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Hearts of War [PKMN][OOC][NS][A]

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It was believed that when [url="http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Michael"]Michael[/url] took down Greevil fifty years ago, that Team Cipher was eliminated completely and the idea of Shadow Pokemon was banished to the depths of history. Well, that's not entirely true. Cipher has now migrated to the Orikoto Region under a new leader and a new name, Team Umbra. Their leader, who goes by the pseudonym Noxus, is a mysterious and charismatic man, whose concealed identity leads to many strange speculations on who he is. No one has ever seen his face, not even the three admins who work directly under him. Those three admins oversee the progress of the Shadow Pokemon project, and also provide Noxus with strategic advice.

Using the research obtained from the creation of XD001, Noxus began their plot for domination by capturing the weather trio, Groudon, Kyogre, and Rayquaza, and created XD002, 003, and 004, respectively. With the ability to alter the weather to his beck and call, Noxus has the power to reduce the entire region to a wasteland, and remake it in his own image. As a display of this power, he reduced Citrine City to nothing but rubble. He already has a grip on a good portion of Orikoto: he has control of the Pokemon Storage System, Lazuri Harbor, Spinel Tower, Thourmali Town, and Aurum Tower, effectively preventing intervention by any other region.

Orikoto's Pokemon League has been driven underground, and has been secretly gathering the region's strongest trainers in an attempt to overthrow Noxus and avert his plans. This resistance, the Master Trainers, is tasked with defeating Noxus and purifying the Pokemon that Noxus corrupted.

[spoiler=The Orikoto Region]
1) Beryl Town
A small town by the coast, Beryl Town is home to the region's leading Pokemon researcher, Professor Hemlock. She, along with the inhabitants, managed to protect the town from occupation, as it also has one of Orikoto's 3 ports. It is the only one not controlled by Team Umbra.

2) Malachite City
Malachite City is located within the forest of the same name. The only impressive thing here is the gym, which specializes in Normal Types.

3) Diamond City
On the summit of Mt. Carbon is the shining City of Diamond. The entrance to the Diamond Cave is found in this city. Small diamonds line the walls of this cave, but the main feature is that legend tells that Terrakion dwells within the depths of this cave. The Gym Leader here uses Rock Types.

4) Jade Village
A well-sized village located near the base of Mt. Carbon is also home to the region's Bug-Type gym. Its general isolation leaves it somewhat protected from Umbra's influence.

7) Spinel City
Spinel City is one of Umbra's occupied cities, as well as the location of the Spinel Communications Tower, which allowed Noxus to take complete control of wireless communications in Orikoto.

8) Amethyst Pass
Located in a pass between Mt. Carbon and Mt. Pyrite, Amethyst Pass is heavily occupied by Umbra soldiers. The city located here is the base of operations of the Pokemon Storage System. With this under control of Umbra, trainers no longer have the ability to deposit or withdraw Pokemon. However, as data is heavily encrypted, the Pokemon cannot be accessed by Umbra either.

9) Turquoise City
The Gym Leader of this town, along with his students, has managed to keep it safe and drive out Umbra, to prevent them from accessing the Lake. The Gym Leader here uses Ice Types.

11) Emerald City
Located in the treetops of the Emerald Forest, Emerald City is home to the Flying Gym in Orikoto. Because of the forest's thickness, Emerald City has been well protected from occupation.

13) Thourmali Town
Also occupied by Umbra, Thourmali Town is the location of Orikoto's only airport.

14) Garnet City
The only impressive feature of this town is its Dragon Type Gym Leader.

15) Sapphire Shore
Sapphire Shore's main export is clothing and textile, although Umbra has occupied it to control its harbor. The city still distributes clothes among the region, albeit with strict surveillance by Team Umbra.

16) Lazuli Harbor
Orikoto's largest port is Lazuli Harbor. Another crucial area, Team Umbra has this city under the most occupation. With control two of the three ports, along with the airport in Thourmali and the communications tower in Spinel, Team Umbra has virtually isolated Orikoto from the rest of the world.

17) Tanzani City
Located within the Tanzanite Forest, this city is a crucial city for Umbra to obtain. However, it is protected by Virizion, along with the Fighting Type Gym Leader, who is also the reason Umbra wants the city.

18) Quartz Town
The only point of interest in this small town is the Pokemon Day Care, which was shut down by Team Umbra.

19) Citrine City
The Psychic Gym Leader here was defeated and run out by Umbra. The once bustling and happy city has been reduced to rubble, as a demonstration of Noxus's power. The Elite Four's main hideout is now hide here to avoid detection while gathering Trainers.

21) Nephrite City
Before Umbra, Nephrite City prepared trainers to face the Elite Four. Now it is used to house Umbra Grunts, and train new recruits in a "join or die" fashion.

22) Aurum Tower
The former location of the Pokemon League. It is now used to house Noxus and Umbra Elites and Admins.

25) Obsidian Depth
An underwater city. There's not much else that's impressive about it.

[spoiler=Special Places]
3) Diamond Cave
Rumored to be home to Terrakion, one of the three Pokemon in Orikoto capable of purifying Shadow Pokemon, the walls of this cave are lined with small diamonds.

5) Zircon Cave
Still located on Mt. Carbon, Zircon Cave is lined with the mineral of the same name. Due to the somewhat radioactive properties of the cave, it is advised not to enter the cave without proper protection.

6) Silica Power Plant
Desperately trying to defend itself from Umbra's control, the power plant is a crucial area for Orikoto. The plant provides power for the entire region.

7) Spinel Communications Tower
With this under Umbra's control, any form of wireless communication is a no-go.

10) Turquoise Lake
Although there have been no recent reported sightings, Cobalion is said to live at this lake. With the nearby city protecting it, Turquoise Lake is unharmed... for now.

12) Umbra Base - South
One of Umbra's external bases. It is heavily guarded and difficult to infiltrate.

16) Lazuli Bay
A major port for ships, this bay has been closed by Umbra, to prevent anyone from leaving or entering, and to prevent and interventions by foreign regions.

20) Nephrite Cavern
This deep cave used to be home to many strange pokemon, who are rumored to have come from space, however, it collapsed during the destruction of Citrine City, making the path to Nephrite City impassable.

22) Pokemon League
Formerly the pinnacle of trainers worldwide, the League has been driven out, and the tower has been made into Umbra's main headquarters.

23) Crystal Depth
A cavern filled with large crystals. The cave goes deep into the earth, where many strong pokemon make their home.

24) Obsidian Depth Entry
The entry points to Obsidian Depth. Difficult, but not impossible to access, due to Umbra blocking almost all of the ports in Orikoto.

