, though less sensitive to gender identity due to his condition.Hometown: Appearance: Vincent is a taller man, with shaggy brown hair that reaches down a little past his neck in an unstyled, casual sort of way. He has a short goatee, and the beginnings of a five-o-clock shadow elsewhere, though it is normally kept under control. His facial features are bony, almost gaunt- it is apparent that the man does not eat as much as he probably should, though not to the point where he is clearly malnourished. His face has a natural sort of point to it and he has a particularly large nose, which usually suspend a large pair of black sunglasses. If Vincent is travelling, or the weather makes wearing sunglasses inefficient or improper, he instead substitutes a simple black length of cloth tied around his head as a blindfold instead. The blindfold is left unadorned and is plainly not decorative, though it is made of a reasonably tough water-resistant material that makes it particularly good for travelling. Vincent wears a small device clipped to the inside of both of his ears, which are a set of hearing aides. While they require little battery power, they do have to be periodically charged at least once a week in order to retain their functionality. While they are water resistant, Vincent generally takes them off if he expects to get exceptionally wet. He carries a much larger set of similar phones with him, which serve the same purpose but have an extended battery life, up to a month at least. He uses this emergency pair only if circumstances demand. Vincent dresses practically and doesn't pay particular mind to patterns or the like. Most of his clothing is black and tough enough to travel in, though he does have a few pairs of nice shirts that he wears while on official business within the university. He keeps with him a large knapsack at all times, which contains a number of Braille books (mostly survival references and guidebooks), as well as a number of common traveller's supplies. Personality: Vincent is a deceptively simple man. He lives primarily according to his whims, mostly revolving around his almost fanatical desire to know everything. He rarely, if ever, examines the possible purpose something he learns about could serve and he doesn't spare much thought for his future or his desires. As far as he is concerned, as long as he can continue to study, then he will be content- he doesn't bother himself with philosophical questions very often, nor does he approach many things from a sentimental or emotional angle. He isn't cold; it's simply that Vincent doesn't view the world in that sort of way. While he might ascribe emotions to things, he will consider them from a very clinical standpoint, even if the people involved happen to be himself. He won't enjoy being near someone; he will have adapted in such a way that he finds their presence pleasant. He doesn't do this to distance himself from others or to escape his own nature, it's simply the way in which he understands things. As an observer, rather than a participant. Even not considering his condition, Vincent is a very quiet man. He would much rather listen to others rather than speak himself, and he tends to restrict his communication to the pertinent points, largely by necessity as communicating a long message can take a significant effort on his part. He is more elaborate in his written speech, but even then he tends to reduce unnecessary sentences whenever possible; he is simply used to being conservative with his words. History: Vincent was born with a rare medical condition that inhibited the growth of his soft tissues earlier in his life- most particularly, he never grew a pair of eyes and as such has been completely blind from birth. Damage to his developing vocal chords has made him effectively mute (being unable to create sounds beyond a dull rasp), and while he possesses hearing, it is heavily impaired. A combination of exceptional medical service and intensive therapy since the beginning of his birth have allowed his body musculature and other features to be relatively unimpeded, and hearing-aides could improve his poor hearing, but there was nothing that could be done about his eyes or throat. Vincent's upbringing was understandably different than that of his peers, though he was no less bright- the opposite, perhaps, as the small child grasped and mastered Braille, sign language without being able to see his hands, and understood spoken words in a shockingly short period of time. The man didn't simply learn things- he devoured them with a voraciousness seen in few adults, let alone children, and allowed his disabilities little space to impede his process. Some suspected a possible mental disorder was at work- the dedication with which Vincent pursued learning in general was almost indicative of some sort of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, and his ability to retain information spoke of either an obsessive personality or a photographic memory. In a way, both were correct. Like many citizens of