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Hearts of War [PKMN][OOC][NS][A]

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Does seem like a relevant question. XD
Also, how does their capture effect/affect (Whichever it is) the weather conditions in the Region? Should we expect freak weather regularly, or is it usually rather normal?
Speaking of which, where about's is the region situated? Assuming Kanto/Johto are standard British/Northern USA temperate weather Conditions, where does this region lay? I would assume slightly south(Perhaps just south of Cianwood) but it's best not to assume.

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[quote name='Merciful Idiot' timestamp='1346522603' post='6017337']
Hey, how long is the timelapse between the Weather Trio getting captured and the current RP time? Days? Weeks? Months?
About a year.
[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1346523158' post='6017347']
Does seem like a relevant question. XD
Also, how does their capture affect the weather conditions in the Region? Should we expect freak weather regularly, or is it usually rather normal?
Speaking of which, where about's is the region situated? Assuming Kanto/Johto are standard British/Northern USA temperate weather Conditions, where does this region lay? I would assume slightly south(Perhaps just south of Cianwood) but it's best not to assume.
The weather is unstable, but not freak. Expect on/off rain, sudden heat waves, etc.

The region is Southwest of Orre, Northwest of Hoenn, and Far West of Kanto/Johto.
[url=http://www.serebii.net/pokearth/]According to Serebii's Pokearth.[/url]

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[spoiler=Sky Pillar Prodigy – Sharo Cainzen]
[b]Username:[/b] Merciful Idiot
[b]Trainer Title:[/b] Sky Pillar Prodigy
[b]Trainer Name:[/b] Sharo Cainzen
[b]App Type:[/b] Master Trainer
[b]Age:[/b] 15
[b]Height:[/b] 5’4
[b]Weight:[/b] 95 LBS
[b]City of Origin:[/b] Pacifidlog Town/Lilycove City
[spoiler=Appearance: Thought you were the only one able to make your own sprites? WELL THINK AGAIN]
[b]Personality:[/b] He doesn’t use words much, preferring to let his actions speak for themselves, nor does he brag about his combat ability, though he does commend his opponents whenever they seem to be putting up a fight against him. He is slightly disturbed when girls are around, and quite annoyed when their personalities are like Glacia, the only trainer who managed to beat him in a fair fight. He’s also annoyed when people underestimate him due to his age, when his current level of power is on par with that of the Elite Four.

Unlike other trainers who fight for the thrill of battle or whatever, Sharo just battles full stop. He has no particular reason for battling other than the fact that it’s apparently what he does. Although, he isn’t heartless and does care about his Pokemon, and also disagrees with Team Umbra's actions.

Having secluded himself from the world for a few years, he’s kind of unused to human interaction, as well as being ignorant of recent advancements in technology along with current events going on. He’s also unfamiliar with Pokemon from the Unova region, having never heard of it.

He tends to refer to Rayquaza as if they were close friends and with familiarity, although they had a shaky relationship. Having originally lived in Pacifidlog Town, he's also aware of the legends that surround the mythical dragon creature.
[b]History:[/b] The boy Sharo Cainzen, from Hoenn, looked to be ordinary at first glance. He spent the first six years of his life went by ordinarily, more or less, but his mind had always been talented. His parents had moved to Lilycove City but had accidentally left their son behind, so he built a boat to escape from his town of origin and follow them.

He wasn’t drugged, nor was he given intense training, but when he was given his first Pokemon, he felt like his destiny had already been decided. Combat and strategies came naturally to the boy, even more ridiculously so than his other talents. His first Pokemon was Trapinch while later catching an Aron and Scyther, though with his amazingly natural knack for battles they all quickly managed to evolve into their final forms.

He pretty much conquered all the Gyms effortlessly and gained their Badges. He became somewhat well-known in Hoenn, and afterwards he challenged the Pokemon League, though he was unfortunately defeated by the Ice-user Glacia who went on to mock him. That was his first defeat. He was slightly annoyed by the loss, but never went to challenge the Pokemon League again. Instead of returning home or continuing his journey in other regions, he mysteriously disappeared for over two years.

The truth was that he had gone off to camp in a tower he remembered from Pacifidlog Town and successfully found. Namely, [i]Sky Pillar[/i]. He occasionally training with the strong Pokemon within, though he never bothered to capture any. In a way, he had made the place his home, and one day confirmed to himself the legend that a Legendary Sky High Pokemon, Rayquaza, apparently came to rest at the summit every now and then. Multiple times over the next few months he had tried approaching and befriending it without much success, as it only regarded him as a minor annoyance. It tried to blast him off the summit the first time he tried, though after a while it did get used to his presence. He had also tried challenging it twice. The first time it simply ignored his challenge and retreated into the ozone layer, the second time it managed to overcome his three battlers.

