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Legend Blood [Finished/PG-13/OOC] *remake*


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Sorry, Heisen. Your app is amazing and all, but there are just a few problems...for one, it leaves a ton of plotholes (like he's 240+ while Elnaer's only 50), second it's been established that there are only [i]three[/i] 'von Mira' siblings (Elnaer, Niasa, Alsa), and that Bane is the equivalent of a 120-year-old human (he should be wrinkly and old ad stuff).

Also, we already have a creature of ice royal to the Phoneix, and that's Lyon von Mira ^_^

Had you joined at the beginning, things could've been a lot different, but eh...we're already at the end of the RP. As in, the final boss battle is underway. But there WILL be a sequel.

Unfortunately, I can't accept you :/ I'm sorry.

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Hey, you didn't waste anyone's time ^_^ no need to be shy or anything. Plus, you can still join (with a more chronological-sensical character...) though you won't have much of an impact if any at all (as in you suddenly pop up in the city of Nuevida to randomly participate in the final boss battle).

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[quote name='Merciful Idiot' timestamp='1356240176' post='6099755']
...More than a hundred thousand seconds have passed....


Should post now, I guess. The problem is thinking up what to say. But I'll get right on it.

As in, half an hour to an hour later, the post'll be up. Sorry, I bet I'm proper pissing you off with this, aren't I. >.<'

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Finally! Now excuse me while I go describe the eldritch abomination.

By the way, almost forgot to mention but Lath only has one (super) continent. A Pangea-like continent with no name, since nobody has ever considered calling it anything else other than 'Lath', since it is technically Lath. There are also multiple islands broken off, but they're small and insignificant. Everything else is just one huge ocean, which makes up about 60/70% of Lath.

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Perhaps we cant defeat it. Perhaps it is impossible. We merely have to delay until it ultimately falls from the sky and crushes Nuevida castle; as you have hinted that it will in your description.

Or we aim to destroy the roots, which would logically be the weakest points of the tree. However, from what I gather, the tree is hovering about 100 feet above the castle, with the roots on the upper side, and a massive shield of razor blade leaves in the way. So it's gonna be nigh impossible.

I suppose we could possibly summon a storm or something, but that'd be incredibly difficult and would result in a lot of energy wasted; plus we need to make it more entertaining by having a long, drawn out battle first.

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Well done, beginning! That...that was what I imagined Adrian like. He just had the best/worst fight he's ever had, and his brains overloading. So his true insanity comes out; just murdering everything.

However, you've gone beyond my idea of a fighting thing. You've got a little bit into Power-playing; controlling AC's character to make yours look better. My idea was one where the combatants do not injure each other - or at least only lightly injure - to make it more entertaining. You just beat Ed up.

But it's up to AC (or whatever his name is now) to decide whether that was okay.

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