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Asylum ~ Who Are You When You Dream? [A/NS]

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[center][color=#800080]Don't you just hate those faces on the camera that live in their own little world? You know the ones I'm talkin' about. Not the adults, it's the kids- surrounded by their own success, dreamin' of nothing important cuz' they're already living the life adults wish they had![/color][/center]

[center][color=#800080]Buncha brats! Someone better put them in their place.[/color][/center]

[center][color=#800080]Oh, right~ Gyerkehkehkek! I did![/color][/center]

[center][color=#800080]Ya can' thank me for it later~ people like those don't deserve to be treated properly! They were surrounded by a fake world before, and now they're just in a new one! It's totally the same, you'll see- those kids are monsters on the inside, when the cameras ain't watching.[/color][/center]

[center][color=#800080]You'll see, don't worry. [/color][/center]

[center][color=#800080]I even left a key for them, see how generous I am! But they'll never find it, kehkehkeh. [/color][/center]

[center][color=#800080]Turn off the TV. Turn off the cameras, the lights, take away the fake people. Rest. Relieve yourself of petty things like rationality, consciousness and façades. Take a nap.[/color][/center]

[center][color=#800080]I'll see who you really are when you dream.[/color][/center]

[spoiler= Information]You're pretty sure you're still sleeping- but this dream is a bit different than most.

Nedraw Dead- that's one name you're sure you haven't heard before you fell asleep. This shadowy entity claims to have stolen your mind and hidden it deep within the fabric of the dream, beyond your reach at any rate. It claims it's keeping you for your own good, by sheltering you from the waking world, but it refuses to allow you to leave. This is your home now, it say, why would you ever want to leave? Sleep soundly and be still; there's no need to do any work anymore, put in any effort. Nobody to impress but eachother, and what's the point in that?

Of course, if you [i]really [/i]wanted to leave, you could... but there's only one key. And only one person gets it.

The Dreamworld is a labyrinth, of multiple layers. Making progress is like solving a puzzle; with a little intuition, luck and effort, you can pass through; this is, after all, [b]your [/b]dream. Gaining more power is as simple as getting more control over the dreamscape itself. You could try taming the dreamscape directly- that might work, if you're strong and resourceful enough.

But why do that, when there's a much simpler route?

Everybody has a deed to a portion of the dream- it is, of course, a shared dream. But that deed is easily stolen by someone else- any amount, really, from a small bit to a larger one if you don't mind hurting your victim a little, but...

Wouldn't it be best to get ALL the power?

Death in a dream couldn't be permanent, could it? Besides, you need to leave anyway. Why not kill those in your path? It would be simple, too. What could be the harm?[/spoiler]
[spoiler= Rules]1. I am God so far as this Roleplay is concerned. Most people know my expectations by now, I presume.
2. Four+ lines of text per post. This is a Forum Rule and will be moderated as such.
3. No Godmodding, Power Playing, Metagaming or any other such poor RPing habit. Also a Forum Rule.
4. No OOC in the IC thread period.[/spoiler]
[spoiler= Application][i](My specifications and explanations in italics,) [color=#800080](color-commentary and suggestions by Nedraw Dead in purple italics.)[/color][/i]
[i](Following my comments is mandatory, but feel free to ignore Nedraw if you'd like; it is offering only suggestions, if anything. Delete all bracketed information before replying.)[/i]

[b]Name: [/b][i](First and last.) [color=#800080](Darned kids always have the most pretentious names, like 'Shadow', or 'Artemis Sparklefart'.)[/color][/i]
[b]Age: [/b][i](18 to 30.) [color=#800080](30? That's a laugh. Gyerkehkeh, they all have the maturity of an eight grader, if not the age.)[/color][/i]
[b]Sex: [/b][i](Add Gender if relevant.) [/i][i][color=#800080](It won't be.)[/color][/i]
[b]Title: [/b][i](a one-sentence description of what you were famed for.) [color=#800080](Ya don't have ta' be a TV star to be famous- I hate pretentious kid scientists and artists too!)[/color][/i]

[color=#800000][b]Appearance:[/b][/color][i](At least three paragraphs, including facial features, body dimensions and clothing.) [color=#800080](Some of ya' brats look different in my world than you do in the waking one. Mostly it's just clothing, but some of you are screwed up enough to imagine yourselves differently than what you really look like.)[/color][/i]
[color=#800000][b]Personality: [/b][/color][i](At least three paragraphs, try to be original.) [color=#800080](Why try? All of you are the same, really. Pathetic. Deluded. Killers.)[/color] [/i]
[color=#800000][b]Biography: [/b][/color][i](At least three paragraphs, try to be original.) [color=#800080](Like their origins affect anything.)[/color][/i]
[color=#4b0082][b]Secret:[/b][/color][i](What is the darkest secret your character holds in their hearts?) [color=#800080](All of you are the same inside. Pathetic. Deluded. Killers. And what's worse? [b]You know it[/b].)[/color][/i]

[color=#800080][b]Dreamer Power: [/b][/color][i](Some sort of overarching, supernatural power that your character channels as their way to control the dream world. This is usually related to their personality; one might, for example, gain the ability to summon fire, while another might be able to change objects into automatons with their will.) [color=#800080](It's never a nice power, because none of you are nice people. On the inside, all you ever want to do is destroy, control or kill.)[/color][/i]
[color=#ff0000][b]ID Focus: [/b][/color][i](A weapon created from your character's basest desires. It is an extension of their Dreamer Power, and may have some minor supernatural ability of its own; for example, a number of knives that levitate in a circle around their master.) [color=#800080](Kill kill kill kill kill. You use your weapons to kill things you don't like so you can get things you do like. You monster.)[/color][/i]
[color=#0000cd][b]Ego Focus: [/b][/color][i](A shield or armouring agent created from your character's sense of logic. It is an extension of their Dreamer Power, and acts as a defence against elements of the Dream World, or the Dreamer Powers of the other Dreamers; for example, a swarm of ice shards that blocks incoming attacks.) [color=#800080](Control control control control control. You just can't bear to let anyone try to do something without stopping it, can you? Selfish.)[/color][/i]
[color=#008000][b]Superego Focus: [/b][/color][i](An ally or pet created from your character's subconscious. It has a mind of its own, and will frequently comment on whatever you decide to do, though it can't stop you from doing things or actively work against you in any way. It typically shares most of your Dreamer Powers. Wounds inflicted to one's Superego carry over to the being itself.) [color=#800080](...)[/color][/i]

