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Six Sam Hand Loop

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Step 1:

Have Gateway, 2 cards that earn Bushido Counters, hand of the six samurai.

Step 2:

Play Spells, summon hand. counters total at 4. remove 4, add kizan and summon. back at 4. repeat till you have 3 kizans on field. Counters at 4 total.

Step 3: Overlay 3 kizans. go ouroburos. detach, send card. Use gateway, add kizan. Special Summon. Total counter=4

Step 4: Use hand eff, tribute kizan to kill ouroburos. Remove 4 bushido counters.add kizan.

Step 5: Keep repeating till out of Ouroburos. [color=#333333]Then Xyz into daigusto. return 3 ouroburos. repeat till all their cards are banished.[/color][/size]

[color=#333333]Didn't do that combo yet, and its impossible. Might as well do traditional six sams.[/color]

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Well, I wasn't able to do the hand loop, but the deck has been playtesting well:







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