26) Umbra Base - North
Umbra's second external base. It is also heavily guarded and difficult to infiltrate.
[spoiler=RP Info]
[*]I will accept 8 major positions. Once those eight have been filled, others may still apply as minor characters.
[*]Reservations will not be honored. Acceptance will be on a first come, first serve basis.
[*]There will be 3 Umbra Admins and 5 Master Trainers. Noxus, the E4 and the Champion will all be controlled by me.
[*]If you apply as an admin, you must leave one space in your party open, as it will be filled by a predetermined shadow Pokemon.
[*]It is advised that Master Trainers leave a slot open in their party, as the PC System is disabled. Since there are Shadow Pokemon, you will be catching them. There may be people who are willing to hold your Pokemon for you, but some might not be trustworthy.
[*]Don't start with Legendaries.
[*]Not knowing moves such as Fly or Surf does not prevent a Pokemon from being able to fly or swim. However, a Pokemon must learn them to be able to safely carry you across water/through the air.
[*]There are cars.
Use your common sense and you'll be fine. Try not to have the same Pokemon as another player. There are more than 600 for you to choose from. Also, obligatory Advanced Clause mention.
Apps are first come, first serve.
[spoiler=Major Character App (Admin/Master Trainer)]
[spoiler=Trainer Title - Trainer Name]
[b]Trainer Title:[/b] (A 2-4 word title that briefly describes your character)
[b]Trainer Name:[/b]
[b]App Type:[/b] (Master Trainer or Admin)
[b]Age:[/b] (15-30 for Trainers, 30+ for Admins)
[b]City of Origin:[/b]
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Pics must be no larger than 250x250. Description of 2+ full lines is required.)
[b]Personality:[/b] (4+ Lines)
[b]History:[/b] (5+ Lines)
[b]Pokemon Team:[/b] (Admins: 2 of these must be Shadow Pokemon. A third will be given to you.)
(Nickname / Species / Gender / Ability / Move 1 ~ Move 2 ~ Move 3 ~ Move 4)
[spoiler=RP Sample]
For Master Trainers, you will write 2-3 paragraphs describing how your character was contacted to join the resistance. Remember that there are no wireless communications.
For Admins, write 2-3 paragraphs describing an average day for you, running the Shadow Pokemon project.
[spoiler=Minor App]
Minor app characters last in the RP for only a certain number of posts involving that character, varied by the quality of the app.
[spoiler=Trainer Name]
[b]Trainer Name:[/b]
[b]Appearance:[/b] (Pics must be no larger than 250x250. Description of 2+ full lines is required.)
[b]Personality:[/b] (2+ lines)
[b]History:[/b] (2+ lines)
[b]Pokemon Team:[/b] (Up to 4)
(Nickname / Species / Gender / Ability / Move 1 ~ Move 2 ~ Move 3 ~ Move 4)
[spoiler=Important Characters]
[b]Orikoto Champion - Astra Bell[/b]
(Umbreon / Female / Inner Focus / Moonlight ~ Faint Attack ~ Sucker Punch ~ Baton Pass)
(Forretress / Male / Sturdy / Gyro Ball ~ Curse ~ Spikes ~ Double-Edge)
(Froslass / Female / Snow Cloak / Ice Beam ~ Shadow Ball ~ Destiny Bond ~ Hail)
(Altaria / Female / Natural Cure / Dragon Pulse ~ Fly ~ Flamethrower ~ Roost)
(Reuniclus / Male / Magic Guard / Psychic ~ Energy Ball ~ Focus Blast ~ Recover)
(Crawdaunt / Male / Adaptability / Crunch ~ Crabhammer ~ X-Scissor ~ Waterfall)
[b]Elite Ocean - Allina Medley[/b]
(Kingler / Male / Hyper Cutter / Crabhammer ~ Guillotine ~ Superpower ~ Rock Slide)
(Cloyster / Male / Skill Link / Shell Smash ~ Icicle Spear ~ Rock Blast ~ Hydro Pump)
(Walrein / Male / Thick Fat / Surf ~ Blizzard ~ Sheer Cold ~ Substitute)
(Carracosta / Female / Solid Rock / Waterfall ~ Stone Edge ~ Aqua Jet ~ Toxic)
(Dragonair / Female / Marvel Scale / Dragon Dance ~ Outrage ~ Extremespeed ~ Rest)
(Kingdra / Female / Swift Swim / Hydro Pump ~ Dragon Pulse ~ Rain Dance ~ Dragon Dance)
[b]Elite Volcano - Gordon Ashe[/b]
(Ninetales / Female / Drought / Fire Blast ~ Will-o-wisp ~ Solarbeam ~ Hypnosis)
(Camerupt / Male / Solid Rock / Fissure ~ Eruption ~ Earthquake ~ Solarbeam)
(Flareon / Female / Guts / Fire Fang ~ Dig ~ Protect ~ Flamethrower)
(Blood / Haxorus / Male / Mold Breaker / Dragon Dance ~ Earthquake ~ Outrage ~ Brick Break)
(Magcargo / Male / Flame Body / Lava Plume ~ Recover ~ Stealth Rock ~ Earth Power)
(Volcarona / Male / Flame Body / Fiery Dance ~ Quiver Dance ~ Bug Buzz ~ Hurricane)
[b]Elite Ore - Douglass Steel[/b]
(Steelix / Female / Sturdy / Iron Defense ~ Dragon Tail ~ Earthquake ~ Gyro Ball)
(Aggron / Male / Sturdy / Head Smash ~ Heavy Slam ~ Earthquake ~ Aqua Tail)
(Dugtrio / Female / Arena Trap / Reversal ~ Substitute ~ Stealth Rock ~ Shadow Claw)
(Mawile / Female / Sheer Force / Swords Dance ~ Iron Head ~ Sucker Punch ~ Fire Fang)
(Garchomp / Male / Sand Veil / Earthquake ~ Outrage ~ Stone Edge ~ Aerial Ace)
(Krookodile / Male / Moxie / Earthquake ~ Crunch ~ Stone Edge ~ Pursuit)
[b]Elite Flora - Macie Hemlock[/b]
(Bellossom / Female / Chlorophyll / Sunny Day ~ Sleep Powder ~ Giga Drain ~ Solarbeam)
(Roserade / Female / Poison Point / Sludge Bomb ~ Giga Drain ~ Synthesis ~ Spikes)
(Victreebel / Female / Chlorophyll / Leaf Blade ~ Weather Ball ~ Sludge Bomb ~ Growth)
(Tropius / Male / Solar Power / Fly ~ Solarbeam ~ Air Slash ~ Leech Seed)
(Flygon / Male / Levitate / Earthquake ~ Crunch ~ Solarbeam ~ Dragon Claw)
(Meganium / Female / Overgrow / Frenzy Plant ~ Giga Drain ~ Toxic ~ Leech Seed)
[b]Umbra Head - Noxus[/b]

[b]Researcher Extraordinaire - Prof. Hemlock[/b]
(Leavanny / Female / Swarm / Leaf Blade ~ X-Scissor ~ Return ~ Baton Pass)
(Ariados / Male / Sniper / Cross Poison ~ Spider Web ~ Bug Bite ~ Double Team)
(Lopunny / Female / Cute Charm / Foresight ~ Jump Kick ~ Bounce ~ Thunderwave)
(Drifblim / Male / Aftermath / Destiny Bond ~ Fly ~ Shadow Ball ~ Substitute)
(Mienshao / Female / Regenerator / Fake Out ~ U-Turn ~ Hi Jump Kick ~ Stone Edge)
(Magneton / Unknown / Magnet Pull / Volt Switch ~ Charge Beam ~ Thunderbolt ~ Magnet Rise)

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Impressive RP and story line. Lots of Detail in this, and I really like the sprites.
Oh, and Diamond City apparently has no Gym but does have a Gym Leader. O.o
Not to mention Radios would still work even with the Wireless communications taken over, as long as the sender had something to amplify the signal with (an Electric Pokémon) and the reciever had something to recieve the signal with. I'm thinking Harry Potter & Deathly Hallows style Rebel Radio Program. ^_^ Or there's always Morse code?

