Eternal Duelist Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 [center]The "Drive" Particle! Science's Crowning achievement. In the past, Science has been confounded by consciousness, life, and what it all means. However, with the discovery of "Drive", all its questions have been answered! Drive is the essence of one's very being! Some call it their soul, others call it their power, but in the end it is what binds us to our earthly bodies and allows us to live in the physical world. Following its discovery, advancements in gaming soon began to sky rocket. Virtual worlds were made were people could escape the constrains of reality and enjoy a complete realistic adventure. It was the revolution of Virtual Reality! Our Story begins with our heroes who have all gathered inside "Duel World" the hottest Dueling World each of which for their own personal goals. What unexpected journey will our heroes go through, what obstacles will they overcome? Only time will tell! Go forth Duelists of the Soul! Maximize the Drive in your hearts and push to a newer height than ever before! [spoiler=Drive] Drive in essence is the material that binds our soul, our consciousness, to the physical world. In humanly amounts, it merely allows you to control your body. However it is speculated that in massive dosages it would allow you to do untold things: From rampaging destruction, to unbound creation. How Drive will work In The Role Play: The Virtual works by binding your drive to the game and allows you to interpret its information as your own physical experiences. That being said, you die here, you die in real life. ( Though its just a game so it should never happen right? ) In a "Soul-Bound Duel", you will have a "Drive" which you can use to Draw Key cards, make new cards, or even give you an advantage in a duel (some examples could be looking at your opponents hand, top card of their deck don't hesitate to get creative ) (An explanation as to how Drive will be restricted to come soon) [/spoiler] [spoiler=How Character Sheets Should Look] Username: (This is what Characters will refer to you as unless you give them your name or they use their ninja skills to retrieve it ) Name: Its yours! Age: *insert witty comment here* Gender: Description: What do they look like? (Reference pics for the win)[/center] [center]Personality: Back story: Any useful info that you want to use to start developing your character. Make sure to at least include a story as to how you came to use "Duel World" Deck: Gotta have a deck yo! (Deck lists preferable but not required. Any OCs must have a link to a page with all the cards included) Special Drive Ability: A special power that your character possesses in Soul Bound Duels. You start off with one Just give it a cool name and an ability (Don't Use Drawing a key card or Making a New card as these are Drive Abilities everyone possesses) [/spoiler] [spoiler=Characters] [spoiler=Drive Master] Username: [GM] Drive Master Name: Bass (Base) Collins Age: ?[/center] [center]Gender: Male Description: He looks like a strong man with a lot on his mind but not much to say. ([url="http://images5.fanpo...719-505-684.jpg/"]http://images5.fanpo...719-505-684.jpg[/url])[/center] [center]Personality: He is a good mannered person and will always let the opposition have the first word. He is a strong believer in justice and wants only happiness for those he holds dear to his heart. Back story: He is world famous for being the founder of the Successful "Duel World". Not much is known about him though as many articles that have ever been written about him online have mysteriously disappeared. Word on the street is he's older than he looks. Deck: ??? Special Drive Ability: ??? [/spoiler][/center] [center][spoiler=Victoria][/center] [center][quote name='TheFinalFan' timestamp='1344917563' post='6006812'] Username: Sorceress Supreme Name: Victoria Age: Not a good thing to ask a woman. Gender: Female Description: [spoiler=Victoria] [img][/img] [/spoiler] Personality: Victoria is multi-faceted, displaying various sides to herself, but she is very tricky and conniving, and enjoys manipulating people. However, she does take offense to those that make fun of her strange appearance, and will punish severely anyone who does so. Furthermore, while she seems evil, her intentions might be for entirely different reasons, as she seems to have her own agenda. She will not hesitate to fight in a "Soul-Bound Duel", and her deck is incredibly brutal, plus she seems to have a few hidden hacks. Backstory: Victoria does not seem to show up in any known electronic records, and her existence is a myth within Duel World. She is a legendary duelist who lurks in the shadows of Duel World, like a spider sitting from her web, watching flies buzz about nearby. Only from a certain angle can the flies see the web, and by that time, it is simply too late. However, the most peculiar thing, other than her disregard for any regulations within Duel World and the fact that he has never lot, is the fact that she has never logged out ever since she plugged herself into the game, even to rest or eat. Deck: Dark World Deck Special Drive Ability: Repeat Drive (Allows for a "once per turn" effect to be used twice per