[color=#daa520][b]Survival Strategy: [/b][/color][i](Does your character plan to try to look for the key themselves? Team up with the others? Try to get everyone to work together? Pick off the weak?) [color=#800080](It's always about themselves, isn't it? I think that's really the one thing that matters. They only care about themselves. )[/color][/i][/spoiler]

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[b]Name: [/b][color=#000080][i]If I had my Way about it, I would be known as 'Shade Sparklepants' or 'Twenty Bear a*ses'... but no... My mother had to go with "Eva Ripler", But Speaking of names, Your name sounds lamer than a mule without a Spine![/i][/color]
[b]Age: [/b][color=#000080][i]29, and If you can't comprehend the my Maturity is slightly older than my age, Go take some Viagra, It'll help you go F*ck yourself![/i][/color] (It is also 31 days before her next birthday, which can Garner an "Oh Crap!" from Nedraw)
[b]Sex: [/b][i][color=#000080]What's Sex? It sounds like something you fail at a lot! [/color][/i](Eva is a Female)
[b]Title: [/b][color=#000080][i]I'm often referred to as "The Nightmare Herald" Because I've survived much harsher dreams long before yours, You Wimp! [/i][/color](Her full Title is "The Nightmare Herald who Encountered a Boundary Manipulator", because one came into her dreams many times before her mind was stolen by Nedraw, but who would care about a tale that only came from her?)

[color=#800000][b]Appearance:[/b][/color]Not many people have seen Eva's Dream form in person, Mainly since she hides in her own little area using her own power and rarely, if ever, comes out. few people has ever entered her area and lived to tell the tale or even describe what she actually looks like, and the people who do are often rendered incurably insane, making even the toughest people are often scared to enter her area. The rare glimpse of her outside of her area often had varying descriptions ranging from beautiful to Scary to So Scary it's Beautiful and the other way around.

Opinionated Details aside, the rare glimpse beheld the eye with a pitch black form that people could miss her completely in the dead of night. Her face looks eerily pristine, her Nostrils are slightly narrow and the entirety of her face is slender with her chin and nose tapering to a sharp point. Her eyes lack any sort of white and all it seems to be is a pair of thick red rings that constantly gaze without blinking, as if she's constantly watching a person's every move. Her chest is well endowed as it has a rather large breasts, covered by a black shirt with red hems that shows her Midriff and Her hips are almost perfectly Sculpted. She wears a long, black Skirt with red Hems that have Red Chains both are attached to small weights and hanging slightly downward, but more red chains also attach her Skirt to her shirt. Her legs are slender and very attractive looking, often garnering the attention of men. She wears Red Socks and Black Shoes with Blood red Laces.

It's obvious her appearance changes while she's in her area, but even Nedraw can only speculate on what she changes into or even how she changes. It is said that she becomes even scarier within her area with her very presence causing fear to others. It is known that She gains Wings and a Tail within her area...

[color=#800000][b]Personality: [/b][/color][color=#000080][i]Hey! Spineless Mule! We're all not the same, and only inferior Motherf*cking Idiots like you think otherwise![/i][/color]

Eva's Personality is very hard to describe outright, She often is nice for a few moments, but is often followed by her becoming a complete jerk to everyone, especially when left alone. She is known to insult people that are even much stronger than her. She becomes very insulted when she gets compared to other people and often rapidly fires off insults at the offending people in response. Her love for the colors of black and red is actually quite scary, but she often has a lack of interest in working with other people.

She has a frightening tendency to become a complete monster, at times wanting to kill the nearest thing around her just because she's bored. This often causes her to be shunned by a lot of other people. Dwelling in her many nightmares, and her shunning caused Eva to fall from and into Sanity in sometimes the oddest of times just from the lack of something living to 'Play' with. Realizing this tendency, She often seeks to isolate herself from others completely.

as Stated, She loves anything that is either Red or Black. She also loves the smell of fresh blood and is often calmed by it. she Really hates it when people lie about having more terrifying dreams than hers. She also has a complete Hatred of humanity and actually desires not to leave the dream world, and sometimes even her own space. She fears anyone with Purple Eyes, and she also has Large Ham Tendencies as well...

[color=#800000][b]Biography: [/b][/color][i][color=#000080]You Foolish Idiot! Origins are important because it could determine why we all kill or could Kill! God! You get more retarded by the second![/color][/i]

Eva was born in an unfortunate poor family that happened to be coerced into working in a sweatshop by a much larger and richer family. While working in the sweatshop in the age of 6, She was constantly abused and tortured every minute and hour of the day, despite how hard she worked, which caused her to go into a deep depression. At the age of 10, She ran away from home and started to live on the streets, where she fared even better than in her own family, but every day she slept, She had constant Nightmares. 11 days before 11th Birthday, She had a seemingly barren dream, where she had seemingly reunited with her mother who also had ran away from her home to look for her daughter, but turned out to be another Nightmare involving a girl with purple eyes and the boundary between Life and Death, in fact, it was one so severe that when she woke up, she was covered with scratches, and was admitted into the hospital, This would repeat in the same pattern for the rest of her life (12 days before her 12th birthday and so on).

at the age of 13, Eva went insane due to the Constant Nightmares she has, and the visit from the girl that was Assaulting her in her dreams gave her the revelation that All humans are complete monsters (which she eventually accepted on the visit before her 17th birthday). At the age of 16, She was arrested and sent to a Mental Hospital. At the age of 20, She had lost all hope within most other people as the Mental Hospital started abusing her in an attempt to get her to regain her sanity([color=#000080][i]"What a Bunch of idiots! They never knew the true cause of it!"[/i][/color]).

23 days before her 23rd birthday, She was visited by that Girl again, and Eva had renounced her Humanity for the reasoning of the fact that Humans are the real monsters (And to make matters worse is that she considers Nedraw a Human), Which in turn got her own Nightmares to respect her, Including the girl with the Purple eyes. At the age of 25, Her Nightmares stopped being painful to her. After a few years of Solace, Nedraw came and took her (Which in turn took her Nightmares) to his Dream world, likely due to the fact that she became a complete monster. Contrary to what Nedraw believes, Eva actually took his action as more merciful than anything, regardless of Nedraw's real reasoning for taking her...

