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Pokémon: Grey Zone {PG-13/NS/A}

bury the year

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“Attention. Attention. All residents of the region of Hoenn, please evacuate as soon as possible. I repeat, evacuate as soon as possible. We are facing a regional emergency for which we are ill-prepared, and I cannot guarantee you or your family's safety if you choose to stay. We have finally lost all contact with other regions, and although I am abject to saying it, I must admit there is a possibility that we, the Hoenn people, may not survive.”

Director and Champion of the Hoenn Regional Pokémon League (HRPL), Steven Stone


Hoenn was once peaceful. It was once the southernmost of the Federation of Regions, kissed by the sun and waves and enjoying prosperity, as per its name. A major agricultural center and shipbuilding hub, the various and eclectic cities of the region were all tourist destinations known and renowned across the world.

However, that would all change.

It’s been fifteen years since the miasma crept across Hoenn. People didn’t realize what it was at first, and when it was only dilute and at the tops of mountains, they didn’t care much. It started then to roll down into the valleys and cities. People started getting nervous in the face of the unknown, and some left hurriedly.

Then the deaths started.

Symptoms crept up subtly, but when large amounts of people started dying in the rural regions, the government took notice. Interregional reactions were swift. Although the brightest medical specialists from the three unaffected regions tried everything in their knowledge, they eventually realized it was beyond their power and left.

Hoenn was cordoned off – no items except for essential care packages were sent, and even those stopped after the first few years. One would think that the Hoenn people would be wiped out by this point. They were wrong.

It was around the time the miasma started thickening that the Crystal Trees began to sprout. They appeared in many places across the regions, but mainly in city centers. Growing at unfathomable rates to up to four stories tall, they burst through the ground in their rocky brilliance all in a week’s time. However, around them. people found that they could breathe. They were all fully grown a week after the miasma entrenched upon the cities, after which urban centers found themselves safe.

There was one exception, though. The trees weren’t sustainable permanently. Over time, their leaves began to droop and the safe zone began to shrink, miasma encroaching even further each day. People started to worry. The process was slow enough, but noticeable. If nothing was done, eventually the trees would die and Hoenn would be lost.


“…Approximately three days ago, a garbled radio transmission was intercepted across Hoenn. Its source appears to originate from an area approximately south of Fortree City, amidst deep forest. When cleaned and filtered, the message consisted of repetitive clicks and skipping noises, with no discernable pattern or rhythm. Although there is no reason to assume danger, please remind all travelers to the area to use extra care, in addition to watching any dew supplies and guarding against wild Pokémon who may be irritated by the radio waves.”

Slateport Audiology and Radio Technician Association (SARTA), Mailing List Excerpt - Sept. 6, 20XX


[spoiler=Rules]00. Advanced Clause rules apply, of course. And yes, I know this is an obvious FFCC/Pokémon crossover. Sue me.

01. Although I won’t be actively trying to kill you at every turn, this is a death-enabled RP. Just play smartly and you’ll be OK.

02. Please try to keep each of your RP posts between 100 and 500 words.

03. Try to post at least once every 2-3 days or notify us when you won’t be able to.

04. Avoid explicitly villainous or antagonistic characters.

05. I will be accepting up to 6 or 7 players at maximum. There are no reserves (aka, first come first serve) but if you’re interested, at least post what Pokémon you’re planning on using.

06. This is a Hoenn RP, so your standard options are Pokémon from that region and any (pre)evolutions. Any others will require a good explanation as to how they got there. Please also try to use variety – if someone’s using X and you really wanted to, consider Y instead.

07. I will accept and deny applications whenever and however I feel is appropriate.

08. Don't argue with my decisions, because it won’t do you any good. c:


[spoiler=Miasma: A Rundown]The deadly gas that consumed most of Hoenn, miasma is responsible for much of the chaos that has enveloped the region. It’s mostly translucent, but in greater densities takes on faint shades of indigo and violet. Attacking the mucus lining of people’s respiratory organs, miasma wears it away, shredding the airways with particles of dust in every breath. Eventually, the lungs start disintegrating, leaving the victim to suffocate on blood and die. Those that do survive after miasma exposure often require lengthy recovery periods and often have permanent respiratory problems.

