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Clockwork [60+ Spiral Knights Based Cards]


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[spoiler='The Clockworks + Other S/Ts']Clockworks - Field Spell
When this card is activated: Place 1 Depth Counter on it. During your Standby phase, Place 1 Depth Counter on this card. Monsters you control that are sent to the Graveyard are shuffled into the deck instead. "Clockwork" monsters gain 100 ATK and DEF for every Depth Counter on this card. This card Cannot be destroyed. Once per turn: Discard 1 Card; Special Summon 1 "Clockwork" monster from your Deck. It cannot be used as Synchro Material or Xyz Material. This card gains the following effects based on how many Depth Counters are on this card:
3 or More: During the End of the Battle Phase where a Monster was destroyed by battle: The Opponent of the Controller of the destroyed card(s) Draws 1 card.
5 or More: When a Monster your Opponent controls is destroyed by Battle, Your Opponent Banishes 1 Monster in their Graveyard.
8 or More: Remove All but 1 Depth Counters from this card, and Shuffle All monsters you control into the deck. You must Activate this effect as soon as this card Has 7 or More Depth Counters on it, ignoring any other effects on the field.

(Yeah, I went overboard with this, but It was fun doing so )

Shadow Lair Clockworks - Field Spell
Each of your standby Phases, Add 1 Depth Counter to this card. No field Spells may be Activated, and This card cannot leave the field, except by its own effect. All "Clockwork" Monsters gain 200 ATK and DEF for every Depth Counter on this card. Monsters your opponent Controls cannot change positions. You cannot Normal Summon. Once per turn: Discard 1 card; Special Summon 2 "Shadow Clockwork" Monsters from your Hand or deck. This card gains the following effects based on how many Depth Counters are on this card:
2 or More: Reveal 1 Monster in your hand: Shuffle it back into the deck; Draw one card.
3 or More: Once per turn: Target 1 Monster on each side of the field; Banish the targets.
5 Or More: As soon as this card has 5 or more Counters on it: Remove all Depth Counters from this card, and Destroy all monsters you control. For each Monster destroyed, Destroy 1 card on the field. You cannot activate other effects of this card for the rest of the turn.

(Also overboard :U)

Everchanging Clockworks - Continuous Spell Card
Activate only when you control a "Clockworks" card. When this card is activated: Reveal your hand, and Shuffle all Monsters in your Hand and field into the deck; Special Summon 3 "Clockwork" Monsters with the Same Type. Any cards special Summoned by any of this card's effects Cannot be Used As Synchro Material or Xyz Material. Once per turn, When a "Clockworks" card you control gains or loses a Depth Counter(s): Note the Most common Type among your monsters (If it's a tie, you Choose), and Shuffle All Monsters You control into the deck; Special Summon 3 "Clockwork" Monsters with the Same Type, besides the one noted.

(Originally Part of Clockworks, but separated them for space.)

Depth Leap - Normal Spell
When you control a "Clockworks" field spell with 2 or fewer Depth Counters: Pay Life points in increments of 800, up to 3200; For every 800 Life points payed, Place 1 Depth Counter on a "Clockworks" field spell you Control.[/spoiler][spoiler='Clockwork Beasts']Clockwork Beast - Wolver - EARTH
When a "Clockworks" card you control Has 3 or More Depth Counters on it: This card can attack directly, but if it does, Halve It's ATK during Damage calculation only.
ATK/1500 DEF/600

Clockwork Beast - Alpha Wolver - EARTH
All "Clockwork Beast" monsters you control, besides "Clockwork Beast - Alpha Wolver" gain 200 ATK. This card can attack directly, but if it does, Halve It's ATK during Damage calculation only.
ATK/1800 DEF/1000

Clockwork Beast - Chromalisk - EARTH
This card an attack Twice each Battle Phase. When there are 3 or More Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control: this card cannot be targeted by card effects your opponent controls.
ATK/1200 DEF/500

Clockwork Beast - Kelptolisk - EARTH
When this card deals damage to your opponent: They discard 1 card. This card gains 100 ATK for every Depth Counter on the field.
ATK/900 DEF/500

