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Digimon: Digital Restitutions OOC [Started / Accepting]

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[spoiler=Ruga][color=#800080]Username: Ruga650

Name: Ruga

Gender: M

Age: 24

Digimon Species: Dorumon

Human to Digimon Ratio: 51:49

Digenome Number: 20

Personality: Ruga is quite an unpredictable character... He is commonly reported as calm and possibly even [/color][color="#800080"]philosophical, though quite a few things can change that in a mere second. Sadly, he is more often than not changed from his usual self to some kind of 'enraged mode', which is obviously not a pretty sight. There have been cases where depression has hit him, and when it does, it usually hits him hard, hard enough to more often then not ball up in a small majority of cases where he has gotten depressed. Ruga is also almost always bored due to not really being able to do anything while he is restrained by his straightjacket. When he does get out, he tries anything and everything to try and entertain himself, even if it means breaking something in the process.[/color]

[color=#800080]Appearance: Ruga is a darkly-skinned person with golden eyes and white hair. He has a pair of black wings sprouting from his back, as well as sharp teeth and nails. He stands at just over six feet and is almost always seen in a gray straightjacket and a red facemask due to how dangerous he can get, though when he does get it removed, he wears a purple shirt with a pair of red triangles on the back that are positioned to look similar to a hourglass, which is a shape he strangely enjoys. He also wears purplish-black pants that are white at the bottom, with a jagged section where the white meets the rest of the pants. His shoes are commonly seen as a pair of white velcro shoes, considering how he is commonly restrained in some way, he can't really be bothered to retie laces every now and again. Besides, he has troubles with knots.[/color]

[spoiler=Digenome #20]
[color=#000080]Ruga has proven to be somewhat of a failure... To see what would happen when we used an older Digimon, we have decided to use the DDNA of one of the alleged 'Prototype Digimon', Dorumon in this case, and named the result after it's immediate evolution of Dorugamon. Unfortunately, we seemed to have chosen the wrong kind of host when we went with an ex soldier who died after getting his head hit off by a Ginryumon's tail... He obeyed commands at first, but after a week, he stopped listening to any input, even from military officers. When put into the enclosed space, it was apparent within the next two hours he has some interesting thoughts, as he used some iron spheres he launched from his palms to make something that could be called a "makeshift rockclimbing ladder". He also seems to be at least slightly fascinated by the simple hourglass shape of two triangles together point-to-point. Why this is is unknown, though it is speculated it is because the host of his human DNA also enjoyed the shape quite a bit. Due to certain...'malfunctions', we have decided to keep this winged specimen in a straight-jacket and also attached a facemask on him. It has also just recently come to our attention that whoever designed him stupidly ignored the safety ratios, instead putting in a 51:49, which so far has proven to be too digimon... There have been multiple arguments about terminating Ruga, but it has been recently decided that he has too much potential... That, and there are certain points of data missing that we wish to fill in...eventually...when he is less scary...[/color][/spoiler][/spoiler]

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