Interestingly enough, wild Pokémon are unaffected by miasma, but those that were captured in some form of Pokéball at some point will suffer the same as any human. In those cases, the rate of disintegration is affected by the Pokémon’s size – smaller species will succumb faster.

However, there are some safeguards against the miasma. It cannot penetrate water, so going underwater is a short-term solution. Additionally, some species are immune to miasma entirely: they are in the spoiler below. Finally, and most importantly, bottling the dew from the Crystal Trees produces a smaller barrier similar to the ones surrounding major cities. However, the dew eventually evaporates, so travelers from town to town will need to refill.

(I’ll basically leave it up to you to determine if/when you run out of dew, for drama’s sake. However, if I feel you’re stretching it I may pull a Diabolus ex Machina.)[spoiler=Immune Pokémon]All legendaries. (Not that they’ll be necessarily showing up…)

All pure or primary Ghost-Types. (Ghost/Dark = immune, Dark/Ghost = vulnerable. Check Bulbapedia.)

Baltoy, Beldum, Bronzor, Cryogonal, Klink, Lunatone, Magnetite, Porygon. Solrock, and Voltorb. (Evolutions are included.)



[spoiler=State of Hoenn]Population, Approximately 55% of the people in the region and a good proportion of domesticated Pokémon died in the time frame before the trees sprouted. Those that survived have kept within their cities of residence, afraid to venture outside the protection of the Crystal Trees (save for a precious few).

Pokémon League, The Hoenn Pokémon League of the regions is pretty much out of operation. The Gyms have been partially converted into community aid centers, stocking and distributing supplies. Badges are now mere collector’s items and Gym Leaders have become leaders of their town in a different sense.

Box + Global Link System, A bizarre side effect of the miasma is that it shorts out much wireless communication in the region. Therefore, trading from other regions is no longer possible. Pokémon can still be stored in boxes, but they can only be withdrawn from the computer into which they were deposited, so it’s mostly useless now.[spoiler=Specific Locations]This is a rough scale I am using to determine how thick the miasma is in certain locations. As a rule of thumb, an Average rating would cause death when left exposed after 1½ days.

Clear: Sootopolis *

Dilute: Mossdeep, Ever Grande, Dewford, Littleroot, Oldale

Average: Rustboro, Slateport, Mt. Pyre, Fortree, Lilycove, area surrounding Sootopolis, Petalburg, Verdanturf

Thick: Mawville, Fallarbor, Pacifidlog ruins **

Choking: Mt. Chimney ***, Lavaridge

* The Sootopolians were quick to react to the incoming miasma when they heard about it, constructing a large “lid” over their crater. Because of this, there is no way for miasma to enter the city, even if they didn’t have a Crystal Tree.

** Due to not having any solid rock for a Crystal Tree to grow, the town was devoured by the miasma and the Corsola foundation driven away. There are now only ruins.

*** Mt. Chimney is the epicenter of the miasma outbreak. This should not be known specifically IC.



[spoiler=Logistical Notes]AKA, moves and levels and junk.

01. There are no such things as levels and stats in this RP. If you want to catch or evolve a Pokémon, I’ll look at it on a case-by-case basis.

02. Pokémon are allowed six moves, three of which must be learned through natural means (i.e. leveling up or Heart Scales). Of the other three, only one can be an Egg Move. The other two can be from any source.

03. We will use the Black 2 & White 2 move lists.

04. HMs do not exist. Instead, any Pokémon who has the natural capability to use the move can, provided they’re of suitable size. (For example, Pidgeot could use Fly to carry a human, but a Pidgey probably can’t.)