Overall, Sharo and Rayquaza had a rather shaky relationship.

But one day, Sharo noticed that the Legendary dragon hadn’t returned to the summit for some reason. After a week, the dragon still hadn’t returned. Sensing something amiss, Sharo left his time in seclusion and spent almost a year searching for answers, before finally finding out about a strange region northwest of Hoenn called Orikoto, plagued by strange weathers and overcome by Team Umbra. But the thing that set things off was that the team had publicly displayed its power by reducing Citrine City to rubble…and a dark, corrupted Rayquaza happened to part of it.

Therefore, he has visited the region of Orikoto to save and rescue his ‘friend’.
[b]Pokemon Team:[/b]
(Pilot / Flygon / Female / Levitate / Draco Meteor ~ Fly ~ Fire Blast ~ Hyper Beam)
(Soldier / Scizor / Male / Technician / Bullet Punch ~ Swords Dance ~ Silver Wind ~ Hyper Beam)
(Destroyer / Aggron / Male / Rock Head / Rock Polish ~ Earthquake ~ Thunder ~ Head Smash)
[spoiler=RP Sample]

In his mind, he was still asking himself how it had been possible. He had fought the dragon itself, it was an intelligent and ancient Pokémon that surely would’ve known how to evade this chaotic ‘Team Umbra’. But then again, those kind of people weren’t the kind to face a legendary Pokemon in direct battles, so it was more likely that they had simply used some sort of device to control it. Rayquaza, the dragon that resided in the ozone layer and fed on water particles, had to be saved. None of the other regions were willing to do it, they probably didn’t even know about it.

Sharo Cainzen, riding on his Flygon, descended down onto Orikoto, onto where a map he obtained described as ‘Sapphire Shore’. As if on cue, multiple grunts appeared out of nowhere, most likely pawns of Team Umbra, and all them seemed to think that it would be easy taking out just some thirteen-year-old kid. He wordlessly gestured for Pilot, his Flygon, and its body began to glow orange, before a ball of light appeared inside its chest. The glow then faded and a ball of orange energy appeared in front of its mouth, and without any further warning it sent the orb into the air. It exploded, and multiple orange spheres bombarded the grunts, forcing them to scatter for a short time. This was the move Draco Meteor, one of the strongest Dragon-Type moves.

This obvious wasn’t the base of Team Umbra, so he would have to look harder. Climbing back onto Pilot, its wings began to flap until they were at incredible speeds and up in the air again.

Although, it appeared as they weren’t home free. Shortly after they took liftoff, a Pidgeotto and Venomoth was brought out to follow them. He was going to simply ignore and outrun them, but all of a sudden the Venomoth had appeared before him and Pilot, before releasing a shadow mist with a horrible scent. For a moment, Pilot’s vision was blocked, and in that time the Pidgeotto came swooping down while casting a shadowy aura, attempt to tackle the insectlike dragon.

Sharo didn’t let such a thing happen, bringing out Soldier, his Scizor. It used Flygon’s body as a way to jump higher, towards the Pidgeotto. Its arms grew red and then it spinned, repeatedly smashing its pincers into the shadowy opponent and knocking it away. He recalled the red soldier back from mid-air before gravity could steal it from him.

Still on Pilot, he made a hand gesture in front of its eyes, and it stopped itself in the air. The Venomoth was now rushing at the dragonfly, exuding the same shadowy aura that Pidgeotto had earlier, but it had been a bad choice of moves whatever it was. Pilot fearlessly turned right at it, charged up a massive ball of fire, and delivered a powerful five-pointed Fire Blast of orange flames onto it right when it had quite almost managed to connect its shadow rush. He didn’t understand what those moves of shadows had been, but they had a vague resemblance to moves he knew, such as that shadow mist when compared with Sweet Scent-

Then a Salamence was brought out. Annoyed, he decided to use the freakish weather to his advantage, gesturing for Pilot to escape into the dark drizzling clouds that resided right next to droughts. As expected, the blue dragon followed after, but it was met straightaway with a Hyper Beam that blew it out of the sky. The stormclouds that the duo were now in seemed unnatural somehow. It seemed odd, not like the usual clouds that he was used to, forming and reforming as if it was some sort of ability a Pokemon could control. Perhaps this was the work of Kyogre.

If anything, the Sky High Pokemon was definitely here, in this region, and the emerald dragon had to be rescued.

He signaled for Pilot to dive down and land, which it did. From high up in the air, he had a good view of Orikoto for a moment, and decided he would land in a different port. This port happened to belong to Beryl Town, and the residents had originally thought that the descending dragon was the start of an invasion, and the way he blew through their defenses seemed to be proof of this, that is until he finally forced through everything to speak with Professor Hemlock.

