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Digimon: Digital Restitutions OOC [Started / Accepting]

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[center]~~A [url="http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/288925-the-digital-revolution/page__st__20"]Digital Revolution[/url] Production~~[/center]

[center][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]Well damn, this is a fine mess isn't this? [/color][/font][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]What do you mean what am I talking about? Haven't you been listening? Fine, but LISTEN this time, as I won't repeat it *Sighs*[/color][/font][/center]

[center][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]It all began when the Digital World, to put it simply, 'ran out of space'. There were too many Digimon and not enough space to put em all. That's when all their bigwigs decided that it would be a fine song and dance to take our world for their use as well; as 'restitutions' for our usage of the Digital Data of their world for so many years. They started breaking down the barrier between worlds, and are sending in their littluns until the hole is big enough to send some real mean mothers through. To sum things up, the worlds are at war and we're up s**t creek without a paddle.[/color][/font][/center]

[center][font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]But, naturally we aren't going to let a bunch of E-lectronic vermin beat us, no sir. That's why our own bigwigs created 'Project DiGenome'. We figured that if Digimon were so tough, we'd combine em with Humans and make em even tougher. Now I ain't much for sciency stuff, but I know that these little abominations are the key to overturning this war. YOU! *points* Are one of the many, *cough* 'elite' DigiHUmons we've created in order to fight off this menace. Your life is to serve your planet maggot, or die trying.[/color][/font][/center]
[font=courier new, courier, monospace][color=#000000]~Colonel Jonathan Smythe[/color][/font]

[spoiler=Plot Summary]
The Human World and the Digital World are at war. Humanity is engineering human/digimon hybrids to fling at the Digital World. Everything is screwed.[/spoiler]

[*]Advanced RP rules apply.

[*]My word is God.

[*]If you're going to quit, then very kindly get yourself killed off in the most epic manner possible.

[*]Your lives belong to Colonel Smythe, deal with it.

[*]Advanced RP rules apply.

[*]Try to be nice in the OOC, but feel free to be a jerk-off character.

[*]Advanced RP rules apply.

[*]Advanced RP rules apply.

[*]To ensure you've read these rules, delete the 'History' portion of your Application.

[*]Advanced RP rules apply.

[spoiler=Lab Reports]
The Digenome project is now in action within our new secure location. The soldiers have been capturing and sedating various 'Rookie' class Digimon for this project. We now possess over a hundred different Digimon in magnetic storage, keeping them unable to fully form and escape. Now, the Human DNA is the second piece of our puzzle. We have considered living suppliers, but, it will very likely result in negative effects such as 'existential angst' with the knowledge of being a clone. However, this war has had the... good grace of bringing us many cadavers to supply our Project with without having two of someone running about.

Our first Project is currently underway with Digenome #1. We have understood issues with the process of growing a new being through natural time, time which we don't have. By taking advantage of the Digimon DDNA, we can accelerate their growth exponentially. Digenome #1 was crafted two weeks ago, but through a serum we have created, he is already physically ten years old. Two more weeks, and he will be ready. But, apparantly that isn't good enough for those blasted soldiers.

~ Dr. Dresden[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Digenome Notes][list]
[*][b]Consider the idea of animal DNA for the project:[/b] It might work, and they will probably be less angsty.
[*][b]Prepare control bands for the subjects:[/b] These are necessary in controlling our subjects; due to #5s recent attempts to break out, these bands will generate a magnetic field when active, and, when vital, they will generate a powerful shock to render the subject unconcious.
[*][b]Keep personal track of the ratios we have used:[/b] For obvious reasons.
[*][b]Get milk.[/b]

[spoiler=Digenome #1]
[Data unavailable][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Digenome #2]
[Data unavailable][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Digenome #3]
Subject Terminated[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Digenome #4]
Ratio: 90:10

Subject too human, adopted by fellow scientists[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Digenome #5 - Stayne]
Ratio: 51:49

The fifth subject to be created by the Digenome Project. After careful testing we have finally isolated the key variable: In order for a controllable DigiHUmon to be created, the Human DNA must exceed Digimon DDNA, but not enough to repress the DDNA entirely. The second variable is the Level of the DDNA. Champions and above have been proving difficult to control, even in low saturations. As such, Rookies and the rare Armour types we capture are much easier to control. But no, after the failures of the previous Subjects, we have created the first usable DigiHUmon Soldier. We have named him 'Stayne'.

Stayne was born from the corpse of a young man lost in a recent Digimon attack, and a Digimon we have come to know as 'DemiDevimon'. So far, he seems self-aware, but has a sharp tongue. We are carefully monitering him as he, as he puts it, 'languishes' in the living area we have provided for him.

