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[spoiler=The Aspiring Researcher - Dr. Arthur O. Ganglion]
Username: TheFinalFan
Trainer Title: The Aspiring Researcher
Trainer Name: Arthur O. Ganglion
App Type: Master Trainer
Age: 27
Height: 5'9"
Weight: 169 LBS
City of Origin: Castelia City
Appearance: Arthur has spiky, blonde hair that is partially combed, but with a blue spike the left side of his head that sticks out and curves slightly. He is usually clad in a special black form-fitting suit made from tiny hexagonal sections that has light-blue lines running across it in intricate, circuit-like designs. Over that, he wears a white laboratory coat that trails down to the ankles of his suit, and keeps all sorts of gadgets inside of the suit. Over his head, he has a pair of blue and black headphones connected by a translucent orange strip with a blue border and linked to his suit via a pair of cords going to the collar. This translucent strip is actually a visor that can lower to allow him to scan and analyze Pokemon.
Personality: Arthur is calm, cool, and analytic, preferring to be a voice of reason and logic. His philosophy, so it seems to his peers, is to attempt, as much as possible, to act as if you are on top of the situation, even if you are not. However, his failing is that his moral compass is not as strong, and his new ReVirus Project is pushing the boundaries of his ethical standards. Even though it appears to be a success among his own Pokemon, he is hesitant about continuing the experiment on the Pokemon of other Trainers, as he is not entirely sure of the long-term effects. While he is secretly fascinated by the technology his foes used to create the Shadow Pokemon, he knows that it is wrong, and Pokemon are clearly not supposed to act the way those Shadow Pokemon are. As such, when not maintaining the Undernet and researching on his secret experiments, he spends the remainder of his time trying to enhance the purification process.
History: Arthur is the scientist of the group, using advanced technology and techniques to combat the Noxus threat. Born in Castelia City to a shipping magnate and his lawyer wife, he was fascinated by the various exotic Pokemon coming in and out of the port, part of this fascination fueled by his maternal uncle Colress. Colress seeded the ideas of researching Pokemon to discover their true potential into the young man, and Arthur eventually caught his first Pokemon: a runt of a Krabby that he named 'Squirt'. Even though the small Krabby was relatively weak, he was there to push the Water Pokemon on, and through careful training and battling, the little Krabby defied the odds and evolved into a larger-than-average Kingler.
However, Arthur's parents were not pleased with his decision to walk in the footsteps of his infamous uncle. His mother, Colress' sister, had never liked Colress' near-obsessive drive to understand the power of Pokemon. Even though Arthur decided to instead study how Pokemon can adapt and overcome the odds stacked against them by their environment, their genetics, and other Pokemon, his parents cut him off when he wished to go to Castelia Technical instead of a prestigious Kanto university. He worked hard, acquired a scholarship, and earned his doctorate through sheer determination. Now able to focus on his passion, he received an invitation to work in the Orikoto Region at a laboratory in Amethyst City with a former teacher of his, Ezekiel Dodd, and the scientist's daughter, Katherine.
He had worked for a year in Orikoto before the Umbra attack on Citrine that killed so many, including Ezekiel. Katherine fell into a deep despair shortly afterwards, and became very sick with a mysterious illness that has left her bed-ridden and unable to assist Arthur in his work. Determined to free Orikoto from Umbra's grip so Katherine can get proper treatment at a facility in another region, Arthur tasked himself with figuring out how to counter the more powerful Shadow Pokemon, as well as managing the Undernet, a series of hidden pulse laser arrays and deepground fiberoptic cables that serve as a makeshift communications grid between the Resistance's various settlements. His research and experimentation has led to the ReVirus Project, which he has yet to reveal to the rest of the Resistance...
