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the body fascinates me

Marisa Kirisame-ze

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I don't know if you're all strange like I am, but there are certain things about the body that I'm really, really into. I find certain things extremely attractive and one of my favorite things is prominent bones in certain areas.

Collarbones, hip bones, cheek bones, seeing your rib cage when you stretch - I love that stuff. And I'm not saying I love bone skinny people (since it mostly looks unhealthy), but I do love a fit body with those kinds of perks.

And on top of that, I find bruises extremely beautiful too. I have a bruise the size of a tennis ball at the back of my leg that's in the shape of a crescent moon and I'm attached to it.

But anyways, discuss parts of the body (arms, bones, scars, etc) that you find really attractive, beautiful, interesting, anything.

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I'm honestly intrigued with the Shoulder Joint and ligaments around there. After all, my younger brother does some unusual forms of stretching with his arms, one of which includes snapping his shoulder ligaments out of place and putting them back. I find it...fascinating.

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[quote name='Izaya Orihara' timestamp='1345945737' post='6012916']
No I am not. *Leaves topic*

Don't be dull.

[quote name='+Catman' timestamp='1345952958' post='6013028']

Ahhh eyes are so beautiful too. There's this girl at school with the lightest and bluest eyes you could ever imagine and you literally can't look away from them when you talk to her.

Look at some of these though.


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[quote name='God Machismo!!!!!' timestamp='1346119112' post='6014257']
I like breasts. I don't get the fascination with butts though. That's the part of body that rests on the toilet seat, and where the nasty stuff comes out.

This is the only thing I can agree with so far.=o

But feet gross me out.T.T I just don't like them.

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