turn) [/quote] [/spoiler][/center] [center][spoiler=Athena Clearstream][/center] [center][quote name='Merciful Idiot' timestamp='1344929184' post='6006907'] [b]Username[/b]: Hydra Queen [b]Name[/b]: Athena Clearstream [b]Age[/b]: It’s a little complicated… [b]Gender[/b]: Female [spoiler=Description: I DREW THIS MYSELF :D] [img][/img] [/spoiler] [b]Personality[/b]: Athena is a little paranoid, but at the same time laidback and lazy. She has a very strong sense of justice and does whatever she believes is right, but at the same time tends to congratulate evil people on their harsh deeds and sympathizes with them. She’s a ‘hypocrite hero’, but she doesn’t mind being one. At the same time, though, she appears know a lot on the subject of boyfriends and husbands, being a (ex-)wife herself. [b]Backstory[/b]: Athena Clearstream’s past is a little mysterious. Her parents were people that worked 24/7, people who had never truly cared about their daughter, and thus at the same time, Athena spent her time growing up caring about nothing, the only words ever truly occupying her mind being ‘eat’, ‘study’, and ‘sleep’. That all changed one day when she was gifted a particular flute that could apparently transform into a sword or staff…long story short, she gained control over serpents, married her nemesis, who then ran off somewhere with their son into another dimension, and now she’s searching for them with help by working for a particular company. She’s currently hoping to have better luck inside the ‘Duel World’. [b]Deck[/b]: Atlantean Daedalus Deck [b]Special Drive Ability:[/b] Hydra Drive ([i]ONCE[/i] per Sea-Serpent monster, if it’s destroyed and sent to the grave, she can Special Summon a second copy from the deck ignoring the summoning conditions.) [/quote][/center] [center][/spoiler][/center] [center][spoiler=Renee Naoi][/center] [center][quote name='Simdoggy' timestamp='1344947713' post='6006971'] Username: Aqua Name: Renee Naoi Age: 18 Gender: Female Description: Aqua's appearance in the Duel World takes the appearance of a female completely made out of pure water, with a duel disk made of water that extends out of her arm when she duels. Her appearance in this form has a long ponytail out the back of her head, coming from water that takes the appearance of her hair. Her body doesn't have as much definition as a normal humans, which helps protect her modesty as she isn't clothed in anything in this form, but you can still make out the facial features such as small eyes, a small, often smiling mouth, and a rounded appearance to her face, as well as no nose to be seen. Though the rest of her body, her form starts to lose it's definition, becoming a vague representation of a female, as if done as a computer model rather than an actual human body. She is also short and skinny, only about 159cm tall, and quite touchy about her height, rather lack of height. Personality: Renee is fairly smart, and likes to challenge other people to keep up with her abilities. She is good at dueling, making full use of her deck to give her the greatest chance she can of winning in any duel, and is very competitive, hating to lose at anything. She has a good strategic mind, and enjoys playing chess, but also keeps her emotions sealed up quite tightly, rarely showing anything she doesn't want to show. She is decent at reading people's intentions but is still fairly naive as to how the world works, often believing in absolutes rather than in shades of grey. Back story: Renee is a fairly normal teenager, taking in stride anything that comes her way with ease, and has long since been interested in yugioh, a trait inherited from her father, who worked on perfecting the duel systems for Duel World and helped in the creation of the archetype Renee now uses, her Aquos deck. After entering the Duel World several times over the course of it's creation as one of the testers, she has a large understanding of how the virtual world works, and how to make use of that for her own ends. Having participated in a couple of the Soul-Bound Duels already, she is well familiar with her own special drive ability, and makes use of it against unsuspecting opponents to take them down from what they believe to be hard to beat situations. Deck: Aquos (a custom archetype around revealing the top card of your deck to use effects and for use in xyz summoning)(I'll PM the cards to you, since I've only finished making them a few days ago and haven't posted them in the custom cards section) Special Drive Ability: Diviner Drive (The user of this skill will always know the top three cards of their deck at any given time during a duel) [/quote][/center] [center][/spoiler][/center] [center][spoiler=Cole Rister][/center] [center][quote name='ClearAngel' timestamp='1344963720' post='6007145'] Username: IllFate Name: Cole Rister Age: 16 Gender: Male Appearance: Cole is short and stands at about 4'3". He is often mocked for his hight. In game Cole looks much like he does in real life. Cole has long, messy brown hair, and wide innocent sky blue eyes. He has a lean, and athletic figure. His in-game costume consists of a white high collared sweater, which opens up just above his belly button, but he does not allow this to show by