[spoiler=Johto's Ocean Lover - Frederic 'Freddie' Moore]
[b]Username:[/b] DaWeirdGuy
[b]Trainer Title:[/b] Johto's Ocean Lover
[b]Trainer Name:[/b] Frederic 'Freddie' Moore
[b]App Type:[/b] Master Trainer
[b]Age:[/b] 23
[b]Height:[/b] 5'11
[b]Weight: [/b]147lb
[b]City of Origin:[/b] Olivine City
[spoiler=Appearance][spoiler=Close up][img]http://i1159.photobucket.com/albums/p633/NamelessAnon666/AnimeWaterboycloseup.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Full Picture][img]http://i1159.photobucket.com/albums/p633/NamelessAnon666/ResizedAnimeWaterboy.jpg[/img][/spoiler][/spoiler]
[b]Personality: [/b]Freddie is famous, especially around Johto, for being quite the thrill-seeker. He spends a majority of his time partaking in a variety of extreme-sports, and loves to find new challenges to surpass whenever possible. His preference is Ocean/water-based activities, and he is an active and talented Surfer, water-skier, sailor and Water Pokémon trainer. His obvious favourite past-time is pokémon battling, which would explain his proficiency in the activity, and his Job, Elite-Four #4 of the Johto Region.
He enjoys his job a lot, as not only does he do pokémon battling for a living, but it is rare to get challengers that make it far enough to battle him, so he gets a lot of free-time. However, despite his love and affinity for pokémon battles, he dislikes seeing pokémon harmed. He will never use self-damaging moves in battle, and will not respect any trainer who allows their pokémon to come to harm for the sake of victory.
This extends to humans as well, and he will attempt to befriend almost everyone he comes across. He is a self-proclaimed romantic as well, though he has yet to have any successful relationships (However, there have been rumours that he and Jasmine did have a romance at one point)
He is on friendly terms with Gym Leaders and Elite Four from most regions, in particular those from Johto, and has a long standing Friendship with Jasmine, Red and Blue, and is capable of befriending many people, due to large amounts of charisma, which can make even the shiest of people excitable and hyper, and the ability to be cheerful and confident in most situations. This does not stop him from being serious, and when in necessary situations, he will be very serious, but this does not stop him joking around in these situations.
[b]History:[/b] Freddie was born in Olivine city, but a year before the birth of Olivine's current Gym Leader herself, Jasmine. Being both born in the same city at a similar time, they became friends rather quickly. That both their Grand-fathers were close friends was merely a co-incidence. Since the age of 4, they were both best-friends and spent most of their days together, enjoying the fresh sea-side city of Olivine together.
Both families also seemed to be great pokémon-training families, and each of them were exposed to the world of Pokémon at a young age, giving them a common goal and past-time. They would spend almost every day, from the age of 6 to late teens, sitting on the beach, talking to each other about pokémon while they watched the ocean. Each had dreams of travelling and seeing the world, meeting pokémon and becoming masters. Having this shared dream gave them the need for a pledge; that they would travel together, becoming the greatest pokémon trainers.

The day came, a few months after Freddie turn 12, for them to set off on their epic quest, each equipped with a single pokémon. Freddie had his Lapras, a present from his father and the Child of his father's very own Lapras. He was extremely happy with this pokémon, and his affinity for Water Pokémon shone early on, demonstrated in his quick bonding with the Water-pokémon.
Jasmine herself received a Mareep, which Freddie could already tell disappointed her. Due to her heritage, and the location they were in, both had grown an attraction for pokémon of the Water type. Because of this, Mareep and Jasmine didn't get along well for the first few months of their journey, despite Freddie's attempts to make them see eye to eye.
This changed in an event in which Mareep managed to save both of their lives, simultaneously evolving. This event is what managed to bring the current Light-house Ampharos and Jasmine so close, though little detail needs going into it, asides from two words: Team Rocket.

They journeyed for years, each becoming almost legendary among the Johto and Kanto regions; an unstoppable Duo, capable of taking on almost any body. They met many currently famous trainers, such as Red and Blue of the Kanto Region, whom they travelled with for an amount of time. They grew incredibly close, and were inseperable as a pair.

But it was not to last. As they each reach 17, Jasmine was approached to be the next Olivine city Gym leader. Initially unsure of this offer, Freddie encouraged her to go for it, saying that it was part of her dream, was it not? As she accepted, he decided he would travel some more, becoming stronger, and so left, presumably unaware that he had broken Jasmine's heart, causing her initially bubbly personality to subside into a shy and unconfident demeanour.
So he travelled some more, challenging more Gyms. He spent a short amount of time in Hoenn, where he managed to sight Kyogre itself, and grew stronger and stronger. Though he never seemed to go for anything large. He managed to defeat every single gym in Hoenn, but rather than enter the Pokémon league he decided to Dive from the top of the Tower into the water's below, claiming it as 'a better experience'.
He conquered Kanto as well, managing to defeat Blue as well, but again, didn't enter the Pokémon league. Instead, he returned to Kanto, now aged 20, and travelled the Region, defeating every Gym but one. Olivine. He returned to Olivine last, and was greeted warmly by the City's folks. The Gym Battle was an epic one, viewed Regionally and recounted in the city for ages. And at the end, Freddie forfeited, so as to not damage Jasmine's pokémon.

Jasmine still awarded him the Gym badge, allowing him to partake in the Pokémon league, and gave him another present. A steelix, one of two that she herself had travelled with on their Journeys. With this last present, he left for the Pokémon league.

He managed to defeat all but the Champion, and was offered the place of Elite 4 #4 quite quickly, and took the position. He maintained said position for 3 years, until taking a sudden holiday to Orikoto region, where he was trapped by the sudden take over of Team Umbra, and is now unable to leave.
[spoiler=Pokémon team] (Beauty / Lapras / Female / Water Absorb / Ice Beam ~ Water Pulse ~ Psychic ~ Surf)
(Riveira / Dragonite / Female / Inner Focus / Fly ~ Aqua Tail ~ Dragon Claw ~ Dragon Dance)
(Sport / Politoed / Male / Drizzle / Bubblebeam ~ Hypnosis ~ Hypervoice ~ Strength)
(Jet / Swampert / Male / Torrent / Earthquake ~ Hydro cannon ~ Brick Break ~ Aqua Tail)
(Rusty / Steelix / Male / Rock Head / Double Edge ~ Autotomize ~ Heavy Slam ~ Stone Edge)[/spoiler]
[spoiler=RP Sample]
Orikoto was a nice region. Warm, sunny. It rained regularly - not as much as Johto, but quite regularly. Of course, rain is necessary for life, so no-one could really complain. The sunrise was always beautiful, especially when viewed from the east coast cities. There was never a cloud to block the view, and the ocean always seemed to dance, like waves of fire.

