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Yugioh: Story of Ages IC (PG-13 Accepting)


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Arianna was confident in her deck and her mental and physical state required for time travel. She did however have to swap some cards around in her deck, those that were deemed 'banned' to those in the past, including many of her hand control cards. [color=#ee82ee][i]No matter [/i][/color]she thought as she took out her Delinquent Duo cards and replaced them with Drastic Drop Off. She also added various Life Point paying cards, so as to not waste her Sebek's Curse card. She also added a new card, one she would consider her ace card in a duel, to her deck. She only possessed two copies of it, but it's effect meant that even without 3 of it in her deck, she'd still find it very useful.

Going to sleep easily, she began to dream about time-travelling, and her mission to save the world...

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Leo's eyes drooped as he tried to finish the last bit of his e-mail to Roba. At this time, Roba usually got cranky with phone calls, and Leo couldn't be as detailed. [i]Roba. [/i]
[i]I have witnessed several duelists face off against each other, and I think I know some of their strategies. Arianna likes hand control, as well as massive point inflicting. My advice is cards like Dark Worlds and such to stop this, as well as point recovery. Yuuto uses Silent monsters, all who gain ATK, and gain levels through name-change. Good cards against this are high-ATK monsters, effect destruction, effect negation, and 'Overworked', as well as Neo Spacian Dark Panther. Nathaniel uses mass card-removal, so Imperial Iron Wall, as well as cards that remove themselves from play are good against him. Dr. Knight has more information on the other duelists.[/i]
As he hit 'Send', he realized that light was streaming through the window. Morning already. Bummer.

[b]Dr. Underwood[/b]
Norman Underwood had been sitting at his desk ALL NIGHT. This had to be flawless. Somehow, after all that time working on the Time Machine, he still wasn't ready to try it out with the Interns. Unfortunately, he'd managed to fall asleep. while taking a donut break at his desk. He shook the remainder of his tiredness off, and looked around. More importantly than the Time Machine... were the Interns ready? He cautiously opened his desk drawer and took out a key. Gripping it tightly, he walked over to a secret vault he kept, full of cards that he'd collected, or old friends had given him. He hadn't added any of them to his deck, except for the Numbers he'd found the previous day. Those were different, like an omen. But the other cards... now was a good time as any... right? He nodded and opened it up, and picked up the cards he hid inside. He didn't even bother to look at them. He knew his cards by heart. However, these wouldn't be his cards much longer. He planned to give them to the Interns.

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