05. Seafaring Pokémon can “swim” in midair in absence of water, in which case they breath oxygen.


[spoiler=Character Application]Replace everything in {curly braces.}

[font=cambria, times new roman, serif][spoiler="{OOC Name} – {Character Name}"][b]Name:[/b] {Realistic names preferred.}
[b]Age:[/b] {This is not a world where ten year olds can run around as they please. You should ideally be at least in your 20s.}
[b]Gender:[/b] {Male, female, etc. If you have anything that’s unusual to note, feel free to add.}

[b]Appearance:[/b] {1+ paragraph.}
[b]Personality:[/b] {2+ paragraphs.}
[b]History:[/b] {2+ paragraphs. You should include your character’s memories of life before the miasma.}
[b]Skills:[/b] {Non-Pokémon related. These should help you survive in the wild.}
[spoiler="Pokémon"]{2-3 at max. Remember, the box system is shot, so transferring them between cities is now impossible. Copy-paste the section below for each Pokémon you have, and delete this note afterwards.}
[b]Gender:[/b] {If genderless, give a gender identity.}
[b]Personality:[/b] {1 solid paragraph.}
[b]History:[/b] {How the trainer obtained them.}
[b]Ability:[/b] {Dream World abilities are allowed.}


[spoiler=Notes of Interest]Hydra of Infernals – Farfetch'd, Ninjask, Skarmory

Discord – Misdreavus, Muk, Gorebyss

Admiral_Stalfos19 – Magnemite, Shiftry

ClearAngel – Roserade, Milotic, Gardevoir

DaWeirdGuy – Lapras, Politoed, Mantine

.Rai - Xatu, Ninetales

Enrise - Absol, Taillow, Shuppet

Master Red - Zangoose

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Reserving Cacnea and Magnemite. The third one will be a bit of a surprise :3


EDIT: Working on application now.


[spoiler=Admiral_Stalfos19 – Leroy Tracer]Name: Leroy Tracer

Age: 21

Gender: Male

Hometown: Mistralton City


Appearance: Leroy is your typical city slicker, even right down to the appearance. He wears a heavy blazer and dark blue jeans, with a basic grayish-white T-shirt underneath, with his list of accessories being a chain with a cross simple, a silver ring on his left ring finger with a skull on it, black, fingerless leather gloves that wouldn't be out of place on a biker and dark sunglasses, which he tends to tuck away in a blazer pocket when he's not wearing them. Leroy's hair is spiky and blood red in color, and his eyes are an icy blue. As for his height and build, he's rather stocky, and stands at a slightly above average height of 6' 2".

Personality: Confidence; that's what appeals to kids these days. Leroy of all people certainly has his "confidence"; in truth, this is more of a touch of arrogance than anything, but at least he still respects the talents of some other trainers.


Skills: Unfortunately, being the city slicker that he is, Leroy has little skills that could realistically help him in the wild. However, he can spot key landmarks in the distance, and he can also retrace every single step that he has taken in case one direction isn't taking him anywhere. Leroy also has good night vision, and can stay up all night if he has to for a day without any significant loss of stamina.


Nickname: Electron

Gender: N/A

Species: Magnemite



Ability: Magnet Pull

Moves: Thunder, Flash Cannon, Hidden Power (Ground), Tri Attack, Thunder Wave, Magnet Rise


Nickname: Basil

Gender: Male

Species: Shiftry



Ability: Early Bird

Moves: Leaf Storm, Foul Play, Focus Blast, Air Cutter, Nasty Plot, Synthesis


Nickname: Wicky

Gender: Male

Species: Litwick



Ability: Shadow Tag

Moves: Overheat, Hex, Hidden Power (Fighting), Minimize, Toxic, Trick, Calm Mind



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[spoiler={DaWeirdGuy} – {Nick Redson}]Name: Nicholas 'Nick' Redson


Age: 35

Gender: Male

Hometown: Olivine City

Appearance: Nicholas hails at a healthy and average 5'11, and has a rather slim - but not exactly skinny - build of body. His silvery grey hair drops down to the nape of his neck in a planned, scruffed style, and spikes out in all directions. Small bangs frame his face, coming level his ear canal, and one lost strand falls between his eyes, curving off onto the left hand side of his nose.


He has a thin and pale face with large, dark green eyes framed by half framed spectacles with the black frame covering the top of the lens. The strand of hair in front of his eyes then drops onto the bridge of these, slightly flicking out forward as well as to the left. These glasses aren't exactly necessary, as he sees okay without them, but he finds that without them his head starts to ache a little.


Usually he is found wearing a white open shirt - either plain or lightly checkered - over a t-shirt of varying colours, often plain but not always. Below, he wears a simple pair of light blue, straight-cut jeans with a black leather belt that is rarely visible under his t-shirt. From this belt hangs a small metal chain holding his pokéballs which loops around on the right side of his waist, while from the other side hangs a small thread holding his pokégear through a small and weak magnetic clamp. On his feet are a pair of simple black and white running shoes.