Normally, Freddie would stop and admire a sunrise like this, perhaps with a cup of coffee or a can of Lemonade in his hand, which would often be accompanied by a pang of nostalgia.
But not today. Today, he was running for his life. The normally crowded and noisy city streets were barren, not a single citizen to block his path or his view. The city had been taken over only a few days before, and in a few mere hours Lazuli harbour had been lost.

They came suddenly, like shadows in the night. No-one had been prepared, and Freddie had only managed to escape by hiding in a hotel cellar for the night, having avoided detection by the Umbra elite. They had appeared from no-where and everywhere, and people who had at one moment been ordinary citizens, in the next moment had become Umbra grunts. In a single night they had managed to round up nearly every Lazuli Harbour inhabitant, killing any who showed signs of rebellion.

Which then explains why Freddie was now running. Before the night was out, he had emerged from the cellar, abandoning the desolate hotel in favour of a run through the streets. When confronted with a pair of Umbra grunts, he had no need for any pokémon and merely pushed one into the other. This action, while pretty much harmless, was taken as an act of rebellion, and he was almost surrounded within moments. Only one path was clear and so he ran, aiming to escape the boundaries of the city, where he could meet up with any other rebels - perhaps the Elite 4 of the region.

Bringing us back to the present, Freddie running panicked through the streets of Lazuli Harbour, chased by an angry mob of Umbra grunts and their pokémon. His jacket flapped behind him in the wind as he ran, revealling a full belt of pokéballs, though only 5 of the 6 were full. [i]It's a shame Mamoswine isn't here now.[/i] He thought, groaning at his predicament as he picked up the pace, pulling a pile of crates that had been stood next to the road down so as to block the path. He jumped as said crates exploded into flames, revealing an obviously higher ranked Grunt running beside a Houndoom. "Crap!" He cursed, wondering what to do.

So instead, he took a sharp left into a small coffee shop, where he knocked over all the tables and such so as to block the path to the kitchen. Dodging his way through the kitchen appliances, he found himself at the back door, which lead into a small alley. He grinned and pumped his fist as he closed the door behind him, though his elation was rather short lived. He found himself trapped, in a one lane alley, surrounded on both sides by Umbra grunts.
"You're not as stupid as I thought." He stated, grinning even in the face of this danger. However, before the grunt could reply, he was running up the wall. Not for long, but he was about 3 foot off of the ground before he jumped from the wall, displaying decent parkour skills as he threw a Black pokéball at the opposite wall. In a flash, he was on the back of a large yellow dragon, one that managed to fly off before the Grunts could take a good look at it.
"I guess inconspicuity is a bit useless now." He muttered as they flew off towards the west, the sunrise warming their backs. "We should find someone other...erm...rebels. I guess we can call ourselves that." He smiled and stretched his arms wide, looking down upon the beautiful region. [i]Another adventure awaits.[/i]

They landed a few miles outside the city, enough to hear the shouts of Grunts along the edges of the suburbs, probably searching for him. He grinned and turned into the underbrush, Riveira the Dragonite being absorbed back into her pokéball.
He moved quietly for the next two days, keeping his head low every time he approached a road - just in case a passing Umbra van came by, which happened a few times. Yet he still managed to move quickly, and arrived at Tanzani city at the sunset of the second day. After a quick meeting with the Gym Leader, his identity was accepted and he joined the ranks of the Resistance, and in a communication with the Region's Elite 4 over a radio contact, he was acknowledged as probably one of the strongest trainers in the resistance. As such, he obtained the title of Master trainer from them, giving himself leadership privileges among the resistance.

[s](WIP) Just posting this while I finish off the Bio and Sample so I dont accidentally delete it. ^_^[/s]
Finished. Sorry the Bio's a little jumpy and not so good. I can edit it a little if you need me to, but I'm kinda struggling with it. The RP sample should make up though, right?

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Oh, well oops. I originally wrote it with no gym, but then I decided to change it. But I forgot to delete the "no gym" part.

Radio communication in here will be limited to inter-city. Radio signals travelling distances are highly susceptible to interference from the weather. There are a few landlines that exist, but a few don't work. They only travel to a few cities.

Also, for appearance, the image size limit is no larger than 250x250. Yours is more than twice that.

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Had all this drawn up yesterday, so I hope everything's still in order.

[spoiler=The Training Tyrant - Tirannah Reksus][b]Username:[/b] Zelfore
[b]Trainer Title:[/b] The Training Tyrant
[b]Trainer Name:[/b] Tirannah (Tye-Ran-Uh) Reksus (Rek-suss)
[b]App Type:[/b] Admin
[b]Age:[/b] 36
[b]Height:[/b] 5ft 5in
[b]Weight:[/b] 138lbs (Pure muscle.)
[b]City of Origin:[/b] Citrine City
[b]Appearance:[/b] Orange/yellow-edged eyes and mid-length hair that passes her shoulders, the bangs cut and brushed to the side above her eyes. She could be considered small (height and bust wise) compared to other grunts or members, but has long since proven her strength over even most guys of the group with her frightening exercises. Wears a loose gray band around her neck, displaying the Team Umbra insignia. Her clothing is gray with tan lining, looking like a cross between workout clothes and a winter jacket; breathable but warm. Her pants are a bit lighter and baggier than her torso cover, but hold similar colors and design. With versatility built in mind, her outfit was made to withstand any weather condition and keep berries, food, and her pokeballs secure. She also wears a thin gauze that can double as a turban, a headband, or a mouth cover depending on the situation. A slick tan cloak is fastened behind her for extra protection.
[b]Personality:[/b] Much like her title would imply, she's ruthless when it comes to training with little rest in-between. Always raising both people and pokemon to top physical condition, whether they like it or not. She'll often speak strangely when giving an order, or attempting to inspire others to work harder, usually failing and ends up giving raging demands instead. Her pokemon do understand her speech pattern. She's a bit of a dreamer on occasion, but rues anybody that interrupts her fanciful thoughts. Despite everything, her hate is only truly given to those that hold an overabundance of pride and self-worth; sickened by such shameless acts.
[b]History:[/b] Living up in the mountains of Citrine City, Tirannah had to adapt and grow in a rather tough environment. Through training herself during the seasons and between travels from her home town to Turquoise City for family visits, she's learned to love and appreciate any and all weather conditions. This feeling grew when she learned of rare pokemon that held the ability to change weather with their presence alone. Her first pokemon was Trainwreck, a beautiful Hippopotas that brought fear to the occupants of Turquoise when it traveled too close to their city. Curious, she attempted entering the raging sand and discovered the source of the odd storm, what she found overjoyed her. Tirannah knew that the reclusive hippo pokemon often lived further north, therefore assumed that the lonely creature traveled away from the group by accident, one of the downsides of creating thick sandstorms. Her travels from their and love for weather control pokemon brought her to where she is now. Her life changed when she met Team Cipher, a group bent on world conquest through some odd means. After hearing the ideals and planning, she happily agreed! Not because she hated humanity, nor pokemon, but because of her desire to achieve more, and she knew Team Cipher (later becoming Team Umbra) was the only way to do it. Her biggest dream is to catch (a?) Articuno.
[b]Pokemon Team:[/b]
(Target / Politoed / ♀ / Drizzle / Bounce ~ Hyper Voice ~ Scald ~ Water Pulse) [i][Hope I can still use this, didn't expect someone else to.][/i]
(Timber / Abomasnow / ♂ / Snow Warning / Ice Beam ~ Ice Shard ~ Ingrain ~ Wood Hammer)
[color=#800080]Shadow;[/color] (Titan / Clefable / ♂ / Magic Guard / Shadow Storm ~ Blizzard ~ Solarbeam ~ Thunder)
[color=#800080]Shadow;[/color] (Torrent / Nintales / ♀ / Drought / Shadow Fire ~ Iron Tail ~ Nasty Plot ~ Overheat)
(Trainwreck / Hippowdon / ♀ / Sand Stream / Bulldoze ~ Earthquake ~ Revenge ~ Stone Edge)
[spoiler=Tirannah's Daily Life:][font=georgia,serif]An [i]"early riser"[/i] would be generous assumption considering this orange haired woman's routine. Never has another person woken up and actually felt as refreshed as Tirannah at four in the morning, others call it the [i]"mourn-ing"[/i] for a reason. After dressing, eating, and moving through the daily grind before the first sign of daylight, she checks the office for any mission info, and afterwards heads down to the main training ground of the grunts, Nephrite city.