Stayne recently hypnotised the guard that was overseeing him, showing intelligent use of the 'Evil Whsper' ability his Digimon species is known for. He escaped, but failed to get very far. We are currently adhering some procedures to keep him under wraps. We have now magnetically sealed the living area in order to supress his Digimon Abilities. He seems unhappy about it, but that's his own fault. But, at least he won't be lonely for long: Digenome #6 is almost fully grown, and is showing excellent mental readings.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Digenome #6 - Belle]
Ratio: 66:34

The sixth subject to be created by the Digenome Project, Belle was an attempt to create a more controllable subject than her moderately unruly predecessor. By reducing the amount of Digimon DDNA and utilizing the base of a relatively pacifistic specimen, the result was predictably far more docile than previous results while still retaining enough potency to be useful in a war scenario. As of time of writing, Belle has shown no particular unruly tendencies, has allowed herself to be put to every test we've asked of her, and appears content in an isolated and sealed setting. Unfortunately, she has demonstrated a notable lack of drive and tenacity, flaws that may be related to her relative peacefulness. Likewise, communication with her can often be difficult, indicating her mind may have been tainted by the DDNA in ways we don't yet fully understand.

The donor of Belle's human DNA was an older woman killed during an attack, a respected professor of psychiatry who possessed a 148 IQ even at her advanced age. The reason behind this selection was to test if a genetic basis for intelligence could be transferred to a DigiHUmon in the same way that a digimon's physical attributes may be; unfortunately, the result is inconclusive. Belle does not react well to a standard IQ test, and is far too often caught up in her own thoughts for casual observation to be any indication. On the other hand, it was noted that Belle's human donor was also an exceptional actress- it is possible, though unlikely, that Belle is intentionally concealing the extent of her mental faculties.

Dreaming humans seem to react oddly around Belle, as shown in a phenomena that occurs when she enters the nearby space. The usual brainwave patterns for sleep become disrupted before the lower faculties drop off altogether, forcing the dreamer into wakefulness according to accounts from Guards who had been sleeping on duty, the dreams reportedly "get really weird and a lot less sexy" very quickly, before eventually shocking the sleeper with the image of a limitless black void. When questioned, Belle does not appear to be aware of doing this.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Digenome #7]
Subject Terminated[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Digenome #8]
Subject Terminated[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Digenome #9]
Subject Terminated[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Digenome #10 - Clark]
Ratio: 75:25

It is with great pleasure that I write this entry; the project was beginning to lose support, with all of the recent failures. The tenth subject has been the first really stable success since Digenome #6. To my dismay, on the other hand; it would seem that the subject is not very mentally capable. He has proven to be able to think rationally, but to a bare minimum. He has attempted to eat his only really remarkable physical trait- a rather dangerous-looking rotor-saw that seems to take up the subject's left hand, only to produce profuse bleeding from his mouth. It is because of this that we restrained his body, so that only his head has any freedom of movement.

Subject #10 was created by merging Hagurumon DDNA with a sample from a Vietnamese kid found lying outside the research facilities. Curiously enough, the Hagurumon DDNA was already within him, in the shape of a minute black gear, half stuck into his back. Upon further studying, we concluded that the gear was a product of the Hagurumon family's signature skill: 'Darkness Gear'. If the subject shows the capacity of replicating such a skill, he might become a very versatile tactical weapon; as this skill effectively allows partial or even full control of the target, or can simply induce deep insanity within a Digimon. My greatest concern is that to date, this power's effects have not been confirmed in a human target, and as such this DigiHUmon has been also restrained in a magnetic field to prevent the spread. For all we know, the computer virus in the Darkness Gears could turn into an actual disease when used in Humans...

Luckily for us, the subject seems to not know whether there is anything different between he and other humans. Whether he is faking it all, or believes every human has a left-hand rotor-saw is not up to me to tell. I hope that he does not prove too dangerous for the other subjects, as he is without a doubt a deadly weapon against the Digimon invaders. I would also like to avoid terminating the fourth subject in a row...[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Digenome #11 - Wasp]
Ratio: 67:33

Wasp is a very interesting example of the Digenome project. He appears to have kept most of his human traits while still gaining a number of the positive attributes of the Kunemon species. Apart from his change in skin colour there is no real indication that Wasp is a DigiHUmon, this is unfortunate as the scientists that first checked on him were killed via electrocution and poisoning respectively. It is possible he meant to use this as an escape attempt, but after exiting through the door he returned and sat down calmly. So far he hasn’t repeated the incident.

The human donor DNA we received for Wasp was an exceptional athlete; he was injured one of the initial attacks, but ended up in a coma. His family were unable to let him go and kept him on life support until only recently. Similar to Subject #6 whose secondary purpose was to test a possible intelligence transfer; Subject #11’s donor was chosen to see if physical accomplishment could be transferred. So far we haven’t proven this either way.