[color=#4b0082][b]Secret:[/b][/color][i][color=#000080] Secret!? What Secret!? All My "Secret" is would be the relatively known fact that you all, and every F*cking human out there are Complete Monsters Taken over by the two Weakest Sins, Lust and Greed! I Hold the Justice and Purity of all Mankind in my own Two Hands! KEHEHEHEHEHE! GYAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!![/color][/i]

[color=#800080][b]Dreamer Power: [/b][/color][color=#000080][i]Ever since that day, the 23rd day before my 23rd birthday, I had lost all my desires to affiliate myself as a human, because Humans are the Real Monsters... This garnered the Respect of every Nightmare I had and they allowed me to create a portal to my 'Nightmare Zone' of which I can interact with them and in certain cases, allow me to bring them here... However, I cannot bear to use this power too much, or I will suffer from Her Wrath... Oh, What makes this much better is that Inferiors can't enter, and yes, I'm talking about You, Spineless Motherf*cking Mule![/i][/color]
[color=#ff0000][b]ID Focus: [/b][/color][color=#000080][i]I remember having a Nightmare about having countless swords stab into me, So my ID focus happens to be Simple, I gain a BFS that can Split into 11 BFSes, that all but one can Split into 15 regular Swords that can levitate around me, which I can launch at my enemies[/i][/color]
[color=#0000cd][b]Ego Focus: [/b][/color][color=#000080][i]Every moment you look at me, you also look at my Ego focus, I completely phase through any physical Attack that you try against me...[/i][/color]
[color=#008000][b]Superego Focus: [/b][/color][color=#000080][i]Remember the Damn little girl in my Nightmares that keeps assaulting me? My Superego happens to be a Silhouette of her that is capable of Unleashing Nightmares from my Nightmare Zone at will... [/i][/color]

[color=#daa520][b]Survival Strategy: [/b][/color][color=#000080][i]I'm going to find the Key, AND THEN EAT IT!... Actually, I have a much better Idea, I'm gonna Pick off the Weak and eat their f*cking corpses[/i][/color]

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[b]Name: [/b][i][color=#daa520](My official name and title is that of Doctor Horace Ignatius Swan, but my colleagues call me a lot of names such as "Boogeyman" and "Scarecrow")[/color][/i]
[b]Age: [/b][i][color=#daa520](Twenty-eight)[/color][/i]
[b]Sex: [/b][color=#daa520][i](I am a man, although some would call me a monster.)[/i][/color]
[b]Title: [/b][color=#daa520][i](I do have a PhD in Psychology, and I specialize in the field of phobias and fear.)[/i][/color]

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b][color=#800000]Appearance: [/color][/b]There's nothing particualrly eye-catching about Horace's appearance in the waking world. He has black, greasy and messy hair which is parted on the right side. He has a surprisingly kind-looking face, considering his profession and reputation, but once you get to know him you will notice the spark of insanity and recklessness present within his bright, blue eyes.[/size][/font]

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]He's tall and slim, almost sickenly slim. His body looks fragile at first, but he's actually quite the athlete and is able to hold his own in hand-to-hand combat, although that rarely happens. When awake he wears a simple, black suit, proper for his brand of work, but you're not interested what he looks like when he's awake, are you?[/size][/font]

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]In his dreams, he has taken on the persona and name which his "friends" has given him in the waking world, which is that off a man dressed as a scarecrow taken from the nightmares of the truly insane. He wears a brown, old and rugged coat, with a gray shirt underneath. His pants are also dark brown, with a lot of stitches and paddings, as if they had broken a lot, making Horace look a little like a homeless man. However, the most eye-catching feature of his "dream attire" is the burlap mask which has two holes for the eyes, and a hole for the moth which has been stitched together. He also sometimes complete this costume with a straw hat.[/size][/font]
[color=#800000][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Personality: [/b][/size][/font][/color][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Horace is the type of guy which rarely talk to people unless it's professional, although this may be because of his reputation or social anxiety (which may have been caused by people rejecting him due to his reputation) Horace a genius-level intellect and he uses this to manipulate people in his vicinity, which has lead to him advancing surprisingly fast in ranks. He enjoys scaring people which is the source of his numerous nicknames. And when I say scare I mean frighten people to the extent of mental breakdowns. No one knows how he does it, but he has the gift of the tongue which allows him to scare the s*** out of people.[/size][/font]

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]As already mentioned he is a loner, and has thus never had a real relationship with anyone, and some argue that he is incapable of feeling love. However, when asked about the subject he will always answer with something along the lines of "If I was truly incapable of feeling love towards another human being, then how would I know what it feels like? And thus, how would I know that I did not feel it?" Others just say he's crazy, which is probably more accurate.[/size][/font]

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]While he's a madman and, some would argue, a monster, he still have a sense of justice. His previously mentioned abilities to scare people and leave them in a state of mental breakdown is rarely used against innocents, unless they get in his way (which usually leads towards the not-so-innocents) Due to this, he is sometimes called in by police to interrogate asumed criminals, since he's able to get anything out of them. The police does not agree with his way of getting the information out of the criminals, however, but since it works they can't really argue.[/size][/font]

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Due to events in his childhood he is also greatly sexistic, which is a big reason that he has never had a relationship. He views women as lesser beings than men, and the only thing that comes from women are pain. The only thing he will openly admit to like about women are the fact that they are easily scared. [/size][/font]

[color=#b22222][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Biography: [/b][/size][/font][/color][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Born to the famous psychologist Joseph Swan, Horace lived the life of a higher-class kid. He developed his ability to speak fear into people early, but his mother taught him not to speak of such things to people. He didn't have many friends in school, and now, later in life, he suspect that those who he actually called friends were only in it for the money. Most of the kids at school bullied him, however, because of his lonely personality. [/size][/font]

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]When he grew older he, like many teenage boys, started to grow interested in girls. However, Horace didn't attend parties and got girlfriend after girlfriend like the "cool kids" did, but he did start to turn into quite the handsome fellow, and there were some girls who were interested in him. One in particular, Marilynn Fink, actually got very friendly with Horace, and he enjoyed it. However, due to his lack of experience with people and his semi-sociophobia made Mary grow uninterested while Horace's interest only increased, and when he finally encouraged himself to ask her out, she said no, already having her eyes on another guy. To sum it up; a sociopathic teenager with the ability to comatose people only by speaking to them gets rejected by a girl because she already has a boyfriend. What do you think happened? [color=#daa520][i](Neither poor little Mary or that oh so handsome guy Tyrone were ever the same after that. I think I read in the paper recently that Tyrone awoke from the coma. Maybe I should pay him a visit, tell him I'm "sorry"?)[/i][/color][/size][/font]

[font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]Horace attended university and college and stepped out of both with perfect grades, especially in psychology, making his father very proud of him.[/size][/font][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3] He then stepped in another one of his father's footsteps, becoming a psychologist himself, a criminal psychologist even. The story from there on involves a life in infamy due to his abilities to extract the truth out of almost every single criminal brought before him, while also bringing the criminals into the bedlam.[/size][/font]