Equipping her headband and cloak on her way out the door, she readies herself in a crouching stance, breaking off into a full sprint down the mountain. She was given the luxury of a company car, a specialty one for Admins only. But never being one for expensive or lenient things, she always makes her way up and down the mountain on foot in the pitch darkness before dawns break and after dusk.

Tirannah works old and new members alike in brutal and relentless ways. She wasn't known as The Training Tyrant for nothing. After working pitiful results out of the worthless underling, she trains her pokemon along with her. Preparing herself for any change in temperature or hazard, she randomizes the pokeballs in her jacket, pulling one out and bracing for the worst. A click was heard and a creature appeared in a white light. Then came a whirling snow storm. Not wasting a second, she quickly pulls her cloak over her head. Unfastening her headband and wrapping it around her neck and mouth for easier breathing, she tosses the cloak back over her shoulders and drapes it around to the front. "[u][b][color=#008000]Timber[/color][/b], ready your arm and unleash its weight upon the weak, [b][color=#008000]Wood Hammer[/color][/b]![/u]"

After training the grunts and her pokemon, she uses the last of her strength to return uphill as the sun sets around her. The trek is even more uneventful than the path down, surrounded in silence as she makes her way. Though she's never one to be discouraged - easily annoyed sure, but never down. Looking around as she continues her pace, a smile spreads across her face. She's always loved the sky, the clouds it formed, the temperature that changed, even the stars that slowly blossomed as night came. They remind her of her goals and aspirations. No, this fiery female was actually relaxed and hopeful, a moment that no one could ruin.

She eats her final meal for the night, and cleans up from all the hard work from a day well spent. Finally letting sleep take her away, and drifting to a land where all her dreams hold true.[/font][/spoiler][/spoiler]

If you need anything changed, corrected, or clarified, just let me know.

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[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1346282906' post='6015659']
I'm fine with you using it. If needs be, I'll take mine out considering your app was finished first.
It was just a part of a tag team tactic, though it can easily be re-arranged. :D
it's not a big deal, just the idea of weather pokemon came to me after reading the synopsis.
If need be, I can change it and come up with something else. But I appreciate your willingness. :)
As for the "first" thing, I did technically put it off, so being posted first probably holds more water. (Get it? Because your an ocean trainer! =D)

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XD Good pun. XD
Meh. If push comes to shove, I reckon I can find a suitable replacement. I mainly have it for the Drizzle ability, for Kyogre is the only other pokémon that can use it and it's pretty useful in my team. Rain-dance is a suitable replacement.

It'll probably end up okay, I reckon. Wanna nickname yours, or should I nickname mine? Or both? Y'know, just so we can tell them apart.

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[quote name='Discord' timestamp='1346285300' post='6015690']
Regardless of Tirannah's appearance, I can only think of Jane Lynch for her.

Also, you both can have Politoed.
And I'm not sure where you got the comparison. Was it the age?

And alright, thanks!

[quote name='DaWeirdGuy' timestamp='1346284314' post='6015676']
Wanna nickname yours, or should I nickname mine? Or both? Y'know, just so we can tell them apart.
Already did! Before the species is there nicknames. Named her Target!

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[quote name='Discord' timestamp='1346287618' post='6015711']
It was the fact that that's always the kind of character that she's cast as.
If this were a movie, Jane Lynch would play her.
Hmm... I'd believe that.

Feel free to PM me when the RP starts. I'm logged in anonymously so contact me whenever.
I'll be checking/posting in this topic occasionally in the mean time.

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This seems pretty cool, so I'll make an app.