When we examined Wasp to see what physical abilities that his Kunemon DDNA gave him we discovered how he was able to kill the two researchers. Though he appears to have no unnatural attributes a stinger is located in the underside of each of his wrists. Wasp has also developed spinnerets on each of his palms allowing him to produce electrically charged webbing from his hands; apparently a way for him to perform the “Electro Web” attack that is Kunemon’s signature.

When I went to inspect Wasp recently he had apparently been using his abilities to create a large web. The guards are telling me that he has also begun climbing the walls. This is not a euphemism for boredom; Wasp has now gained the ability to walk along vertical surfaces and even the ceiling. I must keep watch on him for any more late developing powers.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Digenome #12]

[spoiler=Digenome #13]

[spoiler=Digenome #14]
Subject Terminated[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Digenome #15]
Subject Escaped[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Digenome #16 - Ruga]
Ratio: 51:49

Ruga has proven to be somewhat of a failure... To see what would happen when we used an older Digimon, we have decided to use the DDNA of one of the alleged 'Prototype Digimon', Dorumon in this case, and named the result after it's immediate evolution of Dorugamon. Unfortunately, we seemed to have chosen the wrong kind of host when we went with an ex soldier who died after getting his head hit off by a Ginryumon's tail... He obeyed commands at first, but after a week, he stopped listening to any input, even from military officers. When put into the enclosed space, it was apparent within the next two hours he has some interesting thoughts, as he used some iron spheres he launched from his palms to make something that could be called a "makeshift rockclimbing ladder". He also seems to be at least slightly fascinated by the simple hourglass shape of two triangles together point-to-point. Why this is is unknown, though it is speculated it is because the host of his human DNA also enjoyed the shape quite a bit. Due to certain...'malfunctions', we have decided to keep this winged specimen in a straight-jacket and also attached a facemask on him. It has also just recently come to our attention that whoever designed him stupidly ignored the safety ratios, instead putting in a 51:49, which so far has proven to be too digimon... There have been multiple arguments about terminating Ruga, but it has been recently decided that he has too much potential... That, and there are certain points of data missing that we wish to fill in...eventually...when he is less scary...[/spoiler][/spoiler]

[code][b]Username:[/b] Don't be a smart arse
[b]Age:[/b] Just a given physical age
[b]Digimon Species:[/b] What Digimon DDNA you got, it must be Rookie, but I will permit ONE Armour
[b]Human to Digimon Ratio:[/b] Done as in a total of 100% (e.g. 51:49 (where 51% is Human DNA and 49% is Digimon DDNA. Digimon DDNA CANNOT exceed Human DNA))
[b]Digenome Number: [/b]A tattoo placed somewhere on the body. The numeral is based on which Digenome Subject you were.
[b]Personality:[/b] You are a bioengineered abomination, be as broken or nutso as you like.
[b]Appearance:[/b] Your appearances vary, however, you will appear more like your base Digimon the higher your Digimon DDNA values are. At around 35% you will have non-human traits, such as sharp inhuman nails or fangs. Your outfit should also reflect your Digimon Species as well.
[b][spoiler=Digenome #][/b]
This is your entry exame. Write up a decent lab report on the creation of your DigiHUmon. I expect at least 3 paragraphs.[/spoiler][/code][/spoiler]

[spoiler=Accepted Entries]
[spoiler=Broken ~ Stayne]
[b]Username:[/b] Broken
[b]Name:[/b] Stayne
[b]Gender:[/b] M
[b]Age:[/b] 17
[b]Digimon Species:[/b] DemiDevimon
[b]Human to Digimon Ratio:[/b] 51:49
[b]Digenome Number: [/b]5
[b]Personality:[/b] Stayne is brutally antagonistic and spiteful. Being the first DigiHUmon successfully spat out for combat, he has suffered through stressful prodding, embarassing tests and severe isolation. He keeps a clear and insightful view on things, but drowns any good he can possibly find with pure pessimism and hatred. Whilst he will not lash out on fellow DigiHUmons, he keeps true hatred towards Humans and Digimon alike; being a part of both worlds he feels he has to hate them both as a part of this war. He wants out of his cell, and he will do whatever it takes to free himself... oh, and the others too.
[*][b]Height:[/b] 6"1
[*][b]Weight:[/b] 68 kg
[*][b]Hair colour:[/b] Purple, two long bangs extend from his forehead and arch over his head to his shoulderblades.
[*][b]Eye colour:[/b] Yellow, with cat-slit pupils
[*][b]Skin colour:[/b] Powder blue
[*][b]General Appearance:[/b] Stayne has a fierce look, guided by the inhuman appearance of his eyes. His fixated glare tends to put the newer guards and scientists ill at ease. Whilst it may seem that he's wears a powder blue shirt, which is obscured by a black stitched-up mantle he wears; this is in fact a singlet matching his skin colour. The front of the mantle is firmly situated around his chest, with two fang-like protrusions resting on each pectoral. The back part extends down past his read. Tucked underneath it are two medium sized wings sticking out of his back, with two smaller wings an inch beneath those. His Digenome Tattoo is painted on each of his main wings. He wears a pair of black cloth pants, with slightly loose legs until the end, where elastic binds keep the bottom of the legs in place. His toes are stubs, with two inch long red nails sticking out of them. There is also a nail sticking out his heel. His feet are capable of curling around like hands. Like his feet, his hands also share the same claw-like nail protrusions, resulting in only two joints from his knuckles to his fingers.Truly a fearsome being.