Mossdeep, Vincent was slightly psionic. The ability to project the force of your mind onto others was a rare gift among humans indeed, but it was a varied gift. While others were able to bend spoons or see visions of the future, Vincent's gift had developed to help in gathering information. And in exchange for gathering that information, it impelled him to find new information. Vincent could read the strong thoughts of others- even if they weren't necessarily there at the time. Emotions and ideas could persist through time, tied sometimes to ideas and sometimes to places. Every time he read a novel, he got a tiny idea of what the writer was thinking at the time- whenever he passed a historical site, he could feel the attributes of the people at the time. Precise thoughts faded over time, but emotions lasted for almost eternity. It was this ability that gave Vincent a leg up in societal interacts, allowing him to detect subtleties and nuances and often enough, lies. Vincent's second ability, the ability to project his thoughts to others, was a bit more typical. Vincent almost regretted it when it developed, given it made his abilities to sign almost entirely redundant, but it had its particular uses. While he could project entire phrases and words to others, it was far, far simpler to project emotions- and emotions were what pokemon tended to respond best to. Vincent had been acquainted with pokemon from a young age, mostly as a tool to help him get used to the idea of interaction, and continued his association by becoming a trainer later in life. Despite the heritage of his town and perhaps because of his natural abilities, Vincent opted not to train psychic types. While many psychics enjoyed having peers in the form of pokemon, Vincent found that he was particularly vulnerable to the mental feedback psychics tended to produce subconsciously, and even the most inoffensive Chimecho tended to mess up the resonant thoughts left in an area. Instead, Vincent decided to turn his attentions to flying-pokemon, who dominated one domain he couldn't reach. The sky was a strange place to him, a flat space without residual thought or feeling to it, utterly unreachable, and foreign to him as the depths of the deepest ocean. In a way, it was terrifying. In another, it was... liberating, to be in a place where Vincent could know he was the first significant human to reach. All across the ground, he was constantly reminded that others have travelled through here, loved, hated, existed- but here was a space bereft of any real information. A clean space. An empty space. As the miasma spread, Mossdeep was largely unaffected and Vincent was baffled. This was something that hadn't happened before. Really, it couldn't have happened- he'd read the thoughts and feelings of millions, possibly billions, and this was unlike them all. His natural curiosity eventually won out- though at this point he'd been a constant presence at the local University, working as an assistant researcher for a number of professors on a variety of subjects, he dropped it all to do a more thorough examination of the miasma. This was something nobody else had tested before. If he discovered the cause here, he'd be creating information that nobody ever knew prior to that. It was a void of information, as it were- clean. Empty. The fact it was dangerous didn't really register to him at the time. What was danger, after all? He knew all about dangerous circumstances; he had nothing to worry about, of course. Skills: Vincent has committed to memory numerous manuals on survival tactics, leaving him very well-suited to dealing with potential problems as they arise (in theory). He is capable of starting a fire with or without assistant tools, setting up a safe perimeter and obtaining safe food from his surroundings, though he often has to use his pokemon or guests to determine details he is unable to conceive of himself (such as color). He is a good chef, and can make an edible meal from pretty much everything so long as he knows what he's doing before hand.Vincent, though his ability, is also capable of detecting nearby living minds. More complex minds are easier to detect than weaker ones, although strong emotions or thoughts will make anything stand out and possibly mask smaller or less aggressive minds in the area. This can also be used to detect simple lies with a relatively high frequency, though it can be cheated by a con artist skilled enough to suppress his own emotional thoughts.[spoiler=Pokémon]Nickname:Gender: FemaleSpecies: NinjaskPersonality:History:Ability: Speed BoostMoves: Double Team, Baton Pass, X-Scissor, Flash, Dig, Baton Pass Nickname:Gender: MaleSpecies: Farfetch'dPersonality:History:Ability: DefiantMoves: Swords Dance, Aerial Ace, Night Slash, Slash, Leaf Blade, Heat Wave Nickname: BladeGender: FemaleSpecies: SkarmoryPersonality:History:Ability: SturdyMoves: Swift, Flash Cannon, Spikes, Whirlwind, Agility, Sky Drop Everything but the pokemon finished. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bury the year Posted September 19, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 19, 2012 Putting a time limit on applications. All must be completed and posted by the 23rd. I will judge then. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
