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Yugioh: Story of Ages IC (PG-13 Accepting)


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Dr. Knight blinked confused. [color=#00ff00]‘Who is this kid?’ [/color]he thought completely shocked that only Dr. Underwood was the only one noticing him. Because the duel between Dr. Chase and Lynn was over, he hoped they would notice the kid. He gave thumbs up congratulating them as he continued to look at the kid. [i][color=#00ff00]‘He is definitely not an intern, the ones I emailed didn’t look like that according to their own files and he isn’t old enough to be an intern…He could only be…’ [/color][/i]his mind went trailed on.

During most of the times Samuel and Roba were on the phone, Roba had always remarked that his minions will occasionally be watching him for progress. But Samuel never expected this to ever happen. It is a sign to him to show how much more powerful Roba’s faction has increased since he last seen the entire group.

Dr. Knight zoomed his recording mobile phone, closer to the duel between Yuuto and Nathaniel while trying to ignore the kid to avoid suspicion while getting footage of the bonus his master needs. And as everyone else thinks, a good video to evaluate and remember how much the duelling skills of each Intern has changed from since the beginning of all of this. [i][color=#00ff00]‘Interesting, Roba will be definitely satisfied but would know about my surprise if his minion tells him before me…’[/color][/i]

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Yuuto drew a card, knowing it might be his last. He added the card to his hand and started to think of a strategy. Then he looked up. "Got it." He said to himself. First off, since there are now monsters on my side of the field, I can special summon one of my ultimate monsters. Michion the Timelord in attack mode ([b]0[/b]/0)." A red machine looking crture with gold wings and a piece of red glass on it's body appeared. The glass took a shine and a face appeared on it. "Then, activate Ultimate offering. This card lets me pay 500 life points (1700-1200) so that I can summon Goblindbergh, which lets me special summon a level four monster by putting him in defense position. I choose Skilled dark Magician. Then I activate of Kagetokage from my hand, which lets me special summon it because I summoned a level 4 monster this turn." A goblin in an airplane flew into the field with a crate. The crate opened up and inside was a hooded magician. Then, out of the airplane's shadow came a 2-dimensional shadow lizard. "Now, I have three level four monsters on the field, so I create an overly network so I can XYZ summon a monster from the deepest depths of the ocean. Come forth Number 32: Shark Drake!" A portal opens up on the ground, collecting the three level four monsters, then it implodes and in its place is a purplish shark standing on two feet with spikes sticking out of it's back. "First my Timelord will attack your XYZ monster. He isn't destroyed, neither of us take battle damage, but your life points are halved. (Nathaniel 4000-->2000) Now, I attack your XYZ with Number 32: Shark Drake!" The shark goes to destroy the teleporting monster.


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"Fair enough," Lynn replied to Dr. Chase telling her that she'll still be treated the same. "I guess these are the nicest words that I'll ever get out of you, but whatever. I'm okay with that, Charlie." She couldn't suppress a grin that had begun to creep up from inside her. It was nice to know that there was at least [i]one [/i]game she was equally good at as Dr. Chase. "I'll leave you be. You probably have some scientific stuff to attend to." She left his presence and went over to where Yuuto was dueling another of the Scientists. A thought mulled through her head. [i]I wonder what the other interns would do if they lost a duel. It's not such a tragic thing, but how would they react?[/i]

She continued to watch the duel, having nothing better to do.

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[color=#daa520]"I'm sorry, but there shall be no hope of you winning. [/color][color=#DAA520]Battle phase. Marluvia attacks your face-down monster."[/color] [color=#000000]Once again, Remi pointed her index finger at one of Arianna's monsters, her face-down one to be exact. For Remi, her victory is more than assured thanks to Marluvia's effect that allows her to attack her opponent relentlessly without fear of having her monsters destroyed. [/color][color=#DAA520] [/color][color=#808080][b]"Phantom Jealousy!-"[/b] [/color][color=#000000]Before Remi could finish chanting Marluvia's attack, she was interrupted by a small flashback of both her's and Arianna's past at the same time. The effect of having 2 flashbacks at the same time was painful to Remi, seeing as she is forced to kneel down while holding her head in pain. [/color][color=#daa520]"Ungh... Argh... It... Hurts...."[/color]

