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Northern Sage

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Basically same idea as last time, except this time the image you will be given is not randomized, but you will choose it yourself.
[spoiler='Le rules']
General rules:
1. All YCM rules apply.
2. I have final say.
3. Maximum of 8 contestants.
4. First come, first serve. If anyone drops out before the deadline, someone new may come in, but has to work with the same image. (This is to simplify the process).
5. The deadline is September 25th.
Card rules:
1. You can only submit 1 card.
2. An image can only be used by one contestant.
3. Remember to keep your image, name and effect as cohesive as possible.[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Judging criteria:']
1. OCG
2. Aesthetics (the © issue won't be judged upon)
3. Creativity
4. Balance[/spoiler]
[spoiler='Prizes:']1st place: 500 points and 4 reps
2nd place: 250 points and 2 reps
3rd place: 100 points[/spoiler]
[spoiler='The Images'][spoiler='Image 1.trevorw3i'][img]http://i982.photobucket.com/albums/ae301/ninja_065/Old%20Images/hm.png[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler='Image 2. (Light Yagami)'][img]http://i982.photobucket.com/albums/ae301/ninja_065/Old%20Images/4-2.png[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler='Image 3. Lethal Phoenix'][img]http://i982.photobucket.com/albums/ae301/ninja_065/Old%20Images/22.png[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler='Image 4. Mihails Tāls'][img]http://i982.photobucket.com/albums/ae301/ninja_065/Old%20Images/2-2.png[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler='Image 5. TheCheeseTick'][img]http://i982.photobucket.com/albums/ae301/ninja_065/Old%20Images/3-1.png[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler='Image 6. Dust42'][img]http://i982.photobucket.com/albums/ae301/ninja_065/Old%20Images/8-1.png[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler='Image 7. Archbaron Striker'][img]http://i982.photobucket.com/albums/ae301/ninja_065/Old%20Images/7--.png[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler='Image 8.johnhabib25'][img]http://i982.photobucket.com/albums/ae301/ninja_065/New%20Images/1.png[/img][/spoiler][/spoiler]
[spoiler='Contestants:']1. Light Yagami (Card in)
2. johnhabib25 (Card in)
3. Archbaron Striker (Card in)
4. Mihails Tāls
5. TheCheeseTick (Card in)
6. Dust42 (Card in)
7. Lethal Phoenix (Card in)
8. trevorw3i (Card in)[/spoiler]

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[quote name='Archbaron Thor the Just' timestamp='1347312971' post='6022760']
Could you please post the card in this thread as well? It makes things easier.



[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)]EFFECT: 2 Level 5 DARK monsters[/background][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)]This card cannot be destroyed by the effects of LIGHT monsters. Once per turn, you can detach one 1 Xyz Material from this card to remove any number of LIGHT monsters from your graveyard; destroy spells/traps your opponent controls equal to the amount of LIGHT monsters removed from play by this effect. This card cannot attack the turn it uses it's effect. During the End Phase in which this card's effect was activated, inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent for each spell/trap card destroyed this turn. When this card is sent to the graveyard, return all LIGHT monsters in your banished pile in to your deck and draw 1 card.[/background][/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)]Type: [/background][/size][/font][/color][b][url="http://yugico.com/yugioh-cards/search?sst=m&"]Monster[/url][/b][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)] Type I: [/background][/size][/font][/color][b][url="http://yugico.com/yugioh-cards/search?sst=m&st1=Effect&"]Effect[/url][/b][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)] Monster Type: [/background][/size][/font][/color][b][url="http://yugico.com/yugioh-cards/search?sst=m&smt=Xyz&"]Xyz[/url][/b][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)] Type II: [/background][/size][/font][/color][b][url="http://yugico.com/yugioh-cards/search?sst=m&st2=Spellcaster&"]Spellcaster[/url][/b][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)] Attribute: [/background][/size][/font][/color][b][url="http://yugico.com/yugioh-cards/search?sst=m&sat=Dark&"]Dark[/url][/b][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)] Rank: [/background][/size][/font][/color][b][url="http://yugico.com/yugioh-cards/search?sst=m&sll=5&"]5[/url][/b][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)] Attack: [/background][/size][/font][/color][b][url="http://yugico.com/yugioh-cards/search?sst=m&"]2100[/url][/b][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)] Defence: [/background][/size][/font][/color][b][url="http://yugico.com/yugioh-cards/search?sst=m&"]2800[/url][/b][color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)] [/background][/size][/font][/color]