Recently, since the coming of the miasma, he has taken to wearing a red and black bandana around his neck, which he will hold up to his mouth and nose when travelling, lowering the amount of miasma to enter his system.

Personality: Nicholas is definitely one of the more carefree kind of trainers; one of those rare few who do not find their excitement in the heat of battle, or their thrill in the fighting of their pokémon. While he does enjoy the sport, he much prefers the travelling that comes with pokémon training, and the beauty of the natural world that he explores. He particularly enjoys relaxing near water, and travelling through rivers and seas. As such, the primarily oceanic land of Hoenn is a beautiful place for Nick, though his home town of Olivine did provide enough sea for his tastes.


His love for travelling and his relaxed nature means he often gets things done much slower than others, despite talent and intelligence, and has left him taking many years to traverse each region, leaving him having only travelled to Sinnoh, Johto and Kanto in all his 16 years as a pokémon trainer. While this may lower some people's respect for him, he enjoys his time in each region and it has given him a lot of knowledge of different areas of the three regions, Johto in particular, and has allowed him to develop an understanding of common behavioural patterns amongst pokémon, particularly wild pokémon. The studying of this has become a recent hobby for him, which was one of the reasons he travelled to Hoenn; before the Miasma came of course.


Though not a hater of any type of pokémon, he does show both a preference for and an affinity with pokémon of the Water type, or at least those associated with water. He himself does not seem to take any notice of this, but his party consists almost exclusively of Water type pokémon, almost all of the time.


In battle, he does not seem to display the common and generic trait of growing excitement and complete immersion in the play. Instead, he creates a calm, almost indifferent demeanour; one that allows him to detach himself from the current situation and analyze the field, giving him the chance to plan for future scenarios. However, this particular trait can be derogatory to the battle at hand, for it subtracts most of his concentration from the current scenario, giving the opponent a larger chance to win. While this certain habit can be overcome in certain situations, he will usually find himself drifting into tactics while in battle, causing him to lose focus in the conflict.


Nick also has the strange habit of calling his pokémon by different names when in different moods, for example he will commonly call his Lapras "Old Girl", except when angered or excited, at which point he will refer to her as Lapras.

History: Nick Redson - or Nicholas Redson Jr - is a Sailor's son, born into the seaside town of Olivine. He saw little of his father, for he could be away for weeks on his job, but the family was still a happy and connected family, and his mother was more than enough to care for young Nicholas.


He went to a simple school in Olivine, where he could learn most of the things to do with life, from basic Language and Mathematics, to Pokémon and their care. He took an avid interest in Pokémon, even from this early age, and also showed a fascination in sciences, particularly marine science and biology. As a combination of this, he quickly grew a obsession with the pokémon of the Sea, or Water-typed pokémon altogether.


He loved to watch them from afar, merely staring at them and their behaviour, noting down anything he could. He could never befriend one, and seemed to struggle to actually get along with them, but he knew about them, and was able to recite things he had learnt. Even at a young age like this, he was discovering many new things, even one or two that very few professionals knew about the behavioural patterns of the pokémon.


But, come 12 and eligible for his own pokémon journey, he was still unable to befriend even the most carefree of pokémon, and began to lose hope in his own journey or in studying the wildlife. He became saddened, and spent less and less time studying these pokémon, until he gave up all together. Throughout his 13th year of life, he spent the majority of time outside of school locked in his room, watching pokémon trainers battle on the TV, envious of the bonds they had with their pokémon. Even in school, he could not get away from the fact he had not manage to obtain a single pokémon. Everyone else had their own, even if it was just a measly Caterpie or Magikarp.


However, some time when he was 14, he decided one day that he would take a simple stroll along the beach of route 40 when he spotted something unusual. Laying on the sand, unconcious, was a Lapras. He had never seen one before, and had been told that they were quite rare, and as such was instantly fascinated. As he came closer, it became apparent that it was hurt, and a large wound ran across its underbelly. Careful not to awaken the pokémon or worsen the injury, Nick dragged the Lapras out into a small cave on the edge of the beach, one that few people or pokémon ever visited. He wet the Lapras using a bucket and sea-water, and placed it in a small pool of water where it could float but not leave the cave.