[color=#000000]After a few seconds of kneeling down in pain, Remi stood up once again only to deactivate her duel disk/dragon. [/color][color=#daa520]"You win, Arianna. Sorry, but I cannot afford to continue this duel any longer." [/color][color=#000000]Saying so, Remi walked past Arianna as her dragon picks up her umbrella before opening it, shielding her from the sun. [/color][color=#000000]Before leaving the area the completely, Remi turned around to look at her opponent once again. [/color][color=#daa520]"The next time we meet... Will not be as friendly as today." [/color][color=#000000]After her words, she left the area and heads toward the building where the interns and scientists are at. [/color]

[color=#000000]A few moments of walking and levitating spells later, Remi finally found the building and entered through the main door only to find a large robot with a large face imprinted on it and another giant robot with wings. [/color][color=#daa520][i]"Michion The Timelord and a... What kind of monster is that?"[/i][/color][color=#000000]Remi walked towards Dr. Knight before tapping him on the shoulder. [/color][color=#daa520]"Hey, you're one of Roba's, aren't you?" [/color][color=#000000]She whispered to Dr. Knight.[/color]

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[color=#00ff00][i]‘Timelord…Number,’[/i][/color] Dr. Knight quivered back in fear as he didn’t understand how a teenager like Yuuto could get his hand on two powerful cards. [color=#00ff00][i]‘How did he go through the depts of time to get these powerful cards or did they appear from out of nowhere in a Booster Pack that he bought?’[/i][/color]

[i][color=#daa520]‘How in the hell did he just spam out them. My strategy at the beginning of this duel should of assured that he would waste them at the beginning,’[/color] [/i]Nathaniel though as inside he remained calm and confident. That explains why Yuuto wanted to take the 600 damage before (Yuuto: [b]1200[/b] Life Points)(I assume since you didn’t answer that) instead of banishing one of the monsters in his hand, he didn't want his already planed spam attack to fail. When Yuuto ordered his Michion the Timelord, that giant LV 10 robot with only 0 ATK, Nathaniel thought he was crazy but from hearing the effect he commented. [color=#daa520][b]“How broken, it’s basically invincible,”[/b][/color] while muttering as his Life Points took the burning effect damage instead of the battle damage he was expecting (Nathaniel: [b]4000[/b]→[b]2000[/b] Life Points). [color=#daa520][b]“It is merely a fluke that you actually Summoned something like that to break my perfect victory, the other Professional Duelists that I claimed a victory over played more skilled and fair than you…But for you to get to the hall of fame for people that have actually inflicted damage on me, it’s a shame really that you mock them, they were all outstanding,”[/b][/color] he commented as now Yuuto ordered his Number 32: Shark Drake, another card he barely knows of by heart, to attack Nathaniel’s Vortex Macro Drone-Spy that he couldn’t be bothered to call it by its name.

[color=#daa520][b]“I activate my Face Down, [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Waboku"]Waboku[/url], not that you would win the duel because my monster would be sent to the banished zone though but I don’t want to lose 1600 big ones,”[/b][/color] Nathaniel said revealing his trap containing three maidens wishing for harmony over the ruthless enemy. [color=#daa520][b]“I take no battle damage this turn and my monster cannot be destroyed by battle. There, do you end your turn, the fifth turn of the game,”[/b][/color]

[color=#daa520][b]“All you have done is copy other Duelists and their cards hoping that they would be strong enough to push your Opponent into a corner just because the legends claimed many victories from each card in their deck, but you are wrong it is about the Duelist that makes the victory and not the cards they use. I at least am original in my deck construction, of chorse an amateur like you can figure out what my deck style is; I can guarantee most people in his room have constructed their decklists with dignity by their own mind and not the mind of legends that you follow to always be a shadow of,”[/b][/color]

Immediately as Dr. Knight placed his mobile phone in his pocket, he heard the whisper of a woman behind him that was quite enough for only him to hear. [color=#00ff00][b]“It is not the time to talk,”[/b][/color] he whispered back walking towards Lynn and Dr. Chase to congratulate them.