[size=3][spoiler=The Dark Beauty-Drew Sohann]
[b]TrainerTitle[/b]:The Dark Beauty
[b]TrainerName[/b]:Drew Sohann
[b]Age[/b]: 33
[b]Weight[/b]:125 lbs.
[b]City of Origin[/b]:Diamond City
[b]Appearance[/b]:Drew has died electric blue wavy shoulder-length hair. Her bangs cover the upper half of her left eye, which are the color of the ocean. Drew is small height wise, but makes up for it in her bust size, and often good-naturedly teases Tirannah about her bust size, though she does enjoy the presence of the other woman. She has two pink feathers strung into her, which have diamonds beaded into them. Her outfit consists of a pure white sweater with slashes along the shoulders and the sides, with the sleeves hanging over her hands, and a hole in the back of the sweater. The Team Umbra logo imblazened across her chest, and her pokeballs on a belt that hangs across her upper stomach. She wears indigo dress that has a in the right side for her leg to stick out. Being a researcher Drew carries a bag which contains her laptop, a tablet like device issued by Team Umbra, and any other supplies she may need to carry. To complete her ensamble she wears a black and white stripped open-ended gloves, and black and white sneakers.
[b]Personality[/b]:Drew is somewhat vain, and admits that this is one of the few faults in her immense beauty. She also believes that anyone not as strong as she is (physically aswell, in the aspect of Pokemon battling)doesn't deserve to handle Pokemon and they are just burdens on all the "strong people" out there. She has very good relations with her other Admins, and believes them to be on the same level as her and there for strong trainers. Drew is kind to her Pokemon though thinking it is unnecessary for her Pokemon to be hurt when others Pokemon are to weak to be on her level of power. Drew also likes to humiliate her opponents by using beautiful, and graceful techniques to make fools out of other trainers.
[b]History[/b]: Drew born in Diamond City to a rich family always being trained to have lady-like grace and poise. Drew acceled at these courses surpassing any tutor her parents bought for her. She eventually became bored with these easy classes, and began studying something that interested her, that was Pokemon, specifically the mysterious Eon Pokemon. Their fantastical powers enthralled her. She tirelessly researched the Pokemon, often into late hours. She resolved that one day she would make the legendary Eon Pokemon hers. Boredom was how she discovered her first Pokemon, while she was in her garden she found a Feebas swimming in a the little pond in the garden. Even though she thought it was ugly, she was fascinated by the Pokemon and began training it. One day following his daughter Drew's father discovered her with Feebas, and said that she as an heiress could not own such an ugly Pokemon, as if by miracle though her Feebas evolved on the spot into Milotic, proving to her father that she was an adept Pokemon Trainer. She started her journey that same day, beating the Rock-type user Gym leader of her town with ease. At the age of 16 became bored with her Pokemon journey, and decided to study Pokemon research with Professor Hemlock. The rest of her teens, the entirety of her twenties, and into her early thirties she spent time with Professor Hemlock. She spent the majority of her time researching the Eon Pokemon, but did pick up a few tricks along the way becoming one of Professor Hemlock's best researchers. While running an errand for the professor she noticed two Umbra minions,conversing thinking that Team Umbra could help her further her goal of capturing one of the Eon duo, she asked if they were recruiting. From there she joined Team Umbra, quickly advancing through ranks and becoming one of the three Admins. With her experience at Professor Hemlocks lab Drew has also become Team Umbra's head researcher.
(None/Milotic/Female/Cute Charm/Dragon Pulse~Surf~Hydro Pump~Recover)
(None/Roserade/Female/Natural Cure/Magical Leaf/Sunny Day/Weather Ball/Poison Jab)
(None/Gardevoir/Female/Synchronize/Psychic/Stored Power/Calm Mind/Double Team)
[color=#800080]Shadow:[/color](None/Flygon/Male/Levitate/Fly/Dragon Tail/Draco Meteor/Rock Slide)
[color=#800080]Shadow:[/color](None/Seviper/Male/Infiltrator/Poison Tail/Poison Fang/Night Slash/Crunch)
[spoiler=RP Sample]
Drew awoke from sleep and judging from the position of the sun in her window, it was late morning. She threw the sheets off her bed, and proceeded to her vanity, to check herself. Seeing she was less than fabulous she began coming her hair, and released her Pokemon, because they needed to be beautiful as well, she would not deal with Pokemon that couldn't reach their beauty potential. So when she finished combing her hair, began with the daily beautification of her Pokemon. The rest of the day passed in a blur, showering, and eating breakfast. The office brings something exciting, in the form of a mission, to report to the Northern Base, to prepare a new batch of Shadow Pokemon.

Drew released Flygon from its Pokeball, and its Fly move to easily transport her to the Northern Base. Like she should actually have to physically exert herself, as if. Flygon's powerful wings quickly got them to the Northern Base. Flygon descended in a spiral, when static broke into her earpiece"[i]Please send clearance code," [/i]the automated voice spoke into her ear. She pulled a small I-Pad like device out of her bag, and typed in a clearance code,and sent it. This caused the static in her ear to return [i]"Thank you Administrator Sohann you are clear for access." [/i]Flygon descended and, landed garcefully in the courtyard of the building.

Drew proceeded to enter the well guarded building, and passed an annoying yet necessary amount of security checkpoints. Finally reaching the lab she proceeded to a desk and signed in to the computer with her Umbra Pass code. The screen brought up her file,effectively signing her into the computer. She selected her research file, entered the security code to this folder, and selected the folder named, "Shadow Project". This loaded her Shadow Pokemon research, an improved version of the one used 50 years earlier by her predecessor Lovrina. Drew then proceeded to one of tubes containing the DNA of a Squirtle, Drew keyed the console on the tube, and inserted Shadow DNA. She continued to do this with the rest of the tubes. Finished with the task of starting the new batch, Drew proceeded to the tubes containing fully matured samples. She keyed a different command on these consoles, this dispensed the Pokemon into a new Pokeball, and after each Pokeball was dispensed, she toke them and placed them into her bag.

With her mission finished, Drew closed her research, logged out of the computer, and left the lab with the fully matured Shadow Pokemon. Again she released Flygon and commanded it to take her to the Main Umbra Base, the former Pokemon League. Flygon made the journey quick, and it wasn't long before they arrived, with her again having to key in a clearance code to access the building. Drew proceeded to the office again to turn in the new batch of Shadow Pokemon, and logged in the mission as complete. Tired from all the work she had done today, she proceeded to her room without eating dinner, and flopped on her bed.[/spoiler]

[size=4]Fixed my application. If anything needs fixing again please let me know. I changed Ariados to Seviper, because I noticed I had three Pokemon already used by the Elite Four and Professor Hemlock.[/size]

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Shotgun on the last Admin (assuming I've read the OP right). Work in progress atm, but I don't want that spot to be flogged =/

[spoiler=Ticking Time Bomb - 'Coral' Rosewood]
[b]Username:[/b] Admiral_Stalfos19
[b]Trainer Title:[/b] Ticking Time Bomb
[b]Trainer Name:[/b] [acronym='Her given name is unknown.']'Coral' Rosewood[/acronym]
[b]App Type:[/b] Admin
[b]Age:[/b] 32
[b]Height:[/b] 6' 1"
[b]Weight:[/b] It's [i]rude[/i] to ask a woman for her weight :P
[b]City of Origin:[/b] Opelucid City
[spoiler=Appearance: (I know this is over the 250x250 limit, but I'll fix it when the rest of the app is complete)][img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs24/i/2007/339/3/b/the_evil_on____by_kamawanai.jpg[/img]
^the bottom one. Image credit goes to kamawanai

Despite now being at the age of 32, Coral has the appearance of that any 16-year-old would dream of heaving. Her figure is rivals that of Shizuka Marikawa from High School of the Dead, although while she has the slight upper-hand in bust, her waist is a little larger and her hips are a little narrower. Coral suffers from heterochromia, with her left eye being emerald and her right being a deep purple, and her hair is mixed in color as well, as it is blended with a sunny blonde, a fiery orange and a blood red. Finally Coral's dress, which is of a two-piece design that shows off her physical assets, is indigo in color, and has sapphires in various places. She almost always wears high heels too, bringing her to a height of 6' 4". Coral will often be seen with one of two different looks on her face; a sleepy look, and a look of pure venom.[/spoiler]
[b]Personality:[/b] Coral is rather mentally unstable, and she's been that way since she got into a battle with a cocky trainer with a Heracross. She tends to have 4 different personalities in one body: a motherly personality that is seen when she's around her 7-year-old daughter Olivia, a fairly level-headed personality that commands respect and obedience, a emo personality that just wants to distance herself from everyone, and a violent personality that just goes... [i]berserk[/i]. It's rare to see the motherly personality from Coral, but the other 3 seem to go hand in hand. She even alternates between them like the flick of a switch. Coral has a strong love of Pokemon, but her deep hatred of humanity is even greater, as it spreads to almost every human being alive. This [i]includes[/i] the members of Team Umbra themselves; the grunts, the other admins, even Noxus, the supposed leader of this faction who Coral aims to overthrow so she can take over and accomplish her [i]own[/i] dream. However, where this irrational hatred stops is Olivia, Coral's very own daughter. Coral tends to associated with Dark-types best, but there are others that she will be, sometimes more than, OK with having. Heatran, for example, is a Pokemon that Coral actually hopes to befriend and ally herself with, as she always admired its great power as a Legendary Pokemon.
[b]History:[/b] Previously an member for Team Plasma who ascended the ranks, and eventually took control of Team Plasma as Ghetsis was taking away, having joined Team Plasma because of an outbreak she had at a Pokemon Academy. Coral had always had a problem with her body aging at half the rate as other human bodies, and would always get jealous in her youth because all the other girls got to grow breasts and nice birthing hips while [i]she[/i] was stuck still appearing as a mere child. Coral's mother tried to get her to look on the bright side, via promising a future where, over the course of time, Coral would still be able to maintain a youthful, yet still grown up body. Unfortunately, Coral didn't what was so great about it, which... well, she'd have to see when she finally got to grow. To take her mind of the whole thing, Coral set off on a journey to become a Pokemon Master, and collect all (or [i]try[/i] to collect all) 649 Pokemon in the world. She started off with a Sandile, which she nicknamed Nile.

