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Flirt or Kill the person above you.

Master White

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Simple, First poster in the thread says hi, then the rest gets on the game very simple....

Above Poster Girl: Hi
Guy: [flirts]
Guy: I'm going to cut you up in tiny pieces for flirting with my girl
Girl: [whistles]

Think you got what it takes?

So, if the first poster is a guy and next one is a girl, she can still choose to flirt or kill. and vise versa.

basically, firlt or kill your opposite gender pretty much...

You can flirt in any way you like or kill anyone any way like as long as it follows YCM rules

[color=#FF0000][size=2]No spamming-Means no coming in and saying one word or saying stupid this or stupid that stuff unless it involves within the game.[/size][/color]

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