[color=#00ff00][b]“That was a very interesting duel,”[/b][/color] he complimented smiling kindly to them.

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Yuuto saw him use the Waboku card and was shocked. "Damn it!" Yuuto exclaimed in shock. "No matter, you won't survive much longer. Oh and look, I still have fifteen turns until I have to forfeit. I guess you were right about duels not lasting 20 turns, but in this duel, the duelist who will lose is you. Do you want to know why I'm not a professional duelist? It's because most professional duelists or jerks that think there better than everyone else they know since they won the 'World National Championship', or was a runner up, or even that they beat 20 first graders in a row. I personally don't think any of those are big accomplishments. I think the biggest accomplishment is to know that you and your deck have a bond. To be able to pick up any card and work it into your current strategy. I'll end my turn, but the second you end yours, I'll win this duel." Yuuto explains very calmly. "Since it's my end phase, I have to shuffle Michion back into the deck. I bet your grateful you don't have to put up with him any more.

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Nathaniel gave a Yuuto a cold silent stared as he began to get more annoyed by Yuuto's unnecessary insults. [color=#daa520][i]‘Hypocrite…He calls me a jerk and a show-off…Yet it is him boasting he can beat someone far out of his league…He will never become a Professional Duelist or a Duel Champuon if his strategies are that cheap and basic,’[/i][/color] Nathaniel gave a sudden chuckle as he drew his next card making his hand two cards. That he preferred over his others. [color=#daa520][b]“It is so funny hearing that from you considering you had done so much reckless[i] tactics[/i] that resulted in you getting rid of your own cards…Now I shall bring on the fun now that there are eight monsters currently banished, Vortex Macro Drone-Spy has served its worth…I thank it for its endeavour,”[/b][/color]

Nathaniel clicked his fingers as he dumped it in the graveyard and placed down another card. [color=#daa520][b]“It’s a shame you haven’t figured out my deck’s style but now I will show you… I will tribute my Vortex Macro Drone-Spy to Tribute Summon my [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Helios_Duo_Megistus"]Helios Duos Megistus[/url] in Attack Position!”[/b][/color] he exclaimed as he showed the card to Yuuto with a big smirk (?/?)(Level 6), a fat mummified spirit with two flaming sun balls around it. [b][color=#daa520]“Its effect makes its ATK and DEF equal to the amount of monsters banished times 200…Including my now banished Vortex there is eight banished monsters…It’s ATK is 1600,” [/color][/b]he explained ([b]?[/b]→[b]1600[/b]/?→1600).

[color=#daa520][b]“Now for the second of my total risks, you are a complete joke at thinking I don’t believe in my deck… You copy your idols while I have an original deck. Your [i]bond[/i] to them is nothing but your own imagination,”[/b][/color] Nathaniel commented showing him his hand a card that shows a mysterious figure levitating two cards in its hand. [color=#daa520][b]“I activate [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Chaos_Greed"]Chaos Greed[/url], it allows him to draw two cards since I have more than four banished and my Graveyard is empty,”[/b][/color] he explained drawing his two cards as his smirk appeared. [color=#daa520][b]“The power of luck has triumphant…Time for me to show you my true power,”[/b][/color]

[color=#daa520][b]“I can tribute my Helios Duo Megistus to Special Summon my [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Helios_Trice_Megistus"]Helios Trice Megistus[/url] in Attack Position,” [/b][/color]Nathaniel dumped his Helios Duo Megistus making his Banished Zone nine as he showed a monster card containing three mummified spirits that were decayed and like their two former portions of the Archetype, had a spiral flame ball over their head. [color=#daa520][b]“Helios Thrice Megistus’s ATK is equal to the number of Banished monsters times 300…I have dumped nine monsters in-between us since I started this duel, three turns to banish nine cards…”[/b][/color] he explained hoping that Yuuto will finally actually realize his mistake for ever challenging Nathaniel. [color=#daa520][b]“2700 ATK and DEF,”[/b][/color] Nathaniel said ([b]?[/b]→[b]2700[/b]/?→2700).