For the next month or so, he treated it and raised its health. He would come in every day and clean the wound, and after the first week the pokémon awoke to find him at its wound. The reaction was not what Nick had expected, especially from the peaceful Lapras. Moments after the Pokémon had woken up, and after a short period of confused staring, Nick was blasted out of the cave by a powerful water gun, landing on his back on the beach, winded and breathless. Meanwhile, the Lapras was raging inside the cave, angry at being trapped.


It took him a few hours to calm the pokémon down, and for the next few weeks there was animosity from the Lapras, though Nick continued to work at it, and would not give up. Seeing the dedication, Lapras slowly softened. Come the time to leave, the Lapras was hesitant, and noticing a single pokéball on Nick's belt, proceded to swim over and nudge the button on the ball, allowing herself to be captured. Happy with this, Nick's resolved focussed, and he finally decided to travel, just like his Dad did.


For the next few years, Nick worked his way through the regions, taking his time to explore in each one, rather than rush to each gym. It took him 6 years to completely traverse Johto, but within that time he had amassed an incredible knowledge of the region and the pokémon, and had collected a large amount of pokémon, each having been trained to incredible levels.


He travelled through the next regions much like the previous one, taking his time and amassing knowledge on all of the pokémon their, as well as an incredible assortment of team-mates, each of which he created a great connection and bond with, just like he had dreamed. His initial difficulty with befriending pokémon had gone.


His next challenge was Hoenn, and he had been travelling through the region for 2 years when the Miasma fell thick, just before obtaining the 4th Gym badge. He has been stuck in the region since, incapable of leaving, and has been helping out among many of those still surviving. Having been stuck for 7 years now, he has becoming familiar with the area, and has become tired of merely assisting people to survive the miasma. Noticing the deterioration of the Crystal trees, and using them as an excuse, he has decided to search for the source of the mists, and hopefully stop them.

Skills: Great skill in water (i.e. Can hold his breath longer than average, is capable of swimming fast, can operate almost any water based vehicle with some level of capability, etc.); slightly above average intelligence - though this is mostly reserved for pokémon based studies and marine knowledge.


[spoiler=Old Girl/Sharon/Lapras]

Nickname: Old Girl

Gender: *Points at nickname.* Female

Species: Lapras

Personality: Initially, Nick and Lapras had a rocky relationship. They were not especially great friends, and when Nick found her, she had a deep reluctancy to allow him to help, and showed almost no desire to communicate with him, despite belonging to one of the few pokémon species that fully understands the language of Humans. They now seem to get along extremely well, and are very close. Lapras will trust Nick fully, and would never disobey Nick unless it was to save him.


She still retains certain shy elements in her demeanour, showing a tendency to bow her head or look away when confronted with a stranger out of battle. She also displays anxious tendencies when anyone unfamiliar attempts to ride her, resulting in catapulting them should Nick not be at hand.

As common among her species, she is very intelligent and insightful, and is capable of fending for herself should her and her master become seperated. However, like most Lapras, she dislikes violence and will refrain from fighting outside of battle.

History: She was found by Nick on a beach after being attacked by a school of Sharpedo, severely injured and in need of care. Nick cared for her for roughly a month where she wasn't particularly nice to him, but when it came to her leaving, she decided to join him instead. They have been travelling with each other ever since and she is his most trusted pokémon.

Ability: Hydration

Moves: Water Pulse, Ice Beam, Rain Dance, Dragon Dance, Dragon Pulse, Protect



Nickname: Sport

Gender: Male

Species: Politoed

Personality: Politoed shows a relaxed and carefree demeanour, reminiscent of his master's own personality. The Frog pokémon displays a love for sleeping and relaxing in the sun, and will often walk at his master's side, while Nick's other pokémon struggle to move on land. The ability to summon rain instantly in battle is valuable to Nick's tactics, and as such Politoed is a vital member of Nicholas' team, giving Politoed an inflated sense of self-confidence. Such a belief in himself is much of the pokémon's weakness, as he will often merely stand back in most situations, confident that he could do something, but to lazy to do it.