[spoiler=Hydra ~ Belle]
[b]Username: [/b]Hydra
[b]Name: [/b]Belle
[b]Gender: [/b]Female
[b]Age:[/b] 20
[b]Digimon Species:[/b] Tapirmon
[b]Human to Digimon Ratio:[/b] 66:34
[b]Digenome Number: [/b]6
[b]Personality: [/b]Belle, somewhat shockingly for a being in her position, has come out of things none the worse for wear, really. She has a tendency towards the lackadaisical and undefined, and can rarely be pressured into giving a clear answer on basically anything, but she's nice enough during conversation. Many people find it difficult to follow her paths of logic, but they do tend to loop back to something regarding meaning in the very end, even if they take a strange path on the way there. She enjoys meditation and sleep, and can generally be found lying about, doing nothing in particular if she isn't given a particular goal.
She is exceptionally empathetic in the instances where she does interact with others, and is never one to get mad or impatient. Her advice, while often difficult to understand, is always well-meaning, and she doesn't really appear to have a mean bone in her body. All the fighting she does is done with a subtext of apology- if she had the opportunity, she'd bail from the entire war thing and let someone else a bit more suited to do the war thing do it. Still, she doesn't complain- make due with what you have is one of her many, many philosophies, and she doesn't spend time regretting things that could have been.
[b]Appearance:[/b] Belle is a shorter creature with a longer head of sandy-brown hair, streaks of bright blond and ash grey-white scattered intermittently; a small amount of it 'wings' behind her ears, almost as if it were blown back into a particular style, where the tips are coloured indigo. Her eyes are a bright baby blue, which stand out brightly against her pale skin and provide a focal point for her face. Her figure is fairly slim, especially around her legs (which lack much muscle presence), but fills out a bit more towards the top of her body, with fairly strong-looking shoulders, comparatively large hands, and a sizeable bustline.
A strange mark in what appears to be indigo ink is marked on her forehead, between her brows; the center of this mark is, in fact, a six rather a simple sphere.
Belle opts to wear a pair of large, very baggy white pants and an indigo gypsy's vest with a simple shirt beneath, and continues this theme with an assortment of jewellery pieces. While she was not allowed gold, she wears a brass choker around the neck similar to a Holy Ring, and a matching bracelet on her left wrist. She wears a number of rings on both hands, as well as a number of bead necklaces of various weavings. Noticeably, she has beads and thread stitched into the formation of an entire dream catcher, the lines of leather coupled with feathers dropping down from her back like a set of very strange tails.[/spoiler]

[spoiler=Mugendramon ~ Clark]
[b]Username:[/b] Mugendramon
[b]Name:[/b] Clark
[b]Gender:[/b] M
[b]Age:[/b] 28
[b]Digimon Species:[/b] Hagurumon
[b]Human to Digimon Ratio:[/b] 75:25
[b]Digenome Number: [/b]10
[b]Personality:[/b] Clark, like any Hagurumon, is rather naive and uninformed. Anybody talking to him is likely to believe him retarded, at first. In truth, Clark is surprisingly paranoid about his intellect, and chooses that façade to avoid attention. This doesn't mean he's a genius; he is in fact rather far from one. While pretending to not know about certain things, there are plenty of others he does not realize are true. His confinement thus far hasn't scared him in the slightest, as he seems to be rather resilient to pain. Physical one, at least; for he whines in pain at the slightest bit of mental challenge.

