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Just Crouton

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From my topic on DuelistGroundz.

[i]I'll test this when DN changes to the Sept 2012 banlist.[/i]

[i][color=#ff8c00][b]Monsters: 17[/b][/color]
2 King of the Beasts
3 Berserk Gorilla
3 Beast Striker
3 Enraged Battle Ox
2 Kinka-byo
2 Moja
2 Veiler

[b][color=#00ff00]Spells: 12[/color][/b]
1 Reborn
2 Duality
1 Foolish Burial
1 Dark Hole
2 Soul Taker
1 Heavy Storm
2 Night Beam
2 Space Typhoon

[color=#cc0066][b]Traps: 11[/b][/color]
3 Horn of the Phantom Beast
2 Torrential
2 Mirror Force
1 Solemn Judgment
2 Solemn Warning
1 Dark Bribe

[color=#ffffff][b]40 cards[/b][/color]


[size=6][b][u]The idea[/u][/b][/size]

[color=#ff8c00][b]King of the Beasts[/b][/color]
He's the boss of deck. 2500 ATK, easy to get out, easy to get back when destroyed since it can SS itself from the Graveyard.

[color=#ff8c00][b]Beast Striker[/b][/color]
An 1850 beater, and summons Moja from the Deck for quick King.

The heart of the deck. It gets Tributed to Special Summon King, and can recycled with Kinka-byo to bring back King anytime.

Essentially, this is an infinite Monster Reborn for King. This lets you get back Moja to go into King, then bounces to the hand at the End Phase for later use.

[color=#ff8c00][b]Berserk Gorilla[/b][/color]
2000 beater, runs over 1900s like Rai-Oh, etc.

[color=#ff8c00][b]Enraged Battle Ox[/b][/color]
This is filler to make 40. Since King has a Highlander clause, I picked this to give it piercing.[/i]

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