Nathaniel placed down another card carefully. [color=#daa520][b]“I will activate my Mystical Space Typhoon, destroying my Macro Cosmos,” [/b][/color]he explained as once again he performed a bizarre strategy that is unusual to most Duelists. Why would he want to get rid of the card his deck revolves around?[color=#daa520][b] “Now I will order my Helios Trice Megistus to attack your Number 32: Shark Drake,”[/b][/color]

Nathaniel placed his monster in the Graveyard because it lost the battle as expected (Nathaniel: [b]2000[/b]→[b]1900[/b] Life Points). But he quickly grabbed it from the only slot in the Graveyard and slammed it back onto the field.[color=#daa520][b] “Now that I am reaching my End Phase, Helios Trice Megistus’s effect activates that allows it to be Special Summoned from the Graveyard when it is destroyed by battle. But that’s not it, it gains 500 ATK and DEF,”[/b][/color] he explained as his monster now surpassed Number 32 and anything Yuuto has to hope for fighting back ([b]2700[/b]→[b]3200[/b]/2700→3200). [color=#daa520][b]“Face it; you cannot win because you cannot take down my true ace. No monster in your deck can defeat the power of a sun…The power of a god!...I end my turn, the sixth turn of the duel...Give up before you face humiliation, [i]teammate[/i],”[/b][/color]

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Yuuto drew a card now making 1 card.[i]"Dammit! I better think of a strategy, and fast! If I don't this guy will defeat me for sure!" [/i]Yuuto looked at his cards. "I activate Pot of Greed, which lets me draw two cards." He drew his cards and surveyed his hand and the field. He had Silent Fairy LV 0 and Summoned Skull in his hand, Number 32: Shark Drake and Ultimate Offering on the field. His opponent had three sun gods on his field and nothing else. Yuuto racked his brain for ideas. He decided he had nothing to lose by bringing out a few more monsters, and decided to try this turn by getting lucky. "First, I'll summon Silent Fairy LV0 from my hand." A green winged fairy with big eyes appeared on the field. "Sadly, she won't last for long because I pay 500 (1700>1200)life points from Ultimate Offering's effect so that I can tribute my fairy and tribute summon Summoned Skull." A creature made of bones with purple wings appeared on the field next to Shark Drake. "Next, I'll create another overlay network with my Shark Drake so that I can summon Chaos Number 32: Shark Drake Vice!" Yuuto exclaimed. The shark changed in color to white, his fins and claws grew longer and he had purple accents on his body. "Now, I enter my battle phase. Summoned Skull, attack his sun God." The monster of bones attack the sun mummy and was destroyed, as expected, but was sent to the graveyard instead of being removed from play. (1200-->500) "Now, since my life points are under 1000, I can remove from play one monster in my graveyard to make your monster's attack and defense 0. So say good bye to Summoned Skull and goodbye to your victory. Shark Drake Vice, attack his sun god. Wave of destruction!" Yuuto cried out as if he were fighting a war. The monster ran for the sun gods and started for an attack.

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[color=#daa520]"I see. I guess it's right, then." [/color][color=#000000]Hearing Dr.Knight's short answer was more than enough to answer her question, or so Remi thinks. And after seeing Dr. Knight walking towards a pair of duelists, she decided she would do the same and walked near towards Nathaniel and Yuuto's duel without being unnoticed by them, of course. [/color][color=#daa520][i]"One of the 99 Numbers that belonged to the legendary duelist Tsukumo Yuma and a Time Lord which was supposed to be only owned by Z-ONE, the famed final enemy of Fudo Yuusei. Who is this child and where did he attain those two cards..?" [/i][/color][color=#000000]The presence of 2 cards which was supposed to be singular in existence brought Remi's attention towards Yuuto or more specifically, how he attained the cards. [/color][i][color=#daa520]"This boy... I wish to know more of him." [/color][/i][color=#000000]Burying her thoughts to herself, Remi then focuses on Yuuto's duel and hopefully learn more about him through that duel. [/color]