wearing a tight black t-shirt underneath the sweater. For pants he wears jeans and a green belt that hangs loosely around his waist. Black sneakers upon Cole's feet finish his outfit. On his ears Cole has three small ring earing peircings that lead up his ear. Personality: Cole is acrobatic and artistic, which reflects in his duels as he says that it is his responsibility to make sure his opponents duel experience is a masterpiece. Most people are surprised when they learn he is gay as he doesn't act as such. Though he wants to make sure his opponents duel experience is good he likes to finish a duel quick, but has mercy on those he knows cannot defeat him, such as dragging on a duel when he has a enough cards for an OTK. Cole also shows restraint during duels not using his best cards unless he has deemed some one 'worthy' of their power. Cole is shy, not talking often, which is why he has a lack of friends, but to anyone who has the patience with him to become his friend he is kind and loveable more like a puppy dog than a person. He is quite senxitive and can be hurt easily, which can cause him to be somewhat of a crybaby. Backstory: Cole had a very kind youth, he had a good home, loving parents, and was popular. This all changed for him at the age of twelve, when he confided in a close friend of his that he was gay. This firend embarrassed him in front their class and sent him home crying, the teacher being quite cruel did nothing about this. His parents being very religous also did little about this and were awkward towards there son. Fed up with the abuse he was taking Cole went in court of law to against his school, and parents. He won the lawsuit and moved away from his parents. Using his lawsuit money he opened a salon & beautique, called [i]Belle and Beaute,[/i]which makes him very popular among girls. He was introduced to Duel World by one of the girls at the salon who ahd been talking about. He now spends a large amount of time in the Duel World to keep his depression in check. Deck: Hieratic Specail Drive Ability: Eclipse Drive (Allows him to apply a permanent 500 ATK and DEF boost to all LIGHT or DARK monsters on the field). [/quote][/center] [center][/spoiler][/center] [center][spoiler=Jigoku][/center] [center][quote name='Death Label - Shinki' timestamp='1345070439' post='6007598'] Username: [color=#008080]Jigoku[/color]/[color=#4B0082]Nox[/color]/[color=#DAA520]Himura[/color] Name: Unknown Age: You DO NOT want to know, I don't even know her age Gender: [color=#008080][acronym='Essentially, Jigoku can be refered to as a Male or Female, but She does not tell you her true Gender, I'll refer Jigoku as a She since she dresses as a female']Lion[/acronym][/color]/[color=#4B0082]Female/[/color][color=#DAA520]Female[/color] Description: [color=#008080]Jigoku looks completely Androgynous in terms of Body and face shape, and has regular looking skin. She wears a Red Skirt and a black Shirt with Red patterns that seem to look like Bloodstains. Her eyes are Red and her Hair is black and She wears a Pair of Earrings, One shaped like the Sun, the other shaped like the moon.[/color] [color=#4B0082]Nox has a Darker Skin than Jigoku, and has a very attractive Body Shape with a large bust. Her eyes are purple and her Hair is Black. She wears a Black Shirt and Skirt with several Purple Chains all over. She also wears a pair of Earrings, Both Shaped like the moon[/color] [color=#DAA520]Himura has Extremely radiant skin compared to Jigoku and a very innocent and Young Body shape with a flat chest. Her eyes are blue and her hair is white. She wears a White Dress, along with a pair of Sun-Shaped Earrings.[/color] Personality: [color=#008080]Jigoku is ill-tempered and hates to see Nox and Himura Bicker, Otherwise she's actually a nice person to be around. She likes to duel and knows that she carries very powerful decks, So she tries to go easy on others (And often fails). She would Not like to see others die due to Drive Related Causes, Especially Nox and Himura. She sees her Drive Ability as useless for some reason[/color] [color=#4B0082]Nox is the Embodiment of Jigoku's Darkness, She is often Seductive and often hates other people, Except Jigoku. She bickers a LOT with Himura. She absolutely hates it when Jigoku refers to his "Drive Link" Ability as "Useless", Since she knows how powerful it actually is[/color] [color=#DAA520]Himura is the embodiment of Jigoku's Happiness, her personality is often summed up to be Innocent and loving, Which often gets her to like everyone, with the exception of truly evil people. She Argues a LOT with Nox[/color] Back story: Jigoku's Past is mostly a mystery, but All that is known of her is that She was a Drive Scientists with a terrible Disability, Everyday at 3 PM to 7:30 PM, She would Black out and fall into a Coma. When she first arrived into the Virtual World, She discovered that she has not 1, not 2, but 4 souls. After this discovery, Jigoku found herself being overwhelmed by the power of all 4 souls, So she cast out 2 of her souls from her body, and created 2 people from them, Nox and Himura. She has been trapped inside the Virtual world ever since and she has been striving to get out... Deck: Jigoku runs Multiple [url=""]Scarlet