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Duelists of Soul [OOC/PG-13/Not Started/Not Accepting]

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Yay, someone actually wants a transgender. Thanks MI :)

[spoiler=Applimicationz]Username: Xetrov073
Name: Eleanor Texarkana
Age: Unknown
Gender: Transgendered
^image credit goes to Moonchosen

Eleanor stands at a modest 6' 1", which is actually roughly the same height as the average man. The irises of her eyes are azure in colour, and the sclerae and retinas are lilac purple, with the pupils being charcoal grey. She doesn't have any traces of body hair, save for the hair on her actual head and her eyebrows, which are technically blonde, but look so pale that they could easily be mistaken as white. Directly underneath Eleanor's larger pair of breasts lay a much smaller pair, which would probably only fit an A/B-cup at best. Eleanor's skin seems to glow varnish white, and strangely, her tears have the color of blood. Perhaps she [i]does[/i] in fact shed blood in the place of proper tears, but whether this is true is unknown. Whatever the case, Eleanor [i]definitely[/i] has a peculiar look to her body, that differs from any other human.


[s]Suffice it to say that Eleanor tends to have anywhere between 5" to 10" of pure p-[/s] *shot*[/spoiler]
Back Story:
Deck: A Twilight Deck that specializes in banishing cards or utilizing the Banished Zone(s) in some way. This even includes growing in power based on the number of cards that are banished, as the Helios monsters and Golden Homunculus do.
Special Drive Ability: [b]Vortex Drive[/b] - This Drive Ability allows Eleanor to banish all cards on the field, but it costs thrice as much Drive as most other Drive Abilities. During her next Standby Phase (or whenever you're supposed to gain Drive), she loses Drive instead, but any and all her cards that were banished by this effect return to her side of the field in the same position as when they were banished.[/spoiler]

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Okay I didn't really want to do another Yu-Gi-Oh RP...but this just gives me a chance to make some fun characters that most likely won't show-up any many other RP's

So if allowed I'll present 2 characters a BROTHER (sees the need for men) and a sister (because every RP app I've made on this sight is male so far lol)

Username: HiringHatasInc.
Name: Malcolm Blackwell
Age:When you been pimpin' as long as have you don't need age
Gender: Male
Description: http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120621153517/boondockstv/images/thumb/2/20/Lg.jpg/300px-Lg.jpg
Personality: He's a pimp, what else is there to say. Doesn't abuse women (unless they have it coming) and is quite intelligent for his profession. Also thinking of ways he can expand his territory and "recruit" more women into the profession. He strictly likes to look on the seemingly logical side of things. He is quite motivational and always believes that people can be the best they can be if they put their minds to it, for example prostitutes can be the best prostitutes they can be. One can work her way up from being a low class common streetwalker to a full grown professional escort with some class. He is always willing to help out other males with their relationship problems as he fancies himself an expert. Malcolm's most notable personality trait is that he loves when people don't like him. It gives him fuel and makes him work even harder at his goals.
Back story: Malcolm found his call early in life and that of course was pimping. He did the math and after he graduated college he would need some serious money to payback his loans. But one does not have time to be indebted to the government and there were only two ways to expeditiously pay off his student loan debts pimping or drugs and since drugs have such a horrible stigma with them and can be quite a deadly enterprise. So needless to say he has amassed quite a collection of fine ladies. He overheard his sister bragging about the number of women on this Duel World and it sounded like the perfect hire some new workers. His women only refer to him as Big Daddy or Mr. Mactastic (or a combination of the is acceptable)
Deck: Beast deck
Special Drive Ability: Pimp Hand: When a monster Malcolm controls destroys another monster by battle that monster can attack once again.

Sister to come later lol

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My Goal was to only accept 6 people, I fear that if I accept too many people, Not everyone will get a fair chance to participate.
That being said, I need fully dedicated RPers If there is anyone who does not think they are up for the task of completing this RP, please tell me and you will be removed from the Character list.

I do want to accept everyone though, so[s] I'll allow Admiral and Beginning to complete their Apps[/s].

If anyone here has a problem with any of my decisions let me know so it can be fixed accordingly

[b]EDIT: On Second Thought, SIGN-UPs are officially closed, 10 people is just too many in my opinion so I'm sorry Admiral, but I can't take your Application.
Beginning, your male character has been accepted but since I'm drawing the line at 8 You won't be able to make your sister Character[/b]

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Death Label - Shinki,

Your character Jigoku is a really great character and I think it will do greatly in this RP.
Let me just clear up a few things:
Nox and Himura are linked to Jigoku but since they are "souls" and not physical beings of this world, they do not count towards the 5 person limit of Jigoku's Drive Link.

(By the way everyone, I suggest reading "Drive Link" on Shinki's App on page 2 as it is a very useful ability for anyone who dies in the RP)

When you use Drive link on a person who will die, it will cost you 1 drive, however if the person themselves still has Drive and are not dieing then it will not cost you anything.
Unfortunately Nox and Himura [s]cannot have drive in anyway shape or form[/s],[s] they do not accumulate any in duels[/s]. And they will Die if the lose any Soul Bound Duel, However, you still retain the ability to expend your own drive to save them, or use their Drive abilities.
The reason I can't let them have Drive is because it would give you an unfair advantage and let you have the living capacity of 3 people :v
However, since you're in charge of 3 beings I'll allow you to start of with 5 Drive as opposed to the normal 3 that everyone is starting of with.

[b]EDIT: Nox and Himura can gain Drive in Soul Bound Duels to use for Drive abilities just like anyone else, but at the end of the duel it will revert back to 0 and it cannot be transferred in anyway to any other player.[/b]

Congratulations you're in! :P

Congratulations HiveNet! You're in too!

Congratulations Discord! You're in!

Congratulations Beginning! You're in! (But post a new picture as the old one doesn't seem to be working)

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[quote name='Beginning446' timestamp='1345105755' post='6008024']
Personality: He's a pimp, what else is there to say. Doesn't abuse women (unless they have it coming) and is quite intelligent for his profession. Also thinking of ways he can expand his territory and "recruit" more women into the profession. He strictly likes to look on the seemingly logical side of things. He is quite motivational and always believes that people can be the best they can be if they put their minds to it, for example prostitutes can be the best prostitutes they can be. One can work her way up from being a low class common streetwalker to a full grown professional escort with some class. He is always willing to help out other males with their relationship problems as he fancies himself an expert. Malcolm's most notable personality trait is that he loves when people don't like him. It gives him fuel and makes him work even harder at his goals.
This... accurately describes my personal life.

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Please read the newly updated "Drive Costs" in the first post to see how much your drive abilities will cost you in a duel.
Use this time now to ask me any questions or clear up any confusion. When you are fully ready, Create a post depicting your character entering the Virtual World, and leaving the real world for the last time... :)

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[quote name='Beginning446' timestamp='1345129853' post='6008165']
Then you sir are a pimp Mr. Discord, though I am thoroughly saddened by the fact that I will not be able to include SistaSoulja in this piece lol
[/quote]Back in high school my teachers would always ask why I walked around with an entourage of women.
And my friends always told me I dressed like a pimp.
And I do have mostly female friends.

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