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Shikigami Dyson Turbo


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This is my first post!!! I came up with this deck that is basically built around low level and low stat machine monsters. It basically goes xyz crazy and it has a good draw engine too. Post any thoughts or points for improvement.


Bri Synchron x2
Changer Synchron x2
Clockwork Shikigami x3
Machina Cannon x3
Cyber Larva x3
Cyber Valley x3
Swift Scarecrow x3
Unknown Synchron


Dark Hole
Foolish Burial
Heavy Storm
Inferno Reckless Summon x2
Machine Duplication x3
Monster Reborn
MST x2
One for One
[url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Tannh%C3%A4user_Gate"]Tannhauser Gate[/url] x3


BTH x2
D. Prison x2
Fiendish Chain x2
Solemn Judgment
Solemn Warning x2
Starlight Road x2
TT x2

Extra Deck:

Armory Arm
Formula Synchron
Magical Android
Shooting Star Dragon
Stardust Dragon
T.G Hyper Librarian

Mira the Giant Star?
Number 15: Gimmick Pupet - Giant Killer
Number 22: Fran Ken
Number 40: Gimmick Puppet - Heaven's Strings
Number 88: Gimmick Puppet - Destiny Leo
Number 9 - Dyson Sphere x2
Gear Gigant X.

Leave your comments and thoughts!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I run a very similar build to this. Its less synchro based though.

I suggest for monsters:

neg all bri and changer synchron. add 2 battle fader
neg 1 swift scarecrow

for spells:

neg foolish burial and inferno reckless summon
add 2 gold sarcs and 2 duality


neg fiendish chain, starlight road and one d.prison.

extra deck:

neg all synchros except for formula synchron.
add 2 XX saber gottoms
add 2 "Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis"
add 1 dyson sphere
and don't use Mira the Giant Star, its a minus 3 and the only way of getting it out is by wasting a machine duplication

hope this helps!

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