[color=#4B0082][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Secret: [/b][/size][/font][/color][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][i][color=#daa520](Murderer? Please, I might have given som of them heart attacks, which ended up badly for them, but I'm no murderer. Most of them deserved it anyway.)[/color][/i][/font]
[color=#800080][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Dreamer Power: [/b][/size][/font][/color][color=#daa520][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][i](Since I arrived in this world I've found myself able to create images, incarnated visions, of my enemies' deepest fears. I'd lie if I said I didn't enjoy it.)[/i][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#FF0000][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]ID Focus: [/b][/size][/font][/color][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][i][color=#daa520](A scythe? Truly a fitting weapon for the harbinger of fear. I've also noticed that the incarnated fears I summon seem to obey me due to this scythe. I better not misplace it.)[/color][/i][/size][/font]
[color=#0000CD][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Ego Focus: [/b][/size][/font][/color][color=#daa520][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][i](An eerie, orange-shaded mist flows in my footsteps, and it seems to bend to my will. While it may not serve as a weapon I may be able to use it to hide and strike from where they cannot see me.) [/i][/size][/font][/color]
[color=#008000][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Superego Focus: [/b][/size][/font][/color][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][i][color=#daa520](A woman, calling herself 'Crone' is following me around this place. While I cannot deny that she is what others would call visually pleasing, I detest everything about her. Women bring only pain and are best avoided.)[/color][/i][/size][/font]

[color=#DAA520][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][b]Survival Strategy: [/b][/size][/font][/color][i][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3][color=#daa520](I like it here. But I guess I will have to leave eventually, and when that time comes I will have 'allies" to help me. For what other power controls the human mind more than fear?)[/color][/size][/font][/i]

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Done, sorry the bio is so short I'll try and add to it if I can.

[b]Name:[/b] Ryan Wilma (prefers the nickname Luna, based on her online handle ‘Luna_66’.)
[b]Age:[/b] 20
[b]Sex:[/b] Female
[b]Title:[/b] Best know for a front page news story following her parents deaths and the story behind it.

[b]Appearance:[/b] Luna is incredibly short or her age, coming up to barely 5’2 and if often mistaken for a teenager because of it. She has very pale skin, not quite sickly looking but pale enough to get people’s attention; she has a very thin build and is incredibly light, barely weighing about 110 lbs.
She has a very pointed chin and a rather narrow face, a small pointed nose and thin blue-green eyes with a pair of thin black streaks over them, starting from just below her eyebrows and ending at her cheeks.
She has long, teal coloured hair which she often ties into two pigtails done up with a pair of hair ties decorated with two grey orbs each and a pair of metal tassels clipped to the ends of them with crescent moon shape designs decorating them, her fringe is rather long and she often tucks the bangs behind her ears but they tend to fall out quite easily. On her back she has a tattoo of a Celtic pattern in the shape of a crescent moon.
In the dreaming world Luna wears a strapless black top with a white zigzag pattern along the top with an attached segmented skirt split into five curved triangles (two at the front, three at the back) with a white trim and a belt with a black and white zigzag pattern across it buckled very loosely around her waist, a pair of shoulder length black gloves with similar segments to her skirt at her shoulders and a white zigzag pattern around the wrists, black shorts beneath her skirt and a pair of black, knee length boots boots with a white trim at the top and another white zigzag around each ankle and a lace up chocker with another black & white zigzag pattern. Her outfit comes with an optional hooded cloak which she can summon and banish at will and is done up with a small broach with a crescent moon design.
([url=http://fc00.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2012/206/8/d/luna_redesign_by_totalobelisk-d58j8qk.png]Visual Reference[/url])
[b]Personality:[/b] Fittingly Luna has a very dark and gloomy personality; she hardly ever shows any feelings aside from contempt, annoyance/anger and occasionally bemusement. She tends to talk down to people and is not very tactful when engaging in conversations; conversely she will become extremely irritated if someone starts talking down to her. She prefers to keep encounters brief and will thus keep her replies and conversations short and will often be quite rude to anyone she’s talking to. She has little patience for other people and will become easily irritated if someone is taking too long about anything as she has a very short temper, often becoming aggressive very quickly, but while she can be extremely violent she still exercises some restraint and will never go too far with anything even if provoked, there are things that even she considers harsh and will do her best to avoid them (a little past breaking bones.) Luna spends most of her time shut up in her room either browsing chat-rooms or playing video games, preferring life online or in a make believe fantasy to the real world; as such she has few social skills and will either solve her problems violently or at the very least with a lot of shouting and yelling. While she does not have very many social skills she can get used to a person overtime, provided they do not push her buttons on a regular basis or get in her way, she can even become slightly forgiving of anything that would normally irritate her if she knows someone well enough, despite this though she shows very little sign of friendship or care even to someone she has grown used to and can still come across as a cold and irritable person. Luna is fairly photophobic and tends to avoid direct sunlight as often as she can, hence why she often stays in her room with the curtains drawn and the lights off (though because of this she can see very well in the dark but is extremely sensitive to bright light), and will often wear a hood when outside if it is especially sunny.
[b]Biography:[/b] Luna was raised as a single child in a small English town. She never managed to get along with her parents at all well, in fact her father seemed to loathe her while her mother was almost always catatonic, even when she wasn’t she still seemed to ignore Luna all the time. However soon after she turned twelve she woke up one morning to find both her parents dead apparently poisoned.
A police investigation began soon afterwards and became front page news for a while; as it turned out Luna’s father had apparently kidnapped her mother a long time ago and had been drugging her to keep her docile and make her forget who she really was, however over time the drugs became less and less effective and her mother was eventually able to remember everything, poisoning her ‘husband’ in his sleep and then killing herself out grief.
Luna was then taken in by her mother’s brother, a billionaire business man who’d been looking for his sister for a long time, and since Luna looked so much like her mother he decided to raise her himself. However, having no other children of his own he did not make a very good father and despite spoiling her at every opportunity Luna remained completely indifferent to him despite his best efforts.
[b]Secret:[/b] Luna poisoned her parents herself.