Clockwork Beast Overlord - Snarbolax - EARTH
This card is also DARK. You may only Control 1 "Overlord -" monster. This card Can only be Special Summoned when the Only Monsters you control are EARTH Monsters, and You control a "Clockworks" card with 2 or More Depth Counters. When this card is Summoned by the Effect of a "Clockworks" card: Special Summon 1 Beast-Type monster from your Deck or Graveyard. This card Cannot be destroyed by Battle, Except by a LIGHT monster.
ATK/2100 DEF/1900[/spoiler][spoiler='Clockwork Constructs']Clockwork Construct - Gun Puppy - EARTH
When this card attacks: your Opponent cannot activate card effects until the end of the Damage Step. When there are 3 or More Depth Counters on a Clockworks card you control: This card can attack twice each turn. If it does, it loses 1000 ATK and DEF next Turn.
ATK/1300 DEF/1200

Clockwork Construct - Red Rover - FIRE
When this card Battles: Inflict 500 Damage to your Opponent. When this card attacks: your Opponent cannot activate card effects until the end of the Damage Step. When there are 4 or more Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control: Halve this card's ATK; This card can attack twice this turn.
ATK/1300 DEF/1200

Clockwrok Construct - Spark Puppy - LIGHT
When this card attacks: The attack target cannot attack, and is destroyed next End Phase. When there are 3 or More Depth Counters on a Clockworks card you control: This card can attack twice each turn. If it does, it loses 1200 ATK and DEF next Turn.
ATK/1300 DEF/1200

Clockwork Construct - Lumber - EARTH
You can only control 1 level 5 "Clockwork Construct". When this card Attacks a Monster: The attack target gains 300 ATK and DEF, and Cannot Attack next turn, and this card is Changed to defense Position at the End of the Damage Step. When there are 5 or More Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control: Negate this card's other effects, and Any monster this card attacks cannot Attack or Leave the field next turn.
ATK/2000 DEF/1600

Clockwork Construct - Mecha Knight - EARTH
When this card Battles: It gains half the ATK of the monster it is Battling. When there are 3 or More Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control, once per turn: This card cannot be destroyed until the next Phase.
ATK/1100 DEF/1200

Clcokwork Construct - Volt Knight - LIGHT
When this card Battles: Destroy the Monster it is battling next End Phase. When there are 3 or More Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control, once per turn: This card cannot be destroyed until the next Phase. If this card uses this effect, negate it's other effects until the End Phase.
ATK/1200 DEF/1100

Clockwork Construct - Retrode - EARTH
When there are 3 or More Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control, Once per turn: Discard 1 card; Destroy all other cards in this card's collum.
ATK/1600 DEF/700

Clcokwork Construct - Voltrode - LIGHT
Cards this card battles are Destroyed Next End Phase. When there are 3 or More Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control, Once per turn: Discard 1 card; Destroy 1 card on the field.
ATK/1600 DEF/700

Clockwork Construct - Scuttlebot - EARTH
When this card Battles: Negate the attack targets effects until the next End Phase. When there are 3 or More Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control: This card Can Attack twice per turn.
ATK/1300 DEF/500

Clockwork Construct - Surgebot - LIGHT
When this card Battles: Negate that card's effect on the field until the End Phase, And it is destroyed next End Phase.. When there are 3 or More Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control: This card Can Attack twice per turn.
ATK/1300 DEF/500

Clockwork Construct Behemoth - Tortodrone - EARTH
You may only control 1 "Behemoth -" card. This card Can only be Special Summoned by the effect of a "Clockworks" card by tributing 1 Monster you control while there are 5 or more Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card. This card Can attack twice each Battle Phase. Any monster this card attack is destroyed (Before Damage Calculation), ignoring all effects of other cards on the field.
ATK/2300 DEF/1800

