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Archetypes of Yugioh Players


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Have you noticed that they are different types of players that frequent the local?
Theres the rich kid dressed like Chiss Angel, the unpleasant guy with an inflated ego that is incapable of saying a sentence without at least 10 obscenities, the newbies who are coming in droves and do not detach from each other, the fat 40 year old one with over 15 decks, etc. My point is, what kind of players have you noticed in your respective locals? What kind of decks they use, how good are they habilities and how fun is to play with them.
This is for making something like a comic X3

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If I had to think about how different other players I've seen around are, I think each person belongs to his/her own archtype around here.
-Punk-looking skinny guy that belongs to the "know it all" family, and always either wins or gets to the finals at locals. Everybody likes him. I don't particularly dislike either. His Decks are usually top tier and change with the meta. Though he came with a Worm Deck once (for like, a day)
-Tough-looking chubby guy with slight beard and glasses. Always very friendly and kind despite the looks. Uses Gadgets, Monarchs, and Koaki Rocks (those sorts of control-oriented Decks that don't really Special Summon that much).
-Tall long haired guy that knows how to play guitar and has metal band shirts. Runs Quasar Plants, Lavals, and "cute things" as his Decks (different tier classifications obviously)
-A half black half asian guy that is really sociable with everyone. The Decks change but Lightsworns are something he's always kept.
-Skinny glasses pale guy with his cards in a "Swift Gaia the first Knight" tin, has a bunch of casual Decks. Including (but not limited to) Kaiba Deck, Warriors, a Deck following the ban list of 2004.
-Curly haired tough-looking guy that is actually an otaku. Uses almost exclusively Japanese cards and comes from the other side of the border (my area is between Mexico and the US, and in the Mexican side, I see a decent amount of people that like to collect Japanese cards instead). His Deck doesn't exactly have a name (cards include: Stardust, Wisel, Karma Cut, Dark Blade, Gorz, etc)
-Newbie Duelist that is roughly half the age as everyone else, with a pretty much net-decked Blackwing Deck. He knows how to use it.
-A guy whose Decks I don't know about, but has a bunch of binders and is always trying to find good trades or to sell stuff.
-One of those guys that talk at a kinda low speed. He tries to make Duel Terminal themes work.
-Guy who disregards the banlist and stuffs a Deck with lots of banned cards. Outside, he makes a hobby out of doing fixes to cars, and collecting swords and daggers.
-Awfully negative guy that is never satisfied with what he has. (got a LS Deck with some cards a bit overpriced, then got bored and sold it at lower than average costs, saying they didn't have variety or that they lost a lot. Then bought Six Samurais slightly more expensive than usual, and eventually went through the same situation as LS)
-A guy that gives you the air of being stupid (not mentally challenged, just stupid). He got a girlfriend that never really stopped bieng just a regular "friend" after over a month, and was thinking about ending it instead of actually trying. He also has really powerful Decks of the time, but is awful at using them (he once Summoned a Shooting Star on turn 1 and another monster. He then didn't negate my attack on the other monster, and let my cards destroy it by effect without ever using any of it's effects. He also wonders why he could never beat me.)
-The girl that nerds like because she goes to play there every once in a while.

-I'm the girl that gets lucky. I throw 3 dices and make them be the same number if I care enough, I top Deck single copies of cards needed right after roleplaying phrases of the anime like "I'll have to believe in the heart of the cards", "I throw down a face down, and call it a turn!" and other ridiculous stuff for the lulz. Or just touch the top of a person's Deck and make top-decks. Though my Decks are pretty much anything from Mokey Mokey, to Vanillas, to Gigavice, to anything that's not tier 1.

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90% of the guys at my locals are middle-aged (or middle-aged-looking teenagers, maybe), fat, smelly, unattractive, and don't have girlfriends or any relationships. Most don't have friends or good jobs either. Even their ego is s***; they shark-trade all over elementary kids, try to judge-kill the opp all the time, and when they lose, they're always like "My luck was terrible today". Overall, you could say they're losers of life, and the reason why most kids don't come to card shops often.

Duh, I don't belong there. I'm way too awesome to be like that.

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At my locals there are 4 types:

The competative guys who are just there to win, using meta decks.
The newbies. Who are Newbies.
The decent people who are there for fun, play under meta decks, and you can actually enjoy duels against.
And me who strolls up with a trenchcoat and cane making everyone else stare at me whilst I use a Guardian deck becuase I can.

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[quote name='Sleepy' timestamp='1346049784' post='6013800']
[color=#666666][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]-Punk-looking skinny guy that belongs to the "know it all" family, and always either wins or gets to the finals at locals. Everybody likes him. I don't particularly dislike either. His Decks are usually top tier and change with the meta. Though he came with a Worm Deck once (for like, a day)[/size][/font][/color]

[color=#666666][font=tahoma, helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]-Tall long haired guy that knows how to play guitar and has metal band shirts. Runs Quasar Plants, Lavals, and "cute things" as his Decks (different tier classifications obviously)[/size][/font][/color]

I fall under the first one...I think...though I don't look like much of a punk and I rarely run top tier/meta. But everyone likes me and I top/win a lot. :< My friend falls under the second. The decks I have taken to Locals are Lightsworns, Codarus Spam (took it once when Trishula was at one and went undefeated), Anti-Simorgh Ninja Lockdown, and Gravekeepers once. Ran a couple of other fun decks too, like Anti-Meta Burn and Exodia. :3

My friend has ran Gate Heros, Gallis, Wind-Ups, Lavals, Rock Stun, and Naturia's (the cute deck :3). Can't remember any other decks.

The is even more variety at Regionals, more at YCS, and a ton at Nationals! I was in awe! O:

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[quote name='Darkplant - VENOM' timestamp='1346111078' post='6014199']
90% of the guys at my locals are middle-aged (or middle-aged-looking teenagers, maybe), fat, smelly, unattractive, and don't have girlfriends or any relationships. Most don't have friends or good jobs either. Even their ego is s***; they shark-trade all over elementary kids, try to judge-kill the opp all the time, and when they lose, they're always like "My luck was terrible today". Overall, you could say they're losers of life, and the reason why most kids don't come to card shops often.

Duh, I don't belong there. I'm way too awesome to be like that.
[/quote]I have these. Except they're all 20-25 and are fairly good.

Then we have the people who are better than them. Both at the game and as people. Then there are some other outliers and then all the really cool guys who are either mediocre or top once in a while, like me. We're there to have fun and play with the other guys, and not by being a dick to the opponent. Then there are the two card sharks. One is a complete a****** and tries to rip people off, while the other is upfront about what he's doing and is much more reasonable with his prices. The a****** doesn't play and the good one is very good.

Overall, everyone knows each other to a degree and anyone can pretty much strike up a conversation with anyone else. It's a pretty nice locals bar the one or two douchebags that leave if they lose a game. (and that one card shark)

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