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Card Grammar: 1.9/2
Playability: 2.2/3
Balance: 4.3/5
Total: 8.4/10

Quite an interesting card, to say the least. It keeps some of the use of its predicessor, but it manages to eliminate most of the abuse. Instead of negating every mondter thst is Special Summoned, it turns it into a useless wall for a turn, which eliminates the problem with Oppression. Essentially, it's a temporary fix which gives you time to find an out. Overall, a good replacement. Sadly, the amount of S/T removal limits this card's use.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=Thor the Just]
Card Grammar: 2/2
Playability: 1.1/3
Balance: 3.5/5
Penalty: 1/1
Total: 5.6/10

As far as I know, this didn't meet the requirements. That's why you have a penalty. Also, I looked up monsters that mention "Ice Counters". This card's first effect will be little use to them. Thanks to that, balance takes a hit since all it really does is redistribute the Counters. Yea, you were right aboutbthis card.[/spoiler]
[spoiler=The Dark Knight]
Card Grammar: 1.5/2
Playability: 2.7/3
Balance: 4/5
Total: 8.2/10

You said general Fairy support, but I see Agent support. I think they needed this, but I doubt it'll be unlimited if released, maybe semi-limited or limited. For that reason, balance takes a small hit. You kinda got the second effect mixed up and you put comnas instead of colons. All in all, good card.[/spoiler]

That should do it. I'm disappointed that only 3 cards were submitted, but that's life. Thanks for competing guys.

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