Pantheon[/url] Decks, Nox Runs [url=""]Noxesses[/url], and Himura Runs Lightsworns Special Drive Ability: [color=#008080]Jigoku's Drive ability, Drive Link, is extremely powerful. Drive Link is capable of Linking another person to her own Drive, Which not allows people Linked to her to die from Drive Related Causes and she can Wager her own Drive for the Linked person's Soul Bound Duels. If any of the people Linked to her has 0 Drive, They cannot participate in a Soul Bound Duel Unless Jigoku Wagers for him/her. Jigoku can Sever that Link at anytime, but if Jigoku Dies from Drive Related Causes, All who is linked with her also Die, Regardless of Drive. She can only Link 5 people at a time (Nox and Himura also Start with such Links), and She requires the person's consent to allow her to link with them.[/color] [color=#4B0082]Nox's Drive Ability, Nox Repelle, allows her to Continually know the location of all "Noxess" Tuners in her Deck in Soul-Bound Duels, Handy since Most "Noxess" Tuners has to be milled and cannot be Normal Summoned.[/color] [color=#DAA520]Himura's Drive Ability, Iyasu Drive, can allow her to transfer Drive from one person to another[/color] [/quote][/center] [center][/spoiler][/center] [center][spoiler=Ashe][/center] [center][quote name='HiveNet' timestamp='1345077979' post='6007753'] Username: Fangzrule Name: Ashe Age: Let me rephrase that question. Do you want me to hit you? Appearance: Ashe stands around 5'8" with a slim womanly figure. Though naturally pretty, she rarely tries to show off her loops, partially due to self confidence issues caused by events in her past. Her ash blonde hair is short, cut neatly just above her shoulders. Her eyes often attract many looks, due to her being born with Hetrochromatica. Namely, she has one green eye, and one blue. A scar cuts across her left eye, which she makes no attempt to hide. It isn't the only scar she has and not wishing to be called a freak, she dresses moderately to hide this. Her common atire in game is a plain white trenchcoat over a t-shirt with a rather girlish panda on the front, masking her figure. She also wears a plain skirt, cut off just below her knees. Finally a pair of boots complete her outfit. Personality: Ashe is a cold person, prefering to keep to herself. After years of abuse, she has learned to cut her emotions off from the rest of the world as a defence mechanism against the pain. Despite this, she doesn't like seeing others in pain, and if she sees someone being hurt, she will try and stop it. For those who do make it through her cold exterior, they will find a slightly mad girl, with a habit of talking to things that aren't strictly there. This includes her duel monsters cards, treating them as if they are people instead of pieces of cardboard. This reflects into her conservative and defensive play style. Backstory: From birth, Ashe was treated terribly. Born into a catholic family with an abusive father, her Father took every moment possible to remind her she was devil spawn. Despite this, she held on, her mother doing her best to protect her. When her mother fell ill, her Father vented his anger on her, leading to the pysical, and mental scars that would plague her for the rest of her life. Her mother died and Ashe was left alone. Matters complicated further when she developed a crush on her female best friend in high school. A short, and ultimately doomed relationship with her lead to her realizing she was a Lesbian. She hid her sexuality from her father, fearing the what would happen if he knew. In an effort to escape from her problems in the real world, she turned to the Duel World, taking with her a deck of cards given to her by her Mother,.the Guardians that held the monsters away. She just wanted to escape her life as it stood, and have the chance to be free. Deck: Guardians. (Featuring Anime cards, and custom cards, all of which i have run past Eternal. If any wants the specific links to the cards just PM me.) Drive: Eternal Drive (Once per duel, the wielder of this drive may prevent all battle damage and the destruction of there monsters until the end of the turn.) [/quote] [/spoiler][/center] [center][spoiler=Lucille][/center] [quote name='Discord' timestamp='1345098116' post='6007967'] [b]Username:[/b] Neon Palette [b]Name:[/b] Lucille Astra Retter [b]Age:[/b] Old enough. [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Description:[/b] [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img] These are only a few of her many outfits. It's difficult how to describe how she will look, since she changes her outfit, and even her hair color on a near hourly basis. No one really knows what her true hair color is, and her friends don't even remember, since even in real life her hair changes at least once a week. She doesn't even wear prescription lenses; she wears just the frames for their look, and nothing else. The only things constant about her are her golden eyes. [b]Personality:[/b] Lucille is very oriented on her appearance, and will openly criticize others' clothing. She even goes to the point of forcing someone she just met into getting a makeover if she doesn't like their clothing. However, she is very good at what she does. She loves fashion