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[Finished]On Hell's Highway [Finished]


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Do you think you've made the 'ultimae monster from hell'? Bring it by, and let ME be the judge of that :)


[spoiler='Winner:']Heimdall The Watcher [/spoiler]


1) Admission: FREE

2) MUST be DARK or FIRE attributed monster

3) The graphic MUST be generally creepy

4) Can be ANY type of monster (synchro, fusion, ritual, etc.)

5) Can be ANY type (beast, warrior, fiend, etc.)

6) All ritual monsters MUST have a ritual summon spell card, as well

7) MUST be well-balanced

8.) Reward: The winnining card will be featured in my yet-to-be-released set: 'Hell's Army' :) (and if hat's not good enough for you, you will also get a job-well-done, and a metaphoric pat on the back)

9) Absolutely NO disrespecting me, the other contestants, or anybody else who writes on this forum

10) Deadline: Sep. 17

I put this thing together to allow new users (such as myself) to start a name for themselves :)

[size=8]Good Examples:[/size]

Example 1:


Example 2:



This is only he audition rounds. After all contestants are selected, the aditions will be over, and the contest shall begin :)

That is all :)

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[quote]Cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. Must be Special Summoned by banishing 4 DARK Monsters in your Graveyard, and cannot be Summoned in any other ways. You can only control 1 face-up "Despair King Zyx". When this card attacks or is attacked by an Xyz Monster: Destroy that monster before damage calculation. Once per turn: You can target 1 monster in your opponent's Graveyard; Attach it to this card, and treat is as an Xyz Material (Max.5). Once per turn: You can detach 1 Xyz Material from this card: Negate the activation of a Spell or Trap Card, or the Special Summon of a Monster; Destroy it, then inflict 1000 points of damage to your opponent.[/quote]
One of my personal favorites I've created.

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I'm in, I'll edit and add my card as soon as its finished.

EDIT: And here it is, don't know if it's creepy enough, but I hope so.

Lore: If this card is in your Graveyard during your End Phase, you can Banish 1 DARK monster in your hand to Special Summon it to your side of the field in face-up Defense Position. This card is not destroyed as a result of battle with Dragon-type monsters.

Can I change my card, or is it already locked in?

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[quote name='Heimdall The Watcher' timestamp='1347146104' post='6021760']
Ah, thanks. Yeah, I have a better one I'm working on now, much creepier graphic.

Great, looking forward to seeing it :)
But like I said, this is only the audition round. Once the actual contest starts, you'll have more specified requirements.

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[quote name='Heimdall The Watcher' timestamp='1347154050' post='6021860']
Lol cool, so when's the deadline for the audition round?

Until I enough people join. I might reduce the number of contestants to 10, if it takes much longer

Deadline is now Sep. 17. If I don't have enough contestants (in my opinion) the contest will be shut down.

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I'll join with a crosspost. Maybe this card is more appropriate for this contest.

[spoiler="Lore:"]Once per turn: You can discard 1 card; banish from your opponent's hand all cards whose names begin with the same character as the discarded card. When 3 cards have been banished by the effect of this card, you win the Duel.[/spoiler]

From German [i]doppelgänger. [/i]"Character" means a letter, number or other symbol. So this would lul at E-HERO if they didn't set their entire hand every turn.

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[quote name='newhat' timestamp='1347210690' post='6022168']
I'll join with a crosspost. Maybe this card is more appropriate for this contest.

[spoiler="Lore:"]Once per turn: You can discard 1 card; banish from your opponent's hand all cards whose names begin with the same character as the discarded card. When 3 cards have been banished by the effect of this card, you win the Duel.[/spoiler]

It is, indeed :) Welcome aboard :)

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[quote name='trevorw3i' timestamp='1347294750' post='6022601']
It fits the theme, indeed ;) and it is the first card with a female graphic. Well done :)
[/quote][quote name='trevorw3i' timestamp='1347294750' post='6022601']
It fits the theme, indeed ;) and it is the first card with a female graphic. Well done :)


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[center]I'm in but I have 1 question: Is this going to be an archtype where "Hell" is the key word?[/center]

[center]Actually, nvm. Here's my entry:[/center]

[center]You can Special Summon this card from your hand by banishing 1 FIRE and 1 DARK monster from your Graveyard. You can Special Summon this card (from your Graveyard or Banished Zone) by sending either 2 FIRE or 2 DARK monsters from your hand to the Graveyard. This card's attribute is also treated as FIRE. Once per turn, during either player's turn: You can banish this face-up card until your next Standby Phase; Special Summon 1 Level 4 DARK or FIRE monster with 1500 ATK or higher from your Deck or Graveyard. You can only Special Summon 1 "Scourging Beast from the Mountains" per turn.[/center]

[center]Based it off of Lightpulsar Dragon, except with a limit to the number of times you can bring him out. Gonna have to wait next turn for other plays, and it makes Trance Archfiend a much better target :P[/center]

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