[b]Dreamer Power:[/b] Luna is able to produce and manipulate a form of dark energy which often takes the form of black lightning. She is able to use this in various ways, most often using it as straight up projectiles of varying strength; she is also able to surround herself in this energy which can vastly increase her speed and strength. As a side effect the sclera of her eyes will turn black when using her abilities and black sparks will sometimes come from the corners of her eyes when she uses her powers excessively or becomes irritated.
[b]ID Focus:[/b] A long grey stave with a large teal crescent moon decoration at the end and a grey orb floating within the crescent moon. Luna can use this as a focus for her abilities so that her attacks are less unstable. She is also able to form a scythe made of dark energy from it which she can use for melee combat if need be. Like her cloak she is able to summon and banish it at will.
[b]Ego Focus:[/b] Luna is able to summon black tree like constructs from any nearby surface that are apparently made of some sort of black rock which are a solidified version of the black energy she uses for her projectiles. Luna uses them to either block any incoming attacks or to reach higher or out of reach places. They last as long as Luna wills them to be there and break up and dissolve once she doesn’t need them anymore. If they are damaged by any other means it’ll cause Luna physical pain.
[b]Superego Focus:[/b] Luna’s companion is a small, dark blue cat called Uru. He has completely black eyes, dark blue fur, long pointed ears with three long black whisker-like extensions on each one, a tail twice the length of his body with a white furred tip, white coloured fur at the ends of each of his legs and small white feathered wings. Uru is incredibly loyal to his master and also acts as a sort of conscience for her, telling her what she should be doing at any given time, giving her advice and trying to keep her out of trouble (he is rarely successful though.) Despite his master’s personality Uru himself is incredibly courteous and polite, referring to his master as ‘my lady’ and anybody else as ‘sir’ or ‘ma’am’ even if they are children. He is generally calm and not easily aggravated or intimidated despite his small size and can easily walk up to a ten foot monster without a care in the world. He is a very observant creature and is always taking in small details and taking note of things and people around him, he is also a keen reader and as such has a vast knowledge of random things. It is possible to aggravate him, albeit difficult, but once provoked Uru can become quite aggressive, biting and scratching or using a watered down version of the dark energy Luna herself uses, once he calms down however he will feel the need to immediately apologize to his master for his actions.

[b]Survival Strategy:[/b] Luna tends to brute force her way through any situation and never likes to rely on others for help, if she encounters other people she’ll often try to brush them aside, get rid of them or, if she has to, beat them down as quickly as possible. She has little patience and prefers to get things over with as quickly as possible, often using her more powerful attacks almost right away in a fight which can often wear her out quickly. She dislikes being cooped up against her will and will likely go straight for the key at the first opportunity.

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[b][size=3]Name: [/size][/b][i][size=3]What’s with this? My name? You’ve never heard of me? Typical. *Sigh* My name is Steven Peterson, since you seem ill-informed. Steven Peterson Jr, the more perfect of the Stevens.[/size][/i]
[size=3][b]Age: [/b][i]Age as well? This is starting to sound like one of those dodgy internet chat rooms. 26, if you must know, though I see little relevance. Age does not define intelligence or perfection. [/i]
[b]Sex: [/b][i]You could not guess from my name? Your intelligence – or apparent lack there of – astounds me! I’m male, despite its lack of relevance.[/i]
[b]Title: [/b][i]A title? Asides from my Doctorate, I never really noticed any titles. I’m perfect though. That is what I [/i][i]should[i] be famed for. Instead they chose to focus on that series of insignificant murders. They never focus on the important issues; like me of course. [/i][/i]

[b][color=maroon]Appearance:[/color][/b][i] I still seem to wear a suit, it seems. A nice, neat, well-ironed suit. Pitch black, of course – wouldn’t look very professional any other way. It’s almost empty in fact. As if all light had been lost. Marvellous. Cant be giving people hope now, can I? Hehehe. [/i][/size]
[i][size=3]My skin has achieved a paler quality. I guess it’s what you’d call a cold white; like the Vampires you used to see in the old movies. Or that internet phenomenon that spread around a while back. Slenderman, was it? Yes, I think it was.[/size][/i]

[i][size=3]But I have a face, unlike him. Definitely. A very handsome one at that, I might add. I had only looked in a mirror yesterday, marvelling at the constantly perfect form of myself. My perfectly straight, neat suit; my perfect height (5’11); my perfect dark brown hair – cut neatly and shortly into perfect shape – and my perfect, cold dark eyes; black and empty as they should be. Perfection itself. [/size][/i]

[i][size=3]My hands seem different somehow now. Cold. The fingernails have been painted blood red for some reason, and I can’t seem to remove it. Not that it’s a problem. They are part of me now, and as such it is perfect. For everything about me is perfect. Everything. From the black, perfectly polished shoes, to the perfect black leather belt, to the perfect pitch-black tie and blazer and the perfect diamond cufflinks on my wrist, shaped like perfect pentagrams. My perfect silver watch, that tells the time perfectly. My perfect, bright white grin. My perfect everything. [/size][/i]
[b][size=3]Personality: [/size][/b][i][size=3]People have called me vain before. Yes, vain! How dare they! What do they know, in their simple and boring lives. So ugly. So pointless. So stupid. Why should they live? They do not deserve to breath the same air as someone like me! My brilliance is legendary! Vain? Hah! I am merely a perfectionist. And the perfect item just happens to be myself. Is that so hard to believe? [/size][/i]

[i][size=3]They laugh at me when I say that. Like they are in any position to laugh! I should be the one laughing! My intelligence is incredible; in fact it is perfect. As is my appearance. And my mannerisms, they are also perfect. What is not perfect? I should laugh at them! And my humour is great, I can tell you that! Some people say sadistic. Cold, cruel, merciless. That is just simply not true. It is the perfect humour! What is not funny about watching a man wrestle with a bear? Hilarious! Chopping off the leg of a dog to watch it limp around on 3 feet? That should get fits of laughter. [/size][/i]

[i][size=3]But I always seem to be an outcast. Unappreciated. My perfection is perfect, so why do they not accept me? Perhaps I am too perfect? Maybe they feel jealous? That must be it. But my perfection is mine. Mine alone. It is not greed. No, it is realistic. If other people had my perfection, then it wouldn’t be perfection, would it? Originality leads to beauty![/size][/i]

[i][size=3]Then comes those who would insult my perfection. Ignorant b*stards. They should all, and did all, die. Of course. Why would I live such imperfect smudges on the face of the earth? They all died. I killed them. With my own two hands, and varying weapons. A mass killing spree I went on. Very famous. Oh yes, my face was all over the world! I was famous at last. And the blood! Beautiful, beautiful red blood. It was everywhere. Oh, did I love that sight so, so much. And the smell. And the taste. All so beautiful, and nearly as perfect as myself. Beautiful, beautiful carnage![/size][/i]
[size=3][b][color=maroon]Biography: [/color][/b]
[b][color=indigo]Secret:[/color][/b][i][color=purple] (Pathetic. Deluded. Killers.) [/color][b]You know it[/b][/i]. [i]I also like Kittens. My only weakness, I guess. I cannot harm a kitten. I think that’s slightly Ironic. Do you agree? Of course you agree, why wouldn’t you? I’m perfect! You cannot disagree with perfection![/i]

