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On the butterfly i have used both often and I rarely touch my non-Warrior Xyzs to start with thats why there are very few non-warrior Xyzs in the deck as I rarely even need/get to play them.

As for testing being playing this for a while. Don't have numbers but its pretty fun to play, easy to use, and can pull out cards pretty easy. Though I've think I've won more then lost with this deck, but not sure as I have no records of it, and be playing heroics since they were added on DN then updated them when Extra Sword and the others were added.
And on it running, the deck flows well really have problems getting the cards to work together, and it does not give bad hands that often compared to some other decks I've run.
Speed is fair, not the fastest, but its not slow.
The style itself is more or less a Beatdown deck.

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