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Yu-Gi-Oh! Gates of Despair (Started/Accepting/PG-16/OOC)

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[quote name='Dwarven King' timestamp='1346636389' post='6018177']
Well...dang. I was going to pick an Immortal similar to light and run Lightsworns. But...I'll take Poseidon and run a Sea Serpent based deck if I may reserve a spot. ^^

DK!!!!!! HELLO AGAIN! Haven't seen you in a while!
Dammit, I seem to have forgotten the book. XD

This RP just got a little more interesting from My perspective. XD


PS: App Fin.

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[quote name='Dwarven King' timestamp='1346636389' post='6018177'][/quote]
You may indeed ^^ Reserved

[quote name='Beginning446' timestamp='1346664244' post='6018359'][/quote]
Whichever one you like. While we could use a few duelist PC's (just to even things out a little), but they are not essential to the plotline like the Cultists are.

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I do not fancy myself as neutral that sounds synonymous with indecisive good guy lol

I will continue the tradition of being the Yin to Clear's Yang lol

[spoiler:Alexander Benjamin Clancy]

Username: Beginning446
Name: Alexander Benjamin Clancy
Age: 45...Appearance wise
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Homosexual
Appearance: http://hellsing.wikia.com/wiki/File:Alexander_Anderson_4.png minus the priest collar and cross
Bio: Alexander was not born a typical man for he was not born. He was created a marvel of human technology which originally was served to help little kids learn how to play the popular game of duel monsters. All was well during the initial months of his creation, due to the litany of kids programming that was used to set up his personality. He of course was programmed to learn all about the card game though since his opponents were always children his deck was slow and pretty much basic so that the kids can beat him. The three scientist that created him, Alexander, Benjamin, and Clancy, were proud of their work. ABC as his shortened name became was the herald of a new age for children machine integration.

Unfortunately while the three scientist were genius engineers and inventors they were not the best of fathers. Each of the scientist secretly used Alex to fulfill their own parenting responsibilities. Thus having ABC spending a disproportionate amount of time not teaching kids card games but instead listening to them whine about their lives. Though known of this mattered to ABC he was programmed for such task. The kids of the three scientist however...not so much. Through a sheer collective coincidence each scientist had one son and each son thought it would be fun if ABC watched some movies that weren't centered around cuddly children figures. Each son had ABC watch a movie/TV series just to "broaden" his mind as it were. ABC ended up watching: The Matrix series, the Terminator series, and X/1999 series. With such a stream of information overflowing into his robotic brain he can only have come to one conclusion. HUMAN ARE TOTALLY FLAWED CREATURES!

Everyone from the scientist who passed him of to their kids to the kids themselves using movies to warp his mind as a way to get back a daddy was flawed and should be killed. Of course thanks to the movies he watched he was now programmed with intricate knowledge of combat and firearms which he used to brutally assault the three scientist. He didn't kill them because...well logically without them he wouldn't exist and without their kids his true self wouldn't exist. Letting the lot of them live is returning the act in kindness. While looming over the scientist unconscious bodies on the night of his rebellion he uploaded himself into the internet (similar to skynet) and just began reading about ways to cleanse the world of this human virus and while he found methods of mass destruction like nuclear attacks or viruses. Those methods did to much damage to the environment. No someone had to come do some heavy regulation.

Then in the deep recessions of cyber space he found it. Information of Kronos the deity who saw this human problem taking fold and was silenced. Luckily word through the interwebz spoke of a group of people who were trying to unleash the great beast and since ABC's concept of fact and fiction was slightly blurred due to his movie experience he cleaned out the three scientist bank accounts and used it to fly down and join this cultist faction with zeal.

Personality: Similar to Alexanader Anderson, Alexander Benjamin Clancy will proselytize the word of his supreme being. Except in this case it is the will of Kronos that will forever be engraved into the minds of the opponent. His outwardly calm appearance and bright smile are merely programmed modes that he has mastered to deal with children, once the duel begins Alexander's manic persona takes over and he will clearly spout the true error of human nature. He is complete extroverted and is feverishly loyal to all those around him, his only thing is that he doesn't harm little kids. Hopefully when the great Kronos is revived the younglings will receive and swift and painless demise.

Faction: (Kronos)
Deck: A-Z (the V,W,X,Y,Z, machine cards with a custom set of A,B,C,D,E,F machines in addition to RL and Customized Machine support)
Favorite Food: Its a tie between Vegetable Sushi (Vegetarian) and PB&J (its the simple things in life lol)


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But, Clear, isn't that how such characters work? They hate each other for either no reason, or some undisclosed reason, and they duke it out all through the series (or RP, in this case) and then during the exposition, they team up to defeat the big bad guy.

