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Gishki Swap (September 2012, I think)


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[quote name='slayer_supreme' timestamp='1345401487' post='6010909']
I don't know what that first spell is, but can it really be called a "swap deck" with only 2 Creature Swap?

The first spell is Ascending Soul. Once per turn, when you ritual summon, you can return 1 of the tributes used to your hand. It's pretty cool in Gishkis, since 6 of the monsters in the deck can count as an entire Tribute for a ritual summon.

I suppose it really shouldn't be called a Swap deck. I just decided to call it that to call attention to the Bahamut Golem combo.

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Why not run trade in? You have 6 targets for it, all of which can then be returned to your hand. Since, you do seem to lack draw power as it is. And, i guess that 1st spell is ok, but i wouldn't run it at 3 personally.

-3 Marker (Normally don't you just bounce them back into your deck or hand so no need for it hugely?)
- 1 Ascending soul
+ 2 Trade in
+2 Pot of Duality/cardcar D (I don't know which works better in Gishki. I've heard Cardcar D does slightly more.)

Thats my two cents.

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