Clockwork Construct Overlord - Roarmulus Twins - EARTH
This card is also LIGHT. You can only control 1 "Overlord -" Monster. This card Can only be Special Summoned when the Only Monsters you control are Machine or Beast-Warrior-Type Monsters and You control a "Clockworks" card with 4 or More Depth Counters. When this card is Summoned by the Effect of a "Clockworks" card: Place 4 Counters on this card. While there are a Counter(s) on this card: it Cannot be destroyed by Battle. When this card is attacked: remove 1 Counter from it. This card can attack twice each battle phase. When this card attacks, the attacked card cannot attack or change positions, and is destroyed During your opponent's End Phase.
ATK/2100 DEF/1700[/spoiler][spoiler='Clockwork Fiends']Clockwork Fiend - Devilite - DARK
When this card has an "Overtime Counter" on it: This card gains 800 ATK, and it cannot be Destroyed once per turn. When this card has a "Yesman Counter" on it: Halve its ATK, It cannot attack, and when a "Clockwork Fiend - Pit Boss" is Removed from the field, Take off the "Yesman Counter" and place an "Overtime Counter" on this card.
ATK/1000 DEF/800

Clockwork Fiend - Pit Boss - DARK
When there are no "Clockwork Fiend - Devilite" on the field: Shuffle this card into the deck, and Special Summon 1 "Clockwork Fiend - Devilite" from your deck. When this card is summoned, Change it to Defense position. Once per turn: Target 1 "Clockwork Fiend - Devilite" with no "Overtime Counter" and flip a coin; If heads, Place 1 "Overtime Counter" on the Target. If tails, Place 1 "Yesman counter" on it. When there are 5 or More Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control: You may activate this effect twice per turn. When this card is the only "Clockwork Fiend - Pit Boss" on the field, and it is removed from the field: Shuffle 1 "Clockwork Fiend - Devilite" into your deck, and Special Summon 1 "Clockwork Fiend - Pit Boss" From your Hand, Deck, or Graveyard.
ATK/0 DEF/1800

Clockwork Fiend - Greaver - DARK
This card can attack twice per Battle Phase. When there are 3 or More Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control, During the End of the Battle Phase when this card Attacks: Target 1 Monster this card Battled; It cannot attack next Turn.
ATK/1200 DEF/900

Clockwork Fiend - Silkwing - DARK
When this card is summoned: Change it to Defense position. Up to twice per turn: monsters you control, besides "Clockwork Fiend - Silkwing" cannot be destroyed by battle. When there are 3 or more Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card, and this card is sent to the graveyard: This turn, other monsters you control cannot be removed from the field.
ATK/0 DEF/1400

Clockwork Fiend Behemoth - Trojan - DARK
You may only control 1 "Behemoth -" card at a time. When this card is attacking: it cannot be Destroyed by Battle. When this card is targeted for Attack: This card loses 600 ATK and DEF until the end phase.
ATK/2200 DEF/1800[/spoiler][spoiler='Clockwork Gremilins']Clockwork Gremlin - Thwacker - EARTH
When this card battles a Monster in the same collum as it: This card gains 400 ATK, and the monster battling it cannot attack or Change positions until next End Phase. When there are 4 or More Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control, And is Selected as an attack target: This card gains 700 ATK and DEF.
ATK/1600 DEF/700

Clockwork Gremlin - Mender - EARTH
When this card is Summoned: Switch it to Defense Position. Once per turn; you may negate the affect of a card that would remove a "Clockwork" monster from your side of the field. Once per turn, When there are 4 or More Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control: Target 1 "Clockwork Gremlin" monster in your Graveyard and discard 1 card; Special Summon that card.
ATK/200 DEF/1800

Clockwork Gremlin - Scorcher - EARTH
This card is also treated as FIRE. When this card Battles: Inflict 500 Damage to your Opponent. When there are 4 or more Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control: This card can attack 3 Monsters your opponent controls once each. If you use this effect, You cannot attack directly this turn.
ATK/1500 DEF/900

Clockwork Gremlin - Demo - EARTH
Once per turn: this card is not destroyed. When this card Battles: Inflict 1000 Damage to your Opponent. They may discard 1 card or Destroy 1 card on their field to negate this effect. Once per turn, When there are 4 or more Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control: Discard 1 card and Banish 1 card in your Graveyard; This card Can Attack again this turn, Cannot be destroyed by battle, and has it's ATK halved.
ATK/1200 DEF/700

Clockwork Gremlin - Knocker - EARTH
Once per turn, Chose 1 Attribute: This card's Attribute becomes That attribute. When this card Battles: Flip a coin; Apply the Following effects based on the result:
Heads: This card is Not destroyed by Battle, and the Opponent's Monster Cannot attack or leave the field until next End Phase.
Tails: Apply the Following effects based on what Attribute this card is:
FIRE: Inflict 700 Damage to your Opponent.
WATER: Target 1 Monster on the field: it cannot Attack or Change positions until the next End Phase.
LIGHT: The Monster this card is battling is Destroyed at the end of the Turn.
WIND: The Monster this card is Battling has it's ATK and DEF halved Until the Next End Phase.
EARTH: This card's ATK and DEF are doubled.
ATK/600 DEF/200

(This was a Fun card to design. The Base Knocker Itself didn't have much to work with, so I combined all of the status variants into it.)

