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Dark and Lightsworns


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Just mixed a few things with my Lightsworn cards and i actually like how it goes, Reason why i only run spells because of the lightsworns constant milling and ever since playing with a chaos dragons format at my locals i've just grown into building formats similar to a graveyard milling reliant decks such as this one with nothing but beaters and boss monsters.

-Lyla x2
-Jain x1
-Lumina x2
-Ryko x2
-Thunder king rai oh x2
-Tragoedia x1
-Gorz x1
-Phantom of chaos x1
-Judgement dragon x2
-Mystic tomato x2
-Spirit Reaper x2
-Ehren x2
-Honest x1
-BLS envoy x1
-Effect veiler x2
-Wulf x2
-Sangan x1
-Plaguespreader x1
-Necro gardna x2
-Card trooper x1

-MST x2
-Book of moon x1
-Hand destruction x1
-Solar recharge x1
-Forbidden lance x2
-Heavy storm x1
-Charge of lightbrigade x1
-Monster reincarnation x1

-Gachi gachi gantetsu x1
-Leviathan dragon x1
-Utopia x1
-Maestroke Djinn x1
-Grenosaurus x1
-Iron chain dragon x1
-Armory arm x1
-Scrap dragon x1
-Red dragon archfiend x1
-Zenmaines x1
-Stardust dragon x1
-Tempest magician x1
-Void ogre dragon x1

-Pot of avarice x1
-Solar recharge x1
-Aurkus x1
-Doom caliber x2
-DAD x1
-Ryko x1
-Garoth x1
-Effect veiler x1

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