He seems to be neutral about humans, and is only concerned with Digimon in that he knows they exist. He is oblivious to his nature of a DigiHUmon, and what his actual purpose it.
[*][b]Height:[/b] 5"7
[*][b]Weight:[/b] 79 kg
[*][b]Hair colour:[/b] Golden, tied in locks in the shape of the sun, with a small goatee tied in the same fashion.
[*][b]Eye colour:[/b] Red eyeballs, no iris.
[*][b]Skin colour:[/b] Metallic dark gray
[*][b]General Appearance: [/b]Clark looks impressively human, if it weren't for the ridiculous fashion of his hair, contrasting with his oddly-coloured skin. His eyes seem to be surrounded by tattoos, one in the shape of a circle, the other one in the shape of a 7-pointed star. His strange hair seems to rotate every so often, in an imperceptible manner. Oh, the stainless steel rotor-saw that replaces his left hand is pretty inhuman, too. Golden coloured, too; it doesn't look sharp at all, since it has the shape of a gear. Upon closer inspection, it is as sharp as a scalpel. The saw is accompanied by a mechanic forearm, which then becomes a normal arm at the height of the elbow. His right hand is perfectly human-like, with nails coloured in golden. He wears a grey formal shirt, buttoned with small white cogs. It is ripped at the bottom, imitating the Digimon Species' characteristic mouth. His legs, rather skinny and unimpressive, almost square-looking; are cloaked in grey jeans, filled with holes in contrast to his shirt, revealing some of his almost shiny legs. Clark's shirt actually conceals a crack in his chest, inside of which small cogs keep his heart pounding and diaphragm stretching. His Digenome tattoo is rarely seen, as it is marked on the rotor-saw.

[spoiler=//Zeromaru// ~ Wasp]
[b]Username:[/b] //Zeromaru//
[b]Name:[/b] Wasp
[b]Gender:[/b] M
[b]Age:[/b] 21
[b]Digimon Species:[/b] Kunemon
[b]Human to Digimon Ratio:[/b] 67:33
[b]Digenome Number:[/b] 11
[b]Personality:[/b] Wasp doesn’t seem to care about anything unless he is told that it is important. However he does seem to know when something is important to him; mostly things to do with the behaviour that seem to be ingrained into almost every insect species, Analogue and Digital alike. He is rather docile when it comes to the guards and scientists that are merely around him or performing experiments on him, but when he sees action or violence he seems to turn into a completely different creature. Most people dislike being around him for too long as he stares at anybody doing something near him and the black eyes make most people nervous. He doesn’t talk often, but has shown that he does enjoy the action of speaking and being around others.
[*][b]Height:[/b] 5’11”
[*][b]Weight:[/b] 61kg
[*][b]Hair Colour:[/b] Yellow
[*][b]Eye Colour:[/b] Fully Black
[*][b]Skin Colour:[/b] Yellow, Red and Black
[*][b]General Appearance:[/b] If one were to look at Wasp, then you would simply think that he is a Human wearing large amounts of makeup. His skin colours appear to follow that of the colourful design of a Kunemon’s body. The majority of his body is shockingly bright yellow, the same colour as that of his hair, but his feet are a deep red. In contrast his arms are a bright blue. Twin lightning bolt shaped black marks run down the front of his face finish at the bottom of his cheeks; if you looked beneath his hair then you would see that the marks continue above his hairline and end by joining at the base of his skull. Wasp wears very simple clothing a pale yellow vest and a pair of red ¾ length tracksuit bottoms. His Digenome tattoo runs down his back and is usually hidden.

[b]Username:[/b] Ruga650
[b]Name:[/b] Ruga
[b]Gender:[/b] M
[b]Age:[/b] 24
[b]Digimon Species:[/b] Dorumon
[b]Human to Digimon Ratio:[/b] 51:49
[b]Digenome Number:[/b] 16
[b]Personality:[/b] Ruga is quite an unpredictable character... He is commonly reported as calm and possibly even philosophical, though quite a few things can change that in a mere second. Sadly, he is more often than not changed from his usual self to some kind of 'enraged mode', which is obviously not a pretty sight. There have been cases where depression has hit him, and when it does, it usually hits him hard, hard enough to more often then not ball up in a small majority of cases where he has gotten depressed. Ruga is also almost always bored due to not really being able to do anything while he is restrained by his straightjacket. When he does get out, he tries anything and everything to try and entertain himself, even if it means breaking something in the process.
[b]Appearance:[/b] Ruga is a darkly-skinned person with golden eyes and white hair. He has a pair of black wings sprouting from his back, as well as sharp teeth and nails. He stands at just over six feet and is almost always seen in a gray straightjacket and a red facemask due to how dangerous he can get, though when he does get it removed, he wears a purple shirt with a pair of red triangles on the back that are positioned to look similar to a hourglass, which is a shape he strangely enjoys. He also wears purplish-black pants that are white at the bottom, with a jagged section where the white meets the rest of the pants. His shoes are commonly seen as a pair of white velcro shoes, considering how he is commonly restrained in some way, he can't really be bothered to retie laces every now and again. Besides, he has troubles with knots.[/spoiler]

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[b]Username:[/b] Mugendramon
[b]Name:[/b] Clark
[b]Gender:[/b] M
[b]Age:[/b] 28
[b]Digimon Species:[/b] Hagurumon
[b]Human to Digimon Ratio:[/b] 75:25
[b]Digenome Number: [/b]10
[b]Personality:[/b] Clark, like any Hagurumon, is rather naive and uninformed. Anybody talking to him is likely to believe him retarded, at first. In truth, Clark is surprisingly paranoid about his intellect, and chooses that façade to avoid attention. This doesn't mean he's a genius; he is in fact rather far from one. While pretending to not know about certain things, there are plenty of others he does not realize are true. His confinement thus far hasn't scared him in the slightest, as he seems to be rather resilient to pain. Physical one, at least; for he whines in pain at the slightest bit of mental challenge.

