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Your heart is in my glove compartment [WIP]

chairman ali

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[quote name='DDae' timestamp='1344734701' post='6004565']
Stop posting wips and actually finish them. Never leave a job unfinished. How would you like if a girl leaves her job unfinished for you?

>Implying I would ever leave him unfinished.

As for the DP, always hot s***, the detail is amazing as usual.
You better post the finished product though.

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[quote name='+Catman' timestamp='1344826819' post='6005935']
I'm just saying I enjoy viewing Ken's and other people's works in progress, and see how things progress to the finish. Not to mention some artists take suggestions into consideration as to how they should finish the piece.
[/quote]Oh, you meant that.
I like progression, but I am more interested in the final piece. It shows more of the ideas and less development. I just have more favor towards it.
And I mean, I want to see Ken actually post some of his final pieces and not just the wips alone.

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The way I see it, it's kind of like viewing a psd. Seeing the steps toward the final piece is an important part of learning. That may not specifically apply in this situation, but in terms of progression, that's how I see it.

But whatever floats your boat I guess.

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