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[color=#00ff00][i]‘…Chaos Number?...Roba never told me they can actually mutate into an evolution!’[/i][/color] Dr. Knight’s eyes widened as he wished he didn’t turn his recorder off. But he had the proof he needed because the mysterious women who was one of Roba’s minions will confirm his message…Or vice versa. [color=#00ff00][b]“Now that the duels look like they are finished, let’s discuss further onto tomorrow. Everyone that dueled did superb,”[/b][/color]

Nathaniel’s calm smirked faded when he saw that card and how it without effort dropped his ultimate card to zero ([b]3200[/b]→[b]0[/b]/3200→0). [color=#daa520][b]“I have never seen Chaos Xyz Change ever commence in even the Pro League, not even in the Regionals or Nationals…”[/b][/color] Nathaniel muttered looking at the seriously overcool card. As his Life Points faded into a big hit, Nathaniel shrugged not caring because Yuuto really didn't prove anything (Nathaniel: [b]1900[/b]→[b]0[/b] Life Points) as he grabbed everything of his into his deck that he placed in his deck holder that he strapped into his belt. He then got off his seat next to the table and grabbed his two plain suitcases firmly before walking towards where Dr. Chase was for what to do next.

A thought rushed through Dr. Knight’s mind. [color=#00ff00][b]“…I am certain that there was more than three interns,”[/b][/color] he said shrugging as he didn't know if they are getting late or Roba got to them without planning it with anyone. [color=#00ff00][b]“I wonder what is happening outside the lab,”[/b][/color]

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Yuuto picked his deck up and jumped in joy. "YES! YES! YES! I WON I CAN"T BELIEVE I WON ON PURE LUCK YEEEEEEEEEEEEES!!!!!!!" Yuuto yells at the top of his lungs. He starts doing a crazily stupid looking victory dance that was mostly consisting of a bad attempt at the moonwalk. Yuuto finally stopped. He gathered himself together and walked up to Nathaniel and extended his hand. "Good gsme. I had fun. I hope we can duel again sometime. Maybe I'll win again. Maybe not. Sorry for being so rude and hypocritical back there. I don't know what came over me then. I think I just got caught up in the fact that I was about to beat a professional duelist. I hope we can be friends."

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[b][color=#daa520]“Maybes…”[/color][/b] Nathaniel responded to both Yuuto’s question about another duel in the future and a possibility of forming friendship. However, Nathaniel felt a little annoyed that Yuuto only won because he used Michion the Timelord and Number C32: Shark Drake Vice that literally came out of nowhere and foiled his monsters. [color=#daa520][b]“Truth to be told, my original deck has been defeated before. It is impossible to win all the time, especially during a Duellist’s childhood when mistakes and misplays are common. But, I have swept the Regionals last year to a near flawless victory because of my near-invincible Helios Trice Megistus. When the time came to the Nationals when I knew that losing once with my original deck wasn’t enough, I used one of my many decks as a scapegoat for defeat…Anyway, you aren’t in any possible way the first to defeat my original deck and you will not be the last,”[/b][/color] Nathaniel explained memorising every move Yuuto made during the duel and remembering that every card he used was luckily awkward for him to counter with. Michion as an example against his Waboku, Number C32 as a example against Helios Trice Megistus. [color=#daa520][b]“I doubt you can pull that move once again, but will you ever again be in a situation again when you are forced to Xyz Summon using Xyz Monsters or should I say Chaos Xyz Change. Only fate will decided,” [/b][/color]