He seems to be neutral about humans, and is only concerned with Digimon in that he knows they exist. He is oblivious to his nature of a DigiHUmon, and what his actual purpose it.
[*][b]Height:[/b] 5"7
[*][b]Weight:[/b] 79 kg
[*][b]Hair colour:[/b] Golden, tied in locks in the shape of the sun, with a small goatee tied in the same fashion.
[*][b]Eye colour:[/b] Red eyeballs, no iris.
[*][b]Skin colour:[/b] Metallic dark gray
[*][b]General Appearance: [/b]Clark looks impressively human, if it weren't for the ridiculous fashion of his hair, contrasting with his oddly-coloured skin. His eyes seem to be surrounded by tattoos, one in the shape of a circle, the other one in the shape of a 7-pointed star. His strange hair seems to rotate every so often, in an imperceptible manner. Oh, the stainless steel rotor-saw that replaces his left hand is pretty inhuman, too. Golden coloured, too; it doesn't look sharp at all, since it has the shape of a gear. Upon closer inspection, it is as sharp as a scalpel. The saw is accompanied by a mechanic forearm, which then becomes a normal arm at the height of the elbow. His left hand is perfectly human-like, with nails coloured in golden. He wears a grey formal shirt, buttoned with small white cogs. It is ripped at the bottom, imitating the Digimon Species' characteristic mouth. His legs, rather skinny and unimpressive, almost square-looking; are cloaked in grey jeans, filled with holes in contrast to his shirt, revealing some of his almost shiny legs. Clark's shirt actually conceals a crack in his chest, inside of which small cogs keep his heart pounding and diaphragm stretching. His Digenome tattoo is rarely seen, as it is marked on the rotor-saw.
[spoiler=Digenome #10]
Ratio: 75:25

It is with great pleasure that I write this entry; the project was beginning to lose support, with all of the recent failures. The tenth subject has been the first really stable success since Digenome #6. To my dismay, on the other hand; it would seem that the subject is not very mentally capable. He has proven to be able to think rationally, but to a bare minimum. He has attempted to eat his only really remarkable physical trait- a rather dangerous-looking rotor-saw that seems to take up the subject's left hand, only to produce profuse bleeding from his mouth. It is because of this that we restrained his body, so that only his head has any freedom of movement.

Subject #10 was created by merging Hagurumon DDNA with a sample from a Vietnamese kid found lying outside the research facilities. Curiously enough, the Hagurumon DDNA was already within him, in the shape of a minute black gear, half stuck into his back. Upon further studying, we concluded that the gear was a product of the Hagurumon family's signature skill: 'Darkness Gear'. If the subject shows the capacity of replicating such a skill, he might become a very versatile tactical weapon; as this skill effectively allows partial or even full control of the target, or can simply induce deep insanity within a Digimon. My greatest concern is that to date, this power's effects have not been confirmed in a human target, and as such this DigiHUmon has been also restrained in a magnetic field to prevent the spread. For all we know, the computer virus in the Darkness Gears could turn into an actual disease when used in Humans...

Luckily for us, the subject seems to not know whether there is anything different between he and other humans. Whether he is faking it all, or believes every human has a left-hand rotor-saw is not up to me to tell. I hope that he does not prove too dangerous for the other subjects, as he is without a doubt a deadly weapon against the Digimon invaders. I would also like to avoid terminating the fourth subject in a row...[/spoiler][/spoiler]