a bad post Posted September 21, 2012 Report Share Posted September 21, 2012 Application, hope it's not to Mary Sue-ish.[spoiler=ClearAngel-Selena la Shard]Name: Selena la Shard Age: 23 Gender: Female Hometown: Sootopolis City Appearance: Selena stands at about 4”10’, has a slender figure. Selena has an angular face Her facial features are defined, and her skin is fair. Selena’s lips are small, thin and naturally red, her nose is small, and her eyes are a wide, ocean blue. Her bust is very small, which is a source of embarrassment for her. Selena’s hair is long, wavy and pitch black, with part of her bangs hanging over part of her right eye. She also has interlacing lines of sapphire tattoos on her shoulders and two purple stars near the outer tips of her eyes. Selena does not wear make-up, she does use nail polish. Selena wears a transparent, pale pink long sleeve shirt which she ties in the center. Under this she wears a pale green tang top. Her top is completed by a knee length white lace vest (kind of like Cynthia’s vest), and scarlet scarf. Selena’s lower half is made of a loose white knee-length, silk layered skirt, and pink sneakers. Selena wears a sapphire crescent moon necklace and two ametrine earrings in the shape of the sun. She wears a golden ankle bracelet, a jade ring that is in the shape of dragon and an alexandrite bracelet in which the gemstones are fitted inside small heart charms. In her hair she has thin treads with diamonds strung into them. Personality: Selena is naturally shy, book-smart, but street-dumb often having to have naughty and double meaning phrases explained her. She believes your voice should only be used when you have something wise to say and that should be used sparingly, going to so far as to carry a small tablet around with her to type out sentences, due to this when she uses her voice it comes out very quiet, raspy, and almost inaudible, so most of what she says is often unheard. Selena is not confrontational trying to stay away from or out of fights as often as possible. Selena also tries to avoid attention, hiding if she deems a place too loud or too crowded, only showing herself when a few people are present. Selena also has very sensitive ears, if a place is too loud she will cup her hands over head, shut her eyes, shake her head, and mutter inaudible words to herself. Selena dislikes battles; ever since her lose to Norman, and introduction to Pokémon Contests. Selena has a very good relationship with her Pokémon, and grooms them every day to keep them up to their best look. Selena is a pacifist so fighting in general is not her forte, but when she is forced into a fight she is delicate, trying to do as little harm as possible to either Trainer’s Pokémon. Selena also believes every person can have inner beauty, even if they lack outer beauty. Selena has a very caring attitude towards Pokémon, and in her eyes they can do no wrong. This is a very different than her attitude towards people, she tends to shy away from them, and dislikes being put on the spot light. She also believes people are evil, not really wanting to do with them, except for a select few who she calls friends. Selena has several flaws that make her an undesirable person to be around at times. Selena can be very vindictive, if someone gets on her bad side, causing mischief that, because of her innocent demeanor, not many people suspect her for. Selena also has the tendency and be condescending, or judgmental to people who she believes are foolish, arrogant, or too loud. She also can be very self-absorbed; if things/tasks do not fit her interests she will not carry them out. Selena will also not put herself or her Pokémon, in any sort of danger, that could be life threatening, nor will she participate in manual labor. Selena also looks at things with a pessimistic outlook seeing the glass as half empty. History: Selena was born into a caring house hold, her mother a Master Pokémon Coordinator and her father a historian. Selena since childhood she has been friends with the now Sootopolis Gym Leader Wallace. Since a very young age they were friends often swimming together on the “shores” of Sootopolis. During their youth, Wallace saved her from attack by a Gyrados, during which she became infatuated with him. When she was six she received her first Pokémon, which was a Feebas from her father, but was not allowed to go on a Pokémon journey until she was thirteen, due to her father being very protective of her. When she first began her journey, Selena planned on facing all eight gyms, and becoming the Hoenn Champion, and she was well on her way to becoming the Champion, defeating, Flannery, Winona, and Tate and Lisa, before losing to the Petalburg Gym Leader, Norman, also noticed Selena had a natural talent in bringing the inner beauty of a