[color=#5A5A5A][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][background=rgb(251, 253, 254)]Everything else that explains why I really chose this card and its effect, and why I made it OP'd a bit and everything is in the link. I would prefer you click it to know why I did all this and stuff or you can go on Realistic Cards. The title should be the name of this card. [/background][/size][/font][/color]

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SORRY. Got it improved.

This time, I took back the overpowered ending effect and put more of the chaos into.'

Again, I prefer you click on the link:


[color=#000000][font=Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif][size=3]2 Level 5 DARK monsters[/size][/font][/color]
[color=#000000][font=Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif][size=3]This card cannot be destroyed by the effects of LIGHT monsters. Once per turn, you can detach one 1 Xyz Material from this card to remove any number of LIGHT monsters from your graveyard; destroy spells/traps your opponent controls equal to the amount of LIGHT monsters removed from play by this effect. This card cannot attack the turn it uses its effect. During the End Phase in which this card's effect was activated, inflict 500 points of damage to your opponent for each spell/trap card destroyed this turn. When this card is sent to the graveyard, gain 100 LP for each DARK monster in your graveyard.[/size][/font][/color]

Type: [b][url="http://yugico.com/yugioh-cards/search?sst=m&"]Monster[/url][/b] Type I: [b][url="http://yugico.com/yugioh-cards/search?sst=m&st1=Effect&"]Effect[/url][/b] Monster Type: [b][url="http://yugico.com/yugioh-cards/search?sst=m&smt=Xyz&"]Xyz[/url][/b] Type II: [b][url="http://yugico.com/yugioh-cards/search?sst=m&st2=Spellcaster&"]Spellcaster[/url][/b] Attribute: [b][url="http://yugico.com/yugioh-cards/search?sst=m&sat=Dark&"]Dark[/url][/b] Rank: [b][url="http://yugico.com/yugioh-cards/search?sst=m&sll=5&"]5[/url][/b] Attack: [b][url="http://yugico.com/yugioh-cards/search?sst=m&"]2100[/url][/b] Defence: [b][url="http://yugico.com/yugioh-cards/search?sst=m&"]2800[/url][/b]

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Is there an Entrance Fee?

And I would like to call 5 please.

Here is my Entry, sorry if I do something wrong, I'm still getting used to the forum. :S


If there is an Entry Fee, what is it? I would like to pay.

[quote name='Heimdall The Watcher' timestamp='1347317703' post='6022831']
Can I have image 5, please?

EDIT: Nevermind...

Oh! Sorry! I'll change mine if you want 5 still. I'm VERY sorry. :'S

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In case the text is too small~
Once per turn, during your main phase, you may select a monster on the field. Remove it from play, then roll a die. The monster removed from play returns to the field after end phases equal to the number shown on the die. If your opponent declares an attack on this card or this card is targeted by a card's effect, remove this card from play, then roll a die. This card returns to the field after end phases equal to the number shown on the die.

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[quote name='TheCheeseTick' timestamp='1347336124' post='6023017']
Is there an Entrance Fee?

And I would like to call 5 please.

Here is my Entry, sorry if I do something wrong, I'm still getting used to the forum. :S


If there is an Entry Fee, what is it? I would like to pay.

Oh! Sorry! I'll change mine if you want 5 still. I'm VERY sorry. :'S
There is none. Accepted.
[quote name='Dust42' timestamp='1347338661' post='6023080']
My bad.

Due to a strange set of circumstances, I have 2 accounts.

This account enters, not that one*
^^There are still images left if you want to try another one.

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