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Samurai To Control Everything, Forever


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I was running 3 Upstarts but wanted Asceticism targets for [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/Legendary_Six_Samurai_-_Enishi"]Kageki[/url] and [url="http://yugioh.wikia.com/wiki/The_Six_Samurai_-_Zanji"]Kizan[/url]. Shadow generates Bushido Counters. Gandiva, like Beast, doesn't often activate his/her effect. 5 sides against Chaos Dragons because Shi En does nothing.

Comments, suggestions, Extra Deck beefs?

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  • 2 weeks later...

[quote name='vipermatt96' timestamp='1399069056' post='6013863']
No dojo's or heavy wtf. And sangan and upstarts also = wtf. And flamvell uriquez that's the worst of them all
I'm not using Dojo because it's slow compared to United or Upstart Goblin. Nothing really wrong with Dojo.

I'm not using Heavy because...Well, long story short, there aren't a lot of commonly used Traps the Deck can't deal with.

Sangan searches a few useful cards and thins the Deck. Upstart also thins the Deck--this is a control Deck, and a OTK is not as important as consistency.

Uruquizas has since been replaced by Gaia Knight, not that either one is critical. They just end the game faster.

Thanks for the bump.

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[quote name='Le Magician' timestamp='1346309644' post='6015862']
Why are people saying double edge is bad?

I didn't know going Nat Beast after I go Shi En is a bad thing.
It's bad because it's usually either a win more or a dead draw. It's also slow, which is something this deck doesn't need.

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[quote name='Nightmare Zarkus' timestamp='1346286829' post='6015704']
Don't main Veiler. It's pretty bad against most of the worst matchups of this deck.

Main Heavy over Dark Hole.

I still think DEST is bad.

Wat @ Shroud.

Single compulsory seems out of place.

This has a horrible matchup against Inzektors because the only Extra Deck answer I have is Landoise. I'm not in love with Veiler because of Chaos Dragons though.

Dark Hole kills Rai-Oh, who dicks me up if I go second and don't have Grandmaster. On paper Heavy works better, but DN as I've dealt with it is terrified of setting more than 1 card unless they have Road.

I am neutral on DEST. This Deck's gotta go fast. Bottomless would be fine, but this Deck doesn't do well in simple games.

Shroud provides defense from monster effects and helps get over monsters when I can't Xyz (Rai-Oh again).

Compulsory clogs at 3. 1 is useful for defense with Shi En and for dodging Rai-Oh or Veilers. Magatama could also work against Mr. Thunder King but I'm more worried about attacks than effects. Bottomless could replace it.

Bottom line...Veilers can go,
DESTs can go,
Compulsory can go,
don't care about Heavy,

+2 Bottomless Trap Hole
and swap Compulsory for Magatama.

For Brio, how about Black Rose Dragon?

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Double-Edged Sword Technique is bad because not only do they not need it, like you said, it's winmore. What's the point? The Deck plays much more consistently without topdecking a somewhat situational Trap that is really only good during your turn unless you need to save yourself from losing the game. It used to be a lot more viable but now it's not necessary because the entire playstyle of Sams has changed so much.

Compulsory is really, really good in here, but if you don't want to run it I guess that's a personal preference. However in testing I've found Bottomless Trap Hole to be much better, so take that as you will.

It's not bad to splash a BRD in there if only because it can get you out of a tight spot if you topdeck Grandmaster while you've got Kagemusha out or something. If you have the space, might as well use it for something like BRD as opposed to something that's not going to get the job done very effectively.

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Inzektors are dead in about 2 hours EST. Don't even think about them when deciding what to do.

Double-Edged is amazing. Everyone else here, just stop. It's an insta-Xyz or Synchro by itself. Being a trap doesn't make it unplayable, it makes it balanced... well, more balanced. It's still pretty f*cking broken.

It's "win more" as in FuFu was win more. Yeah, you probably don't need to run it, but your deck won't be as good as ones that do use it.

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[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1346469999' post='6017012']
Double-Edged is amazing. Everyone else here, just stop. It's an insta-Xyz or Synchro by itself. Being a trap doesn't make it unplayable, it makes it balanced... well, more balanced. It's still pretty f*cking broken.\
That sounds like what I was saying about Poison Draw. This Deck is built for extreme speed and keeping everything live at all times. DEST doesn't tune to that well. I think Bottomless, which could be useless against a monster that's already out, is good against Decks that produce big monsters I can't run over, and against Rai-Oh.

I'm thinking of siding 2 Prohibition for Neos Alius.

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[quote name='Agro' timestamp='1346464549' post='6017012']
Double-Edged is amazing. Everyone else here, just stop. It's an insta-Xyz or Synchro by itself. Being a trap doesn't make it unplayable, it makes it balanced... well, more balanced. It's still pretty f*cking broken.

It's "win more" as in FuFu was win more. Yeah, you probably don't need to run it, but your deck won't be as good as ones that do use it.
Do you even play the deck? o_o

With how this format is, it being a trap really is a -huge- thing. It's either a dead draw (while losing,) gets MSTed in the End Phase, or helps you further secure a game state that you're already winning in- aka a win more card. It was helpful back in a format where you weren't constantly worried about getting your S/Ts destroyed (March 2011,) but by the nature of the card its only really good when your opponent has no follow-up to wiping out your swarm. Even then, those situations are vanishingly rare over the many more situations this deck can be in. And even -then,- it usually doesn't help you come back.

Yes, it's "f***ing broken" when you pull it off in those circumstances, but this deck -really- doesn't need it more than it needs the other 40 cards you fit in here.

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