Clockwork Gremlin - Mortafire - EARTH
This card is also treated as FIRE. When this card Attacks: Flip a coin; If Tails, your opponent selects another monster on their side of the field as the attack target (If there are no other Monsters, negate the attack instead). When there are 4 or more Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" you control: Negate The activation of this card's other effects. Additionally, When this card Attacks: Inflict 600 Damage to your Opponent.
ATK/1700 DEF/600

Clockwork Gremlin - Ghostmane Stalker - EARTH
This card is Also treated as DARK. This card cannot be targeted by card effects your opponent controls. Discard 1 card: Halve the ATK and DEF of 2 Monsters on the field adjacent to each other. When there are 4 or more Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" you control: This card Can attack 2 Adjacent monsters each turn.
ATK/1200 DEF/600

Clockwork Gremlin Overlord - Razwog - EARTH
You may only control 1 "Overlord -" Monster. This card is also treated as FIRE. This card Can only be Special Summoned by a "Clockworks" card when the Only Monsters you control are Machine or Beast-Warrior-Type Monsters. When this card Battles: Inflict 500 Damage to your Opponent. Once per turn: Discard one card; This card may Attack 2 Monsters your Opponent Controls once each.
ATK/1900 DEF/1700

Clockwork Gremlin Overlord - Seerus - EARTH
You may only control 1 "Overlord -" Monster. This card Can only be Special Summoned when the Only Monsters you control are Machine or Beast-Warrior-Type Monsters and You control a "Clockworks" card with 6 or More Depth Counters. When this card is summoned: Special Summon any number of "Clockwork Constrict" or "Clockwork Gremlin" cards from your deck. When this card is Attacked: Destroy the monster that attacked this card at the end of the Damage Step. This card can attack twice per battle phase, but If it does, change it to defense position at the end of the Battle Phase.
ATK/2000 DEF/1800 [/spoiler][spoiler='Clockwork Slimes']Clockwork Slime - Jelly Cube - WATER
When this attacking card has less ATK than It's attack Target: at any time, including the damage step, you may switch this card's attack target to another Monster on the field. When there are 3 or more Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" you control: This card can attack directly, but If it does, Halve It's ATK until the End of the Damage step.
ATK/1400 DEF/500

Clockwork Slime - Ice Cube - WATER
When this attacking card has less ATK than It's attack Target: at any time, including the damage step, you may switch this card's attack target to another Monster on the field. When there are 3 or more Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" you control: This card can attack directly, but If it does, Halve It's ATK until the End of the Damage step. When this card battles, the Attack Target cannot Attack or Change positions until the next End Phase. When this card Battles a FIRE monster: Halve It's ATK and DEF.
ATK/1400 DEF/500

Clockwork Slime - Blast Cube - WATER
When this card is destroyed by battle: Destroy 1 card on the field. When there are 3 or more Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" you control: Destroy another card for every 3 Depth Counter on that card.
ATK/1500 DEF/400

Clockwork Slime - Rock Jelly - WATER
This card is Also Treated as Rock-Type and EARTH. When a Rock-Type Monster would be destroyed by battle: Tribute it; Special Summon this card (From your Hand).
ATK/1700 DEF/1900

Clockwork Slime - Lichen - WATER
Once per turn, If this card would be shuffled into the deck: it is not. When there are 3 "Clockwork Slime - Lichen" on the field: Shuffle them into the deck, Ignoring their effects; Special Summon 1 "Clockwork Slime - Lichen Colony" from your deck. This card gains 100 ATK and DEF for every "Lichen" Monster on the field.
ATK/900 DEF/500