Pokémon, as well as its outer beauty. He suggested that she join contests and she could even do the one that was starting that day in Petalburg. So taking Norman’s suggestion Selena signed up, and won, it was not soon after that Selena would catch her second Pokémon, Roselia. Roselia helped Selena win her next contest which was in Lavaridge Town. Finally having collected all five ribbons needed to enter the Grand Festival, which she almost won, but in the final round she was defeated by Wallace who had also become a coordinator. Afterword Selena returned to Sootopolis, and studied the culinary arts, hoping to open a world class restaurant when she finished college. When Selena graduated college she opened a restaurant, which also has an adjoining shop, which she leads people into afterword to try and get them to spend more money. When Selena had finally settled in her parents moved to Mossdeep City, for retirement. Soon before the miasma moved in her parents toke a vacation to the Kanto region. When the miasma moved in her parents attempted to reach her, but were kept in Kanto for safety reasons. Selena continues life as normal knowing that none of the miasma can hurt her, because of the dome around Sootopolis. Skills: Selena has a fairly good understanding of Pokémon mythology, and history. She is an excellent gymnast, and has average swimming ability. Selena, due to having a shop that sells herbs has a fair understanding of botany. Selena also has a fair amount of experience with cooking.[spoiler='Pokemo[b]n']Nickname: [/b][N/A] Gender: Female Species: Milotic Personality: Milotic has a vain personality, often trying to make a fool of her opponent, and his/her Pokémon. Milotic shows off whenever possible, and is quite a contrast to Selena, though they don’t always see eye to eye whenever Milotic is really needed it will come to the aid of its Trainer. Milotic is very self-conscious about its self though, trying not to attract attention in public, and only during battles or contest performances does it forget this. Milotic is very lazy and scatterbrained often sleeping or getting off task when Selena gives it a job. Milotic can often be seen sleeping in the corner of Selena’s shop. It often gets into fights with Selena’s Roserade. History: Milotic was the first Pokémon Selena received, which at the time was Feebas. Feebas trained extremely hard, vain even then it was disgusted by its own ugliness. Feebas would try for hours on end to improve its own beauty, giving itself mud baths, eating special Pokémon food to make its scales shinier, and even going so far as to eat mints, to improve its breath. Selena became sorry for the Pokémon, and looked up a special poffin recipe, and fed it to Feebas daily, until it finally evolved. When Milotic first evolved it became overly impressed with itself and had very I’m the sh*t attitude towards Selena and would not listen to her, eventually as Milotic matured it has come to listen to Selena, but still has a very aloof attitude. This is the strongest of Selena’s Pokémon. Ability: Cute Charm Moves: (Hydro Pump/ Refresh/ Recover/ Ice Beam/ Dragon Pulse/ Mirror Coat) Nickname: [N/A] Gender: Female Species: Roserade Personality: Roserade is like Selena, quiet and orderly. Roserade enjoys nature, and is outside often or tending to the plants that are in and around Selena’s shop. Roserade is very serious and dislikes jokes and fooling around, she will often act aloof around other Pokémon, thinking she is better than the rest. Roserade is very focused and is a very hard worker, but she is also very stubborn, and if it does not agree with something it will refuse to do it, and not listen. Roserade is a natural leader as well, often taking charge of situations, but being quite bossy in the process. It of gets into fights with Selena’s Milotic. History: Roserade was Selena’s second Pokémon which she caught as a Roselia. Roselia was caught after Selena’s first contest, and was a Roselia Selena’s entire Pokémon journey, until Selena returned home, as gift Selena’s parents gave her a Shiny Stone. Roselia was very weak when it was first caught, and wound often not battle others Pokémon, and still does not battle other Trainer’s Pokémon, but will participate in contests. Roserade is the weakest of Selena’s Pokémon, because of its shying away from battles. Ability: Technician Moves: (Magical Leaf/ Weather Ball/ Petal Dance/ Rain Dance/ Sunny Day/ Poison Jab) Nickname: [N/A] Gender: Female Species: Gardevior Personality: Gardevior is very protective of Selena, acting often like a mother figure. Gardevior has a very good sense of right and wrong, and has a very self-righteous attitude. She often takes a more holy than thou approach around others. Gardevior, is also intelligent, and often sees issues, in the gray and not black and white, exploring each extensively. Unfortunately, she often has trouble operating technology, so she resorts to books as her source for knowledge. Gardevior can often be seen, working the counter in Selena’s store, in the kitchen preparing