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Evilswarm Rabbit

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I decided to test this out, and for the most part it seems to work. However, because of Grapha's discard effect the deck dies against Dark Worlds extremely bad, despite the fact that ordinarily it should destroy them.

Monsters - 20
[3]Evilswarm Heliotrope
[3]Evilswarm Castor
[3]Evilswarm Thunderbird
[1]Evilswarm Olanta
[2]Rescue Rabbit
[2]Thunder King Rai-Oh
[2]Tour Guide from the Underworld

Spells - 10
[2]Infestation Pandemic Infection
[1]Book of Moon
[1]Monster Reborn
[1]Dark Hole
[1]Heavy Storm

Traps - 10
[2]Bottomless Trap Hole
[2]Mirror Force
[2]Torrential Tribute
[2]Solemn Warning
[1]Solemn Judgment
[1]Compulsory Evacuation Device

Extra - 15
[1]Evilswarm Ouroboros
[2]Evilswarm Ophion
[2]Evilswarm Bahamut
[1]Evolzar Laggia
[1]Evolzar Dolkka
[1]Steelswarm Roach
[1]Number 50: Black Corn
[1]Number 39: Utopia
[1]Photon Papilloperative
[1]Number 30: Acid Golem of Destruction
[1]Leviair the Sea Dragon
[1]Wind-Up Zenmaines

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