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Testing Volcanics

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This is like the fourth version of the deck, and so far it's tested the best. I would have won against a DW/Dark Calling player if it weren't for lucksac double Dark Calling during the final turn =/

Monsters - 19
[3]Volcanic Rocket
[3]Royal Firestorm Guards
[3]Volcanic Shell
[3]Volcanic Scattershot
[2]TGU (Decided to test at 2, and hasn't been bad so far)
[2]Summoner Monk
[1]Morphing Jar (Currently unsure of)
[1]Marshmallon (Having problems with dead field and no ways to deal damage, so... Yep)

Spells - 13
[3]Pot of Duality
[1]Blaze Accelerator
[1]Wild Fire
[1]Mind Control
[1]Book of Moon
[1]Pot of Avarice
[1]Dark Hole

Traps - 8
[2]Call of the Haunted (Get rid of one?)
[1]Raigeki Break

Extra - 15
[1]Blaze Fenix
[1]Utopia Ray
[1]Black Corn
[1]Lavalval Chain
[1]Revise Dragon
[1]Crystal Alien

[2]Super Polymerization

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