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Anyone On NationStates?


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Guest Devil's Advocate

Ahh, poor Welche. We will surely miss him.


It was either him or Issun that first brought this game to attention, but I can't remember who it was. I haven't looked at it myself, but I heard it's supposed to be a government simulator or some crap.


And whenever I hear the word government, I feel like puking.

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Well that is the service to it, but the game gets more complex with regions and how they are set-up. There are regions that set-up their own societies on how they want to run it. They have their government and you take part in them, there is also military gameplay too where multiply sides try to capture the control of a region. If none of that sounds fun you can usually hang around their forums and talk. The forum sizes range from small to large with the smaller ones easier to get involved with.

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