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Arianna was dumbfounded as to why Remi had quit. She just dropped to the floor and said about not being friendly next time they met. "[color=#ee82ee]Well, no bother, guess my Morphing Jar couldn't have any action...[/color]". Arianna de-activated her duel disc and put her cards back in her deck holder, before placing that in her pocket. Thinking that she'd made good time, she once again strolled towards the lab, but realised she'd become lost when she entered a men's barbers. Embarrassed at her poor memory and lack of direction, she once again trudged to the bank, only to forget were that was too. "[color=#ee82ee]Oh my goodness, this is awful...[/color]" She moaned, sitting down on the bench were she was before her duel with Remi. Gyaku-Gire Panda appeared out of her pocket, and snuggled her, before pointing her to the lab. Walking to it, she glanced at her watch; "[color=#ee82ee]20 MINUTES LATE[/color]" She shouted, startling those around her. Quickly she head off to the lab, bursting through the door and collapsing on the floor, her cards flying everywhere. "[color=#ee82ee]I'm here...[/color]" She smiled, trying to hide her embarrassment.

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[b]Dr. Underwood[/b]
Norman sighed. Not only was the intern late, but she had completely forgotten to knock, catching him so off guard, he knocked his box of donuts over. "Um... welcome to the lab... what was your name again...?" He grunted. Somehow, he still had absolutely no idea what the heck to say. He glanced nervously at Dr. Knight, silently sending a distress signal. "Well, we're currently waiting on a couple more interns, I think... two to be exact. These guys have just been dueling around, getting aquainted with their new co-workers."

Somebody burst through the door. [i]Great,[/i] he thought, [i]another enemy to destroy. [/i]He reminded himself that he had no other options, so he clutched the Millenium Ring, concealed in his pocket. What he needed was a duel. Nobody seemed to notice him, which was a good thing, to an extent. Unfortunately, there was no way for him to tell who was a good duelist and who wasn't, or how to take them down, without throwing down with them. Silently, and casually, he slipped his duel disk on, which was in Regular mode. Doom mode, which was a lot flashier, would attract too much attention. This way, hopefully the bored interns would notice him and ask for a duel. Hopefully.

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Roba picked up a phone and called Leo. The kid always thought he had to defeat people AND take their souls. He didn't though. At least not now. "I wonder how duels and are going. I'll make sure to add that in to my conversation with Leo." Roba said to himself. While waiting for Leo to pick up, Roba started looking through his deck trying to find three particular cards. Three cards that could defeat a duelist in less than five turns after they all get on the field. The Wicked Gods. One Roba got them out, he looked at the cards that were stacked neatly in a pile beside his computer. They were soul cards. Souls captured by any God, combination of Gods, or all three.

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Leo felt his phone vibrating in his pocket. Hoping nobody saw him, he ducked into the restroom. He looked at the caller ID, though there was only one person who could be calling him now. Sure enough, it was Roba's private line, and Leo glanced around cautiouslym then ducked into one of the stalls in the restroom. Sitting on a toilet, he flipped the phone open. "Hello, master." Leo held the phone up to his ear. "What do you need from me?."

[b]Dr. Underwood[/b]
He still wasn't sure what to make of the kid. He was jumpy, hyper, but he had a sad side to him. And now, he got a phone call, he found it necessary to [i]hide[/i] in the bathroom. How important could this call be? Slowly, he bit his donut and walked towards the restroom.

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Roba heard the voice of Leo over the phone. "Good, you picked up. I just wanted to make sure you were dueling with the interns. And remember, keep in mind every card they play and how they play it. Also, you need to know when the right and wrong times are to take souls. This, is a very wrong time. Oh well, on the subject of dueling, give me some kind of report. Once you've finished with that, duel anyone who you think is worthy. Especially if they have any unusual cards. I don't want you wasting your time dueling weaklings. Got it?" Roba explained to Leo. Now he thought the kid might get this stuff through his head. [i]'Hopefully, there are plenty of good duelists.' [/i]Roba thought to himself.