[b][color=purple]Dreamer Power: [/color][/b][i]I can create sparkly rainbows fly from my hands! [/i][/size]
[i][size=3]No, not really. I’m messing with you. Seriously, what’s the point of a nice power? Creating flowers never got anyone anywhere. [/size][/i][size=1](I wish. It'd make him less cocky.)[/size]
[i][size=3]Besides, who needs an ability? I merely have much more advanced natural skills than a normal human, something like 3 times better. Speed, strength, reflexes, senses. All of that lot, three times better than a normal person. [/size][/i][size=3][size=1](Just adds to his perfection delusion. Oh, how I wish someone would teach him a lesson.)[/size]
[b][color=red]ID Focus:[/color][/b][i] Damn right I’m a monster. Got a problem with that? Not that it connects to my weapon. All I have is a damn book. Though it’s a rather useful book, when I’m not writing notes in it. [/i][/size]
[size=3][size=1](They clog me up, them notes. Horrible, itchy things. But I guess he's right, I am useful. But he doesn't realise how useful, because he's ignorant. Closed-minded and ignorant. Never listens.)[/size]
[b][color=mediumblue]Ego Focus: [/color][/b][i]Of course I’m selfish! I am perfection, and perfection can only be perfect alone. It cannot be shared, for then it is not perfect![/i][/size]
[i][size=3]And Perfection must not be harmed. That would be terrible. As such, my body protects that perfection! I can instantly regenerate any wound I receive, so long as it does not effect my brain. Rejuvenation, that is my defence. [/size][/i]
[size=3][size=1](He's sadly aware that any injuries to me, and any eletrical based abilities will effect him dearly. But that isn't exactly his most ignorant part.)[/size]
[b][color=green]Superego Focus: [/color][/b][i]A book. I think that’s what my version of this is. Just a book. But it does summon anything I desire from its depths. If I need it, it will give me it. Weapons are just the start. [/i][/size]
[size=1](He cannot hear me, but you can, cant you? He just doesn’t listen. So vain. He doesn’t even know I exist, caught up in his own ‘perfection’ and all. I am just a mere book, but I am indeed very special, as you may have guessed through this conversation. The ability to communicate telepathically is only one of my skills, though it seems to be rather one-sided between me and my master. I can materialize a lot of things from myself, and reading his mind I can tell what he would need, but I am limited. I represent the internet, really; and if an object exists that has data on the internet, I can summon it. [/size]
[size=1]I can also hover and move, though I do not do that in his presence.)[/size]

[size=3][b][color=goldenrod]Survival Strategy: [/color][/b][i]You really think it wouldn’t be about me? I am perfection incarnate; I cannot allow myself to rot here. I must survive, for perfection must live on. The key is mine, I can tell you that. But plans? I cannot make them now. Making a plan without prior knowledge of the others that may be involved would be pointless. I’ll scout out the competition first. [/i][/size]

[i][size=3]You seem to be very ignorant of perfection, Mister Dead. I find it almost disgraceful that you would dare insult me. No matter. You’ll just end up like the others who questioned me. You’re not perfect, and perfection is the only thing that can survive for ever. [/size][/i]

[size=3]WIP, I just need to think of a Bio. The rest was surprisingly easy. Just the bio that I'm stuck on.[/size]

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[b]@ Shinki[/b] - What is Eva even famous for? Surviving dream manipulators in the past doesn't seem like the type of thing the general public cares about. Also, her details read as a textbook AntiSue. A character with previous experience in dreamworlds couldn't be an interesting concept, but not in the way this going about it. [b]Denied. [/b]

[b]@Aesiron [/b]- Looks good thusfar; I'd been looking for at least one negative role model, and Horace seems to fit the bill without going overboard into [i]actual [/i]heartless monster territory. I'd have been less impressed with him if he actually was a killer of a sort, but I kinda like how he's given somewhat sociopathic tendencies without being written as if he didn't have a sense of mortality.

[b]@T.Obelisk [/b]- I like it; celebrity through tragedy, and it makes sense the public media would take 'pity' on a girl from a situation like this. Luna's a nice character, though I can't help but feel we're starting to rack up a number of antisocial characters. [b]Accepted.[/b]

[b]@DaWeirdGuy [/b]- Interesting concept, though I'd caution you not to take it [i]too [/i]far. While I get that he's supposed to be a characature of a narcissistic douchebag, I'm not entirely certain what he's actually famous [i]for, [/i]exactly. If he's some sort of modern renaissance man that might start to actually justify his boasting, that could be interesting, though anything lower might start to question why people care about this guy (since he seems almost entirely incapable of human interaction).

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[quote][size=3][i][i]Instead they chose to focus on that series of insignificant murders. [/i][/i][/quote][/size]

[size=4]That's the fame thing. XD I'll expand on it more in the Bio. Perhaps with [/size]Steven highlighting stupid things or saying he's perfect, and then a true account by 'the book'.
I'm just trying to word everything for the Bio.

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[b]Name: [/b][color=#FF0000][i]My name? Oh of course! It's Ichinose. Kotomi Ichinose. Pleased to meet you.[/i][/color]
[b]Age: [/b][color=#FF0000][i]You also want my age? I'm 21 years old. It's not the first time someone has thought I was younger. I get carded daily.[/i][/color]
[b]Sex: [/b][i][color=#FF0000]Well I'm sure you can tell. What boy has breasts and long hair? [/color](Female)[/i]
[b]Title: [/b][color=#FF0000][i]What am I famous for? I don't consider myself famous at all, but I guess my family would disagree. I graduated high school when I was sixteen and currently have my bachelor's degree, and I'm working towards my Master's, and then a PhD hopefully. Oh! And I help out at the animal shelter sometimes. I love helping animals, yet they always pass so soon. Breaks my heart just thinking about it.[/i][/color]

[color=#800000][b]Appearance: [/b][i][color="#222222"]Kotomi is short-ish for her age, being only 5 feet 3 inches. Her weight is fair and she happens to look very skinny and boney. She is often mistaken to be anorexic or bulimic because of it. Her skin-tone is very white and pale, almost making her look sick. She clearly doesn't care, as she continues to live her life. Her eyes are a bright purple, and so is her hair. Her face is very rounded, but narrows to a rounded chin.[/color][/i][/color]

[i]Her hair, while awake, is very clean and let down, with a small hair clip to pull it away from her eyes. But in the dream world, Kotomi's hair is matted and messy. The purple color is much darker and her tips are extremely black. It's very curly and tends to stand up, causing a very unattractive look. Luckly, it parts away from her eyes so she can see. Her hair clip is now lost in the hairy mess.[/i]