Along the way of her journey, Coral managed to find a Pokemon Academy in Stration City, which had grown from the regular Pokemon School that taught beginning trainers how to battle using their Pokemon. Finding this useful, Coral signed up to take part in the Academy, and with the Academy's help, had trained Nile to become a formidable force. It was all going according to plan until a cocky trainer with a Heracross had challenged her into a battle, which started to spiral out of control. Predictably, Coral was just about to lose, and had Nile perform a Crunch attack before its inevitable defeat. However, Heracross wasn't the one that ended up taking the blow; it evaded, unaware that its trainer was in the firing line as well, and was bit in the leg, which was now rendered bleeding and broken. The previously cocky trainer was now running scared, but Coral wasn't about to let him go that easily. She pursued him, and proceeded to beat the living crap out of him.

It was then that Coral's "Pokemon rights activist" ways began, as she hunted down Pokemon poachers and trainers that ill-cared for their Pokemon across the lands of Unova and assaulted them within inches of their lives, either with Nile, who had since evolved into Krokorok, or by her own hands. These violent antics were eventually picked up by none other than Ghetsis himself, resulting in the official employment as part of Team Plasma. However, as a member of Plasma, Coral's crime rate only escalated, even during her early stages as a Grunt, as she continued take things too far. She even mugged Pokemon from their trainers, only to release the Pokemon into the wild. But the minute Ghetsis had been taken away and punished for his crimes, all of Team Plasma had disbanded, leaving Coral with no allies, and a whole bunch of police after her blood. Having nowhere else to go, Coral made a move to flee to the lands of Orikoto, just as Team Umbra was beginning its massive takeover.

Before she set off, though, Coral had captured a Pupitar, and Nile had evolved further into Krookodile. She had also gotten herself pregnant, and gave birth to a beautiful daughter that she had called Olivia. This was all while Unova law enforcement was unaware that Coral had even [i]left[/i]. But she wasn't planning on stopping the very schemes she had made as an admin to Team Plasma. Truth be told, her lack of sanity would've prevented her from stopping such schemes, even when she took Olivia into consideration as well. Still, it was only natural that Coral joined Team Umbra right off the bat, since she still had a score to settle with humanity in general, but [i]now[/i] she intends to take her antics to [i]new[/i] heights. Of course, that means she somehow has to overthrow Noxus, which is easier said than done. Still, she remains determined, and intends to forge Team Umbra into the type of team that Team Plasma was. Olivia, however, might have something to say about that...
[b]Pokemon Team:[/b] [color=#0000ff](Tiamat/Salamence/♀/Intimidate/Draco Meteor/Fly/Fire Blast/Shadow Hold)[/color]
(Nile/Krookodile/♂/Anger Point/Earthquake/Crunch/Thunder Fang/Bulk Up)
[color=#0000FF](Monarch/Jellicent/[/color][color=#0000FF]♀[/color][color=#0000FF]/Water Absorb/Water Spout/Hex/Energy Ball/Shadow Chill)[/color]
(Seth/Tyranitar/♂/Sand Stream/Stone Edge/Fling/Superpower/Dragon Dance)

Shadow Pokemon are in blue. And in case you're wondering why Coral only has 4 Pokemon, I'm saving the 5th slot so I can get Heatran later.[spoiler=RP Sample][/spoiler]

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[quote name='ClearAngel' timestamp='1346294635' post='6015771']
This seems pretty cool, so I'll make an app.

If anything is wrong with it please tell me if not I look forward to this starting.
Ooh! Nice inclusion.
Your app reminded me that I never gave a last name or eye color! Fixed.

Something tells me our characters would get along amazingly. :P

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Oh God, it's an admin taco-fest 0.0