History: Nick found Politoed as a mere Poliwag, alone in Violet city during a thunderstorm, having been abandoned by its family after they were attacked by a flock of Spearow. After showing kindness to the initially shy pokémon, the Poliwag showed interest in joining Nick's team, and has been with him ever since, becoming one of the most important members of Nick's group.

Ability: Drizzle

Moves: Bubblebeam, Hypnosis, Bounce, Hyper voice, Mudshot and Ice punch


[spoiler=Big Guy/Butch/Mantine]

Nickname: Big Guy/Butch

Gender: *Again, the nickname* Male

Species: Mantine

Personality: Butch is definitely the most hot-headed of Nick's pokémon. He commonly thinks of himself as the powerhouse of the team, despite being the youngest and weakest of them. This could be due to Nick using him the most for single battles, while Lapras and Politoed are often used together as a tag-team.

This hot-headedness can lead to him charging into battle and becoming far more enthusiastic than Nick himself, and has been known the end up with 'Big Guy' disobeying the orders of Nick, or setting off without orders all together, which has been the cause of most of Nick's losses.

Butch, like all of Nick's pokémon, does show large levels of respect for Nicholas, and while he does occasionally disobey Nick, he seems to both fear and admire him at the same time, and all 3 pokémon seem to show an incredible amount of loyalty to the trainer.

History: Mantine was only captured 2 months before Nick had left for Hoenn. Nick had decided to visit his mother and father in Olivine before leaving, and had been challenged by the cocky Mantine back when it was a Mantyke, defeating it rather easily. He had initially been planning to leave it in the ocean to live in the wild, but it had shown admiration for Nick and followed him as he rode away on Lapras. When they arrived in Hoenn, the tired Mantyke almost fainted with exhaustion on the beach, and Nick only just realised that it had followed him. Impressed by its determination, Nick decided to take the pokémon with him, training him during his trip around Hoenn.

Ability: Swift Swim

Moves: Psybeam, Bullet Seed, Signal Beam, Water Pulse, Bounce, Tailwind

Other: Despite Lapras being a common choice for most trainers when travelling, Nick will choose Mantine if in a rush. While this is rare, Lapras serves mostly as a people carrier or one to ride when wanting to relax. While Mantine is smaller, he is surprisingly fast, faster than Lapras.





Count this as interest taken. Will finish ASAP. Finished. Made some changes to older stuff.

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Interest noted. I should have my application up sometime around Tuesday or a bit earlier, considering I'm going to a UN conference (not the model UN, the real thing) tomorrow. That, and I'm still debating whether to make a PC or just play GM and funk around with everyone else's characters.


EDIT: As a general note, I'll wait until there's a large enough pool of applications or until the flow of new ones dries up until I decide who to accept and not. Don't want to be too hasty.

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Despite me never having RPed before, I feel like this is a good opportunity considering the strangely dark plot for what is essentially FFCC + Pokémon. I definitely need some writing practice anyway.


If I do end up doing something (which I unfortunately doubt due to various work-related endeavours), I'd like to note Xatu and Ninetales as pokémon.

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Sorry about that ^^"


[spoiler={Jigglypuff} – {Kotomi Ichinose}]Name: Kotomi Ichinose

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Hometown: Born in Viridian City, then moved to Pacifidlog shortly afterwards. She then moved to Sootopolis at the age of 5


Appearance: Kotomi is normal sized, weighing about 120 pounds and is 5'8. She has long purple hair that is usually put up in pig tails, with the back of her hair down. She wears her collage uniform all the time, due to her amount of classes and barely any free time. Her uniform is a tan coat with a small pocket on the chest. She wears a short blue skirt and knee high socks too. Her shoes are black flats. She also has reading glasses, and hardly wears makeup or earrings.

Personality: Kotomi is very, very intelligence and almost always has her face buried in a book. She is always very happy, but is also extremely shy, always blushing when random strangers speak to her. She tends to spend her time around water type Pokemon, mostly because she believes that water is extremely calming. Despite her love of water Pokemon, she is terrified of any kind of Gyarados, which is strange because she owns a Magikarp.