[i]She normally wears her collage uniform, which is a teal colored jacket with a white undershirt. Under that, she wears a short blue skirt that is very revealing when she bends over. She wears knee high socks and black flats. Once in the dream world, her outfit looks the same, yet it looks very old and has tears and cuts everywhere. Her skirt has a large tear in the right side, and her knee high socks are stained black and green. Her jacket is wrinkly and has tears everywhere, while her undershirt is also stained black and green and has a tear down the middle.[/i]
[color=#800000][b]Personality: [/b][/color][i]Kotomi is always beaming and smiling. Her long years in school taught her many social skills, which she tries to use daily. Even though she is always happy, she has the hardest time making friends. She doesn't get out often due to her high amount of classes she takes, so she never really talks to anyone. When she does, they tell her that she's weird or scary. Kotomi simply brushes it off and continues to live her life.[/i]

[i]Kotomi is also very, very, [b][u]very[/u][/b] intelligent. This is the main factor that helped her graduate at the tender age of sixteen. She is fluent in three languages and and speak three others decently. Her smarts allow her to know what to do and how to do it at any given time. She knows more then a normal person should, which is scary. Despite her happy-go-lucky vibe, her family thinks she is creepy and demented, so they never talk to her.[/i]

[i]Every time she finds out that an animal has passed away, she launches into an hour long depression where she only cuts her arms, tell herself that she is a terrible person, and thinks of suicide. After that hour, she seems to snap out of her demented trance and go back to normal. The dark side of Kotomi has never been seen by anyone else except her mother, who walked in on her trying to hang herself. She feels that studing is the one thing that puts her a peace and makes her completely content. Yet everyday, thoughts of death and anger linger in her brain.[/i]
[color=#800000][b]Biography: [/b][/color][i](At least three paragraphs, try to be original.) [color=#800080](Like their origins affect anything.)[/color][/i]
[color=#4B0082][b]Secret: [/b][/color][color=#FF0000][i]Oh! Secrets? I have none, don't worry. [/i][/color][i](Kotomi secretly brings animals home and kills them so she won't kill herself, then hates herself because of it.)[/i]

[color=#800080][b]Dreamer Power: [/b][/color][i](Some sort of overarching, supernatural power that your character channels as their way to control the dream world. This is usually related to their personality; one might, for example, gain the ability to summon fire, while another might be able to change objects into automatons with their will.) [color=#800080](It's never a nice power, because none of you are nice people. On the inside, all you ever want to do is destroy, control or kill.)[/color][/i]
[color=#FF0000][b]ID Focus: [/b][/color][i](A weapon created from your character's basest desires. It is an extension of their Dreamer Power, and may have some minor supernatural ability of its own; for example, a number of knives that levitate in a circle around their master.) [color=#800080](Kill kill kill kill kill. You use your weapons to kill things you don't like so you can get things you do like. You monster.)[/color][/i]
[color=#0000CD][b]Ego Focus: [/b][/color][i](A shield or armouring agent created from your character's sense of logic. It is an extension of their Dreamer Power, and acts as a defence against elements of the Dream World, or the Dreamer Powers of the other Dreamers; for example, a swarm of ice shards that blocks incoming attacks.) [color=#800080](Control control control control control. You just can't bear to let anyone try to do something without stopping it, can you? Selfish.)[/color][/i]
[color=#008000][b]Superego Focus: [/b][/color][i]The sprit of the first animal she murdered. A large dog named Clover.[/i]

[color=#DAA520][b]Survival Strategy: [/b][/color][i]Kotomi plans to try and find the key with others to leave the dream world. But there's no promises that she'll stick to killing just animals... (HINT HINT!)[/i]

So there's my sorry excuse for an app! I will fill the rest out later because I need to think of her powers and what-not.

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[quote name='Jigglypuff' timestamp='1348176944' post='6028869']
[b]Title: [/b][color=#FF0000][i]What am I famous for? I don't consider myself famous at all, but I guess my family would disagree. I graduated high school when I was sixteen and currently have my bachelor's degree, and I'm working towards my Master's, and then a PhD hopefully. Oh! And I help out at the animal shelter sometimes. I love helping animals, yet they always pass so soon. Breaks my heart just thinking about it.[/i][/color]

Probably not my place to say, but how would this make her famous? Helping out at an Animal shelter isn't exactly amazing, and 16 is not a shocking age to finish highschool. In Britain that's when highschool ends and college begins. Working for a Ph.D at 21 is, while exemplary, not something to be famous for.

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It's somewhat short, but I can flesh it out if I need to. This is my first time doing this.

[b]Name:[/b] [color=#000080][i]Jake Ashen. Ashen, preferably…but call me "Ash" and you’re dead. [/i][/color]
[b]Age:[/b] [color=#000080][i]20.[/i][/color]
[b]Sex:[/b] [color=#000080][i]I’m a guy. [/i][/color]
[b]Title:[/b] [color=#000080][i]Yea, my dad was THE Michael Ashen…y’know, the famous songwriter for stupid pop artists?[/i][/color]

[b]Appearance: [/b]In reality, Jake looks like a music guy; the cargo shorts, low-top Converse, band tees. He has semi-long brown hair and bright blue eyes. Built well, but not enough to where he’s insanely buff, just well- defined. About 6 feet tall, clean-shaven. Wears a dark gray hoodie on cold days.

He has a kind of young and innocent yet attractive look about him, though his mannerisms are that of someone mature for his age. He also wears glasses, which gives him a bit of an intellectual look (though he is somewhat embarrassed by this and usually wears contacts).

Jake’s dream persona has the same face but with white hair. In this state, he wears baggy black pants and a form-fitting long-sleeve black top, as well as a black waist cape that appears to have white feathered wings underneath. He also wears a black mask that covers his mouth goes up the sides and over his ears, resembling headphones.

[b]Personality:[/b] Jake is very smart and clever, receiving his AA in Arts the same time he graduated high school, though he has since stopped attending university to play in a band. He shows a wide range of musical knowledge, being a multi-instrumentalist and a singer, though he favors guitar above all else. He is a very creative musician, preferring to write artful music that he enjoys rather than putting out another hit single that will be forgotten in a year. He and his father argue this detail often, his father being a head executive at a record company known for best-selling pop songs.

Around people he knows, Jake appears friendly and somewhat charming, but also cool and collected. He is just outgoing enough that making friends is not difficult. He is easily likeable and has a good deal of charisma, despite being laid back. However, underneath this exterior is a different individual. His father’s refusal to support his endeavors has left him with a longing to be accepted by someone, and he often feels that his friends are there for superficial reasons.

