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Duelists of Soul [OOC/PG-13/Not Started/Not Accepting]

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Eeehh... I guess, but he is a womanizer and I'm a strong believer in the fact they should be punished, but I guess I could just b*tch slap him if I ever feel the need to hurt him again and keep real life out of this, but I probably won't hurt him again anyhow. Also Merciful what is this about your girlfriend I'm genuinely concerned.

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See THIS is why his sister Clarice was needed she would've been the balancing act here but alas things we can't undo or do for that matter.[/quote]

Actually, if you read back, Eternal said he'd permit Admiral to finish his app as well as you to make your second. ^_^

Clear: yeah...well. I'll be getting off the site in a few minutes. She just told it to me on the phone ._.

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[quote name='Beginning446' timestamp='1345249338' post='6009613']
Yet you forgot that Jigoku had to walk through a crowd of people (mostly girls) just to talk to Mactastic since those two didn't initially do any form of movement I assumed they weren't their but had some form of soul linked vision hence the laughter. Once again, this is why I wish people read and understood spacing.

lolno, not talking about Jigoku's Insult, Besides, [color=#ff0000]Jigoku, Nox, and Himura lack any Soul-linked abilities, and therefore cannot share any information based on what they see, hear, or touch[/color], Nox's attempt to get in Mac's face was the one I could not believe you ignored...

Oh and please note, [color=#ff0000]Jigoku only tried to smack Mac around because she thought he was insulting the Drive Researchers, Jigoku could care less about women...[/color]

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Don't understand how Nox crossed the crowd either but still Mactastic clearly zoned them all out of his mind. And what is this malicious statement about Drive Researchers the pimp barely knows anything about the card game and video game world. If you're referring to him saying [color=#800080]Drive Duel eh? [/color]that's just him acknowledging he has no idea what that is.

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[quote name='Beginning446' timestamp='1345255887' post='6009740']
[b]Don't understand how Nox crossed the crowd either but still Mactastic clearly zoned them all out of his mind.[/b] And what is this malicious statement about Drive Researchers the pimp barely knows anything about the card game and video game world. If you're referring to him saying [color=#800080]Drive Duel eh? [/color]that's just him acknowledging he has no idea what that is.

@ Bold: [color=#ff0000]Nox and Himura Crosses the crowds in a similar method as Jigoku, although as rudely as Jigoku, Nox has an easier time doing so...[/color]

@ Rest: "[color=#800080]Drive Duel eh? [b]Wonder if Chocolate Rain would like this thing[/b]?[/color]"

[color=#ff0000]Jigoku Misunderstood what Mac said, She took "Chocolate Rain" as "A Pile of Crap", rather than a Username[/color]

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Yeah, well, Discord can just make a post about counters. That isn't really hard, and then I can simply respond from there. *shrugs*

Edited. Sort of. I don't really get what you wanted me to go back and edit (curse nonspecificness) but there ya go.

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Wild Fighting Nox and Fighting Himura Appeared!
Go! Mactastic!
Use Pimp Cane and Pimp Hand!
It was not very effective, but you still got their Attention.
Fighting Himura Use Question
Attack was Interrupted
Fighting Nox did not Do anything
Mactastic! Return!
Go! Jigoku!
Jigoku Uses Insanely Loud Lecture!
It is Super Effective against Fighting Himura and Fighting Nox!
Fighting Himura uses Apologize!
Fighting Nox Uses Insult Himura
Jigoku Uses Furious Punch on Fighting Nox!
It is Super Effective!
Fighting Nox has Fainted
Fighting Himura took Damage due to Sympathy Pain
Fighting Himura has Fainted.
Jigoku gains 9001 Experience
Jigoku has Leveled to Level 44
Mactastic gains 60 Experience
Mactastic has Leveled to Level 4

I just had to do that XD

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[quote]That disturbs me slightly.............[/quote]
Sorry. Just got a little carried away. TBH, I get disturbed too with those sort of thoughts, that is except when someone like Shinki makes it appear funny for a short while ._.

On another note, I might not be all that active for the next few days. Life has been ridiculously heavy, and there's somebody special I need to put higher priority on that this forum, who's been suffering a lot. Really, the only reason why I'm on this forum at all is as a breather.

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[quote name='Merciful Idiot' timestamp='1345296777' post='6009999']
Sorry. Just got a little carried away. TBH, I get disturbed too with those sort of thoughts, that is except when someone like Shinki makes it appear funny for a short while ._.

On another note, I might not be all that active for the next few days. Life has been ridiculously heavy, and there's somebody special I need to put higher priority on that this forum, who's been suffering a lot. Really, the only reason why I'm on this forum at all is as a breather.

Take all the time you need man. Real life has to take a priority. No one can and will blame you. Just make sure things are as ok as you can make them.

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[quote name='Merciful Idiot' timestamp='1345293894' post='6009979']

Hold on, that implies Jigoku and Mactacsic are on the same side o_O

Technically, Jigoku is a walking Pimp since [color=#ff0000]One of Jigoku's 4 souls is male, and the fact that Jigoku houses 2 Souls in her body currently causes her "Lion Gender" Abnormality[/color]

[quote name='Merciful Idiot' timestamp='1345296777' post='6009999']
Sorry. Just got a little carried away. TBH, I get disturbed too with those sort of thoughts, that is except when someone like [b]Shinki makes it appear funny[/b] for a short while ._.

Me? Funny? You're flattering me, because I'm normally not funny at all, I try my best to be funny, but it usually doesn't work

[quote name='Merciful Idiot' timestamp='1345296777' post='6009999']
On another note, I might not be all that active for the next few days. Life has been ridiculously heavy, and there's somebody special I need to put higher priority on that this forum, who's been suffering a lot. Really, the only reason why I'm on this forum at all is as a breather.

Oh, I'd better make a mental note to try to exempt you from my warnings, What Hive said... essentially

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