[quote name='ClearAngel' timestamp='1346294635' post='6015771']
This seems pretty cool, so I'll make an app.
[spoiler='The Dark Beauty- Drew']Username: ClearAngel
Trainer Tittle: The Dark Beauty Name: Drew Sohann
Trainer Type: Admin
Age: 33
Height: 5"6
Weight: 125 lb.
City of Origin: Diamond City
Appearance: Drew has died electric blue wavy shoulder-length hair. Her bangs cover the upper half of her left eye, which are the color of the ocean. Drew is small height wise, but makes up for it in her bust size, and often good-naturedly teases Tirannah about her bust size, though she does enjoy the presence of the other woman. She has two pink feathers strung into her, which have diamonds beaded into them. Her outfit consists of a pure white sweater with slashes along the shoulders and the sides, with the sleeves hanging over her hands, and a hole in the back of the sweater. The Team Cipher logo imblazened across her chest, and her pokeballs on a belt that hangs across her upper stomach. She wears indigo dress that has a in the right side for her leg to stick out. To complete her ensamble she wears a black and white stripped open-ended gloves, and black and white sneakers.
Personality: Drew is somewhat vain, and admits that this is one of the few faults in her immense beauty. She also believes that anyone not as strong as she is (physically aswell, in the aspect of Pokemon battling)doesn't deserve to handle Pokemon and they are just burdens on all the "strong people" out there. She has very good relations with her other Admins, and believes them to be on the same level as her and there for strong trainers. Drew is kind to her Pokemon though thinking it is unnecessary for her Pokemon to be hurt when others Pokemon are to weak to be on her level of power. Drew also likes to humiliate her opponents by using beautiful, and graceful techniques to make a fool out of other trainers.
History: Drew born in Diamond City to a rich family always being trained to have lady-like grace and poise. Drew acceled at these courses surpassing any tutor her parents bought for her. Boredom was how she first discovered Pokemon, while she was in her garden she found a Feebas swimming in a the little pond in the garden. Even though she thought it was ugly, she was fascinated by the Pokemon and began training it. One day following his daughter Drew's father discovered her with Feebas, and said that she as an heiress could not own such an ugly Pokemon, as if by miracle though her Feebas evolved on the spot into Milotic, proving to her father that she was an adept Pokemon Trainer. She started her journey that same day, beating the Rock-type user Gym leader of her town with ease. Eventually she reached Garnet City, in which she planned to defeat the Dragon-Type Gym Leader, when a mysterious man came up to her. This man said that if he beat her that she could beat him that she would join Team Cipher, she agreed and lost. Afterword the man kidnapped her and brought her to a Cipher training building, she was 16 at this time, 10 years later she would be released as a darker version of herself. She started at the lowest of low Grunts, but in only a few years rose to the position of Admin. Her dream is to catch one of the Enigma Pokemon which fascinate her.
(None/Milotic/Female/Cute Charm/Dragon Pulse~Surf~Hydro Pump~Recover)
(None/Roserade/Female/Natural Cure/Magical Leaf/Sunny Day/Weather Ball/Poison Jab)
(None/Gardevoir/Female/Synchronize/Psychic/Stored Power/Calm Mind/Double Team)
[color=#800080]Shadow:[/color](None/Flygon/Male/Levitate/Shadow Ball/Dragon Tail/Draco Meteor/Rock Slide)
[color=#800080]Shadow:[/color](None/Ariados/Male/Sniper/Cross Poison/Psychic/Shadow Sneak/ X-Scissor)
[Spoiler=RP Sample] Drew yawned loudly awakening, and judging form the position of the sun, she was waking up very late. Oh, well time to beautify, thought Drew. Drew walked to the vanity on the other side of her room, and brushed her hair, and put on some make-up, not enough to make her look like a circus clown, but enough to look good. She then changed into her Cipher uniform, and proceeded towards the Shadow Pokemon Lab.
Drew entered the lab with a womanly confidence,"So, where's the new batch?"Drew asked one of the scientists.
"This way ma'am," he said leading her to a section with the new batch of Shadow Pokemon, for the new batch of recruits.
"Thank you, you may leave now,"she said, and he nodded and left. She activated the console to her left typing the authorization codes, security codes, all sorts of codes until the Shadow Pokemon finally dispensed in their Pokeballs. "Alright, my pretties time to prove your worth,"she said eyeing the Pokeballs she had in her hand. The newest grunts came to her obviously, tied from working with Tirannah. "Oh sweety are you tired, do you need to take a rest,"she said starting off sweetly to an especially tired looking grunt who nodded,"well you won't get it here,"she said slapping him across the face. "Do you think this region will just be handed to us, you pathetic magots, no we have to earn it, now up to the fields,"she ordered, the grunts got into a single file line marching up towards the training field.
Ounce they reached the fields she released her Flygon,"now use your Pokemon and defeat Flygon," it was a very simple order defeat Flygon and eith there eight Pokemon at ounce surely they could defeat her, but no,"Draco Meteor,"was the only command she uttered and Flygon rained the most powerful dragon-type move down on the grunts Pokemon,"Come now, your all pathetic one shot, and you were all defeated, oh well again,"she said, and this continued for several hours the grunts making attempts to defeat her Flygon, and failing each time.
After she was finished with them she returned Flygon to it's Pokeball, and returned to her room to eat dinner. [/spoiler][/spoiler]
If anything is wrong with it please tell me if not I look forward to this starting.

Well, first, you didn't use the provided skeleton correctly. You seemed to have typed it yourself, and the section names aren't bolded like they should be. You also spelled Title wrong, and omitted the Name section.


Members are not forced into Umbra (kidnapped, in your case.) It's done in a "Join us or die" fashion. All members have a conscious choice to join.

Umbra has only been in Orikoto for about a year.

Also, you have a lot of spelling errors.

And finally, your writing as shown in your Sample is subpar.

I can't accept it.

[quote name='Admiral_Stalfos19' timestamp='1346296112' post='6015786']
Shotgun on the last Admin (assuming I've read the OP right). Work in progress atm, but I don't want that spot to be flogged =/
[spoiler=Ticking Time Bomb - 'Coral' Rosewood]
[b]Username:[/b] Admiral_Stalfos19
[b]Trainer Title:[/b] Ticking Time Bomb
[b]Trainer Name:[/b] [acronym='Her given name is unknown.']'Coral' Rosewood[/acronym]
[b]App Type:[/b] Admin
[b]Age:[/b] 32
[b]Height:[/b] 6' 1"
[b]Weight:[/b] It's [i]rude[/i] to ask a woman for her weight :P
[b]City of Origin:[/b] Opelucid City
[spoiler=Appearance: (I know this is over the 250x250 limit, but I'll fix it when the rest of the app is complete)][img]http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs24/i/2007/339/3/b/the_evil_on____by_kamawanai.jpg[/img]
^the bottom one. Image credit goes to kamawanai
Despite now being at the age of 32, Coral has the appearance of that any 16-year-old would dream of heaving. Her figure is rivals that of Shizuka Marikawa from High School of the Dead, although while she has the slight upper-hand in bust, her waist is a little larger and her hips are a little narrower. Coral suffers from heterochromia, with her left eye being emerald and her right being a deep purple, and her hair is mixed in color as well, as it is blended with a sunny blonde, a fiery orange and a blood red. Finally Coral's dress, which is of a two-piece design that shows off her physical assets, is indigo in color, and has sapphires in various places. She almost always wears high heels too, bringing her to a height of 6' 4". Coral will often be seen with one of two different looks on her face; a sleepy look, and a look of pure venom.[/spoiler]
[b]Personality:[/b] Coral can be rather mentally unstable.
[b]History:[/b] Previously an administrator for Team Plasma, having joined it because of an outbreak she had at a Pokemon Academy. Coral had always had a problem with her body aging at half the rate as other human bodies, and would always get jealous in her youth because all the other girls got to grow breasts and nice birthing hips while [i]she[/i] was stuck still appearing as a mere child.
[b]Pokemon Team:[/b] [color=#0000ff](Tiamat/Salamence/♀/Intimidate/Draco Meteor/Fly/Fire Blast/Shadow Hold)[/color]
(Nile/Krookodile/♂/Moxie/Earthquake/Foul Play/Thunder Fang/Bulk Up)
[color=#0000FF](Monarch/Jellicent/[/color][color=#0000FF]♀[/color][color=#0000FF]/Water Absorb/Water Spout/Hex/Energy Ball/Shadow Chill)[/color]
(Seth/Tyranitar/♂/Sand Stream/Stone Edge/Fling/Superpower/Dragon Dance)
Shadow Pokemon are in blue. And in case you're wondering why Coral only has 4 Pokemon, I'm saving the 5th slot for Heatran.[spoiler=RP Sample][/spoiler]

You don't get Heatran until after the main storyline. Which involves defeating Umbra and purifying Shadow Pokemon.

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[quote name='Discord' timestamp='1346314837' post='6015874']Oh God, it's an admin taco-fest 0.0[/quote]
I didn't expect so many female applicants. >_<

[quote name='Discord' timestamp='1346314837' post='6015874']THE TEAM IS UMBRA NOT CIPHER.

Umbra has only been in Orikoto for about a year.[/quote]
That reminds me! *corrects app a bit*

[quote name='Admiral_Stalfos19' timestamp='1346318348' post='6015887']I was hoping to have Coral at least befriend/[i]have[/i] befriended Heatran before then... and maybe call upon it for battles like Ash does with his Charizard from time to time =/[/quote]
(A?) Heatran? Befriending/catching a legendary seems a bit much.
It's usually best to avoid the OP'd pokemon, otherwise battles will feel far too one-sided.

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