Clockwork Slime - Lichen Colony - WATER
Once per turn, If this card would be shuffled into the deck: it is not. When there are 2 or more "Clockwork Slime - Lichen" on the field: Shuffle them and this card into the deck, Ignoring their effects; Special Summon 1 "Clockwork Slime - Lichen Colony" from your deck. This card gains 200 ATK and DEF for every "Lichen" Monster on the field. This card is Unaffected by Trap cards during the Battle Phase.
ATK/1500 DEF/900

Clockwork Slime Behemoth - Giant Lichen Colony - WATER
You can only Control 1 "Behemoth -" card. This card gains 300 ATK and DEF for every "Lichen" Monster on the field. This card is Unaffected by Spell or Trap cards during the Battle Phase. Discard 1 card: This card Can attack 2 Monsters your Opponent controls this turn.
ATK/2000 DEF/1800

Clockwork Slime - Oiler - FIRE
This card is Also treated as a Pyro-Type. When this card Battles: Inflict 600 Damage to your Opponent. When there are 3 or more Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" you control, And you control another FIRE monster: This card Cannot be Destroyed by Card effects.
ATK/1400 DEF/600

Clockwork Slime - Quicksilver - LIGHT
This card is also treated as Thunder-Type. When this card Battles: Destroy the monster this card is battling Next End Phase. When there are 3 or more Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" you control, and you control another LIGHT Monster: This card Cannot be Destroyed by Card effects.
ATK/1400 DEF/600

Clockwork Slime - Toxigel - WIND
When this card Battles: Halve the ATK and DEF of the Monster this card is Battling. When there are 3 or more Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" you control, When this card attacks: This card is not Affected by Trap cards.
ATK/1400 DEF/600

Clockwork Slime - Polyp - WATER
During the Battle Phase: This card is not affected by Card Effects. When there are 3 or More Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control: This card can attack twice each turn. If it does, it loses 900 ATK and DEF next Turn.
ATK/1100 DEF/1000

Clockwork Slime Overlord - Jelly King - WATER
You may only control 1 "Overlord -" Monster. This card Can only be Special Summoned when the Only Monsters you control are Machine or Aqua-Warrior-Type Monsters and You control a "Clockworks" card with 5 or More Depth Counters. When this card is Summoned: Send all other Monsters you control to the Graveyard; Special Summon 2 "Clockwork Slime - Royal Mini Tokens" (Aqua-Type/WATER/Level 1/ATK 500/DEF 500) and 2 "Clockwork Slime - Royal Polyp" (Aqua-Type/WATER/Level 3/ATK 1200/DEF 800) Battles involving any of these tokens have Battle Damage reduced to 0. Once per turn: a "Royal" Token cannot be destroyed. During either Players turn: Tribute 1 "Royal" Token; This card Cannot be destroyed once this turn.
ATK/2300 DEF/2000[/spoiler][spoiler='Clockwork Undead']Clockwork Undead - Howlitzer - DARK
When this card attacks: your Opponent cannot activate card effects until the end of the Damage Step. When there are 3 or More Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control: This card can attack twice each turn. If it does, it loses 1000 ATK and DEF next Turn. When this card is Destroyed by Battle: Flip a coin. If Heads, Destroy 1 Monster on the field. If Tails, Destroy 1 Spell or Trap on the field.
ATK/1100 DEF/900

Clockwork Undead - Kat - DARK
Once per turn, This card Cannot be Destroyed by Battle. When there are 3 or More Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control, When this card Attacks: your Opponent cannot activate card effects until the end of the Damage Step.
ATK/1200 DEF/700

Clockwork Undead - Dust Zombie - DARK
This card is Unaffected by Spell cards your Opponent Controls. Once per turn, When there are 3 or More Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control: Target 1 card on the field; It's effects cannot be activated until next End Phase.
ATK/1500 DEF/600

Clockwork Undead - Slag Walker - FIRE
This card is Unaffected by Spell cards your Opponent Controls. Once per turn, When there are 3 or More Depth Counters on a "Clockworks" card you control: Target 1 card on the field; Destroy it, And inflict 500 Damage to It's controller.
ATK/1500 DEF/600