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[spoiler= app]
[b]Username: [/b]Hydra
[b]Name: [/b]Belle
[b]Gender: [/b]Female
[b]Age:[/b] 20
[b]Digimon Species:[/b] Tapirmon
[b]Human to Digimon Ratio:[/b] 66:34
[b]Digenome Number: [/b]6
[b]Personality: [/b]Belle, somewhat shockingly for a being in her position, has come out of things none the worse for wear, really. She has a tendency towards the lackadaisical and undefined, and can rarely be pressured into giving a clear answer on basically anything, but she's nice enough during conversation. Many people find it difficult to follow her paths of logic, but they do tend to loop back to something regarding meaning in the very end, even if they take a strange path on the way there. She enjoys meditation and sleep, and can generally be found lying about, doing nothing in particular if she isn't given a particular goal.
She is exceptionally empathetic in the instances where she does interact with others, and is never one to get mad or impatient. Her advice, while often difficult to understand, is always well-meaning, and she doesn't really appear to have a mean bone in her body. All the fighting she does is done with a subtext of apology- if she had the opportunity, she'd bail from the entire war thing and let someone else a bit more suited to do the war thing do it. Still, she doesn't complain- make due with what you have is one of her many, many philosophies, and she doesn't spend time regretting things that could have been.
[b]Appearance:[/b] Belle is a shorter creature with a longer head of sandy-brown hair, streaks of bright blond and ash grey-white scattered intermittently; a small amount of it 'wings' behind her ears, almost as if it were blown back into a particular style, where the tips are coloured indigo. Her eyes are a bright baby blue, which stand out brightly against her pale skin and provide a focal point for her face. Her figure is fairly slim, especially around her legs (which lack much muscle presence), but fills out a bit more towards the top of her body, with fairly strong-looking shoulders, comparatively large hands, and a sizeable bustline.
A strange mark in what appears to be indigo ink is marked on her forehead, between her brows; the center of this mark is, in fact, a six rather a simple sphere.
Belle opts to wear a pair of large, very baggy white pants and an indigo gypsy's vest with a simple shirt beneath, and continues this theme with an assortment of jewellery pieces. While she was not allowed gold, she wears a brass choker around the neck similar to a Holy Ring, and a matching bracelet on her left wrist. She wears a number of rings on both hands, as well as a number of bead necklaces of various weavings. Noticeably, she has beads and thread stitched into the formation of an entire dream catcher, the lines of leather coupled with feathers dropping down from her back like a set of very strange tails.
[b][spoiler=Digenome #6][/b]
Ratio: 66:34

The sixth subject to be created by the Digenome Project, Belle was an attempt to create a more controllable subject than her moderately unruly predecessor. By reducing the amount of Digimon DDNA and utilizing the base of a relatively pacifistic specimen, the result was predictably far more docile than previous results while still retaining enough potency to be useful in a war scenario. As of time of writing, Belle has shown no particular unruly tendencies, has allowed herself to be put to every test we've asked of her, and appears content in an isolated and sealed setting. Unfortunately, she has demonstrated a notable lack of drive and tenacity, flaws that may be related to her relative peacefulness. Likewise, communication with her can often be difficult, indicating her mind may have been tainted by the DDNA in ways we don't yet fully understand.

The donor of Belle's human DNA was an older woman killed during an attack, a respected professor of psychiatry who possessed a 148 IQ even at her advanced age. The reason behind this selection was to test if a genetic basis for intelligence could be transferred to a DigiHUmon in the same way that a digimon's physical attributes may be; unfortunately, the result is inconclusive. Belle does not react well to a standard IQ test, and is far too often caught up in her own thoughts for casual observation to be any indication. On the other hand, it was noted that Belle's human donor was also an exceptional actress- it is possible, though unlikely, that Belle is intentionally concealing the extent of her mental faculties.

Dreaming humans seem to react oddly around Belle, as shown in a phenomena that occurs when she enters the nearby space. The usual brainwave patterns for sleep become disrupted before the lower faculties drop off altogether, forcing the dreamer into wakefulness according to accounts from Guards who had been sleeping on duty, the dreams reportedly "get really weird and a lot less sexy" very quickly, before eventually shocking the sleeper with the image of a limitless black void. When questioned, Belle does not appear to be aware of doing this. [/spoiler]

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[spoiler=App][b]Username:[/b] //Zeromaru//
[b]Name:[/b] Wasp
[b]Gender:[/b] M
[b]Age:[/b] 21
[b]Digimon Species:[/b] Kunemon
[b]Human to Digimon Ratio:[/b] 67:33
[b]Digenome Number:[/b] 11
[b]Personality:[/b] Wasp doesn’t seem to care about anything unless he is told that it is important. However he does seem to know when something is important to him; mostly things to do with the behaviour that seem to be ingrained into almost every insect species, Analogue and Digital alike. He is rather docile when it comes to the guards and scientists that are merely around him or performing experiments on him, but when he sees action or violence he seems to turn into a completely different creature. Most people dislike being around him for too long as he stares at anybody doing something near him and the black eyes make most people nervous. He doesn’t talk often, but has shown that he does enjoy the action of speaking and being around others.
[*][b]Height:[/b] 5’11”
[*][b]Weight:[/b] 61kg
[*][b]Hair Colour:[/b] Yellow
[*][b]Eye Colour:[/b] Fully Black
[*][b]Skin Colour:[/b] Yellow, Red and Black
[*][b]General Appearance:[/b] If one were to look at Wasp, then you would simply think that he is a Human wearing large amounts of makeup. His skin colours appear to follow that of the colourful design of a Kunemon’s body. The majority of his body is shockingly bright yellow, the same colour as that of his hair, but his feet are a deep red. In contrast his arms are a bright blue. Twin lightning bolt shaped black marks run down the front of his face finish at the bottom of his cheeks; if you looked beneath his hair then you would see that the marks continue above his hairline and end by joining at the base of his skull. Wasp wears very simple clothing a pale yellow vest and a pair of red ¾ length tracksuit bottoms. His Digenome tattoo runs down his back and is usually hidden.
[b][spoiler=Digenome #][/b]Wasp is a very interesting example of the Digenome project. He appears to have kept most of his human traits while still gaining a number of the positive attributes of the Kunemon species. Apart from his change in skin colour there is no real indication that Wasp is a DigiHUmon, this is unfortunate as the scientists that first checked on him were killed via electrocution and poisoning respectively. It is possible he meant to use this as an escape attempt, but after exiting through the door he returned and sat down calmly. So far he hasn’t repeated the incident.

