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Theoretical Agent Assistance (in the right spot)

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So these are the agents of yester-format translated to today's format and while it still acts right and has a decent win ratio I feel it is hard to consider competitive in this vieler search spam format. So in Short I am in need of assistance as to possible suggestion on how to update the agents. The only path with this deck I refuse to walk down is T.G. Agents...its a pet-peeve of mine...but I am pretty much open to anything and everything else.


Monsters: 22
3x Mystical Shine Ball
3x Master Hyperion
3x Agent of Creation Venus
2x Agent of Mystery Earth
2x Genex Ally Birdman
2x Herald of Orange Light
2x Archlord Krystia
1x Black Luster Soldier Envoy of the Beginning
1x Agent of Miracles Jupiter
1x Vanity's Fiend
1x Tragodeia
1x Marshmallon
1x Sangan
1x Dimensional Alchemist
1x Honest

2x Gold Sarcophagus
2x Mystical Space Typhoons
1x Creature Swap
1x Mind Control
1x Heavy Storm
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn

2x Bottomless Trap Hole
2x Compulsory Evacuation Device
2x Torrential Tribute
1x Mirror Force
1x Call of the Haunted.

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Alright I haven't played Yugioh in few years, but I at least kept myself updated on a few things, and agents are something I'm familiar with.
- 1 Vanity's Fiend: 7 of your monsters can be SS so I don't get the point of including this?
+1-2 Sanctuary in the Sky: most agent decks I see run this, I usually run two, this format especially if your going to run as many removal cards as you are.
- 1 high level monster: you have 7 of them(not counting Vanity's Fiend) it seems slightly excessive to me so maybe get rid of 1 Hyperion or 1 Kristya
-1 Tragodia +1 Gorz: Seems like he would fit better in this format, than Tragodia, and it also keeps your dark monsters intact
Other than that it seems pretty good, though you may want a second opinion.

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[quote name='ClearAngel' timestamp='1347180351' post='6022032']
Alright I haven't played Yugioh in few years, but I at least kept myself updated on a few things, and agents are something I'm familiar with.
+1-2 Sanctuary in the Sky: [b]most agent decks I see run this[/b], I usually run two, this format especially if your going to run as many removal cards as you are.
- 1 high level monster: you have 7 of them(not counting Vanity's Fiend) it seems slightly excessive to me [b]so maybe get rid of 1 Hyperion[/b] or 1 Kristya
Other than that it seems pretty good, though [b]you may want a second opinion.[/b]
Definately need a second opinion.
A: I haven't seen a competitive Agent deck run Sanctuary in the Sky, and I certainly don't run any in my Agents.
B: I wouldn't get rid of Hyperion, it's not that difficult to summon.

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I'd drop the Sarcs, Vanity's Fiend and Creature Swap, and add 2 TGU to keep it at 40. Marshmallon and/or Alchemist can also go for some Solemn cards. I don't see Gorz either. And about the Extra Deck, Scrap Dragon is usually better than Parsath, and you will definitely want to have a Zenmaines just in case.

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[quote name='ClearAngel' timestamp='1347180351' post='6022032']
Alright I haven't played Yugioh in few years, but I at least kept myself updated on a few things, and agents are something I'm familiar with.
- 1 Vanity's Fiend: 7 of your monsters can be SS so I don't get the point of including this?
+1-2 Sanctuary in the Sky: most agent decks I see run this, I usually run two, this format especially if your going to run as many removal cards as you are.
- 1 high level monster: you have 7 of them(not counting Vanity's Fiend) it seems slightly excessive to me so maybe get rid of 1 Hyperion or 1 Kristya
-1 Tragodia +1 Gorz: Seems like he would fit better in this format, than Tragodia, and it also keeps your dark monsters intact
Other than that it seems pretty good, though you may want a second opinion.

Vanity's Fiend: Its there because this version focuses on removing the opponents options. Starting off early with it makes for a pretty one sided game if they don't solemn or have Dark Hole in hand.

Sanctuary: Its name should be called ultimate dead draw. It hinders more than it helps. I used it back in the day because it was a fun way to get rid of Gates of DW, Dragon's Ravine, and Necrovalley without using up a MST.

7+: Hyperion..no just no he's not a sac or a dead draw he is greatness. Krystia...well everyone says to drop to one for more consistency but by for some reason that just does not seem to be my experience having her be a dead draw for me.

Gorz: I guess Gorz is better than trag in this build

[quote name='Wildflame' timestamp='1347184368' post='6022046']
I'd drop the Sarcs, Vanity's Fiend and Creature Swap, and add 2 TGU to keep it at 40. Marshmallon and/or Alchemist can also go for some Solemn cards. I don't see Gorz either. And about the Extra Deck, Scrap Dragon is usually better than Parsath, and you will definitely want to have a Zenmaines just in case.

Creature Swap: I feel like that's almost a staple, especially with dead shine balls etc.
TGU: I really just don't like that card lol but still keeping it as an option.
Marshmallon: Its my fluffy tech card of hilarity, and its good for keeping alive when face geargia
Gorz: Well Trag is probably going then
Parsath: Another flavor tech I made seeing that I want to reserve my synchro options when I side in Gozen and Rivalry.

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