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Well sir, excuse me for not sitting on here and monitoring every single f*cking thread that goes out in the forums. I just didn't know that everyone was making them.


His anger was somewhat-justified, though he could've toned down on the profanity a tad.

We keep getting questions and questions about when we're getting Xyz, and frankly, we don't know.


However, it should have been your responsibility to look in Questions & Help too see if there was already a thread about it. And there is.

And this thread should have been posted there as well.


There are alternatives to this though. Shops, which does Xyz cards for you, or you can go into the Tutorial Sub-forum in the Graphic Design Section; a do it yourself method. You might need GIMP or Photoshop. You'll just need to check. But the cards you get in the two mentioned areas have tons of more quality than the built-in Card Maker. Those would be your best bets.

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