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Watch as a member who hasn't play YGO for 2 years try to build a Demise OTK.

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[spoiler=Ver 1][img]http://i.imgur.com/BYY2r.png[/img]

As you can tell, I'm not very familiar with today's cards and therefore have no knowledge in how to build the Extra Deck. So yeah, I'm rather satisfied with the performance of this deck although I'm not getting enough Dozers to actually perform the OTK. I might consider swapping the 2 United We Stand with an MST for anti-Warning/Judgement but I'm not sure yet. Constructive advice is much needed.

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As much as I love Gishkis they are kinda random in here, you are better adding Senju and/or Sonic Bird. You'll also want to have Megamorph in order to OTK more consistently. And about the Extra Deck, just search for Rank 4 and 8 Xyz monsters (Level 5 Synchros too if you want to keep the Veilers) and add the ones you like the most until reaching 15. Also, having a Chimeratech Fortress Dragon never hurts.

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[quote name='Hatcher' timestamp='1346944442' post='6020227']
Jar of Greed over Reckless Greed?
No Metal Armored Bug and Trade-In?

Are you sure you ever played YuGiOh?
I've seen worse. My highlander-ish Naturia deck I built when I started using DN was absolute garbage.
Anyways, what's right of Sonic Bird?

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-1 Veiler
-2 DWD
-2 Jar
-2 DPrison

+1 Mirror Force
+2 Torrential
+3 MST

Couple notes regarding suggested changes: DWD is a minus, 1 Veiler is inconsistent, Jar is meh outside of chain burn, and DPrison is good this format but this deck is more looking at stopping early pushes while it sets up. Mirror Force and Torrential do that pretty well, allowing you to set up with Cardcar D with impunity (outside of an early Heavy). MST is to get rid of backrow, which you really can't afford your opponent to have since you aren't running Herald.

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