After that, all misunderstandings were cleared, and he allied himself with the resistance, though with the sole purpose of purifying Team Umbra’s XD004. He later identified himself as the prodigy who had trampled on the Gym Leaders from Hoenn and effortlessly cleared through Sidney and Phoebe of the Elite Four, before losing to Glacia and later disappearing for two years. He revealed that he had been residing and training in Sky Pillar, and about his relation with Rayquaza as well as the legends that surrounded it.

His talent recognized as one that surpassed many in the region with only three Pokémon, he was granted the title of ‘Master Trainer’, and therefore becoming the youngest of them all.


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[quote name='Merciful Idiot' timestamp='1346532437' post='6017456']

[spoiler=Sky Pillar Prodigy – Sharo Cainzen]
[b]Username:[/b] Merciful Idiot
[b]Trainer Title:[/b] Sky Pillar Prodigy
[b]Trainer Name:[/b] Sharo Cainzen
[b]App Type:[/b] Master Trainer
[b]Age:[/b] 15
[b]Height:[/b] 5’4
[b]Weight:[/b] 95 LBS
[b]City of Origin:[/b] Pacifidlog Town/Lilycove City
[spoiler=Appearance: Thought you were the only one able to make your own sprites? WELL THINK AGAIN]
[b]Personality:[/b] He doesn’t use words much, preferring to let his actions speak for themselves, nor does he brag about his combat ability, though he does commend his opponents whenever they seem to be putting up a fight against him. He is slightly disturbed when girls are around, and quite annoyed when their personalities are like Glacia, the only trainer who managed to beat him in a fair fight. He’s also annoyed when people underestimate him due to his age, when his current level of power is on par with that of the Elite Four.

Unlike other trainers who fight for the thrill of battle or whatever, Sharo just battles full stop. He has no particular reason for battling other than the fact that it’s apparently what he does. Although, he isn’t heartless and does care about his Pokemon, and also disagrees with Team Umbra's actions.

Having secluded himself from the world for a few years, he’s kind of unused to human interaction, as well as being ignorant of recent advancements in technology along with current events going on. He’s also unfamiliar with Pokemon from the Unova region, having never heard of it.

He tends to refer to Rayquaza as if they were close friends and with familiarity, although they had a shaky relationship. Having originally lived in Pacifidlog Town, he's also aware of the legends that surround the mythical dragon creature.
[b]History:[/b] The boy Sharo Cainzen, from Hoenn, looked to be ordinary at first glance. He spent the first six years of his life went by ordinarily, more or less, but his mind had always been talented. His parents had moved to Lilycove City but had accidentally left their son behind, so he built a boat to escape from his town of origin and follow them.

He wasn’t drugged, nor was he given intense training, but when he was given his first Pokemon, he felt like his destiny had already been decided. Combat and strategies came naturally to the boy, even more ridiculously so than his other talents. His first Pokemon was Trapinch while later catching an Aron and Scyther, though with his amazingly natural knack for battles they all quickly managed to evolve into their final forms.

He pretty much conquered all the Gyms effortlessly and gained their Badges. He became somewhat well-known in Hoenn, and afterwards he challenged the Pokemon League, though he was unfortunately defeated by the Ice-user Glacia who went on to mock him. That was his first defeat. He was slightly annoyed by the loss, but never went to challenge the Pokemon League again. Instead of returning home or continuing his journey in other regions, he mysteriously disappeared for over two years.

The truth was that he had gone off to camp in a tower he remembered from Pacifidlog Town and successfully found. Namely, [i]Sky Pillar[/i]. He occasionally training with the strong Pokemon within, though he never bothered to capture any. In a way, he had made the place his home, and one day confirmed to himself the legend that a Legendary Sky High Pokemon, Rayquaza, apparently came to rest at the summit every now and then. Multiple times over the next few months he had tried approaching and befriending it without much success, as it only regarded him as a minor annoyance. It tried to blast him off the summit the first time he tried, though after a while it did get used to his presence. He had also tried challenging it twice. The first time it simply ignored his challenge and retreated into the ozone layer, the second time it managed to overcome his three battlers.

Overall, Sharo and Rayquaza had a rather shaky relationship.

But one day, Sharo noticed that the Legendary dragon hadn’t returned to the summit for some reason. After a week, the dragon still hadn’t returned. Sensing something amiss, Sharo left his time in seclusion and spent almost a year searching for answers, before finally finding out about a strange region northwest of Hoenn called Orikoto, plagued by strange weathers and overcome by Team Umbra. But the thing that set things off was that the team had publicly displayed its power by reducing Citrine City to rubble…and a dark, corrupted Rayquaza happened to part of it.