Pokemon Team:
(Chu / Galvantula / Female / Modest / Compoundeyes / Thunder ~ Bug Buzz ~ Electro Ball ~ Thunder Wave)
(Squirt / Kingler / Male / Adamant / Shell Armor / Crabhammer ~ Superpower ~ Chip Away ~ Dive)
(Cassie / Gliscor / Female / Naive / Poison Heal / Acrobatics ~ Earthquake ~ Sky Uppercut ~ Iron Tail)
(Antares / Drapion / Male / Serious / Sniper / Cross Poison ~ Night Slash ~ Ice Fang ~ Aqua Tail)
(Brutus / Durant / Male / Hasty / Swarm / Iron Head ~ Crunch ~ X-Scissor ~ Dig)
[spoiler=RP Sample]
Arthur stirred, slowly looking around as he raised his head up from the desk he had been working at. He groaned out "Lights", allowing the lights to activate around him and reveal his underground laboratory, consisting of several terminals, various scientific instruments, and a large computer screen with smaller screens flanking it. He typed into the keyboard in front of him, causing the large screen to flicker to life and display various streams of data and scientific diagrams. He proceeded to check the results of the secret project that he had been working on, a project no one else knew he was doing behind the Resistance's back. As he did, his mind drifted back to how he had joined the Resistance.
He remembered a peaceful day, a beautiful Tuesday at a cafe with Katherine. Her father had gone to meet with an associate in Citrine City, leaving the two of them to man the lab. Arthur had suggested they go and take a break at this little dive in Amethyst Katherine loved so dearly, and they were having a light lunch when the skies quickly became overcast, a power thunderstorm building near Citrine, and a slight tremor rippled through the town. Worried, Katherine had tried calling her father, but never reached him. Then, the news came in. Citrine was...gone...just gone...powerful tornados, lightning blasts, and an earthquake had ripped the city into pieces, nothing but rubble and tortured souls remaining. She begged him to go with her to try and recover her father's body, but he refused as soon as Umbra came on the television and radios, proclaiming that they now ruled the Orikoto Region.
He managed to get out of town with her as soon as Umbra troops began rolling in. Every attempt to charter a plane or a boat failed, the two of them trapped in the region, unable to escape to safety. He watched as she got sicker and sicker, weaker and weaker with every passing day. She couldn't eat, was incredibly lethargic, and slept most of the day running a high fever. The symptoms were all of various infections and ailments, but it was clear what she was truly suffering from. She had given up, not wanting to continue living in the peaceful world she had loved her whole life, especially without her father. Her mother had died when she was very young. The doctor was all she had. And she wouldn't deal with his passing, so Arthur had to be strong for the two of them. When he heard that the Resistance was gathering in Beryl Town, he immediately set a course for the hamlet with Katherine carried in the arms of his Pokemon. They arrived, and he used his basic medical knowledge to quickly gain favor with the Resistance, taking care of the wounded. With his special lab suit still operational, letting him connect to various devices via special electromagnetic strips on his fingers and palms that corresponded to slots on the gear he carried, he could quickly solve problems, attracting the attention of the Resistance's leaders. They set him to work building a new system of intercommunication that Umbra couldn't block or hack into. With several other specialists, he helped to establish the Undernet, which still serves as a symbol of defiance against the media blackout Umbra created. Their current assignment is to establish a fiber-optic cable running along the seafloor, letting them connect to a satellite uplink on an outlying island, out of range from the jamming signal. That way, the world can know the Resistance's side of the story, and the Resistance can coordinate with outside groups attempting to assist the Resistance.
Returning to the present, Arthur snapped out of his daze to discover very fortunate news. The activating component of the ReVirus had spread through the sample culture of cells, reinforcing the culture and preparing for further modification using individualized strains. He smiled, realizing that he could start the next phase of testing by using some of his allies' Pokemon. Though his smile slowly turned into a frown as, once more, the ethical implications of this ReVirus snapped him out of his glee. Even if, on the off chance, his comrades in the Resistance did accept this genetic modification, the long-term effects were still unknown. If word got out he was even doing the things he was doing in this laboratory, the greater scientific community would shun him. He would have saved the Orikoto Region, but at what cost, to himself and the Pokemon he was going to subject to this project? He sighed and pulled up the Undernet's status, noticing a node was down that would have to be repaired, and went to dedicate himself to a more immediate worry.

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