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Decisions, Decisions.


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So I'v been stuck with the decision of quitting my Advanced Studio Art class. I originally joined to hope my skills would improve and that I'd have my own shown off arts, but I've noticed I'm a tad under-level or sort of slow...and I have a horrible inferiority complex...though it would be hard for me to ask and quit; It would be disappointing and I'd have to make arrangements for other classes...

So have you been at a point where you had a hard time making a decision on something? Have you ever been placed in an ordeal with not much decisions?

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I've got my decisions made at last. Last year I had to decide if I wanted to go College and spend over £2000 on a course or try to look for a job for another year. Luckily the course has gone down in price (it's free coz I'm on jobseekers) and I've got a 4-8 hour job which is pretty sweet, been there 12 weeks now.

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If I were you, I would stick it out and learn as much as you can. Don't go in expecting to succeed, go in knowing nothing and expecting to learn something. It doesn't matter if it's just a different way to do something you know how to do. The more you learn about your skill, the easier it is to gain control over mastering it. Plus, practice really does make perfect.

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[quote name='Ipskies' timestamp='1346430335' post='6016657']
[url="http://web.ics.purdue.edu/~ssanty/cgi-bin/eightball.cgi"]Making decisions is for losers[/url]

I just did that, and, well...it didn't end gladly...


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