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Volcanic Heroes

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An old deck concept that existed before the advent of Exceeds, but now that they're here I think the deck is stronger than ever.

Monsters - 17
[3]Volcanic Rocket
[3]Volcanic Scattershot
[3]Volcanic Shell
[3]Elemental Hero Neos Alius
[1]Elemental Hero Stratos
[2]Summoner Monk
[1]Snowman Eater

Spells - 15
[2]E - Emergency Call
[2]Gemini Spark
[2]Miracle Fusion
[1]Heavy Storm
[1]Dark Hole
[1]Blaze Accelerator

Traps - 8
[2]Torrential Tribute
[2]Solemn Warning
[1]Solemn Judgment
[1]Divine Wrath
[1]Raigeki Break
[1]Bottomless Trap Hole

Extra - 15
[2]Elemental HERO Nova Master
[2]Elemental HERO The Shining
[2]Elemental HERO Absolute Zero
[1]Evilswarm Ouroboros
[1]Utopia Ray
[1]Blade Armor Ninja
[1]Photon Papilloperative
[1]Black Corn
[1]Lavalval Chain

I had an idea to use Tour Guides with a Cloudian Poison Cloud so I can use Ab Zero more, but meh.

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[quote name='b0b3rt' timestamp='1346173855' post='6014679']
Scattershot is basically useless. What's the point of all the +1s if you don't run super poly?
Scattershot IS a problem in this deck, but without it there is no point to running Blaze Accelerator, since I am more than likely not going to have Shell in my hand. I could always try taking them out and putting in a Rota, Super Poly, and a Foolish Burial.

The hand advantage does help with Divine Wrath, Raigeki Break, and setting up for other moves, though.

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