Clockwork Undead Behemoth- Slag Guard - FIRE
You can only control 1 "Behemoth -" card. When this card is attacking: it cannot be Destroyed by Battle. When this card Destroys a Monster by Battle, Inflict 400 Life points To it's controller. When this card Is selected as an attack Target: It loses 700 ATK and DEF until the end of the Damage step.
ATK/2100 DEF/1700[/spoiler][spoiler='Other Clockwork Monsters']Clockwork - Lost Soul - DARK
When this card attacks: It is not Destroyed by Battle, You take no Battle Damage, And it Gains 1 Counter for every 500 damage you would have taken (Rounded Down). When this card is attacked, Remove all counters from it; Inflict damage to your Opponent equal to the number of Counters on it x500. Then, destroy this card.

Clockwork Shankle - LIGHT
When this card is summoned: Place 2 Counters on it and Change it to Attack Position. This card Can only Change Positions by It's own effect. When this card has no counters on it, destroy it, and your Opponent gains 500 Life points. This card Cannot be Destroyed by Battle. You take no Damage from Battles involving this card, unless It has a "Reveal Counter" on it. When this card Attacks, Place 1 "Reveal Counter" (max. 1) on it after Damage Calculation, and If your Opponent took no damage from that battle, Inflict 600 Damage to your Opponent. If this card is attacked with a "Reveal Counter", Remove it and 1 Counter from this card after Damage Calculation.
ATK/1000 DEF/1000

(Randomness is fun :U)

Clockwork Overlord - Vanaduke - DARK
You may only control 1 "Overlord -" Monster. This card Can only be Special Summoned when the Only Monsters you control are Undead or Fiend-Type Monsters and You control a "Clockworks" card with 6 or More Depth Counters. When this card is Summoned: You may send all other Monsters you control to the Graveyard: Special Summon 3 "Slag" Monsters From your Hand, Deck, or Graveyard. When this card Attacks: Target 2 Monsters your Opponent Controls; Place 1 "Shadow Fire" Counter on each of them (Max. 1). At the Standby Phase of the Controller of a Monster with a "Shadow Fire" counter on them takes 500 Damage. Monsters with "Shadow Fire" Counters on them Cannot Attack. At the End of the Battle Phase when this card Attacks: Change it to Defense Position.
ATK/2400 DEF/2300[/spoiler][spoiler='Clockwork ___ Variants']Clcokwork Construct Variant - Love Puppy - LIGHT
Tribute 1 Machine-Type "Puppy", "Red Rover" 1 "Poylp" monster, or 1 Zombie-Type Monster with 1100 ATK and 900 DEF: Special Summon this card (From the Hand or Graveyard). When this card is summoned: Change it to Defense Position. On either Player's Standby: Place 1 Love Counter on a Monster on each side of the field. If a Monster with a Love Counter would be removed from the field: that card's controller may Remove it; It is not.
ATK/0 DEF/1900

Clockwork Jelly Variant - Impostocube - WATER
Tribute 1 Aqua-Type "Cube" Monster: Special Summon this card (From the Hand or Graveyard). When this attacking card has less ATK than It's attack Target: at any time, including the damage step, you may switch this card's attack target to another Monster on the field. When this card is destroyed by Battle: Each Player draws cards equal to the number of Depth Counters on the field halved(Rounded down) +1. Each player may only draw up to 3 Cards with this effect. The drawn cards may not be used this turn.
ATK/1000 DEF/1000

Clockwork Jelly Variant - Soul Jelly - WATER
Tribute 1 "Lichen" monster or 1 Aqua-Type Monster with 1400 ATK and 600 DEF: Special Summon this card (From the Hand). Twice per turn: This card cannot leave the field.
ATK/900 DEF/500

Clcokwork Undead Variant - Mewkat LIGHT
Tribute 1 "Kat" monster; Special Summon this card (From the Hand) this card cannot be targeted by Effects or for Attack. When this card is destroyed; Your opponent Discards 1 card.
ATK/0 DEF/800[/spoiler]


(Shadow Lair stuff Will come later, And I'm not going to do EVERY Monster Status variant. Just the Slimes Since They'e quite unique, and The ones that appear in Shadow Lairs/Important Places Like Shock Constructs or Poison Beasts)

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