and cosmetics, and loves to try out new techniques. In the Duel World, she changes her outfit constantly, simply because it's easy to do for her. She often takes time out of an ongoing duel, even Soul-Bound Duels, to redo her makeup, usually angering impatient foes. [b]Back story: [/b]Lucille was pampered as a young girl. She got whatever she want, when she wanted it. Her parents spoiled her to no end. However, she almost always spent her time putting on make-up and giving makeovers to her friends and family. When she wasn't sewing clothes or doing make-up, she was prancing around inside of various virtual worlds, showing off her designs. She decided to stay in the world where her outfits were most well-received. Duel World. She had to first learn how to play the game that she had not before heard of. It took her a few weeks, but finally she figured out how to play. She crafted her deck wisely, and runs an outfit shop for users who just aren't skilled enough to program their own. [b]Deck:[/b] [url=""]Chroma[/url] [b]Special Drive Ability:[/b] Palette Swap Drive (Once per turn, the user can individually change the Attributes of all monsters on the field to those of her choosing, except DIVINE.) [/quote] [center][/spoiler][/center] [center][spoiler=Malcolm][/center] [center][quote name='Beginning446' timestamp='1345105755' post='6008024'] Username: HiringHatasInc. Name: Malcolm Blackwell Age:When you been pimpin' as long as have you don't need age Gender: Male Description: [url=",1331305203&fm=15&gp=0.jpg"][/url] Personality: He's a pimp, what else is there to say. Doesn't abuse women (unless they have it coming) and is quite intelligent for his profession. Also thinking of ways he can expand his territory and "recruit" more women into the profession. He strictly likes to look on the seemingly logical side of things. He is quite motivational and always believes that people can be the best they can be if they put their minds to it, for example prostitutes can be the best prostitutes they can be. One can work her way up from being a low class common streetwalker to a full grown professional escort with some class. He is always willing to help out other males with their relationship problems as he fancies himself an expert. Malcolm's most notable personality trait is that he loves when people don't like him. It gives him fuel and makes him work even harder at his goals. Back story: Malcolm found his call early in life and that of course was pimping. He did the math and after he graduated college he would need some serious money to payback his loans. But one does not have time to be indebted to the government and there were only two ways to expeditiously pay off his student loan debts pimping or drugs and since drugs have such a horrible stigma with them and can be quite a deadly enterprise. So needless to say he has amassed quite a collection of fine ladies. He overheard his sister bragging about the number of women on this Duel World and it sounded like the perfect hire some new workers. His women only refer to him as Big Daddy or Mr. Mactastic (or a combination of the is acceptable) Deck: Beast deck Special Drive Ability: Pimp Hand: When a monster Malcolm controls destroys another monster by battle that monster can attack once again. [/quote][/center] [center][/spoiler][/center] [center][/spoiler][/center] [center] [spoiler=Drive Costs][/center] Repeat Drive (Allows for a "once per turn" effect to be used twice per turn) (One time per use: Each use costs 1 Drive) Hydra Drive (When a Sea-Serpent monster is destroyed and sent to the grave, you can Special Summon a copy from the deck ignoring the summoning conditions.)(One time per use: Each use costs 1 Drive) Diviner Drive (The user of this skill will always know the top three cards of their deck at any given time during a duel)(Continuous use: To initiate use costs 3 Drive) Eclipse Drive (When used, all Light and Dark monsters currently in play on the user's field gain 500 ATK and DEF points as long as they remain face-up). (One time per use: Each use costs 1 Drive) Drive Link (No Cost)(see post #69 and Jigoku's profile for more info) Nox Repelle (Continuously know the location of all "Noxess" Tuners in the Deck)(Continuous use: To initiate use costs 3 Drive) Iyasu Drive (No Cost)(see post #69 and Jigoku's profile for more info) Eternal Drive (The wielder of this drive may prevent all battle damage and the destruction of their monsters until the end of the turn.)(One time per use: Each use costs 3 Drive) Palette Swap Drive (Once per turn, the user can individually change the Attributes of all monsters on the field to those of her choosing, except DIVINE.)(One time per use: Each use costs 1 Drive) Pimp Hand: When a monster Malcolm controls destroys another monster by battle that monster can attack once again.(One time per use: Each use costs 2 Drive) [b]These are abilities that everyone possesses: [/b] Drive Draw: Lets you draw a key,card from your deck instead of doing a normal draw. (One time per use: Each use costs 2 Drive) Divine Drive: Lets you call upon the heavens to create a new, slightly overpowered card which you will draw instead of doing a normal draw.