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Seeing as how Yuuto and Nathaniel's duel was over, Remi decides to walk over towards them and congratulate Yuuto on his victory. [color=#DAA520]"An absolutely splendid duel, both of you." [/color][color=#000000]She said while clapping her hands. Remi then looked over to Yuuto. [/color][color=#daa520]"It was most... Interesting of you to posses such a rare and elusive card such as that Michion the Timelord. You must be quite a skilled duelist." [/color][color=#000000]With intent of gathering intel for Roba, Remi tried to persuade Yuuto into telling her where he got his Michion the Timelord. Around the same time this happened, she heard a loud thudding sound coming from the door. Curious, Remi averted her gaze from Yuuto for a bit and looked at the door to find just what caused the thudding sound. Much to her surprise, it was the same girl she had dueled earlier today. [/color][i][color="#daa520"]"Arianna?!" [/color][/i][color=#000000]But, she quickly returned to talking with Yuuto. [/color][color=#daa520]"I apologize for the slight interruption there. But anyway, since I have forgotten to introduce myself, I am Emilia von Krone, or better known as Remi. I am one of the scientists here, charmed to meet you, young man."[/color]

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Yuuto looked at the girl. "Yeah, I guess I am." Yuuto said not wanting to sound cocky. "It's a pretty interesting story how I got it. You see-" Yuuto started he was interrupted by someone breaking through the door. "Who is that?" Yuuto thought out loud. "I wonder if she's another intern. There seem to be plenty that are late." Yuuto said disappointed at the late interns. If he could be early, he thought everyone else could at least be on time. Yuuto tried to get the girl who he was talking to's attention again. "As I was saying. I got the card from my brother, Mikey. He disappeared one day. All that was left of him was the single card. I'd never seen him use it, but I did notice that their names are similar." Yuuto explained.

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"[color=#ee82ee]I'm Arianna, pleasure to meet you all.[/color]" She looked at everyone while smiling. "[color=#ee82ee]Do you have a place were I can fix my deck up, sorry, I had a duel before and I found some flaws which I'd like to correct if that's okay[/color]" She smiled, and was shown to a desk at the back of the lab were she could fix her deck up. She needed to change it drastically, as its fragile nature was not something desirable in a deck like hers, which relied on one monster alone. "[color=#ee82ee]Uh, Remi? What are you doing here?[/color]" Arianna asked surprised as she walked past her, still thinking about what she'd said to Arianna.

OOC: I'm sorry, but I'm editing my deck again, sorry. This one will be more of a hand control deck, it'll feature the following cards created by me:

[spoiler=Cards] [spoiler=Sebek's Curse][img]http://i.imgur.com/sgGO6.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler=Secret Forest Soul][img]http://i.imgur.com/6aNQ9.jpg[/img][/spoiler]
[spoiler= Stele of the Summoner][img]http://i.imgur.com/q20Gk.jpg[/img][/spoiler][/spoiler]

After a few minutes, Arianna had almost completely changed her deck, swapping it with the cards she kept in her binder which was in her bag. The new deck was different, and she wanted to try it out. "[color=#ee82ee]Well, who want's to duel me now, I need to make sure this deck is worth playing![/color]"

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"Alright, Roba. Chow." He hung up the phone, and walked outside, crashing into the scientist who let him in. "Sorry!" he exclaimed. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a girl asking around for a duel. He activated his duel disk. [i]Perfect.[/i] "Hey, I'll duel you!"

[b]Dr. Underwood[/b]
"Um, well, you aren't even an intern..." Dr. Underwood pointed out, picking up the donut he dropped. The kid was lively, but extremely reckless. Maybe this wasn't the best idea, letting him come in. "Aww, but sir..." the boy looked up at him. "I've never fought a great, world-class duelist before. These [i]are [/i]the best guys you've got, right?" "Well, yes, but..." "Please...?" Dr. Underwood sighed. This kid was so innocent, his heart got all mushy. "Well, I guess if the interns [i]want [/i]to duel you, it's alright, but it's up to them."

