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I was getting tired of dueling people with the same deck over and over again, never feeling like I was achieving the goal, so I decided to make a deck just for fun. It really sucks, to be completely honest. The search cards are so useless it makes me laugh. Yet I beat two people with the deck.

Monsters - 20
[1]Diabolos, King of the Abyss
[1]Dark Necrofear
[2[Mist Archfiend
[1]Dark Ruler Ha Des
[3[Zombie Master
[2]Doomcaliber Knight
[1]Malice Doll of Demise
[1]Goblin Zombie
[1]Wall of Illusion
[1]Morphing Jar
[1]Earthbound Spirit
[1]Spirit Reaper
[1]Summoner Monk

Spells - 11
[1]The Dark Door
[1]Allure of Darkness
[1]The Shallow Grave
[1]Soul Exchange
[1]Card Destruction
[1]Shard of Greed
[1]Monster Reborn
[1]Dark Hole
[1]Heavy Storm

Traps - 9
[2]Bottomless Trap Hole
[1]Mirror Force
[1]Torrential Tribute
[1]Escape from the Dark Dimension
[1]Zoma the Spirit
[1]Call of the Haunted
[1]Dark Bribe
[1]Dark Spirit of the Silent

I am open to suggestions, though obviously since this is just for fun I'm not looking for "optimization", just maybe some tips on making it a bit more consistent without taking out key cards.

UPDATE: This deck has beaten Lightsworns, Junk Doppel, Darkworlds, and Prophecy decks. lol

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Considering taking out the Mist Archfiend and a Malice Doll, since they're pretty stupid except with Ectoplasmer, which is stupid. Going to keep Ectoplasmer, though, so keep with the theme. I'll also stick in Spirit Reaper, even though I believe he alluded to "Reaper of the Cards" and not "Spirit Reaper". I'm not so stupid as it use THAT card...

EDIT: Actually, I'll drop Goku En and 2 Malice, and an Ectoplasmer. Goku was pointless to begin with, and Ectoplamer is just too bad to use at all, so I'll just use it as nostalgia bait.

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[quote name='EmpoleMew' timestamp='1346745279' post='6018961']
where is your winged dragon of ra

and bowganian
Bakura is now Marik. Also, I wish I could see the looks on my opponent's faces when I activate Exchange and give them a completely useless card. I stole a Gorz once, and they took a Gernia. Another time I passed a Dark Door, and just today I passed a Ha Des for a Mirror Force.

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