food for customers, or with a book in her hand. Gardevoir is the peacemaker between Roserade and Milotic and often settles their fights. History: Gardevior was received from as an egg from her parents as a birthday gift. The odd thing about Gardevior is that it was received, after Selena returned home from her journey. It was a gift from her parents, for her birthday, it hatched during her college years, and was very quick evolver evolving into Gardevior in a matter of months. When first hatched Ralts became very attached to Selena and viewed her as mother figure, and couldn’t do anything independently, also crying whenever, it was harmed. As a Kirlia it was very independent often leaving early in the morning of time, and not returning until late in the evening. If other Pokémon or people came close to it, it would lash out and attack them, its victims often having to be transported to the hospital. When it became Gardevior it became a very motherly figure, caring for Selena, and taking care of a lot of the chores around the restaurant/shop. Ability: Trace Moves: (Stored Power/ Psychic/ Calm Mind/ Double Team/ Hidden Power/ Signal Beam) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bury the year Posted September 22, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 22, 2012 Just reminding people that the deadline is tomorrow for applications. If I don't get enough to warrant actually starting this RP, I will close it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ListenToLife Posted September 22, 2012 Report Share Posted September 22, 2012 Clear; Tell Selena that the Glass is always full. Just not always of Liquid. XD Hydra, Photographic memory is impossible in a Blind person. Eidetic is what you are looking for. Also, finished my app. I think its good enough. It means that you should have enough people, Rinne. 4 complete apps and 1 being worked on by Admiral. I can notify Stalfos if you want, see if they can finish their app tonight? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral_Stalfos19 Posted September 22, 2012 Report Share Posted September 22, 2012 Yeah, still have a truck-load to think of atm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bury the year Posted September 23, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 23, 2012 Alright. It's the 23rd, but instead of outright turning people down I'll just turn down any new registrations/reserves. If you already posted expressing interest, you're safe. Deadline's been extended to the 28th. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Red Posted September 23, 2012 Report Share Posted September 23, 2012 aw shoot, I just missed the reserve deadline :/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bury the year Posted September 23, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 23, 2012 ...OK, fine, you can reserve. Just tell me which you want. But last person. |: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Red Posted September 23, 2012 Report Share Posted September 23, 2012 yay, I guess you mean which Pokemon? I would like for my character to use a Zangoose if that's alright? (I think it was still available?) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bury the year Posted September 23, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 23, 2012 Zangoose reserved, although you're allowed 1-2 more Pokémon if you'd like. And this is a point I'd like to impress on all applicants, but your characters are supposed to be experienced trainers. That means their Pokémon should at least be in their first evolution, if not fully evolved already. Younger characters will also be judged more strictly for the aforementioned reason. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest .Rai Posted September 23, 2012 Report Share Posted September 23, 2012 [spoiler=.Rai – Felix Kinlan]Name: Felix KinlanAge: 23Gender: MaleHometown: Mossdeep CityAppearance: Caucasian; light brown hair, vaguely quiffed and styled; eyes vary between shades of blue and green due to various environmental factors. Quite tall (about 5'11', or about 180cm), while comparatively lean and thin. Wears contact lenses, but keeps glasses on hand. You could say there's fashion sense involved. Felix wears stuff from a collection of jumpers and shirts, with various jeans and trousers - usually the brightly-coloured variety. He mostly wears bright converse-style shoes. In the case of having to take a trip somewhere outside of an urban area, storage of choice is a sling bag or satchel. He is often seen with a silver bracelet with an ensō engraved into it, one of the only things in his household that had been left by his father. However, he does keep it off when going on his travels (being overly paranoid of losing it).Personality: Felix is a very introvert, detached and shy person in general, and reacts negatively to new situations. This is a result of his mother and father divorcing at the young age of 4. Still hoping to make a good first impression, he compensates with his clothes and appearance. Even within the