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Naughty Nurse: Specialty, burn victims.


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This nurse does a bad job treating you...

Monsters (14)

Nurse Reficule the Fallen One x3
Des Koala x2
Stealth Bird x1
Mystic Tomato x2
Lava Golem x2
Marshmallon x2
Gorz x1
Sangan x1

Spells (12)
Upstart Goblin x3
Soul Taker x3
Pot of Duality x2
Allure of Darkness x1
Book of Moon x1
Messenger of Peace x1
Level Limit x1

Traps (14)

Bad Reaction to Simochi x3
Gift Card x3
Paths of Destiny x3
Magic Cylinder x3
Ceasefire x1
Mirror Force x1

I also see cards like Dimension Wall, and Rain of Mercy useful, but no room. I wonder if i need more stall (maybe not considering cylinder at 3 now) because this deck has plenty burn with decent speed. A friend suggested level limit, but i like messenger more since i do little attacking.

I am open to suggestions! Any help welcome.

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