The human donor DNA we received for Wasp was an exceptional athlete; he was injured one of the initial attacks, but ended up in a coma. His family were unable to let him go and kept him on life support until only recently. Similar to Subject #6 whose secondary purpose was to test a possible intelligence transfer; Subject #11’s donor was chosen to see if physical accomplishment could be transferred. So far we haven’t proven this either way.

When we examined Wasp to see what physical abilities that his Kunemon DDNA gave him we discovered how he was able to kill the two researchers. Though he appears to have no unnatural attributes a stinger is located in the underside of each of his wrists. Wasp has also developed spinnerets on each of his palms allowing him to produce electrically charged webbing from his hands; apparently a way for him to perform the “Electro Web” attack that is Kunemon’s signature.

When I went to inspect Wasp recently he had apparently been using his abilities to create a large web. The guards are telling me that he has also begun climbing the walls. This is not a euphemism for boredom; Wasp has now gained the ability to walk along vertical surfaces and even the ceiling. I must keep watch on him for any more late developing powers.[/spoiler][/spoiler]

Finally got it finished. Sorry for the delay.

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[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][b]Application[/b]
[b]Username:[/b] Thundervlux
[b]Name:[/b] Aidan
[b]Gender: [/b]Male
[b]Age:[/b] 15
[b]Digimon Species:[/b] Gaomon
[b]Human to Digimon Ratio:[/b] 55:45
[b]Digenome Number: 13[/b]
[b]Personality: [/b]Aidan, like any Gaomon, acts like an ordinary dog most of the time, however he will instantly respond in perfect English to anything said to him. Despite his child-like demeanor, he is secretly rather intelligent. He also has an amazing memory; he claims to remember anything that is said to him. He supported this claim by quoting an entire page of results that was read out around him. This also proves that like any dog, he also has brilliant hearing, as the results were read around ten metres away from his cell when many people were conversing loudly. He has one final, [i]very[/i] noteworthy trait. Whenever a Male other than the Colonel Smythe approaches him, he will become extremely vicious, and lose all of his usual politeness and composure. He will growl rabidly and occasionally threaten to hurt any one that goes near him. However, he is completely fine with Females coming near him, talking to him and experimenting on him. When questioned about this, he claims that it is because all the Females talk to him calmly and kindly, unlike the Males, who quickly become engared when he doesn't cooperate.


[b]Height: [/b]5'4

[b]Weight:[/b] 57kg

[b]Hair colour: [/b]Dodger Blue

[b]Eye colour: [/b]Gold

[b]Skin colour:[/b] Baby Blue. [/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color]

[color=#000000][background=transparent][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][b]General Appearance: [/b]At first glance, Aidan looks like an average human (except for his blue skin, obviously), but upon further inspection, he has some rather obvious inhuman features. He has two thick gold streaks going down from his eyes to just above his chin. He has long, cornflower blue talons, on both his hands and feet. He also has short, thick, corflower blue fur running down his neck and back...and his broad, blue, dragon-like tail. [/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color][/size][/font]
[font=arial,helvetica,sans-serif][size=4][color=#000000][background=transparent][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Aidan does wear clothes, however not by choice; he shows this by tearing any provided for him, and thus he wears only the worn-down remains of trousers and vests. His eyes are also noteworthy; they are gold, and his irises are [i]oddly[/i], oval-shaped like a cats.*[/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color]

[color=#000000][background=transparent][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]*We believe this is a minor genetic mutation, likely caused by the mixing of Human DNA and DDNA.[/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color]
[color=#000000][background=transparent][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][/spoiler][/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color]
[color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)][color=#000000][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]Sorry it took so long, I had trouble thinking of his personality and appearance.[/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color][/background][/color][/size][/font]

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