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Yu-Gi-Oh! Gates of Despair (Started/Accepting/PG-16/OOC)

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Ah its no problem for now.... Well I live over in Communist China (not really as bad as most North Americans think it to be, unless your going on a anti government raid party around town... Be expected to be jailed then.) Hope this informartion does not seem to broad. ^^;

Will write up a post during you guys' night (my morn) for I as I am now much head off to sleep (to tired to write a decent post TT~TT srry)

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Interestting turn of events, the shody boys whom were quite quarreling about a deck, now join forces to try to defeat the two (unbeknowest to them) immortals who will in my opnion (and due to the fact that none of the immortals so far have actaully lost) will win ^~^

Fight On!

(Apologies if this sounds like a rant ^^; )

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[quote name='deadaim98' timestamp='1347459172' post='6023811']
Ah its no problem for now.... Well I live over in Communist China (not really as bad as most North Americans think it to be, unless your going on a anti government raid party around town... Be expected to be jailed then.) Hope this informartion does not seem to broad. ^^;

Will write up a post during you guys' night (my morn) for I as I am now much head off to sleep (to tired to write a decent post TT~TT srry)

Well I didn't know someone else was in the same timezone as me lol I live in the great Communist China as well lol so every time I get on I have a boat load of catching up to do lol

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I'm not the best at consolations, but I'd like you to know that I'm sorry for your loss, KneeSocks. It's been a long time since I've lost someone, but I know how tough it can be. I wish you and everyone else suffering the loss comfort.

I'd also like to apologize to everyone in the roleplay for my inactivity. I don't have a fancy excuse like Deadaim's, but I've been [i]really[/i] busy nonetheless ^^" I just wanted to let everyone know so that you don't think I'm being inactive for a lack of interest.
I'm working on my post right now. I'm interacting with Dwarven King's character, considering how he's the only one (aside from me) who hasn't yet had any interactions with another PC.

And I just realized that this role play lacks a womanizer o.o I feel challenged...

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@kneesocks: I must apologize I am the last one to offer condolences on the passing of your friend, but I offer them nonetheless. The loss of life is always hard.

@101/Clear: I love how both hero users opened with poly and went for old school heroes. Smash them vigorously.

@Echo: So this tag tourney part is it like the semi-finals of the tournament or something?

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@Beginning: Indeed it is. Slightly wider-scale than the average semi-finals, though (not that I know much about these things). We can expect the initial number of participants to have diminished greatly, but still be in the triple digits (at least). Also, do you have any idea for what rule set should we use for tag duels? I know that I put some rules in the setting, but I just realized it's not very detailed...Unless you people have already figured it out already, in which case I apologize for my ignorance ^^"

@Donovyn: If you'd like to do that, that's fine. I still kind of want to make a womanizer if I get the chance, though XD Not a serious one, mind you. More for comic relief. As in, the type of guy who goes all heart-eyes the moment he sees an attractive women, then immediately proposes marriage XD

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[quote name='True Silent Echo' timestamp='1347502532' post='6024271']
@Beginning: Indeed it is. Slightly wider-scale than the average semi-finals, though (not that I know much about these things). We can expect the initial number of participants to have diminished greatly, but still be in the triple digits (at least). Also, do you have any idea for what rule set should we use for tag duels? I know that I put some rules in the setting, but I just realized it's not very detailed...Unless you people have already figured it out already, in which case I apologize for my ignorance ^^"

@Donovyn: If you'd like to do that, that's fine. I still kind of want to make a womanizer if I get the chance, though XD Not a serious one, mind you. More for comic relief. As in, the type of guy who goes all heart-eyes the moment he sees an attractive women, then immediately proposes marriage XD

Well as for rules about playing a tag game those are somewhat straight forward.[list]
[*]Only the last person to go can attack on the first turn.
[*]Fields are completely separate. Graveyards are not. (though you could change that if you wanted)
[*]Lifepoints are separate (once again you can change that)
[*]Cards that target the opponent forces you to pick one.
The only thing you would have to do is decide how the whole duel points thing works out.

And as for your womanizer...you're going to make a card playing Miroku from Inuyasha?

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I say the Rule Set that already exists for Tag-Teams:
All players start with the same number of Life Points, and the teams alternate turns. (ie. One player from one team, then the adjacent player from the other team, so on and so forth)
A player can use any cards on their partners field, but players can not discuss the cards in their hand with their partners.
When one player's Life Points hit zero, both players on the team lose.
When a card states to inflict damage to "Your Opponent" then both opponents are affected.
Okay, apparently more than one Rule Set exist for Tag-Teams.
Well, this is something not mentioned in any Rule Book I've seen, and there have only been like, three Tag-Teams in the Series. (Yugi and Joey Vs. Para and Dox. Jaden and Cyrus Versus Para and Dox ... can't think of anyone else.)

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Uhm, I'm notprying becaous your bolth right, But oficial knomi standards state that a tag duel is with two players seperate decks the dame grave and field, and turns alternate, the fiinal player to play their cards is the first to attack.

I only sugest this becaous the YUGIOH TAG DUEL GAME is the most widely accepted Rules, but they can be anyway you choose. Thou... It would be nice to see batma- er Kaziku/konami to create actual tag duel tournies, that would be fun =3.

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