Kotomi likes to think ahead during a Pokemon battle, so she can make the best move to win. She thinks about how the Pokemon act, and what moves it might use. She also keeps the trainer's personality in mind. Most of the time, she wins! But everyone loses a battle everyone once in a while, and Kotomi is no excuse. Since the miasuma consumed Hoenn, her battling skills have weaken.

History: The Ichinose's gave birth to Kotomi in Viridian City. The couple was very excited, and soon moved to Pacifidlog Town afterwards. Kotomi was a normal and peaceful child. From a young age, you could tell she was be at the top of her class. She was very different from other children, and acting much more mature. At the tender age of 4, the miasuma started consuming Hoenn. Kotomi's father had a job transfer to Sootopolis and the three of them moved there, saving themselves from the miasuma completely by accident.

Kotomi was around 7 years old when the miasuma started killing people. Luckily, Sootopolis was prepared and constructed the dome. Since she was so young, she didn't think anything of the gas, and continued her life. She went to trainer school, attended school clubs, and had Pokemon battles with her fellow classmates. She obtained a wild Corphish in her second year of trainer school. When she was 12, Corphish evolved into Crawdaunt, as her Feebas also evolved into Milotic. When Kotomi turned 14, she realized how bad the miasuma really was. Her entire world fell apart when she watched Pacifidlog Town shatter on TV. She wanted to go back to the ruins and see if any of the people she knew were still alive, but her parents knew that they couldn't leave town. Kotomi had to deal with the destruction and continued to live her life. She graduated trainer school at the top of her class and continued onto collage, and took many classes, causing her to lack free time except on weekends. But due to the miasuma, her school closed down because they didn't have new study materials. She is currently debating if she should leave Sootopolis or stay in safety.

Skills: Due to her smarts, she knows how to start a fire with sticks, and create shelter out of branches. But since she's never been in the wilds all her life, she has never really done ether and is completely inexperienced. But she is smart so she should be able to survive... If she doesn't go insane first.


Nickname: Blossom

Gender: Female

Species: Crawdaunt

Personality: Blossom is very outgoing and loves to show off. When in battle, her moves then to mimic moves used in Pokemon Contests. Despite being Kotomi's strongest Pokemon, she is intimidated by Buttercup, Kotomi's Milotic who is very beautiful. Other then those minor problems, she is a very nice Pokemon, but is out of training due to not being able to battle.

History: Kotomi obtained Blossom as a Corphish when she was 12. Her father caught it for her while sitting by the river. Kotomi as very scared of her at first, but then warmed up to her and they became best friends.

Ability: Shell Armor

Moves: Bubblebeam, ViceGrip, Leer, Knock Off, Nightslash, Swift


Nickname: Buttercup

Gender: Female

Species: Milotic

Personality: Buttercup is stuck up and snobby Pokemon. She tends to think she is better then Kotomi's other Pokemon and is very good in battle. Everytime she gets stronger, her ego grows and it scares Blossom slightly. Kotomi still loves her but is worried for her. She tries to dumb Buttercup down and praise her other Pokemon more then her, but it never works.

History: Kotomi caught a small Feebas and trained her like crazy for a Beauty Project for trainer school. She failed because Feebas's beauty wasn't high enough to pass. Months afterwards, her beauty rose to the point where she evolved into Milotic.

Ability: Cute Charm

Moves: Aqua Tail, Rain Dance, Hydro Pump, Recover, Attract, Water Gun


Nickname: Bubbles

Gender: Female

Species: Magikarp

Personality: Bubbles is lazy and nearly useless. She isn't a strong Pokemon and almost always fall asleep during battle. Kotomi still sees potential in her though and tries to train her as well as she can. Bubbles once defeated a Bulbasaur in battle. That was the only battle she ever won.

History: Kotomi caught Magikarp completely on accident. She was going to catch a second Feebas when a Magikarp jumped in front of Feebas when Kotomi threw a Pokeball. The Feebas fled and she caught the Magikarp. She wasn't going to dare to release it, so she kept it and loves her. But she does not want her to evolve into Gyarados, due to her fear.

Ability: Swift Swim

Moves: Splash, Tackle, Flail


Yes. I named the Pokemon after the Powerpuff Girls. :I

(My explanation for Magikarp in Hoenn; They are everywhere :I )





And there's my sorry excuse for an app. :I

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