company of closer friends, he still would be considered the quiet one, but generally more sociable than in a new and strange situation. However, he acts as a voice of reason, and is easily one of the more level-headed people when calm at least. Being introverted makes Felix a very contemplative personality on the inside. Between bubbling ideas and quietly passionate ideals, there's a certain intelligence to Felix that is little seen. Occasionally, as with any person, he may go into a fit of anger when troubled or upset. With bottled up emotions, they can be intense and disturbingly out-of-character. As a result, it's not surprising to say that it becomes a sort of vicious circle, becoming increasingly more introvert between anger fits. Pokémon have always been a large part of Felix's life, both as companions and friends. In a way, there's a certain amount of denial of his problems regarding sociability, using pokémon to divert his problems. An important ideal for Felix is order. It has been since a very young age. So when his world begins to crumble around him, it's understandable for this introvert character, retreating back when there's nowhere else to go. Denial comes as a result of this. For example, using fashion as an attempt to normalise his life.In battle, Felix is fairly conservative. Choosing not to employ the more explosive things available to him, he manages to stick to disruption, defensive manoeuvres and carefully selected moves. Felix is a strong believer of following your head, and to be sensible regarding battle. One of his concerns is for his pokémon, which is another major reason why Felix uses this style. He has little bias towards pokémon, and generally enjoys the company of most pokémon, regardless of type.History: Born in Mossdeep City, and generally located there for most of his life, Felix was born only eight years before the miasma outbreak. He is one of two brothers - his brother, Alex Kinlan, is 21, and also lives in Mossdeep (as of present day). His parents divorced when he was just 4, and he lived with his mother as a result. His father stayed out of touch, and did not have a father figure for most of his childhood. During school, he had always been a quiet but intelligent child. Mossdeep didn't change in the early years of the miasma breakout, and Felix, his brother and his mother led a safe life in the city while following what was happening. While fairly unharmed physically from it, Felix had noticed his world had become suddenly different, and became more reserved. Quite unnoticeably so since he was already a quiet boy, but, indeed, more reserved than before. Both of his pokémon had been family pokémon living in the household, and officially became Felix's pokémon later. His brother, Alex, had possession of a Lunatone in the family while a small number of other pokémon stayed with their mother in Mossdeep where she still is. At 22, Felix gained a job in Mossdeep as a local researcher of the miasma and, as a result, the Crystal Trees too. There's been little progress, but Felix occasionally travels to nearby cities in order to help with relief aid and more research. He is fairly new to travelling and other experiences though, as a result of the miasma breakout and his personality.Skills: Being raised on an island city, Felix has developed in his childhood as a swimmer. Despite not being that physically strong, Felix is capable of running at an athletic level (which tends to be useful for fleeing from dangerous situations). It's in his nature to think things through thoroughly before acting, and avoids making rash decisions and especially those that endanger his pokémon or allies. This also links in to his skill to analyse current circumstances well (which has mostly come from his job helping research miasma). Given the choice of having to navigate danger, or find safety, finding safety would be foremost in Felix's mind. He manages to be prepared as a direct result of wanting to feel safe and carries a small first aid kit for emergencies.[spoiler=Pokémon]Nickname: EmbeloGender: MaleSpecies: NinetalesPersonality: Embelo is essentially the male figure that Felix lacked. Quietly forceful and observative, Embelo is both a companion and watcher for Felix and will protect him the best he can at all times. Embelo is ferociously passionate in battle and has become a seasoned battler for Felix. Even outside of battle, he can be easy to start a fight with any level of danger present. There's still a sort of childish nature about him, but very carefully masked. It only ever really comes out back in Mossdeep where family matters. He has various small habits such as sweeping his tails across his hind legs as a sort of comfort while hiding any other signs of fear.History: Embelo had been part of the Kinlan household since Felix was about 1. His father had caught the young Vulpix from Mt. Pyre at that time. He evolved with use of a Fire Stone when Felix was 18, the age Felix felt comfortable with evolving Embelo.Ability: Flash FireMoves: Flamethrower, Will-o-Wisp, Confuse