Therefore, he has visited the region of Orikoto to save and rescue his ‘friend’.
[b]Pokemon Team:[/b]
(Pilot / Flygon / Female / Levitate / Draco Meteor ~ Fly ~ Fire Blast ~ Hyper Beam)
(Soldier / Scizor / Male / Technician / Bullet Punch ~ Swords Dance ~ Silver Wind ~ Hyper Beam)
(Destroyer / Aggron / Male / Rock Head / Rock Polish ~ Earthquake ~ Thunder ~ Head Smash)
[spoiler=RP Sample]

In his mind, he was still asking himself how it had been possible. He had fought the dragon itself, it was an intelligent and ancient Pokémon that surely would’ve known how to evade this chaotic ‘Team Umbra’. But then again, those kind of people weren’t the kind to face a legendary Pokemon in direct battles, so it was more likely that they had simply used some sort of device to control it. Rayquaza, the dragon that resided in the ozone layer and fed on water particles, had to be saved. None of the other regions were willing to do it, they probably didn’t even know about it.

Sharo Cainzen, riding on his Flygon, descended down onto Orikoto, onto where a map he obtained described as ‘Sapphire Shore’. As if on cue, multiple grunts appeared out of nowhere, most likely pawns of Team Umbra, and all them seemed to think that it would be easy taking out just some thirteen-year-old kid. He wordlessly gestured for Pilot, his Flygon, and its body began to glow orange, before a ball of light appeared inside its chest. The glow then faded and a ball of orange energy appeared in front of its mouth, and without any further warning it sent the orb into the air. It exploded, and multiple orange spheres bombarded the grunts, forcing them to scatter for a short time. This was the move Draco Meteor, one of the strongest Dragon-Type moves.

This obvious wasn’t the base of Team Umbra, so he would have to look harder. Climbing back onto Pilot, its wings began to flap until they were at incredible speeds and up in the air again.

Although, it appeared as they weren’t home free. Shortly after they took liftoff, a Pidgeotto and Venomoth was brought out to follow them. He was going to simply ignore and outrun them, but all of a sudden the Venomoth had appeared before him and Pilot, before releasing a shadow mist with a horrible scent. For a moment, Pilot’s vision was blocked, and in that time the Pidgeotto came swooping down while casting a shadowy aura, attempt to tackle the insectlike dragon.

Sharo didn’t let such a thing happen, bringing out Soldier, his Scizor. It used Flygon’s body as a way to jump higher, towards the Pidgeotto. Its arms grew red and then it spinned, repeatedly smashing its pincers into the shadowy opponent and knocking it away. He recalled the red soldier back from mid-air before gravity could steal it from him.

Still on Pilot, he made a hand gesture in front of its eyes, and it stopped itself in the air. The Venomoth was now rushing at the dragonfly, exuding the same shadowy aura that Pidgeotto had earlier, but it had been a bad choice of moves whatever it was. Pilot fearlessly turned right at it, charged up a massive ball of fire, and delivered a powerful five-pointed Fire Blast of orange flames onto it right when it had quite almost managed to connect its shadow rush. He didn’t understand what those moves of shadows had been, but they had a vague resemblance to moves he knew, such as that shadow mist when compared with Sweet Scent-

Then a Salamence was brought out. Annoyed, he decided to use the freakish weather to his advantage, gesturing for Pilot to escape into the dark drizzling clouds that resided right next to droughts. As expected, the blue dragon followed after, but it was met straightaway with a Hyper Beam that blew it out of the sky. The stormclouds that the duo were now in seemed unnatural somehow. It seemed odd, not like the usual clouds that he was used to, forming and reforming as if it was some sort of ability a Pokemon could control. Perhaps this was the work of Kyogre.

If anything, the Sky High Pokemon was definitely here, in this region, and the emerald dragon had to be rescued.

He signaled for Pilot to dive down and land, which it did. From high up in the air, he had a good view of Orikoto for a moment, and decided he would land in a different port. This port happened to belong to Beryl Town, and the residents had originally thought that the descending dragon was the start of an invasion, and the way he blew through their defenses seemed to be proof of this, that is until he finally forced through everything to speak with Professor Hemlock.

After that, all misunderstandings were cleared, and he allied himself with the resistance, though with the sole purpose of purifying Team Umbra’s XD004. He later identified himself as the prodigy who had trampled on the Gym Leaders from Hoenn and effortlessly cleared through Sidney and Phoebe of the Elite Four, before losing to Glacia and later disappearing for two years. He revealed that he had been residing and training in Sky Pillar, and about his relation with Rayquaza as well as the legends that surrounded it.

His talent recognized as one that surpassed many in the region with only three Pokémon, he was granted the title of ‘Master Trainer’, and therefore becoming the youngest of them all.


Finished. Meet Sky Pillar Prodigy, youngest master trainer.

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