(One time per use: Each use costs 4 Drive) (If you want to use a card that you created with this Drive ability you must draw it using Drive Draw) Extra Drive: Draw a card from your deck during the mainphase. (One time per use: Each use costs 5 Drive) [/spoiler] [center][spoiler=Rules] Rule Number 1: There are no rules >:I[/center] [center]Rule Number 2: The following rules (including this one) take priority over Rule Number 1 and are in no way voided by Rule Number 1 [/center] [center]Rule Number 3: All Yugioh Cardmaker RP Rules Apply[/center] [center]Rule Number 4: In duels that do not fully advance the plot it will be up to the Duelists to come to the conclusion who will win. However, if it means developing the story a victor will be determined beforehand (Though it should be kept secret to maintain suspense ;D)[/center] [center]Rule Number 5: Having Drive isn't an excuse to overpower yourself during a duel. Get Creative with it, it could be used to alter your physical self (wink wink)[/center] [center]Rule Number 6: I can be very reasonable but in the end my word is final.[/center] [center][/spoiler][/center] [spoiler=Soul-Bound Duel] In a Soul-Bound Duel, Duelist Bind their Drive to the Virtual World entirely and wager it. Players will agree to how much beforehand, but 1 is a minimum All Duelists will start off with 3 Drive. While you are at 3 Drive or more You are at a normal state so you aren't hurt or anything. With each descending Drive Value your fatigue increases until you hit 0, resulting in your death, should you lose. For Each turn that passes, The turn player will gain 1 Drive. At any moment, when a player takes 3000 or more damage, they will lose 1 Drive. At any moment I retain the power to give "Climax Drive" (essentially extra "Drive") to players if their duels have become super climatic and exciting or I see that their character's will to win is burning with a blazing fire ;D Drive Abilities Cost Drive, so use them sparingly (Ask me any questions you may have for maximum Clarity ) [/spoiler] [center] Feel Free to ask me any questions or point me to any mistakes I have made [/center] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sweetie Belle Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 Rinne's going to come in here and quote this rule: APPLICATION CONTENTS All RP application forms require at minimum a field each for name, gender and age, as well as a space for appearance (either a picture and/or 1+ paragraph of description, at the GM’s discretion) and personality (1+ paragraph). Additional fields are of course up to the GM to add, but this is a basic skeleton. Other structures for applications, such as freeform or diary-style, must indicate that this information or the equivalent is somehow expressed. Any RP which doesn’t follow this will be locked immediately. And also, you need to put rules, or at least the Advanced Clause. But I beat him to it. If this doesn't get locked, I'm reserving a spot. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Premier Alexander Romanov Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 Ditto and ditto. This looks awesome, but I really hope it isn't shut down. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eternal Duelist Posted August 14, 2012 Author Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 Is the Character Application better? Rules to what? (Sorry If I sound like an idiot I just want to make sure everything's covered ^.^) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sweetie Belle Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 [quote name='Eternal Duelist' timestamp='1344911955' post='6006756'] Is the Character Application better? Rules to what? (Sorry If I sound like an idiot I just want to make sure everything's covered ^.^) [/quote] It's good enough. RP rules. Specifically the Advanced Clause: ADVANCED CLAUSE If you’re new to the YCM RPing forums, you might hear this term being thrown around a lot. The Advanced Clause is a simple set of RP rules and guidelines that every RP is supposed to have to improve the overall quality. Every new RP OOC thread will be checked for mention of these. If you don’t have them, you will be given a grace period of 24 hours to add them. After that, threads will be locked. (Heck, you can just copy-paste the part below if you are so inclined.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Premier Alexander Romanov Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 Add those rules in, and you're pretty much set. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eternal Duelist Posted August 14, 2012 Author Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 Edited! Awe we all set? ;D Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Premier Alexander Romanov Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 It appears so. Username: Sorceress Supreme Name: Victoria Age: Not a good thing to ask a woman. Gender: Female Description: [spoiler=Victoria] [img][/img] [/spoiler] Personality: Victoria is multi-faceted, displaying various sides to herself, but she is very tricky and conniving, and enjoys manipulating people. However, she does take offense to those that make fun of her strange appearance, and will punish severely anyone who does so. Furthermore, while she seems evil, her intentions might be for entirely different reasons, as she seems to have her own agenda. She will not hesitate to fight in a "Soul-Bound Duel", and her deck is incredibly brutal, plus she seems to have a few hidden hacks. Backstory: Victoria does not seem to show up in any known electronic records, and her existence is a myth within Duel World. She is a legendary duelist who lurks in the shadows of Duel World, like a spider sitting from her web, watching flies buzz about nearby. Only from a certain angle can the flies see the web, and by that time, it is simply too late. However, the most peculiar thing, other than her disregard for any regulations within Duel World and the fact that he has never lot, is the fact that she has never logged out ever since she plugged herself into the game, even to rest or eat. Deck: Dark World Deck Special Drive Ability: Repeat Drive (Allows for a "once per turn" effect to be used twice per turn) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Merci Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 Username: Hydra QueenName: Athena ClearstreamAge: It’s a little complicated…Gender: Female[spoiler=Description: I DREW THIS MYSELF :D][/spoiler]Personality: Athena is a little paranoid, but at the same time laidback and lazy. She is somewhat sociopathic in that she doesn't truly care about the outside and wishes more for her own fulfillment, but otherwise follows a very strong code of justice and does whatever she believes is right, though at the same time, she admires destruction to an extent and doesn't mind the harsh deeds of villains. She’s a ‘hypocrite hero’ in this way, but she doesn’t mind being one. At the same time, she appears know a lot on the subject of boyfriends and husbands, being a (ex-)wife herself.Backstory: Athena Clearstream’s past is a little mysterious. Her parents were people that worked 24/7, people who had never truly cared about their daughter, and thus at the same time, Athena spent her time growing up caring about nothing, the only words ever truly occupying her mind being ‘eat’, ‘study’, and ‘sleep’. That all changed one day when she discovered a particular flute that could apparently transform into a sword or staff…long story short, she gained control over serpents, married her nemesis, who then ran off somewhere with their son into another dimension, and now she’s searching for them with help by working for a particular company. She’s currently hoping to have better luck inside the ‘Duel World’.Deck: Atlantean Daedalus DeckSpecial Drive Ability: Hydra Drive (Whenever a Sea Serpent is destroyed and sent to the grave, she can Special Summon another copy from the deck ignoring the summoning conditions.) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reinforce Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 Username: Aqua Name: Renee Naoi Age: 18 Gender: Female Description: Aqua's appearance in the Duel World takes the appearance of a female completely made out of pure water, with a duel disk made of water that extends out of her arm when she duels. Her appearance in this form has a long ponytail out the back of her head, coming from water that takes the appearance of her hair. Her body doesn't have as much definition as a normal humans, which helps protect her modesty as she isn't clothed in anything in this form, but you can still make out the facial features such as small eyes, a small, often smiling mouth, and a rounded appearance to her face, as well as no nose to be seen. Though the rest of her body, her form starts to lose it's definition, becoming a vague representation of a female, as if done as a computer model rather than an actual human body. She is also short and skinny, only about 159cm tall, and quite touchy about her height, rather lack of height. Personality: Renee is fairly smart, and likes to challenge other people to keep up with her abilities. She is good at dueling, making full use of her deck to give her the greatest chance she can of winning in any duel, and is very competitive, hating to lose at anything. She has a good strategic mind, and enjoys playing chess, but also keeps her emotions sealed up quite tightly, rarely showing anything she doesn't want to show. She is decent at reading people's intentions but is still fairly naive as to how the world works, often believing in absolutes rather than in shades of grey. Back story: Renee is a fairly normal teenager, taking in stride anything that comes her way with ease, and has long since been interested in yugioh, a trait inherited from her father, who worked on perfecting the duel systems for Duel World and helped in the creation of the archetype Renee now uses, her Aquos deck. After entering the Duel World several times over the course of it's creation as one of the testers, she has a large understanding of how the virtual world works, and how to make use of that for her own ends. Having participated in a couple of the Soul-Bound Duels already, she is well familiar with her own special drive ability, and makes use of it against unsuspecting opponents to take them down from what they believe to be hard to beat situations. Deck: Aquos (a custom archetype around revealing the top card of your deck to use effects and for use in xyz summoning)(I'll PM the cards to you, since I've only finished making them a few days ago and haven't posted them in the custom cards section) Special Drive Ability: Diviner Drive (The user of this skill will always know the top three cards of their deck at any given time during a duel) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Merci Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 ....Since when are virtual card game videogame worlds a girl's thing? o_o So far it's all-female. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sweetie Belle Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 Heh, my character is female too... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Reinforce Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 There's nothing wrong with everyone using a female character, although it is interesting that we all chose to use female characters. Besides, from what we know of Eternal's character, it sounds like a male, or at least a fairly masculine character. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eternal Duelist Posted August 14, 2012 Author Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 What Interesting Character Profiles! You all seem pretty much good to go. I'll let you know if there's anything that needs fixing that I missed. I'll go to calculating You'r SDA's Drive cost and type the rules of a Soul-Bound Duel Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Merci Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 Indeed. From this, we can probably assume that the 'Duel World' is more popular with girls than it is with guys. Maybe it's just because it allows you to meet people from all over the world 'in person'.'s used as an online dating site? o_e Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eternal Duelist Posted August 14, 2012 Author Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 The Rules for a Soul-Bound Duel have been posted please look over them and share your concerns, thought, suggestions Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Merci Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 The Soul-Bound Duel seems okay enough, but you sounds eerily scarily and illegal since you can die. There is absolutely NO WAY the government would let this tool that easily facilitates an easy death of people be free and open... how would you handle that? And why would anyone sane ever participate in such a life-risking game? And I have another question. So we have the setting, we have the rules, and we have a mysterious character. My other question is...what will we do? Where's the plot? The main antagonist? The 'Drive' of the story itself? That kind of thing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eternal Duelist Posted August 14, 2012 Author Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 Soul-Bound Duels are not actually a function of the game. In fact, the majority of players who enter the Virtual World cannot perform a Soul-Bound Duel (on their own). What makes the RPers so unique is that they have access to their individual Drive (Which is a key element to the plot ;3) and can thus initiate a Soul-Bound Duel. As for the Government getting involved, this Virtual World made possible by "Drive" is indefinitely faster than the real world, since the digital information travels at a much faster rate, "Days" Could pass inside it with only minutes passing in the real world (This Time comparison is subject to change ;P). So bad things could happen inside without anyone finding out until its too late. There is a plot. But I don't want to thrust the RPers into the conflict It will be revealed soon once the RP Starts (But Trust that There is something here). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Merci Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 Alright then. That clears up all my questions Can't wait for it to start! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
a bad post Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 So I would like to make a character, but I was wondering is it ok for our character's to have controversial subjects as part of there bio and such. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eternal Duelist Posted August 14, 2012 Author Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 What do you mean, "Controversial"? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Merci Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 I think she means R-rated things. I mean, like being a cannibal or a prostitute or a hitman, things like that... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
a bad post Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 I mean like having a gay or lesbian character. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eternal Duelist Posted August 14, 2012 Author Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 Oh lol Thats okay I'm sure that falls under the PG-13 umbrella Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Merci Posted August 14, 2012 Report Share Posted August 14, 2012 Mhm~ that would be pretty interesting, actually ^v^ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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