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Cards about friendship, kindness, and trust.

Rules:The rules will be upholded with the most strict and firm grasp.[list=1]
[*]The cards all have to do with Love, Friendship, Trust, and/or Real YuGiOh Bonds.
[*]The cards must be balanced SO no adding effects that make them immune to everything keep it fair.
[*]Remember YuGiOh Card Maker rules. Please keep it clean.
[*]New types are allowed so you can create things like, Beast-Serpent.
[*]Ever one who wishes to participate must put 10 points in the pot.
[*]This contest doesnt start until there is 7 people joined.
[*]I will be the judge.
[*]You need up to 5 cards. You should have plenty of time so make your cards great.
[*]Your cards must all be Light types.
The prizes will be:
1st place-30 points
2nd place-20 points
3rd place-10 points

The contest will end 2 weeks after 7 people have entered.

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