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"[color=#ee82ee]You?[/color]" Arianna looked at the boy. "[color=#ee82ee]Okay! What's your name, how rude of me not to find out right away![/color]". Someone shouted from behind "His name's Leo!", to which Arianna turned and gestured for confirmation, we she promptly received. "[color=#ee82ee]Okay! Let's duel![/color]". Arianna and the boy both drew 5 cards from the top of their deck "[color=#ee82ee]I'll go first.[/color]" Arianna said, pulling the top card of her deck out. Arianna was more than satisfied with her hand, Leo wouldn't know what hit him. "[color=#ee82ee]Okay, first, I'll play my Yowie, in ATK mode![/color]" (500/500). A six-legged lizard burst out the card, and began hissing at Leo. "[color=#ee82ee]His effect means you can't draw during your next turn! And now I'll activate, my Sebek's Curse! This magic card makes us both pay card costs this turn, and all I have to do is sacrifice my Yowie.[/color]" A human with a crocodiles head came out of the card, it wore a black cape which it swung around, leaving glistening black dots all over the playing field. "[color=#ee82ee]Now, I activate, Delinquent Duo! This spell card means you have to discard 2 cards from your hand, but these guys get to decide which ones![/color]" Two fiends with numbers on their heads came out the cards and grabbed two of Leo's cards, before sending them to the Graveyard. "[color=#ee82ee]And for this pleasure, we both pay 1000 Life Points.[/color]" Arianna smiled "[color=#ee82ee]But I'm not done, as I activate my Spell Card! Confiscation! This card allows me to see your hand at the cost of 1000 Life Points and send it to the Grave, but we both pay that cost, remember? So, let me see what you've got after my duo devastated your hand.[/color]"

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"Alright, call me Leo." he grinned. Aparently, the girl hadn't read 'Deliquent Duo' before, because Leo got to pick one of the cards discarded. "I ditch my Watttpheasant... and your Duo gets rid of... my Wattwoodpecker." He slipped both cards into the graveyard before continuing. "Good move, but you've got to do better. You've only got two thousand life points and two cards, but I guess I will too, once you ditch a card from my hand. But whatever, pick away." Leo revealed his hand, consisting of two Monster Reborns and a Wattpheasant. "Just pick one already!" He muttered, spreading the cards in his hand out to make sure she could see them. "I don't have all day!"

[b]Dr. Underwood[/b]
[i]Wow.[/i] he thought. [i]This girl just used some cards I thought were banned to shut down almost all of the boy's options.[/i] He was glad his intern was winning with flying colors, but he felt bad for that kid who was dueling her. He had no idea what he was getting himself into.

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"[color=#ee82ee]Hmm... lucky hand you have. I'll choose Monster Reborn![/color]" Arianna pointed in the direction of the spell cards. Leo promptly discarded it and turned his hand back away from Arianna. Now she knew his game plan, he was going to use Monster Reborn to summon Wattwoodpecker, Attack her twice, and then attack with Wattpheasant, but she wasn't going to let him do that of course. "[color=#ee82ee]I'll set 1 card and end my turn, however, my Sebek's Curse now increases my Life Points by 1000! Your move Leo.[/color]" She smiled, her face-down should protect her, and if it didn't, the card in her hand would.

LP: 3000
Field: 1 FD S/T
Hand: 1
Grave: 4

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Nathaniel analysed the duel between the intern that came out of nowhere, Arianna and the mysterious child that was watching the duels going on around the lab, Leo. He felt quite annoyed at the Arianna’s tactics against the kid, he was just a kid. [color=#daa520][b]“Don’t you think you might be going a bit too far with the lockdown tactic…”[/b][/color] he said to Arianna in his stoic and emotionless tone, shrugging slightly as he leaned against the wall watching the duel. [color=#daa520][i]‘But of chorse, a tactic like that would have a weakness. Sure all she is doing is stripping the kid of his hand, but her hand and field doesn’t look that superb in comparison to the kid. But then again, the kid has just started his turn and half his Life Points are burned off… ’[/i][/color]

Thinking more, Nathaniel looked at the cards dumped in Leo’s Graveyard. [color=#daa520][i]‘However, Watts don’t do that much damage so she is OK if she can guess all the options the kid has from when she had the opportunity to look at his hand and counter attack it…If she has any resources left that is,’[/i][/color]

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