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3x Swap Frog
3x Dupe Frog
2x Treeborn Frog
1x RoninToadin

3x Battle Fader
2x Tragoedia
1x Gorz

3x Caius
2x Mobius
1x Raiza (only own one)
3x Vanity's Fiend
1x Dark Dust Spirit
2x Jinzo
1x Light And Darkness Dragon

3x MST
3x E-con
2x Soul Exchange
1x Dark Hole
1x Monster Reborn
1x Heavy Storm
1x Foolish Burial

No idea what to side.

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-Vanity? Nope. It's one of the best tributes of the deck.
-Jinzo? Nope. Saves my hide from TT, DP, MF, and all those other nasty cards... >.<

-Mobius? mmkay, I can see that working.
-Raiza? Again, I can see that working.

+LADD - yeah, I'd like another one...
+Obelisk - as good as it is, I don't usually have 3 sacrifices for it. Treeborn + Econ + something else... I'll try it.
+1 Lancer - nope. This isn't frog lancers.
+1 Book of Moon - yep.
+2 Creature swap - no thanks. It's likely to be dead with all the swarming.
+ Illusory Snatcher - I don't have any, but I'll might get one or two tomorrow.

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