Ray, Extrasensory, Energy Ball, Calm Mind Nickname: KachinaGender: MaleSpecies: XatuPersonality: Kachina is highly inquisitive and he makes no effort to hide this or to tone it down. He is naturally family-orientated, living in a human household for generations. In a similar fashion to how Embelo is a fatherly figure, Kachina tends to be a brother to Felix. Despite the fact that Kachina is of many human years, he's very young in attitude. He's quite carefree and happy, and it shows a lot. Randomly shaking his wings or using random Wishes for no reason, he's rather ludicrous. However, he tends to be just as observative as Embelo. His heightened senses and intrusively analytical nature means that its not rare to see him invading personal space or inspecting strange rocks. It does often come in handy though, and especially so with Felix now being a researcher. In battle, he tends to become crazy, for a word to describe it. Moving and teleporting irrationally, you could liken his movements to that of a drunken person. His moves tend to be rather super-charged, energy pulses and psychic manipulations coming at high velocity and great intensity.History: Kachina is a mysterious member of Felix's household. Apparently caught many a year ago by Felix's great grandfather, he had come from the Safari Zone near Lilycove City. Slightly more inquisitive, as a Natu, than the rest of the pokémon in the safari, he had been freely caught and was brought back to Mossdeep. He had already evolved into a Xatu by the time Felix was born. Kachina has been an integral member of the Kinlan household, and usually happily acts as a helper in the household. Felix decided to bring Kachina along after being employed as a researcher of the miasma. You can only assume Kachina has been blessed with some strange longevity, living longer than even those of his own species.Ability: Magic BounceMoves: Psychic, Ominous Wind, Teleport, FeatherDance, Shadow Ball, Protect Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Red Posted September 23, 2012 Report Share Posted September 23, 2012 Zangoose reserved, although you're allowed 1-2 more Pokémon if you'd like.Cool beans, should have the app up tomorrow :)Not sure if Ill give her another Pokemon, she used to have an additional one once upon a time though... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ListenToLife Posted September 27, 2012 Report Share Posted September 27, 2012 Cool beans, should have the app up tomorrow :)Not sure if Ill give her another Pokemon, she used to have an additional one once upon a time though... I'd finish your app quickly, red. Closing time tomorrow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Red Posted September 27, 2012 Report Share Posted September 27, 2012 I'd finish your app quickly, red. Closing time tomorrow.will hopefully get it up within an hour or two, working on it now. Lots of stuff happened at the same time and prevented me from working on it urgh :S Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Admiral_Stalfos19 Posted September 28, 2012 Report Share Posted September 28, 2012 Yeah, something tells me I'm not gonna be able to finish... that something being the fact that I'm stuck on Leroy's personality. ... As much as I wanna continue, I might as well drop out since we're close to the apparent deadline =/ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Master Red Posted September 28, 2012 Report Share Posted September 28, 2012 I'm struggling with Natalia's history, and I'm not especially happy with her personality so far either :S ugh, Ill try my best to get it done and posted before it closes otherwise you can drop me :( Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bury the year Posted September 28, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 28, 2012 I have a Chinese class tonight until 7, after which I'll come back, review apps, and see if it's worth putting up the IC from what I've gotten so far. Just a note to all. Additionally, since midterms for some reason are right around the corner at my school, it may be more likely than not that I shelve putting up the IC for a bit while things IRL get sorted out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bury the year Posted September 28, 2012 Author Report Share Posted September 28, 2012 Double post but w/e, I'm a mod. Only three applications were finished by the deadline, and only two of those I considered up to the standards I was looking for. 2-3 player characters do not make a good RP. Due to the aforementioned midterms next week, this would be a really inconvenient time for me to get this started, especially when I don't have a solid starting post idea. Thusly, for the umpteenth time in recent memory, another Rinne RP is getting shelved for a bit. LOCKED. If anyone who already posted an application would be interested if/when I reopen this, you'll get reviewed immediately. Otherwise, sorry for wasting your time. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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