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Grandsoil PsyGemKnights


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Opponent's acting like he's won or something, he got Extrio on the field and jank.

I drop Grandsoil and Summon his old Landoise
I heavy his backrow
I drop Grandsoil and get my old Garnet
He's like wtf
I ram trade Grandsoil for Extrio and kill his other monsters with mine.
Grandsoil hitting my Grave is enough for:
I drop Grandsoil and Summon his Extrio

>His face when.

This is a Deck that uses Gem Knight Fusion to control Grave for Grandsoil, and as fuel for Landoise/Summoner Monk.

Tests well so far.

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I advise 3 Lazuli. His effect triggers upon milling, and lets you cycle materials, or free a card from the grave.

Sadly, I can't think of anything to drop for the 3... Urgh. That annoys me now. But if you can find a way, get it in. It's to flexible to not have in my view.

Also if you do, try a foolish. it fetchs Fusion when you can't go into Lavlaval Chain, or triggers Lazuli/add another earth to grave.

But again, I have no idea what to drop for it. You are so crammped, my first thought is Armadillo, but his search is great as well.

Sorry i can't suggest what to knock.

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Yes, because this isn't the Rabbit/Lazuil variant of the Deck. That one looks something like this

[spoiler=Something like what you think Gem Knights should be][img]http://i.imgur.com/4AHUJ.png[/img][/spoiler]

This is a Deck about 3 Stratos, Grandsoil, playable Geminis, and Landoise with far too much fodder. Not Fusion spam. Not Normal Support.

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