He has a mostly clean slate as far as his moral behavior, not engaging in any form of substance abuse or alcohol consumption, thinking that his mind should be kept free of sources that might corrupt his creativity. However, he has had a sexual addiction for a long time and has a habit of manipulating the girls who admire him into sleeping with him. This is most likely due to his inner depression stemming from his desire to be accepted by someone.

[b]Biography:[/b] [color=#000080][i]Yea[/i][i], my dad was a pretty popular guy. He writes all these songs for pop artists, and they all suck, it’s what the public likes I guess. I just wish he could see my point of view…music is about expression, it’s an art. These pop singers don’t know about that, they all just want a song to make their next million. I actually put time and effort into my compositions; I pour my heart into these.[/i][/color]

[color=#000080][i]It’s not like I’m a bad musician, he knows how much I continue to better myself musically every day, he’s heard the band play…why doesn’t he see it? He has so much respect in the music business, and I have nothing…it’s not fair! I work so hard and he does next to nothing, cranking out these idiotic songs about whores or whatever. I’ve actually spent time and money learning to make the best music imaginable, and I get shunned for this crap.[/i][/color]

[color=#000080][i]And my friends don’t understand either…they say nice things, but they don’t mean it, the only reason they like me is the whole “being rich” thing…all I have is my music…and the girls…oh, the girls…I don’t know why, maybe it’s my way of coping or something…but I can’t keep away from them. They’re so easy to convince…and none of them know about the others, which just makes it that much easier…[/i][/color]
[b]Secret:[/b] [color=#000080][i]…and now…she’ll die because of that…oh God, she was the only one that actually cared, and now she’s going to die because I was selfish…I infected her…[/i][/color]

[b]Dreamer Power:[/b] Sound. Ashen is able to channel sonic vibrations in the surrounding area, leading to a number of different results. A focused wave of vibrations in a single direction can shatter whatever lies in its path. Ashen can also mimic the vibrations of any occurring sound in the area, causing the vibrations to cancel each other out; this results in that sound being entirely deadened. Doing this on a large scale can completely silence the surrounding area, though Ashen’s headgear allows him to tune in to individual sounds and hear what the others are not able to.
[b]ID Focus:[/b] Ashen wields a straight, double-edged sword. The sword is thin and very resilient. Ashen can channel his sonic vibrations into the sword’s blade, allowing it to vibrate so quickly that it can through any substance. Carried in a sheath on his waist until needed.
[b]Ego Focus:[/b] Sends a sonic shockwave in all directions, repelling oncoming attacks (mainly projectiles).
[b]Superego Focus:[/b] Sekkusu – A female humanoid bat. Reflective of both Ashen’s sound-based abilities and his sexual addiction.
[b]Survival Strategy:[/b] [color=#000080][i]The only way to earn people’s respect is to prove my worth…my new powers should make that easy enough in this realm. Gain respect and win friends. [/i][/color]

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WIP atm. Fields are all done in Casey's POV (well, the ones I've completed/started so far)

Hopefully the Ego Focus isn't too OP'ed =/

[b]Name:[/b] [color=#800080]"Artemis Sparklefart? Huh, that sounds just as retarded as Nedrew Dead. Oh wait, that's [i]your[/i] name, isn't it? LOL! At least Casey Osceola isn't that bad. That's [i]my[/i] name; you can't have it." :P[/color]
[b]Age:[/b] [color=#800080]"Well f*** [i]you[/i][/color][color=#800080] for calling me immature, you c***! I'm a goddamned 18-year-old [i]mom[/i] for f***'s sake!"[/color]
[b]Sex:[/b] [color=#800080]"Um, [i]hello[/i]? Did I not just tell you that I'm a mom?" *scoffs* "Retard."[/color]
[b]Title:[/b] [color=#800080]"Tch, famous [i]my ass[/i]... let's see [i]you[/i] try being forgotten since the day you were born..."[/color]

[color=#800000][b]Appearance: [/b][/color][color=#800080]"5' 11". Stocky build. Bust-Waist-Hip measurements of 38-29-34. Oh, and white skin; the [i]real[/i] color white, that is, not the skin color." [/color]
[color=#800000][b]Personality: [/b][/color][i](At least three paragraphs, try to be original.) [color=#800080](Why try? All of you are the same, really. Pathetic. Deluded. Killers.)[/color] [/i]
[color=#800000][b]Biography: [/b][/color][i](At least three paragraphs, try to be original.) [color=#800080](Like their origins affect anything.)[/color][/i]
[color=#4b0082][b]Secret:[/b] [/color][color=#800080]"... y[/color][color=#800080]ou're a buffoon. Besides, even if I [i]had[/i] any form of secret, you'd be the [i]last[/i] person to know about it."[/color]

[color=#800080][b]Dreamer Power: [/b]"Says the dumbass that is you. Fine, even if that [i]were[/i] true, then how do explain [i]my[/i] power, then? Oh, what, specific persons may or may not be able to [i]actually[/i] see or hear me from time to time, or even feel my presence for that matter. [i]That's[/i] not lethal. [i]It's[/i] not destructive. And I [i]certainly[/i] can't control it any more than I can control when I want to be left alone. (Which I can't!) So yeah, your logic's [i]already[/i] an epic fail."[/color]
[color=#ff0000][b]ID Focus:[/b] [/color][color=#800080]"MP5 Heckler & Cock Machine Pistol. And I have [i]two[/i] of the f***ers..." *smiles sadistically*[/color]
[color=#0000cd][b]Ego Focus:[/b] [/color][color=#800080]"Sticks and stones break my bones, but try any of that Hocus Pocus bullshit and it'll just go straight through me. Even better, I won't even feel a f***ing [i]thing[/i]! Of course, you [i]could[/i] go all tactical on me and disguise the Hocus Pocus as something that would [i]logically[/i] hurt me, but that's just cheap, and I'll hope you rot in hell for it. Still, good luck with [i]that[/i]. Oh, and that 'sticks and stones breaking my bones' thing? That's just how the saying goes."[/color]
[color=#008000][b]Superego Focus: [/b][/color][color=#800080]"The hell's [i]with[/i] this narrator, [i]anyway[/i]? ID Focus... Ego Focus... [i]Superego[/i] Focus? No-one knows WTF [i]those[/i] are! Why didn't he just say weapon, shield and pet?!" *sigh* "Like [i]I'll[/i] ever know. Anyway, my "pet" (If you can [i]call[/i] her that, you sick f***!) would have to be my 7-year-old daughter, Amelia. She has a special place in my heart..."[/color]

[color=#daa520][b]Survival Strategy: [/b][/color][color=#800080]"[i]F***[/i] strategy. I'll just decide what to do as I go along.[/color][color=#800080]"[/color]

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