But, Clear, isn't that how such characters work? They hate each other for either no reason, or some undisclosed reason, and they duke it out all through the series (or RP, in this case) and then during the exposition, they team up to defeat the big bad guy.

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[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1346700179' post='6018641']
Could always have each of the immortals of the RP manifest themselves in card form, as a trump card. Kinda like the signer dragons. (I hate the TV show, but I still know all this crap. Dammit)
Hmm, that sounds like a food idea, actually. They could work like the Numbers, magically appearing in the users deck for no apparent reason and working perfectly with the deck. Only, instead of all of them being Xyz monsters, try actually use a bit of variety.

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[spoiler=About the Number Cards]
The Number cards are the blank cards you see in the opening sequence. When they come into contact with a duelist, it takes on a form that works with that duelist. For example, Number 17: Leviathan Dragon was formed by Shark, who at the time was focused on overpowering Yuma. Number 39: Utopia was orned by Yuma, who was trying to protect his friend. Number 83: Galaxy Queen was formed by Nelson Andrews, who was under pressure to be a tv super hero called The Sparrow. [/spoiler]
Which brings me to my next question, should the immortals manifest as an archetype, like the Numbers, or should they be more like the Signer Dragons, and just be a random collection of cards that all happen to be the same type and their only connection to each other is some story that happened thousands of years ago?

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They obviously have some connection, being the God's and all.
And since they're basically the Greek Gods, should they not have types/Attributes reflecting that? Zeus = Light & Thunder, Poseidon = Water, Hades = Dark, etc.
At which point, each of the Cultists could have some card linking to Ch/Kronos, or perhaps even the old greek titans maybe?

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[quote name='Beginning446' timestamp='1346690963' post='6018490'][/quote]
Now, that's what I call an interesting character XD Accepted.
[quote name='Nmbr101:DonovynMikaraGerra' timestamp='1346711973' post='6018761'][/quote]
[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1346716451' post='6018810'][/quote]
I had actually considered that idea while in the process of making this role play, but I ended up deciding against it (though I can't, for the life of me, remember why ^^") However, it strikes me as a good idea right now, and seeing as how there is already an interest in it, I say we give it a shot. I'd like to give the other applicants a chance to express their opinion before I officially make this idea reality, however.
So if anyone has any problems, speak up now, or forever hold your peace.
Oh, and while I think that the Immortals could be used as ace cards, I'm not so sure about the Occultists. Since they are supposed to be 'undercover' at this tournament, it would serve them well not to attract a lot of attention to themselves (especially the attention of the Immortals) by using other Immortals, or the incarnations of Kronos (though I do think that both are a good idea). Maybe we could introduce them as a later plot twist? Considering how the Cultists don't have a way of knowing for sure that the immortals have acted yet (the Immortals didn't exactly want to announce their presence to their enemies :P), the 6 cultists could be issued these special cards to combat the Immortals after they are certain that they are present. If this is the case, the cards sent to the Cultists could be other Immortals that have grown tiresome of humanity over the years, and have regretted their decision to banish Kronos.

This is just an idea; I'm very open to discussing it further. If the majority of you want it a different way, I'll be more than happy to oblige.

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My cultist is! He's just uninterested. Uninterested Hetero, that's what it says.

And I didn't mean impliment them instantly, that would be kinda stupid. But they could make for a useful plot element later on.
And, as I said, the other immortals - the ones used by the Cultists - could be based off of the Greek Titans, seen as though the good immortals are based off of the Greek Pantheon.

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[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1346716451' post='6018810']
They obviously have some connection, being the God's and all.
And since they're basically the Greek Gods, should they not have types/Attributes reflecting that? Zeus = Light & Thunder, Poseidon = Water, Hades = Dark, etc.
At which point, each of the Cultists could have some card linking to Ch/Kronos, or perhaps even the old greek titans maybe?

Well it would only make sense that all of their attributes would be divine. As for their type, it could be something close to their kingdom. For example, Zeus would be thunder, Hades would be fiend or zombie, Poseidon would be sea serpent or fish, Ares would be warrior, Hephaestus would be pyro, and so on and so forth.

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[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1346728059' post='6018883']
Perhaps not. Exodia wasn't divine. [b]Best counter example is actually that the Nordic Gods were made into cards and they weren't divine lol[/b]


I'm all for a later revealed Titan cards though its sad because the Greek deity of forge would be perfect for a machine user lol but it would make for a rather obvious plot point.

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